Authors Note: Thanks for reading this fic.

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The sequel to this fic, Sandcastles, will be uploaded in the next few days.

Also, I am in the process of creating a wikia page for these stories, so please check it out and if you pick up on something that I haven't included please feel free to edit the pages. Please check it out:


Disclaimer: I own nothing xx

Sebastian stared at himself in the mirror unsure of what exactly he was feeling. Initially he had stepped in front of the mirror to ensure that he looked presentable for his graduation from Dalton Academy. He hadn't expected to be struck by a sense of finality at his reflection. It was true that his hair was perfect, his suit and tie straight underneath the blue gown of the Dalton Graduation gown. He had spent three years at Dalton Academy and despite his initial reservations abut attending the boarding school in Ohio, primarily due to his then tense relationship with is father, he could honestly say that he would miss the school.

But especially the Warblers.

If it wasn't for the Warblers, Sebastian knew that he would still be the snarky arrogant asshole that he was when he arrived at Dalton.

If it wasn't for the Warblers, he wouldn't have discovered his love for performing.

If it wasn't for the Warblers, he wouldn't have met Blaine.


Sebastian couldn't believe that he had been dating Blaine Anderson for nearly two years. But he couldn't wait for the rest of the years that he would spend with Blaine. Sebastian could only see Blaine in his future and he hoped that Blaine could see Sebastian in his.

Sebastian was shaken from his thoughts by his now six year old little sister Amelia appearing in the doorway, "Sebby...are you ready?"

Sebastian spun around and smiled at Amelia and nodded as the little girl ran over to him and he swept her up into his arms, "I am...are you?"

Amelia nodded and rested her head on Sebastian's shoulder as Sebastian carried her from his room and downstairs, "I Blainey gonna be there?"

Sebastian nodded as he entered the living room, "He is..."

Richard smiled at his son, "Who is?"

"Blaine...she wanted to know whether Blaine was going to be there today..."

Melissa smiled as Sebastian set Amelia down on the floor, "I think he is more proud of you than your dad is..."

Richard shrugged, "I think we're on a par...although he is a better golfer than me..."

Sebastian rolled his eyes, "I can't believe you and him played golf and didn't tell me...or invite me..."

Richard grinned as the group made their way out of the door and to the car, "You can't play golf Seb...and it was coincidence...I didn't know Blaine had a membership to the are you gonna be returning with us or Blaine after the ceremony..."

" that okay?"

Richard nodded, "Of course...just wanted to check..."

The 40 minute drive to Dalton passed relatively quickly and was filled with Amelia singing Disney songs loudly, occasionally complaining that Sebastian doesn't sing along with her like Blaine does, which causes Sebastian to roll his eyes. If Sebastian didn't love Blaine as much as he did, he'd be concerned about how much Amelia loved Blaine.

Once at Dalton, Sebastian, Richard, Melissa and Amelia each made their way to the main school building as Sebastian had directed his dad to pack in the parking lot belonging to Ash House. Sebastian slowed as a familiar if unwelcome figure appeared to be stood just outside of the entrance to the main building.


"Mère...que faites-vous ici?" (Mother...what are you doing here?)

Richard stepped forward noticing the tension in his sons shoulder, "Andrea...I'll repeat Seb's question...what are you doing here?"

"L'école m'a envoyé une invitation...Je n'allais pas rater l'obtention du diplôme de mon fils..." (The school sent me an invite...I was not going to miss my son's graduation)

Sebastian squared his shoulders, "Bien...Je ne veux pas que vous ici, vous devriez avoir séjourné à vous voulez bien m'excuser ..." (Well...I don't want you here you should have stayed in Paris...If you'll excuse me..."

Sebastian quickly entered the building and broke into a run as he headed to a place that he was unsure of. Eventually he collapsed against the wall in one of the alcoves outside of the Humanities and Social Sciences Department. Sebastian sunk down so that he was sat on the floor and rested his head on his knees wrapping his arms around his legs and allowed searing hot tears to slid down his cheek.

About 10 minutes later Sebastian became aware of a figure sitting down on the floor in front of him. Sebastian raised his head slightly to see who it was that had come to find him and was relieved to see that it was Blaine.

"Hey Bas..."

"Hey..." Sebastian was surprised by how sore his voice sounded.

"I saw Mel..."

"Hmm...why did she have to come B? I just...just don't get it..."

"She had to come because you are pretty spectacular Bas...and like the rest of us she just wants a piece of you..."

"You have more than a piece of me Killer..."

Blaine chuckled, "Come on..lets get you cleaned have a little event called graduation to attend..."

Blaine rose to his feet and held out a hand which Sebastian gratefully took. Blaine stepped forward and pressed a kiss onto Sebastian's lips, "Come on..."

By the time that Sebastian joined the rest of his graduating class he was the last one to arrive which was lucky as he would be one of the last ones to walk down the aisle and collect his diploma. Hunter stepped forward so that he was stood next to Sebastian while Mr Walker offered final words of inspiration before the ceremony began.

"You okay?"

Sebastian nodded, "Hmm...I wasn' my mother to be here..."

Hunter nodded, "I hear dad's here...he hasn't spoken to me since I told him about Charlie..."

Sebastian winced, "Blaine mentioned something about that...Charlie apparently had a pretty big rant about it..."

Hunter nodded, "I know...I caught the end of the rant...Blaine managed to calm him down though..."

"He's good at that..."

"Clarington...Smythe...if you don't mind we would like to start..."

The two boys looked up and nodded quickly taking their place in line. By the time Sebastian walked down the aisle and up onto the stage to collect his diploma he had almost forgotten that his mother was in attendance.


That was primarily due to what Blaine had said to him before they had parted ways when Sebastian joined his graduating class while Blaine joined Sebastian's family in the audience. If there was ever a time that Sebastian was glad that he wouldn't have to leave with either of his parents it was now.

Sebastian and Hunter shared a look as they noticed that both of their families were clustered together. Slowly the pair walked forward where they could see that Blaine was stood with Amelia in his arms talking to Charlie stood off to one side, both eyeing the adults warily. It appeared that Richard, Melissa and Hunter's parents Harold and Guinevere were talking animatedly (and angrily) with Sebastian's mother Andrea.

Sebastian and Hunter ducked around their parents so that they could go to their respective boyfriends. Hunter, unconcerned by his father, leaned down and placed a kiss onto Charlie's cheek surprising him, while Sebastian wrapped his arms around Blaine and Amelia tickling Amelia's feet as he did so.

"Sebby! Stop it!"

Sebastian grinned, "What? I'm not doing anything..."

Amelia turned her head to Blaine, "Tell him Blainey..."

Blaine chuckled and reached up to press a kiss to Sebastian's lips, "You heard her..."

Hunter nodded his head towards the parents, "What's going on over their?"

Charlie glanced at Sebastian, "Seb's mom made some comment about your mom..."

Sebastian glanced at Blaine who just shrugged, "I don't know...Mia and I were too busy looking for you..."

Charlie rolled his eyes and looked up at Hunter affectionately, "It is nice to see your dad defending you though..."


"She launched off into a, Blaine, Seb's plans for the future..."

Sebastian's eyes took on a protective glint, "What did she say about B?"

Blaine rolled his eyes, "'s fine...nothing I haven't already heard...and I am not about to repeat it it?"

Sebastian looked at Charlie who shrugged, "If Blainers says it's's nothing...but anyway...on to more cheerful stuff...we've all been invited to a party tonight are you game?"

Hunter shrugged, "Who's party?"

"Matt Elison's..."

Hunter and Sebastian glanced at Charlie in shock, "You mean...the star of Dalton's football team? That Matt Elison?"

Charlie nodded and glanced at Blaine who shrugged passing Amelia into Sebastian's arms, "Yeah...he's an old friend of ours and we know that none of the Warblers are having a party tonight so we said we'd see what you wanted to do..."

Sebastian raised an eyebrow, "You two know Matt Elison?"

Blaine nodded, "Yeah...we've known him for are you game?"

Hunter and Sebastian shared a look before nodding, "Yeah...we're game..."

Thanks for reading xx

The sequel to this fic, Sandcastles, will be uploaded in the next few days xx

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