Well I'm still getting used to being back from almost being gone for two years so I'm going through and updated it chapter by chapter but I'm not changing too much.
So here we go! Time skip!

A week later.

It took almost a week for the former hosts to gather the courage after such shocking news.

The men had practically stormed into the house; the guards now used to this and since no orders were given nothing was done to stop them.

The only one who tried was Layla. The poor petite girl did her best but…
"You can't go in there! She-"

Layla was cut off the hosts as they barged into her room at eight in the morning. They were shocked to find that Haruhi wasn't alone.

She sat up her covers falling slightly to reveal her dark purple lace bra. The hosts stand frozen in shock. The one next to her sits up as well, combing his blonde hair out of his face with his fingers. His bare and toned chest rises and falls with a heavy sigh as he speaks, his hair hiding his features, "Do they always do this?"

Haruhi glares at them, "Out! Now!" they all run out and Layla bows to Haruhi and leads the men to the living room.
As they walk she speaks, "I told you."

Kaoru speaks first, being the rational one and trying to keep the rest calm with idle chatter, "So she is dating someone?"

Layla smirks, "No, she isn't dating anyone."

The host's eyes go wide as they sit down around the room, trying to figure this out.

Kyoya clears his throat and Tamaki tightens his grip on Kyoya's hand, "So then..."
Layla smirks knowing again and bows, "She'll be down in a minute." She left them to sweat, so to to make up for waking up her mistress when she had stayed up so late.

Mori looks to Hunny's furrowed brows and glaring eyes, probably thinking of some plot for the poor fellow they stumbled upon.


Hunny looks to his cousin and gives a questioning glance, now looking innocent.

Meanwhile Layla walked back to Haruhi's room and sees them getting dressed, "Those boys sure are confused and assuming the worst out there." She giggles to herself.

Haruhi frowns, "It's their fault they walked in here so early." She smiles, "But now I can mess with them." She pulls on black short cargo shorts and a white tank top, leaving her hair in loose messy waves that fall past her shoulder blades.

"They won't kill me right?"

Haruhi looks to see Kai now dressed in a blue tee-shirt and black jeans, his blonde hair in a cute messy style. She smiles, "They won't." she pauses for a second, "I think."

He sweat drops at her and tries to not look nervous, he may not be weak but he couldn't take them all on, especially not Mori and Honey.

They both walk down to the living room and the hosts send obvious glares to them until they see the blonde man they couldn't make out in the dimly lit room was Kai. That only made it worse though.

The two sit down on a couch together, Kai lounging back in the plush sofa and Haruhi sitting leaning against the armrest and draping her legs across Kai.

He rests his hands on her thighs and earns more glares.

Haruhi sighs, "Relax guys. Stop giving him those looks."

The men look as if they have been caught stealing cookies out of the jar by their mothers.

Tamaki relaxes his expression and faces Haruhi, "Why?"

She raises her eyebrow, "Why what?"

"You deserve so much more and he-"

It happened so quickly that no one saw it coming. A harsh slapping resounds and a red mark is on his cheek.

Haruhi stands in front of where Tamaki is sitting his face slightly to the side, an emotionless expression and rubbing her hand where the slap mad it sting, "Don't ever insult Kai like that. He was there when you guys weren't. He has taken care of me and helped me when Akira needed someone and I couldn't be there. I can never thank him enough."

Hikaru rises, "But we have known you longer and were back now!"

Hunny looks to her and stands, "We want to be in your life again Haru-chan, but you have to let us fix what we did."

Kyoya places a hand on Tamaki's cheek giving a worried look that is unlike him and Tamaki leans into the touch and looks to Kyoya's concerned face, "It's alright. I spoke rudely. I'm sorry Haruhi."

Haruhi sighs and run a hand through her hair, "I'm sorry for slapping you as well. Though you guys should know we're not dating."

This earns shocked faces from the men in the room.

"What? Haruhi how could you? I thought you loved me!" Kai says while dramatically hugging said girl.

She laughs and pushes him off and he smiles in return.

Kaoru tilts his head, "So an open relationship type of thing?"

Kai laughs and Haruhi giggles, "Sorry but Kai just came over because he was having a hard time with his breakup with his boyfriend."

Kai nods, "Yeah."

Kaoru asks in surprise, "Boyfriend?"

Kai chuckles, "I'm pretty sure I mentioned it before."

Kaoru shrugs, "We forgot."

Haruhi nods to his question.

"Then why you two were… ya know."

Haruhi smirks, "It was just underwear you know, we weren't naked or anything."

Tamaki clears his throat, "So you're okay with Kai being…"
Kai smiles in understanding, "Gay you mean? Haruhi is the one who set me up with my ex. Though I have to go get the case work ready for the meeting we were working on last night, I'll text you the time." He leans in and kisses her cheek and she waves goodbye.

Kyoya waits until she sits down and the hosts know what's coming, "Haruhi I think we should inform you about something."

Tamaki continues, "Kyoya and I have been dating for the last two years almost."

Haruhi eyes widen then a warm and loving expression replaces it. She walks over to stand in front of the two and takes both of their hands in her own, "I think that's great guys. I wouldn't judge you for that, not ever. I may be oblivious and had no clue and may not have expected it but it isn't something I think is wrong. I mean come on, have you met my dad?"

The room erupts into laughter and Kyoya smiles. She wraps her arms around the two.

The hosts go to sit around the few couches in the living room. Haruhi is wrapped in a blanket and the twins are snickering.

Haruhi looks at them, "I'm cold, okay?" they only snicker more.

She gets annoyed, "Why are you laughing?"

Kaoru busts up and Hikaru answers, "You just look funny all wrapped up, all we can see is your face." He laughs with his brother.

Haruhi grabs one of her slippers and goes to throw it but Mori grabs her hand. She looks to him curiously and he smirks and takes it himself.

The twins look and shudder. They run away and hid behind Tamaki.

Tamaki looks to them and yells, "Why are you hiding behind me?"

Mori gives her slipper back and Haruhi put it on thankful for the heat.

Honey is next to her and hands her some tea. She smiles at him, "Thanks Honey."

He smiles but then frowns, "You know you can call me Mitsukuni." But he blushes a little, "The same with Takashi."

Haruhi tilts her head and looks to Mori and he nods, "Alright Mitsukuni."

Haruhi looks to the old king and smirks. Tamaki sees it and he flinches, "Why are you looking t me like that?"

Haruhi shrugs taking a sip of her tea still smirking, "I was just curious who tops." She said it as if she was talking about the weather!

Kyoya chokes on his drink while Tamaki's and the rest of their jaws drop in shock, did Haruhi, their Haruhi just ask that?

Tamaki blushes, "H-H—Haruhi, well… i-it…I…." he covers his mouth with his hand. Kyoya stares stoically at her and she raises an eyebrow at him waiting.

Taking it as a challenge he smirks in confidence and casually says, "It depends." This only makes Tamaki even redder making the whole room burst out laughing.

Haruhi not expecting an answer finally stops laughing and looks to her old senpai, "You've changed."

He shrugs, "We all have. It has been six years after all."

Haruhi sighs leaning back in her seat on the couch, "Yeah, sure has."

Kaoru clears his throat, "So… is it too late?"

Haruhi looks to him confused, "Late?"

He nods, "To fix our mistakes. We didn't mean to leave you and no excuse will be enough but…"
Hikaru continues, "We're sorry Haruhi."

She looks to their faces and in their eyes she sees worry, sadness and… hope.

"Hmm, I won't push you guys away anymore, but it's been so long. It'll be different now but maybe not in a bad way, ya know?" she smiles at them and in return they look to her smiling.

Mitsukuni speaks up, "So where's Akira?"

Hikaru grumbles, "The little shit." Haruhi tosses him a glare and he zips it.

She looks back to Mitsukuni, "Staying the night at a friend's house, why?"

Tamaki stands in nostalgic grandness and announces, "Then we will go out tonight?"

Takashi looks to the blonde, "Where?"
The king looks to his friends, "A club."

The twins get their Cheshire grins and face Haruhi, "We're dressing you!" the announced and drag Haruhi to her room as the rest of them call to get outfits for their night out.

Alright guys there you have it not the most exciting but needed. So will the guys get jealous during their night since their reaction to Kai was…well you know. I'm really excited about the next chapter so I'll see you as soon as I have it completed, got to work out the kinks.