*Inuyasha pov*

By the time we made it half-way back to Kouga's I had calmed myself, I was blessedly numb. Poor thing kept trying to get me to tell him what was wrong, but I was and am not ready to talk about what I have overheard.

"Babe, please...I really need to know what's wrong!" Kouga hit his hand against the steering wheel in agitation.

Gritting my teeth against the sudden anger that filled me I yanked the glove department open and pulled out his cigarettes, I slid one out of the pack and practically shoved it in his mouth. Lighting it for him I leaned back and took one out for myself...heart racing I placed it in between my lips and lit it.

I shakily inhaled and began to choke on the taste and smoke. Suddenly Kouga was thumping me on the back with one hand. My eyes watered but I forced myself to take another drag. Was I really smoking?!

"Inuyasha what the hell are you doing?" Kouga's voice was tight with controlled anger as he inhaled expertly and blew out a silvery cloud of smoke.

"What's it look like?" I tried to snap back, but the burning in my throat made it out as a whisper.

"Babe…" He shook his head, and let out a low growl before thumping his ashes out the window.

I inhaled again, my stomach twisted in disgust. However I was determined to finish what I had started. Silence finally reigned supreme the last five minutes of the drive. I can't tell you how relieved I was when I finished that horrible cigarette.

The car pulled into a stop in front of Kouga's apartment complex. Silently I unbuckled my seatbelt, but before I could open my car door Kouga had already gotten out and bounded to my side opening it for me.

I gave him a small nod and slid out heading for the door. He ran past me and up the stairs to open the door yet again for me. Snorting I pushed past him and into the living room. He closed and locked the door with a soft silent click, and I could hear how his breath caught in his throat- as if he was waiting for me to explode.

Kouga walked up beside me and began to physically fidget as my eyes took in the horrid mess. The floor was littered with clothes and the carpet had stains all over it, it was supposed to be white but it was a nasty grey. Trash was littered everywhere, and the coffee table was filled with half-empty mugs and plates. My nose wrinkled at all the disgusting smells, the poor couch had definitely seen better days and needed a good washing.

"I-" I held up my hand cutting the okami off as he was about to apologize about the mess. I mean really. There is no excuse for this! It was a fucking pig sty in here, I am ashamed to even know him right this second. Well..at least cleaning this place will make me forget about everything for the time being.

I filled myself full of resolve and headed for the kitchen...good god above. I stared incredulously how could one man manage to create such a mess? Dirty dishes were taking up space everywhere precariously stacked upon one another- an accident waiting to happen and take out boxes were strewn everywhere...was that a...yes yes it is a gallon of now soured milk. My eye twitched as I turned to the cabinet under the sink beginning to search for cleaning equipment.

Kouga you bloody idiot! I can sense him behind me shifting his weight from one foot to the other waiting for me to crawl his ass about everything- However he has luck on his side, tonight, I need the distraction give myself time to think and process- to abandon these fears that have sprung up. I'm a mess of contradictions aren't I? Forget everything...think about everything...two things I need to do.

Sighing I stand up my cleaning supplies in tow as I turn to Kouga. "Go on and leave me be, I need space if I'm to clean this mess up." I raise my hand shooing, my words barely a whisper and yet I know he heard me.

**Kouga's pov**

"Inuyasha?" I question him with a louder tone of voice then I meant, but shit he's really starting to freak me out, smoking and now- now he isn't even yelling at me like I thought he would, he's just totally dismissing me. I honestly don't know whether to be grateful or terrified, his moods are changing faster than he does on a daily basis.

"Just go Kouga, I need space- or do you WANT me to skin you alive?" Uh-Oh I was wrong, looks like something's will never change- He's angrier than I thought. Nodding my head sagely I throw my hands up in surrender and leave the room and head back to my bedroom and throw myself on my king sized waterbed.

I'm not going to press him to tell me what the problem is, I don't want to overcrowd him- but I can't just sit back and wait. Closing my eyes I let out a sigh rubbing my temples, God really has it out for me tonight it seems. This is worse when I got caught feeling my little Inu up in church!

Goura is going to skin me alive if he finds Inuyasha here, Izayoi would be all to happy with the fact though. Those two can't seem to agree about the status of our relationship, makes me wonder if this is what's got him upset. Perhaps they got into another fight about us and Inuyasha couldn't take it anymore? Snorting I open my eyes and glare up at the ceiling with a low growl and youkai straining, I'll be damned if I ever give him up without a fight.

Just what is it about me that Goura doesn't approve of? Getting up I grab a pad and pencil to make a chart of my pro's and con's.


1.) Handsome

2.) College degree

3.) Faithful

4.) Job

5.) Apartment

6.) Car

"Hmm?" Did I mention sexy as fuck? Oh yes, it's listed under handsome, what other redeeming qualities do I have?

7.) Charming smile!

8.) Confidence

9.) Protection

Okay...those are a few good things, but what about the con's? Oh who the hell am I kidding? There ARE NONE, I'M ABSOLUTELY FLAWLESS...but perhaps I should ask Inuyasha? No, no, no...if they did fight about me, it would probably upset him all over again. I'd much rather he be angry with me then being crying.

Groaning I throw the pad and pencil on the floor, my head hurts from all this thinking. Flinging my arm over my eyes I begin to hum shaking my leg, just what the fuck am I sposed to do while he's in there playing housewife?

'How you can grant the woman access to your villa

Trespasser and a witness while you cling to your pillow

You better watch your back before she turn into a killer

Best for you and the situation not to call the beaner

To be a true player you have to know how to play

If she say a night, convince her say a day

Never admit to a word when she say

And if she claims and you tell her baby no way..'

"But she caught me on the counter (It wasn't me)

Saw me kissin' on the sofa (It wasn't me)

saw me bangin' on the sofa (It wasn't me):]

I even had her in the shower (It wasn't me)

She even caught me on camera (It wasn't me)"

Oh dear Lord, not this song again! I swear Inuyasha is a fucking addict, should have seen it coming- I mean really he plays this song everytime he starts cleaning, but if it means he's feeling better and I can hear his sweet voice...then who am I to complain? After all he is cleaning my apartment for me.

**Inuyasha's pov**

I love music, I mean really it's like it touches a place inside of my soul that no one will ever see- His golden eyes, the way he looked at me..Can he see right through me?- blinking I shake my head and continue with the task at hand never stopping as I continue to sing with the mixed cd playing.

I've decided to sum up what I heard as a bad prank, I mean obviously now that I am thinking about it- It can't be anything other than a joke, a bad one but a joke none the less. Although I can't completely dismiss the feeling I got back at the house when I felt like a part of me recognized them...Shaking my head I start back cleaning with a vengeance. "BE GONE YOU UNHOLY TRASH!" with a war cry I tackle everything with renewed vigor.

A couple of hours later and it's sparkling clean- I made Kouga get off his lazy ass and help now that I am feeling better and have convinced myself it was all a prank. However, I know mom and dad are going to freak about me not being in my room- so I'm just going to continue to hide out here for a couple of days.


"AHHH!" spinning around I jab my hand out only for Kouga to grab it laughing at my murderous look- Oh that fucking no good dick! "That wasn't funny you twat!"

"Babe, c'mon that was hilarious you should have seen your face!" He snicker's and tugs my close obviously feeling much more at ease now that, I have overcome my own hissy fit. Pulling my close he nuzzles my neck and inhaled my scent making me chuckle as his nose skims over my skin…

**Normal Pov**

Kouga's body tensed, his eyes narrowing as a feral growl left him- Just to be on the safe side he gave another sniff and then shoved Inuyasha back a step eyeing him up and down, hands clenching into tight fist at his side.

Now Kouga didn't claim to be the smartest man alive, but he knew what cologne his boyfriend wore and didn't wear and he sure as hell didn't wear Armani Code! Hell Inuyasha barely used cologne as it was and when he did it was always Dolce & Gabbana The One. So who in the seven hells Aramoni was clinging to Inuyasha?

"Kouga the fuck!" Inuyasha barked as he landed on his ass not being able to catch himself as he was shoved back. 'The hell's wrong with him? He look's like he's about to go on a rampage!' he thought sourly as he stood up and dusted his ass of returning the look with fevor.

"Who the fuck were you with? I can smell his damned cologne all over you, is that what you were so fucking upset about?" The wolf's voice was calm- and yet at the same time it was dark and menacing.

Inuyasha scoffed, was Kouga accusing him of what he thought he was? Just who the hell did this bastard think he was? "Are you trying to-"

"Don't fucking play games with me Inuyasha!" Kouga grabbed him and slammed him against the wall baring his teeth as he fisted his hanyous shirt, glaring down at him.

"GOD-DAMNED YOU!" Inuyasha screamed the words leaving him without thought as panic coursed through his body- he reacted out of pure self defense, his fist flung out catching Kouga square on the cheek and sending him flying.

Kouga crashed into the now clean coffee table splintering it as he rolled into the couch, snarling he jumped back up. It gave Inuyasha the time he needed to calm himself, looks like he was going to have to beat some sense into the wolf's head.

After everything that had happened today, he partially couldn't believe that this was happening- but Kouga did have a jealousy problem and the last beta he had been with- well Inuyasha could understand why he was always flipping out, but it would be nice if Kouga just listened to him sometimes before assuming and making an ass out of himself.

"YOU SON OF A BITCH!" Kouga roared in frustration as he stood up, and darted at Inuyasha managing to catch him by his shirt again and throw him to the ground.

Inuyasha rolled away from the raging wolf before he could kick him, and jumped back on his feet. The two demons circled one another, eyes narrowed- the scent of blood filled the air, Kouga had a scratch or two from the coffee table but the were already healed.

Neither of them thought about the ruckus they were making, or the fact that followed by Inuyasha's scream a fight started out. So how were they to know that the next door neighbor was going to call the police?

As soon as things were getting started it was ending- both males had been tackled to the ground- Inuyasha and Kouga both looked worse than they were, both had given as good as they got after all.

"Both of you calm down!" Naruka commanded from the doorway as he watched his officer's holding the two struggling combatants down, who by the way were still hurling insults at each other.

Chuckling at the scene he shook his head, he knew this two quite well. Neither one were going to take his advice until they had time to calm down.

"Sir?" One of the men asked looking at him like he was insane.

"Take them to separate cars, and put them in different holding cells. Don't bother charging either one of them." He waved flippantly as one was hauled up and dragged to a car and then the other.

No one dared dis-obey Naraku, they didn't think to he was an exceptional officer and had a pretty good intuition for these type of things. Surveying the mess with a critical eye he sighed and shook his head, turned on his heel and marched from the room and to his car.

Naraku had a good guess at what had happened, but that didn't mean he still didn't need to talk to them both about brawling in an apartment- and someone would need to come pick Inuyasha up and take him home- Oh Goura and Izayoi were going to have a ball with this and his father Onigumo was going to wring his neck for this. After all it was he introduced Kouga and Inuyasha.

It was a few minutes after he had calmed down in the back of the cruiser that Inuyasha realized just where he was headed, a sickening feeling began to form in the pit of his stomach as the door opened and Naraku slid into the driver's seat. Their eyes met and held for but a few moments before the car started up.

Inuyasha knew that he wouldn't be charged, Naraku wouldn't do that to him or Kouga- that didn't mean however that he wouldn't call his parent's and the look he had given him had confirmed it.

'I'm so frigging screwed...of all the day's...' the Half breed hung his head, chewing his bottom lip with a fang. 'Why me Lord? What did I ever do to you to deserve such a horrible day/ night?! All of this in just one night?!" He closed his eyes with an audible sigh thinking over everything that had happened that day and well into the night.

He was so screwed when his parents came to get him…
