(Author's Note: This is my first fanfic, so I hope everyone likes it! It kind of mixes with the Avengers and Thor: The Dark World, and I can make a promise that there is lots of Loki in every chapter of this story! Thank you for reading and please review! :))

Chapter 1

"Give me the Tesseract," said Loki, his Chitauri scepter pointed at his brother. "This is the only time I will ask nicely."

"Brother, please. You don't need to do this. The people of Earth have nothing you want; they have nothing you need the Chitauri army for," said his brother Thor.

"Then why do you fight for them?! It's that woman, isn't it?!" Loki yelled. Thor said nothing. "That's what I thought. They have the Tesseract. They intend to use it, but I will take it before they do. I will take it Thor! …And it will be your fault." Loki lowered his scepter and turned, walking away from Thor.

Thor stood there in the study room of Tony Stark's tower, alone.

"Why does my brother resent me so?" he mumbled to himself.

"Maybe it's 'cause you're a blondie," said Tony Stark, walking into the room.

"I haven't done a thing to him, and he's resented me ever since we were children," said Thor. "All I have ever wanted was to be his friend." Tony sat down to the supercomputer.

"Sometimes certain people are beyond understanding," he said. "Was he here?"

"Yes, just a minute ago. He wants the Tesseract."

"Well we know that. Why?"

"He wants to trade it to the Chitauri for their army. He wants to take over Earth."

"We can't let that happen. Do you want me to call the others?"

"It is best. We need to have a meeting about what we are going to do."

"Alright." Tony took out his cell phone and clicked on the group contact under the name "The Avengers".

"Hey guys," said Tony. "We've got a Tesseract to protect."

Loki had retreated to his Earth mansion that he'd commandeered from a rich family with no defense. He took off his cape and sat on the couch, thinking about how he was going to take the Tesseract. He would have to get past Thor and his pathetic allies and that would be challenging, but he could do it. And when he got the Tesseract he would use it to get back to Asgard and give it to the Chitauri in exchange for their army. He could see the people of Earth kneeling before him; their new king. Then he would go for Asgard. Everyone would see that he was just as powerful, even more so than his brother. His father Odin would realize that Loki could be more than Thor and that he could be everything his father wanted him to be. Loki fell asleep on the couch thinking of his brilliant plan.

"Okay, so Loki is here, and he wants the Tesseract, which is that floating cube of shinyness. And what we have to do is prevent him from getting it," said the Black Widow. All the Avengers had gathered in the study room of Tony Stark's tower to discuss how they were to prevent Loki from obtaining the Tesseract. The Avengers were the Black Widow, who was Natasha Romanoff (an agent of S.H.I.E.L.D.), Iron Man, who was Tony Stark, Thor, Captain America who was Steve Rogers, the Hulk, who was Bruce Banner, Hawkeye, who was Clint Barton, and the Red Fury, who was Emmeline Collins.

Emmeline was the newest of the Avengers, and was yet to participate in a mission. She had powers of fire and ice, and Nick Fury himself gave her her hero name. She walked into the study room and quickly stood next to Tony.

"Sorry I'm late, but for the record I know what's going on with Thor's brother and the Tesseract so nobody has to explain anything," said Emmeline. "Was he here?"

Thor nodded.

"Aw, I missed him. I wanted to threaten him." Thor laughed.

"It wouldn't have done any good if we're talking about my brother," he said.

"Well, what are we going to do?" asked Hawkeye. A silence swept over the group.

"We could…hide it. I mean, that won't work for very long, but if Loki knows where it is we're screwed," Captain America said. He looked at the others for an answer of some kind.

"That might work," said Tony. "Then when he comes we'll beat the shit out of him. Sounds like a plan."

"That's the plan? What kind of 'plan' is that?" said Natasha.

"You got a better one?" said Tony. "You can't plan very well with something like this. We have one objective: to keep Loki from getting the Tesseract. That doesn't sound too hard. Whatever way we do it is fine as long as it is done."

"We should probably have someone on lookout; guarding the Tesseract," suggested Hawkeye.

"I'll do it," said Emmeline. She was eager to help.

"Wonderful. If you see Loki, call us, but use your powers if he advances toward you," said Thor.

"Okay, but what does he look like? How will I know if it's him?"

"He has long black hair and a green suit of armor with a cape. He carries a Chitauri scepter that is very dangerous; it is powered by the Tesseract. Don't let him touch you with it or it will turn you into his servant, or even kill you. You are very powerful, Emmeline. You can do this." Emmeline smiled.

"I won't let you down," she said.

When all the Avengers left, Emmeline stayed in the study room, looking at the Tesseract. It was a brightly lit cube, spinning in its place on the stand. It looked like a little blue piece of the sun. She wondered why Thor stayed on Earth and didn't just take it back to Asgard himself. She remembered Thor telling her about how the Avengers came together. Thor was the one that brought her into the super group. He found her using her powers for warmth on the streets.

Emmeline had been abandoned by her parents when she was eight. They thought she was a danger and dumped her on the streets. They drove away and she trusted that they would come back. She waited for days. But they never came back for her.

Emmeline lived by herself on the streets from then on. Thor had rescued her. The night he found her he took her to Tony's tower and while he bandaged her scars he told her about the Avengers.

"I come from the planet Asgard," he had said. "My father Odin battled with the Frost Giants and the Tesseract was lost on Earth. But my brother Loki had always wanted to be king. He tried to bring the Frost Giants to Asgard and defeat them, while abandoning me on Earth. But I returned and to save Asgard I had to destroy the bifrost and Loki fell into an abyss. I don't know how he survived, but now he's come to Earth to take the Tesseract and take over Asgard once again."

"He doesn't sound very nice," Emmeline had said.

"No, but he is my brother."

Emmeline stood by the Tesseract for a very long time, and there was no sign of Loki. Eventually it was midnight, and Emmeline thought she heard something. She turned around, and a sliver of green flashed before her eyes. But then there was nothing. She looked all around her, and before she knew it, he was standing right in front of her.

Loki knew that the Avengers would have some kind of plan of protecting the Tesseract, so he decided to go after it at night. He decided to set his expectations high, so the mission would be easy. He planned for an army of protection; that way no matter what they faced him with, he would be able to get past it.

That night he took his Chitauri scepter and teleported himself to Tony Stark's tower. There was no army. In fact, there was nothing. Loki was careful. Certainly they wouldn't leave the Tesseract completely unprotected. They must have been hiding somewhere. Loki observed his surroundings, still not seeing anyone. He tentatively made his way to the study room, and there stood a girl. That was it. A small girl looking to be about twenty, standing in front of the Tesseract.

He made sure she didn't see him, and he looked around, expecting to see some guards or maybe even the rest of the Avengers. But there was nothing. Just the girl. Well then this was going to be easy. He used his magic to create an illusion of himself at the other side of the room and the girl turned around. She saw him. He decided to just go up and take it from her. It would be easy.

Loki stood directly in front of the girl and he turned the illusion off. She gasped and turned back around. He smiled at her.

"Hello," he said. She said nothing. "I believe you have something that I want." He leaned his scepter toward the Tesseract.

"Don't," she commanded in a stern voice.

"It will be easier for you to just give it to me," he said.

"No Loki," she said, and as Loki raised his Chitauri scepter, the girl raised her hands and formed a thick block of ice over it. Loki dropped the scepter and looked at her with amazement. She was an Avenger.

"I don't believe we've met," said Loki. She threw her hands forward and froze his feet in place. He gave her an angry look.

"Hopefully we won't again," said the girl, walking over to the supercomputer. She pressed a red button.

"Tony, Loki is here. I have him…contained." Loki looked at her with anger. She couldn't have captured him so easily! He planned his mission so well, he couldn't let Thor and the rest of the Avengers come and capture him.

"Unfreeze me right now!" he said. The girl looked at him.

"I'm not an idiot," she said. "I see you have greatly underestimated me." She walked over to him and picked up his scepter.

"Don't touch that!" he yelled. She smirked at him and just then Iron Man and Thor came into the room.

"Well, what do you know?" said Iron Man. "The Red Fury caught a loser." Loki let out a sigh and looked at Thor.

"Hello brother," he said. "Did you miss me?"

"Loki…" began Thor.

"I told you it would be easier for you to give me the Tesseract."

"I don't know, so far it's still pretty easy," said Iron Man. Loki said nothing. The ice on his feet was making him very cold and he started to shiver. Thor walked up to him.

"Loki my brother, I am sorry. But I told you that we were not going to give you the Tesseract. And we will not. We are forced to be rough with you."

"You are a coward," said Loki, shivering. Frost started to form on the tips of his hair and his lips turned blue. Thor sighed.

"Emmeline," said Thor. Emmeline came over and Thor nodded to her. She placed her hands over Loki's feet and melted the ice. Thor handed Loki's scepter back to him.

"Don't come back here, Loki," said Thor. "Or I will kill you." Loki smiled, as if he was mocking him. Emmeline and Iron Man looked at Thor.

"You're letting him go?" said Emmeline. Thor said nothing and walked out of the room. Emmeline looked at Iron Man, and he shrugged.

"Sorry to be rude, but I have to be going," said Loki, smirking, looking at Emmeline as he left.

"You did good Red," said Tony.

"Why did Thor let him go?" Tony shook his head.

"I don't know."

Tony left the room and Emmeline decided to go and find Thor. She didn't have to look very far; he was standing in the kitchen. Emmeline walked up to him.

"Why did you let Loki go?" she asked.

"He's my brother," said Thor. "I told him I would kill him if he came back."

"He's going to come back."

"I know."

"Are you going to kill him?"

"I…don't know." Emmeline didn't say anything. She decided to let Thor alone. She exited the kitchen and walked down the hall planning to go to her car. But suddenly, Loki was there. He hadn't left; it was an illusion, the tricks Loki did that Thor had told her about once before.

Before she could say anything, he threw his arms around her, his hand over her mouth. She struggled, but he was stronger than her. His Chitauri scepter touched her hands, so she could not use her powers. He moved it to her head and she fell unconscious.

When Emmeline woke up, she was in a big glass cage located in an even bigger gray room. Loki stood outside the cage, looking in at her. For a villain, he sure was handsome. She rushed toward the wall and yelled through the glass.

"You'd better let me out! Where am I? Loki!" Loki smiled mischievously and entered the cage. He stood very close to Emmeline.

"I'm sorry, but you are the only thing holding me back from obtaining the Tesseract," he said. "They will look for you. And I will take it when they do."

Emmeline said nothing. She placed her hand on Loki's chest and pushed all of her heat powers onto him. He dropped his Chitauri scepter and gasped in pain, cringing.

"Stop," he said in a whisper. "Please stop." She lifted her hands off of him and he pointed his scepter at her. She gasped in fear and Loki smiled, lifting it down.

"I won't kill you," he said, turning away from her on his way out of the cage.

"Why?" she asked. "Why won't you kill me?" He turned to look at her.

"Because I like you," he said, leaving her with that.

Emmeline sat in the glass room with nothing but a chair. He liked her? What did that mean? Did that mean he was going to kill her more painfully? Emmeline was very confused. She was hungry too.

She sat there with her mind, for what felt like a long time. But Loki came back before she went completely insane. He brought her a plate of food, with meatloaf and mashed potatoes that looked like it came out of a TV dinner. She took it and looked at Loki.

"What are you going to do with me?" she asked.

"Nothing that you cannot handle," said Loki, smiling in a sort of mischievous way. "I will be back shortly."

Loki was very different than Emmeline thought he would be. He didn't seem so evil or malicious. He was a definite criminal, but he wasn't hurting her like she thought he would. She ate her meatloaf and before she was done, Loki came in with blankets and pillows.

"I forgot to put anything in here, so here is some bedding," he said. "Don't burn it up." He smiled again. This time Emmeline smiled back.

That night, Emmeline lied on her blankets and decided that it would just be easier for her to go to sleep instead of lying awake worrying. But she couldn't sleep, because she heard Loki yelling. She made her way to the door so she could hear better. Maybe she would get some useful information.

"Odin, I have to!" yelled Loki. "Why do you always take Thor's side?! First you imprison me and make him king, and now you ask me to leave your favorite son alone and go back to Asgard as the pathetic adopted son that didn't matter! Well you are not my father, and I do not have to do as you say anymore. I am the rightful king of Asgard! I will prove to you that I am far more than my brother and you will wish you had made me king in the first place!" Emmeline heard the man identified as Odin say something, but she couldn't make it out. Loki's roaring voice sounded again.

"The Tesseract is mine! Thor squanders its power, but I will use it for its purpose! I AM NOT THOR, ODIN!" Emmeline heard Loki break something in anger and he yelled as loud as he could. Emmeline tiptoed back to her blankets and sat down. Thor hadn't told her the complete truth. He said nothing about Loki being adopted. Thor had never mentioned that Loki only wanted to be as much as his superior older brother; he made it out like Loki just wanted to take over the world. Loki was nothing like Thor said. Thor loved him, she knew, but he terribly misunderstood his brother.

(Author's Note (again): Sorry if I made the last part unclear: when Loki is talking to Odin, he is in another room and Odin is appearing in the form of an illusion, like Frigga did in The Dark World, by her power. Sorry I forgot to write that in. :)