Hello everyone! This is my first actual two-shot into the fandom of the WWE, so please bear with me. I had this idea since Monday Night Raw on May 12, 2014, about what would happen if each member of the Shield faced up against their counterpart in Evolution. When I saw that Bastista and Roman Reigns battled it out, I really wanted to see something similar happen between the two architects of their respected factions. There are hints here and there of mild slash possibly between the Shield...but nothing too drastic at the moment. I hope you all enjoy!

What was best for business? Triple H always considered what would benefit the company. He took into account the affect that one call, one superstar, or one match could have on the entire industry as a whole. It was his duty as the COO of the WWE, to make sure that no matter what happened...the decisions he made would ultimately allow his empire to achieve the success it deserved.

With his goal in mind, Triple H made his way down the aisle to the ring. After that events that had taken place the previous week with the Shield, he pondered long and hard about next move he should make in the on-going war with the monsters he himself created.

The reaction of the crowd was expected as he took a look around him, their booing echoing throughout the entire arena.

"You know, I have to give it to the Shield," he began, a chuckle escaping his throat as the tone of the crowd changed to cheers at the mere mention of their name, "Last week, what they did brought back memories of something I myself would have done as a member of Evolution. Back attacks, three on one, you name it and we did it."

Pacing around the arena, he continued, "However, one thing remains the same. I said it once, and I'll say it again," he looked up, "The Shield are just a bunch of rebellious children who keep trying to poke a stick at whatever they can find. They're just asking to get bit."

Triple H allowed the people to shout and praise them, their so-called heroes. It didn't matter to him, at Payback, he would show all of them just who the dominate faction was between Evolution and the Shield. Payback, however, was still a few weeks away; there was still time consider his options going into the anticipated rematch between the two groups. Tonight...it was more personal.

"Something last week got me to thinking...I'm going to show you people a few videos so you can understand where I'm going with this," he turned to the monitor and pointed his finger, "Roll the tape."

The footage on the jumbo screen was of last week's ambush of Evolution by the Shield, the response of the crowd was obvious, any damage that was done to him, Orton, or Batista was worthy of praise in their eyes.

"Stop the tape right there."

At his instruction the video paused, halting it at the moment each Shield member began their assault on Triple H and his partners.

"Do you see it?" he asked, his attention turning towards the audience members, the energy they were giving off was almost electrifying.

"No? Keep watching. Roll the next tape."

The next clip began to play, Evolution was standing in the middle of the ring, Triple H addressing each member of the Shield individually.

"Roman Reigns, you will fail to adapt. And at Payback...you will per-"

His words falling short following another surprise ambush, courtesy of the Hounds of Justice.

"Stop the tape."

The image froze at the moment in time where Triple H's massive figure was planted face first into the mat, a fired up Seth Rollins continued to land punch after punch into the head of the Game.

Triple H stood there for a minute, his eyes landing on every single person in the sold out arena, "So do you see it yet people?" He began to tread the ring once again.

"Since most of you here tonight probably have the intelligence of a house fly, I'll tell you," the negative response he received only seemed to entertain him more, "In both of the videos from last week, there was a specific person who had the guts to actually try to pull one over on me. And that hasn't been the only instance he has done so. Over the last few weeks, I have been the target of his attacks, more-so than either Orton or Batista. Now if he thought for one second, that I was going to turn a blind eye to that," Triple H's face darkened, "He was dead wrong."

This was where his plan would begin to take action.

"Seth Rollins, you and I, we're similar in a lot of ways. We're both considered 'The Architect' of our factions...the so-called glue keeping everything together so to speak. Heck, without us, there would be no Shield...and there would be no Evolution. I can state that as the truth. I've watched you guys over the last few months, I remember that point in time...where the Shield almost crumbled."

The fans responded to the words with a few of their own. Chants for the "Hounds of Justice" growing with each passing second throughout the arena.

Triple H looked straight in to the camera pointed in front of him as he continued, "But it didn't. And I can say that the only reason the Shield didn't disband that night was because you took the actions you did. The idea you had was crazy, heck, it could have backfired on you! But, somehow you managed to get Roman and Dean to see eye to eye. Your quick thinking is what kept you guys together. Now, I'm not spouting all of this as praise to you Seth, I am only stating the facts. I can't say I know what is going through your mind as you continue to throw punches at me."

He turned his head to the aisle leading to the backstage locker room, "However, I do know that I want to make an example of you right here...tonight."

The people seemed to light up as they began to realize what his words were hinting towards.

"Tonight, I challenge you Seth Rollins to a one-on-one match," he took a moment to adjust the cuffs on his suit, "And you know? I'm a fair guy, I'll leave Randy Orton and Batista in back, so long as you come to the ring alone as well. Let's see who really lives up to title of 'The Architect' here tonight. But just remember Seth," he paused for a moment, a small smirk beginning to adorn his face, "I said last week that I would deal with you myself, and I plan to clip those wings of yours, so you'll never be able to fly again."

The COO could hear the shocked reactions of Jerry, Michael Cole, and JBL all the way on the sidelines of the ring; even with the fans screaming in anticipation, it was almost as if he had gained an adrenaline rush from the energy the building had in it tonight.

"So what do you say Seth? Are you gonna man up and face me?" he grinned, "Or will you hide in the back with your tail between your legs because you'd be alone...without your buddies protecting you."

After a moment of silence, the jumbo screen lit up, and all three members of the Shield stood together, standing tall and proud. The sight of them caused the crowd to go crazy.

"Triple H," Seth spoke up as he adjusted his glove, "You should know, I never back down from a challenge."

He looked straight into the camera, "You're on!"

The insane response was almost deafening to the man who stood in the middle of the ring, he watched as the three of them walked out of the view of the camera, the screen fading to black once more. A smirk slowly began to spread across his features as he made his way out of the ring. All was going according to his plan, he honestly should have realized it a lot sooner. Dave Batista had had the right idea of targeting the Shield individually, granted his thought process was blinded by anger and frustration. It would make sense for him to want to challenge Roman Reigns, he was the strongest member of the Shield, a person who could give even the Animal himself a decent run for his money. However, Batista in reality...targeted the wrong man. As he had learned with Evolution, a powerhouse...was only as strong as the brains behind him. In the end, this war came down to only one thing, and that was guts and wit. Triple H had both, and he would deal with Seth Rollins tonight...slowly...very slowly. Tonight, he would see to it that Seth Rollins would be the one to fail to adapt...and perish as a result.

'When you take away the brain...the body as a whole will cease to function.'

So this was the first part. The next and final chapter will be much longer than this, and I assure you you will not be disappointed. I hope you liked it!