A/N: I do not own either Inuyasha or The Hobbit.

In just wanted to clarify some questions on the last chapter. Bilbo is not meaning to be disrespectful of the dwarves or Kagome, it's just that he doesn't know any better. He's lived in the Shire the entirety of his life with only stories of the elves, so has no clues as to the mannerisms of dwarves. He also was not expecting company and so is very surprised by all the dwarves arriving in his smial. I wasn't trying to bash Bilbo, I actually really like Bibo and can not in anyway dislike him. I hope this cleared up a few things.



Chapter 7:

The table was completely set up by the time the door was next knocked. Kagome stood admiring the setup when a sudden crash came from the entryway. Rushing towards the commotion, Kagome, expecting the worst, was assaulted with the most amusing of scenes. There at the feet of the young Hobbit, was an assortment of dwarrows. (Balin had earlier corrected her on the pronunciation of their race's name.)

She barely managed to keep in her giggles when, as she glanced up, she caught sight of Gandalf. He looked spectacularly large compared to the of the size of the doorway. The sight was so obscene that she couldn't contain her laughter any longer. It seems the dwarrows thought so as well, their raucous laughter following right after her's.

After the dwarrow had finished situating themselves, they all meandered their way into the dining room. What followed next was one of the most joyous occasions Kagome had ever taken part in.

The meal prepared by the Darrow Bombur was the best she had in a long while and the music that followed even better.

As the song detailing things that Bilbo hated came to an end, the door knocked one final time. Seeing everyone heading towards the door, Kagome decided it would be better to wait in the dining room.

Sitting there, Kagome looked at the decor in the room. The decorations gave the smial a very homey feel and reminded her so much of home. As the homesickness started to creep in, so did the dwarrow back into the room, followed by a newcomer, Bilbo, and Gandalf bringing up the back.

"Oh yes," Gandalf exclaimed, "And this here is Kagome, my apprentice. Kagome, it is my pleasure to introduce you to Thorin Oakenshield. He is to be the leader of this expedition."

After being introduced, Kagome stood and bowed, "At your service, it is a pleasure to meet you."

With a nod in her direction, Thorin replied, "And I am at yours milady."

And so it was that Kagome Higurashi joined thirteen dwarrow, a wizard, and a hobbit on a journey to claim the seized Kingdom of Erebor.

A/N: And so it has happened, I have finally updated. I know, I know. Please hold the applause.

Seriously though, if it wasn't for some of my reviewers I may have never updated again. I want to thank all of you for following me and giving me the encouragement I needed to keep going. Too show my appreciation, I'm going to try and reply to everyone who reviews me. I apologise if I miss anyone, it have been a long time since I last updated. For this reason I am only relying to those that reviewed on the last chapter.

It has also come to my attention that everyone seems to want Kagome to be paired with Legolas. A lot of the reasons why people seemed to choose him was because he's immortal being an elf. Before I make my final decision, I just wanted all of you too know that there are more immortals on the Lord of the Rings universe then just Legolas.

I have also decided that I'm not that comfortable writing a lemon, and so I will not. I am very sorry to those that wanted to see one.

Onto the reviews:

RyuukTheHatter: Thank you so much for your encouraging words. I really appreciate them.

Ishsara: Thank you so much. It means a lot to me that you're enjoying it so far.

Wicked.Onna: Really appreciate your word to me. They encouraged me to not be pressured into making a lemon after I'd decided i wasn't comfortable with it.

CallaRose4ever: Thank you so much for your review. You were one of the deciding factors of me deciding not to make a lemon. Also, to be honest with you, I have no idea if Kagome will ever pick up a bow again. I have multiple ideas on that but I'm kind of just going with the flow right now. Thank you so much for your review.

dragonfly1339: Thank you for all of your input. It really encouraged me to keep writing. Thank you so much for your review.

Trinabear: Thank you for all of your advice. You were one of the people who really helped new make my decision on writing lemons. Thank you so much for your review.

Makimashi Misao F.D.S.S.L.A: Thank you so much for reading muy story. Your English was perfectly understandable and I really appreciate the effort you put into reviewing me. Thank you so much.

Silversun XD: That is an excellent question. I'm thinking Kagome should either be the Red, Pink, or Purple Istari. What do you think she should be?

I'm sorry for the rest of you that didn't get a personal reply. Since it's been such a long time since I've updated the reviews have kind of built up and it getting late.

And so concludes a very long Authors Note that was even longer than the chapter.

~Ja ne.