I know it's been a while since I've updated. My sincerest apologies. Hope this chapter makes up for the delay.

I do not own 'Once Upon a Time.'

Chapter 14

Deadly nightshade. That was what was discovered in Lacey's bloodstream, the toxicology report said. Despite not being her next of kin, Mr. Gold, after much arm twisting and threatening, was able to convince Dr. Whale to give him the report of Lacey's medical condition.

She had ingested enough of the drug, which at a higher dose may have been fatal, to experience severe hallucinations. Because of this fact, the sheriff determined that no charges of assault would be filed against Lacey for her attack on Albert Spencer, who was also admitted to the hospital for his injuries. Gold couldn't have cared less about him.

After her outburst when Gold entered the room, Lacey was heavily sedated, which Gold was assured would allow her to rest peacefully as she was administered IV medication that would help purge her system of the deadly toxins.

Gold spent the night at her side as she slept, dozing off occasionally himself. He wasn't about to leave her alone and risk anyone harming her even further. It was early the next morning when Ruby entered the room.

"How is she?" Ruby asked.

"They're keeping her sedated for a bit longer," Gold replied. "The doctor has assured me that she will make a full recovery."

"Why would anyone do this to her? I mean Lacey is – LACEY but – she's never hurt anyone. I mean – not in her right mind, anyway." Gold knew that Ruby was a close enough friend to Lacey that she could be trusted with the information of her medical condition, so he shared those details with her the night prior, with the stipulation that she tell no one else.

"No she has not. Miss Lucas, I need to return to my home for a bit and take care of some other pressing business. Would you mind staying with her? She'll probably be sleeping for most of the day, but I don't want her left alone. I don't want ANYONE in here to see her outside of medical staff, or her father. Did you get in touch with him?"

"Yeah. He asked if she was gonna be okay, and I said I think so, and he just said to call him if she's not."

"He didn't want to come and see her? His own daughter?"

"They have a lot of issues."

"Indeed," Gold agreed, trying not to fault this cursed version of Maurice for his blatant lack of concern for his only child. "So can you stay?"

"I have to work at the restaurant by two," Ruby said.

"I'll be back by then. Thank you very much, I appreciate it, and I know Lacey does as well."

"She's pissed at you, you know."

"Yes, I imagine she is. I'm hoping I can remedy that once she wakes." Gold touched Lacey's cheek gently, then turned and walked out of the room.

"She's still sleeping?" Gold asked Ruby when he entered Lacey's room at the hospital several hours later.

"She woke up for a minute a couple hours ago but she was pretty out of it. Dr. Whale just came in to check on her, he said the sedatives are wearing off and they don't think she'll need any more. He said she should start waking up soon but that she'll probably be pretty groggy for a few hours."

"Well, thank you for staying with her. I do appreciate it." Gold sat down on the bed next to Lacey and took her hand.

"She really likes you. Don't screw this up again, okay?" Ruby said.

"I'll do my best," Gold replied. Lacey began to moan and stir a bit. "Hey – hey sweetheart – everything's okay, you're okay." Gold gently ran his fingers through her hair.

"Hey, Lace – I'm here. You're gonna be alright." Ruby sat down on the bed next to Gold. Lacey blinked her eyes as she tried to focus, looking up at both of them.

"What happened?" Lacey whispered.

"We'll talk about everything later, when you're bit more awake. How are you feeling?" Gold asked.

"My head is pounding. How much did I drink?"

"Ruby, would you please get her some water?" Gold asked.

"I'll be right back, okay?" Ruby said, and she got up and left the room.

"Do you remember anything about what happened, Lacey?" Gold asked.

"I don't know," Lacey whispered. "Am I in the hospital?"

"Yes, you are. You're going to be alright."

"I had some really weird dreams. Everyone was – I don't know. What happened to me?"

"Here you go – think you can sit up a bit?" Ruby asked, entering the room with a glass of water.

"Let me help you, sweetheart," Gold said as he helped Lacey into a sitting position. Ruby handed her the glass of water and Lacey took a sip.

"I feel kind of dizzy," Lacey said.

"The doctor said it'll take a few hours before you're feeling better. I gotta go clock in at the diner, Granny will kill me if I ditch the dinner shift. I can see if I can sneak some food to you on my break though, okay?" Ruby said.

"That'll be fine, Miss Lucas. Thank you," Gold said.

"Will you be alright here?" Ruby asked, and Lacey nodded her head. "Okay – I'll see you later then. Get some rest." Ruby left the room.

"Are you going to tell me what happened or not?" Lacey asked, then took another sip of water.

"You were drugged. The drugs caused you to have – hallucinations," Gold told her. "What's the last thing you remember?"

"I – I went to the club. I had a drink and – everything got strange, like – like a dream but – it wasn't."

"Who gave you this drink?"

"Keith," Lacey admitted. "You think he drugged me?"

"Oh, I'm certain of it. Unfortunately, I have no proof. But worry not – Mr. Sherman will be held accountable for what he did, one way or another."

"I don't want to go back there," Lacey told him, trying not to cry.

"You won't. You will never go back there again."

"But – Rum you don't understand, he -" Gold put his finger against her lips to interrupt her.

"He will not harm anyone ever again. It's being handled. Alright?"

"He said he'd hurt you. I wanted to leave him weeks ago but he said he'd hurt you." Gold chuckled a bit.

"Oh, Lacey – you have nothing to fear. I can handle Sherman."

"Like you handled Ashley Boyd?"

"That – was an unfortunate mishap. Your worry is quite misplaced if its for me, dear. I will be fine."

"I probably should have told you, but -"

"I know. I can be quite frustrating. I'll work on that, alright?" They were both quiet for a moment, and Lacey finished her glass of water. "You remind me of her. Belle. That's why I'm so drawn to you."

"Was she a stripper?" Lacey asked, handing Gold her empty glass of water, which he set on the table next to her bed.

"No. I told you, she was my maid. But the two of you are alike in many ways. Perhaps – perhaps I have been aloof with you because I've been afraid of making the same mistakes with you that I made with her. Perhaps I've been trying to find too much of Belle in you. But you aren't Belle. You're you – and I'd like to get to know you. Not as some replacement for the woman I was in love with – but as yourself. If that would be something you'd be agreeable to."

"I'd like that," Lacey replied.

"To answer your other questions that you posed earlier and I so rudely dismissed – there is no possible way I can compare which of you were prettier because you are lovely and so was she. All I can say is – you are here, and she is not. And I have no worry of her coming back to me if you are part of my life. You are not – nor will you ever be – a placeholder for Belle. Alright?"

"Thank you," Lacey whispered. "Rum, I – I did private dances. I didn't want to, but Keith said he'd hurt you if I didn't and – I hated it, I don't ever want to do it again, I swear."

"It's okay. We have quite a bit to talk about, don't we?" Lacey just nodded her head.

"I'm feeling dizzy again, and my head still hurts. I think I want to lie back down."

"Of course, sweetheart," Gold said, and he helped her ease her head back onto the pillow. "Is that better?"

"When can I go home?" Lacey asked.

"I don't know. Maybe in a day or two. How about you and I go away for a few days after you're released? I think we could use some time alone, away from the rest of the world. Would you like that?"

"That sounds nice," Lacey whispered, then she closed her eyes. She was asleep within minutes, and once she had drifted off, Gold placed a gentle kiss on her forehead.

"Oh, my love – no one will ever hurt you again. You have my word." Gold had been keeping Lacey both near and at an arm's length ever since he recovered his memories, but he now realized that this would no longer be possible if he was to keep her safe. He had to take her into his life, into his heart, and into whatever else she wanted in order to keep her close and protected. He just hoped that, once the curse was broken, Belle would find a way to forgive him for what he was about to do.

"Rum, where did you find this cabin?" Lacey asked as she entered the cabin with him, carrying a suitcase in her right hand.

"It's mine. I've had it for quite some time. It's a nice place to have to get away from people." Lacey chuckled a bit.

"Get away? From what? You don't spend any time around people."

"And here even less. The bedroom is just around the corner there if you want to go set your things down." Lacey skipped off to the bedroom, then returned to his side minus the suitcase. "How about I get a fire and some tea started, would you like that?" Gold asked as Lacey peeked out the back window.

"Is that a hot tub out there?" she asked.

"It is," Gold replied.

"Does it work?"

"Yes it does. You make yourself comfortable, I'll make that tea." Gold went into the kitchen to get the tea kettle started, and when he came back into the main room to start a fire, Lacey was nowhere to be found. "Lacey?" Gold called out. He glanced at the back porch door, which was open, and stepped outside, only to find Lacey settled comfortably in the hot tub.

"Mmm. This is nice," Lacey said, looking up at him.

"I'll get that tea, then," Gold said, and he stepped nervously into the cabin, unsure if he could go through with any of this. He returned several minutes later with a cup of tea, and he bent down carefully and set it on the rim of the hot tub next to Lacey.

"Thanks," Lacey said, and she reached for the teacup. "You gonna come in?"

"I, um – I did not bring my bathing suit," Gold stammered.

"Neither did I," Lacey said, smiling up at him. Gold looked around and spotted her clothes in a pile about three feet away from the hot tub. This pile included her underwear. "Come on, Rum – it'll be fun."

"Right," Gold whispered, and he ducked back into the cabin. Lacey sighed, then took a sip of tea. When Gold returned outside, he was carrying two towels, which he set down near the rim of the tub. He then grabbed onto the railing, removed his shoes and socks, rolled up the legs of his pants, and sat down on the edge of the tub, dangling his feet in the water.

"You gonna jump in wearing the suit?" Lacey asked.

"I'm fine right where I am. It's quite relaxing on my ankle." Lacey shook her head.

"I don't bite. Not unless you want me to." Lacey smiled up at him. Gold ignored her comment.

"How is the tea?" he asked.

"It's fine. You do know how to brew a good cup of tea, I'll give you that," Lacey said. Gold nodded, and went silent again. "Oh, for god's sake Rum – this is ridiculous." Without hesitation, and taking him completely by surprise, Lacey reached up, grabbed his arm, and pulled him into the hot tub. Gold's head went underwater for a moment, and then he lifted it above the water, catching his breath.

"What the hell are you doing!" Gold shouted at her, a tone of anger in his voice.

"Well someone had to!" Lacey shouted in reply.

"Do you know how much this suit cost?"

"Yes I do – that was the main reason I went to work for you, remember? To purchase one for my act. Come on, you can buy twenty when we get back and not even bat an eye. So – wow, this is the first time I'll be saying these words instead of hearing them – take it off."

Every instinct within him, every voice inside of him, was saying to comply with her. Take her, have your way with her, she wants it, she's literally asking for it, you're doing nothing wrong. Gold practically ripped off his tie, and then his jacket, tossing the soaked clothing onto the patio. Lacey moved close to him and fumbled with the buttons of his vest, then removed it and tossed it out of the tub, followed by the same action with his shirt. He was now shirtless, wearing only his pants and underwear. Lacey dove under the water, undid his belt, then came up for air with the belt in hand, tossing it out of the tub as well.

"You want to do the rest or should I?" she asked. Gold grabbed her and kissed her hard, and Lacey lifted up her legs and wrapped them around his back as the kiss continued.

"Not here," Gold said when they finally broke apart to take a breath. "I want to do this right."

"You're a missionary position guy, aren't you? I knew it. Don't worry – I have lots I can show you." Lacey stood up, completely naked, and stepped out of the tub. She picked up one of the towels that Gold had brought out and wrapped it around herself, then picked up her teacup and her pile of clothes.

"Hurry up – I'll be waiting," Lacey said with a playful lilt in her voice, and she flitted back into the cabin. Gold watched her with a dumbfounded look on his face.

A towel wrapped around his waist, Gold went straight into the kitchen when he returned inside. This was actually going to happen. There was no way he could dance around it any longer. He knew that Belle was innocent, a maiden, and that any memories of anything that Lacey had done of a sexual nature were false. He had no desire to tarnish her innocence, especially when she was not in her right mind to comply. Unfortunately, Lacey not only wanted her reputation tarnished, she wanted it bronzed and hanging on the wall.

He needed to protect Belle from everyone now – Regina, Sherman, Spencer, and anyone else. After she was drugged, he realized that it was no longer possible to do this if he kept pushing her away. He justified in his mind that this was right. Lacey had her own mind. He was forcing nothing on anyone. He needed to keep her close for her own safety. Perhaps when Belle awoke from the curse, she'd understand this. If she didn't – well, things would be no different than they were when they left the Enchanted Forest. Maybe it was better that way. She could certainly do better than a monster like him, and with her memories intact once again he had no doubt that she would do just that.

Gold stood in front of the refrigerator until he made a decision on what to prepare for dinner, then took several things out and set them on the counter. He spent nearly twenty minutes preparing a meal and once he put the main course in the oven, he took a deep breath and headed to the bedroom. Maybe she'd at least want to eat first. Perhaps the sight of him in nothing but a towel would be enough to put her off – as far as he was concerned, he was nothing to look at.

Gold certainly didn't expect to find Lacey sitting on the edge of the bed crying when he entered the room. She had put her underwear back on and her blouse, but nothing else. "Sweetheart, what's wrong?" Gold asked, and without hesitation he sat down next to her, doing his best to keep himself covered.

"I'm bleeding," Lacey whimpered.

"Bleeding? Are you hurt, did you fall?" he asked, very concerned.

"Not THAT kind of bleeding! When I came back in I went into the bathroom and – I wasn't really paying attention to the calendar, I forgot that I was -"

"Oh. That kind of bleeding," Gold said, trying to hide his sigh of relief. Thank goodness for the reproductive cycle, he thought to himself.

"I only have a handful of tampons in my purse, I didn't even think about bringing anything. We'll have to go back into town tomorrow to go to the store." Lacey put her head on his shoulder, and Gold put his arm around her.

"It's okay," he said softly.

"No it's not! I don't like doing anything when – well during that time, it's just a mess! I was really looking forward to this weekend."

"Sweetheart – there are plenty of other things we can do. Hey – I told you I wanted to get to know you better, right? We can cuddle all night, have some really nice talks – that won't be so bad, will it?" Lacey sniffled back her tears.

"I suppose not," she agreed. "I just thought things would be different this time. Why does it always have to be so complicated with us?"

"I'm sorry," Gold said.

"It's not your fault. THIS time." Gold chuckled a bit in response.

"I have dinner started. Why don't you finish getting dressed, I'll do the same and – we'll have a nice meal, then I'll get a fire going in the bedroom fireplace, and we can curl up and talk. That'll be nice, right?"

"I suppose," Lacey replied, and she gave him a kiss on the cheek. Gold breathed a sigh of relief when she stood up and went into the bathroom. He had been granted a reprieve from doing something that he knew would be good for neither of them – for now.

Snuggled in bed that evening, the only light flickering in the room coming from the fireplace, Gold in his silk pajamas and Lacey wearing what looked more like a slip than a nightgown, Lacey let out a loud sigh as she rested her head on Gold's chest.

"Feeling alright?" he asked.

"No cramps yet if that's what you're wondering. Tomorrow morning may be a different story."

"Let me know if there's anything I can do."

"Doubtful. It's part of the curse," Lacey said.

"The what?" Gold asked, not thinking.

"The curse we women have to endure every month."

"Oh yeah – that curse." They lay in silence for several minutes. "What do you like to do, Lacey?" he asked, finally disrupting the quietness.

"Well, what I wanted to do will have to wait, I suppose."

"I mean, what do you like to do in your spare time? What are your hobbies?"

"Don't really have any. I mean – unless you count shooting pool at the Rabbit Hole as a hobby."

"Haven't you ever had any interest in doing anything else?" Gold asked.

"Why?" Lacey asked, curious.

"I'm just trying to get to know you. Like I said I wanted to." Lacey thought about it for a moment.

"I guess I um – I'd like to see the world someday. Paris, London – wherever."

"Would you now?" Gold smiled to himself, remembering Belle's desire for the same in their land.

"It probably won't happen – I don't have that kind of money."

"Well – perhaps someday you shall get your wish."

"What about you? What do you like to do? I mean, besides make money and scare people away." Gold laughed a bit.

"What else is there?"

"So you don't have any hobbies either then?"

"Actually, yes I do. I like to spin."

"Spin? What's that?"

"Spinning wheel. Learned how to do it when I was just a lad – my aunties taught me." Lacey lifted up her head and gave him a puzzled look. "I have a spindle in my basement – when we get home I can show it to you."

"Maybe you are Rumpelstiltskin," Lacey mumbled, and she snuggled back into his chest.

"What?" Gold asked nervously.

"That book of Henry's – the mayor's son. Ruby was talking about it one time and we were trying to figure out if it were true, who you'd be. You had just told me your name was Rum, and there was the whole thing with Ashley's baby, so - I guessed Rumpelstiltskin."

"I see," Gold whispered.

"Oh, come on, it was supposed to be funny. Though it is kind of a coincidence, don't you think?"

"Indeed," Gold replied, not knowing what else to say. "So, um – who do you figure yourself to be?"

"I don't know. How about Jessica Rabbit?"

"That's not a fairy tale character," Gold reminded her.

"I don't care, I like her. Can't imagine who else I'd be."

"I think – you would be a noblewoman. A very beautiful noblewoman. One who was smart – and brave. And would do anything she could to protect those she cared about." Lacey let out a small laugh.

"Right. That sounds exactly like me." Lacey let out a yawn. "This is nice. Being with you like this."

"Yes it is," Gold agreed.

"I wish we could stay like this forever – well, minus the biological interruption."

"I do too, sweetheart. I do too." Gold pulled her even closer and gave her a kiss on the top of her head. Whether it was the curse weakening or his natural carnal desires getting the better of him, he thought for the first time that perhaps there was more to Belle's cursed persona than he was willing to see until now.

Lacey entered the kitchen the next morning to find Gold, still in his pajamas, busily preparing breakfast. "Smells good," she said. She walked up behind him and wrapped her arms around him. Gold turned around, cupped her chin in his hand, and kissed her on the forehead.

"How are you feeling this morning?" he asked.

"Okay. Better than I thought I'd be. So what's for breakfast?"

"Sausage. Eggs. Toast. Your standard fare. Coffee, of course."

"You know me so well," Lacey said, and she smiled at him as she pulled out of his arms and toward the coffeemaker.

"I thought we'd make that trip into town as soon as we've showered and dressed, and then -"

"Hey, we could do that! We could take a shower together, that'd be okay, right?" Lacey interrupted. Gold sighed nervously. He thought he had a brief reprieve from her voracious sexual appetite. No such luck. He mentally reminded himself that he could no longer justify pulling away from her if he wanted to keep her safe.

"I think that sounds wonderful," he agreed, mentally plotting out the ways in which he'd beg for Belle's forgiveness when the day that became a necessity arrived.

"I'm glad," Lacey said happily. She was just about to move in to kiss him again when the doorbell rang. "Who would be out here at this time in the morning?" Lacey asked. The person on the other side of the door started to pound on it.

"Gold! I know you're in there, open up or I'm breaking in!" the voice outside called to them. Gold recognized the voice immediately. Emma Swan. What the hell did she want? Gold sighed as he made his way to the door and opened it.

"Miss Swan. This is private property so unless you have a warrant I suggest that you be leaving," Gold said. Emma shoved her way past him, and looked Lacey, standing there in her skimpy nightgown, up and down.

"Sorry to interrupt your weekend, but – you're under arrest, Gold." Emma said.

"For what?" Lacey asked. "He's been here with me all night."

"Unfortunately for him this happened before last night – just took me a while to track him down," Emma said.

"And what, may I ask, did I supposedly do?" Gold asked.

"Assault with intent to kill – because I'm a nice person, I'll let you go change. Unless, of course, you WANT me to haul your ass down to the police station in your PJ's."

"And who, may I ask, did I attempt to murder? I believe I have a right to know that much."

"Keith Sherman," Emma said. Lacey looked up at Gold, stunned, and the coffee cup she was holding in her hand fell to the floor and shattered.

A/N: Yes, I did deliberately leave out some 'in-between' scenes. You'll find out about those next chapter!