This is my 2014 Ficathon Entry. It is going to be a pretty long, angsty story, but definitely Caskett. I refuse for anything but a happily ever after, though it won't be quick. Oh, and there won't be any amnesia or dreams involved! I hope you guys enjoy, stick around and get a chance to review!

"That's what the great love stories are all about, right, beating the odds?"

"Well maybe it is a sign. A sign that ours is a great love story. Cuz what's a great love story without obstacles to overcome. Every fairy tale has them. Terrible trials that only the worthy can transcend. But you can't give up. That's the deal. We want the happy ending... we can't give up."

Kate dropped the phone as she raced out of the room, oblivious to the stunned presence of Alexis, Lanie, and Martha. She had instantly gone numb to the world around her. Her heart shattered into an insurmountable number of jagged pieces that pierced every inch of her body and soul. The only thought she had was that she needed to get to him, she needed to be close to him. Her mind flooded with images of him, of his words, of her everything he meant to her.

The Rolls slowed as it approached the emergency vehicles that blocked the road. She realized she didn't even remember giving the driver directions or any of the ride.

Back in the room Lanie picked up the phone and listened in absolute terror to the details that had sent her friend running. Tears streaked down her face as she closed her eyes and offered a silent prayer for friends. Rocked with emotion, she clutched the armoire beside her for support before she turned to speak to his family.

"Lanie, what's wrong?" It's Alexis who asked.

"Your Dad's been in an accident, just a few minutes from here. An anonymous driver called it in. The police and fire department are already there, they've identified your father's car from its license plate. It's on fire, if he didn't get out there is no way he could have survived. They are searching the area as we speak. I'm so sorry, I'm so sorry."

Martha sat on the bed in stunned silence, tears streaked down her face. This was every mother's worse nightmare. She watched her granddaughter pace angrily across the room.

"It doesn't mean he's dead. This is my Dad we're talking about. He isn't dead." Alexis walked over to her grandmother. "Grams, he can't be dead. Not Dad, Grams." The Broadway Diva looked into her grand-daughters eyes and Alexis burst into tears, as her grandmother drew her close.

Lanie, pulled herself together, wiped her eyes and decided to take charge and make some important decisions. "I'm going to find the boys and Gates. We need to get to the scene; we can help. Kate's there by herself. She'll need us. I'm going to find Maddy and Jenny so they can tell the guests what's happened." Martha looked up and nodded her approval. Lanie ran out of the room. She tried to compose herself as she approached the beautiful wedding reception area that was to be the beginning of her best friends "happily ever after."

Ryan and Esposito were both still seating guests, when Lanie spotted them. Esposito nudged Ryan as Lanie approached, she was obviously upset.

"Lanie, what's wrong? Where is everyone?" Ryan asked as he impatiently looked over her shoulder for the rest of the wedding party.

"Castle's been in a terrible accident. We don't know..." She breaks down into tears again. "His car is burning. We don't know if he made it, Javi. Castle might be dead." She managed before the tears resumed and Espo wrapped his arms around her.

Lanie shuddered but, with a surprisingly strong voice, managed to say, "We need to get these people out of here. We need to get Jim, and Gates up into the room. Kate's gone, she took the Rolls to the accident scene alone. We need to get there. Someone get Maddy and Jenny to get the information out to the guests while we go help Kate. Tell them to call Gina at Black Pawn too. Discretion is of utmost importance here."

The Rolls skidded to a sudden stop in front of the multitude of emergency vehicles. Kate could smell the burning wreckage before she actually saw it. She opened the door, and was stunned by the intense heat that kept her rooted to her spot. After a stuttered breath she gathered up her dress and ran towards the smoke and debris

Her mother's beautiful dress, it had finally felt like a good omen that it had fit so perfectly.

She froze as she rounded one of the police cars and fixated on the car engulfed in flames at the bottom of the embankment. Her mind registered the raging inferno and everything stopped: her breath, her heart, she couldn't move. The smoke and heat stung her eyes. Flames had totally engulfed the Mercedes and she immediately recognized the Firefly decal on the back bumper. She turned quickly and stared into the back of the empty ambulance.

"No." The word escaped her lips on a breath as she took a good look at the wreckage again. She took a few tentative steps towards the car, and an officer grabbed her arm.

"Ma'am you can't go over there!" She shrugged his arm off, this time she tried to run forward. "Ma'am it's a potential crime scene you can't go over there, it's dangerous."

"Ms. Beckett." The use of her name startled her for a moment and she looked up into Chief Brady's sympathetic eyes. "We need to let the fire burn itself out. There's nothing we can do. Go back to the house, and we'll call you as soon as everything is under control here, and we have some information for you."

"You know I can't do that. I need to know if he's in there Chief Brady. This is our wedding day, I'm supposed to be married to him. I need to know." The Chief maneuvered to place himself between Kate and the car. His two officers blocked her escape routes On either side. She repeatedly pushed against the chief pleading, "Please, I just need to know. I need to know. Please."

"Behind her she heard the opening and closing of doors and approaching footsteps.

"Katie," her father's called out to her and in that moment she's totally was consumed by every emotion that had been threatening to overtake her. Her body shook with uncontrolled fear as she took another run at the car. This time it was Esposito' arms that wrapped firmly around her, and pulled her back. "I won't let you do that, Kate. Kick and scream all you want. I won't let you go."

For an instant her mind traveled to the time Castle had said those exact words as he carried her out of the airport hangar. That time she had left behind her Captain, this time she would be leaving Castle behind. No!

"Please Espo? I can't leave him." The pain in her voice tore through them. She struggled in vain against Espo's stronger grip.

Her father joined the effort to hold her back when he begged, "Katie, please?"

"No, no please no! It can't happen again, Daddy. I need him! Please let me go! I don't want to be without him!" In that moment she was the 19 year old daughter, who tried so hard bury all the pain and grief of her mother's murder. Desolation flowed over her when she realized there was no place deep enough for her to bury the amount of pain and devastation coursing through her now. It swallowed her whole.

It's her fathers arms that kept her from falling. Personally knowing the excruciating pain she's endured, he rocked her in an attempt to soothe her like he did when she was young. "Dad I love him! I never told him enough. I deserve to be there not him! Oh God, please! Why did I ever think I deserved him?"

Behind them the rest of their non-traditional family stood watching one of the strongest people, they would ever know, fall apart. Lanie turned into Esposito's arms and sobbed openly. There wasn't a dry eye among them as their hearts broke for the couple.

Alexis ran from her grandmother's arms and carefully approached Kate and Jim. She tentatively wrapped her arms around Kate's waist.

Kate looked down, mascara running down her face, blotchy eyes, tears streaked across her cheeks and draws the young woman to her.

"I'm sorry Alexis, I'm so sorry. It should have been me. I'm so sorry!" Her words are weak and mumbled now. All strength and confidence having completely abandoned her.

"Don't say that Kate. This isn't your fault. Please, don't give up hope." She begged her. "Dad wouldn't want you to. I need you to be positive, for me," She placed her head on Alexis' and drew the girl closer.

"I love you father, Alexis. I've never loved anyone like I love him."

Kate refused to leave the scene until the fire had been extinguished. They stayed with her wanting to see for themselves if there had been a body in the drivers seat. When the fire had been extinguished Gates, Ryan and Espo followed CSU down to the car and looked inside. They apparently saw evidence of human remains in the front seat. Their bodies cringe back from the car, then Ryan turned toward her, the tears in his eyes washed away her last hope. That's when the threatening blackness crept over her heart and soul and swallowed her whole.

Thankfully her father caught her before she hit the ground. Espo carried her to the car. On the way back to the house Martha and Alexis sat on either side of her. Kate's head cradled gently against Martha's shoulder and her hand tightly clenched in Alexis'.

This will have weekly updates, with longer chapters (hopefully). Thanks again for reading :) Follow me on Twitter glo1196 - /strongstrongTumblr: MyCastleObsession and on Pintrest glo11962 where I have a Castle board!