A/N: I do NOT own Inuyasha, or anything associated with it, sadly. Please Read and REVIEW! THANKS :-)

Chapter 1: Whataya want from me

*Bzzzzt* *Bzzzzt* *Bzzzzt*

Kagome groaned in annoyance. Her phone had been vibrating on and off all morning on her bedside table. Just as she would begin to fall asleep again the insufferable noise would sound, waking her once more. She didn't want to answer, she knew exactly who was calling without even needing to look at the caller ID on her cellphone. Her head throbbed, her body ached and she didn't even want to know the state her poor feet were in. The last time she felt this physically abused had been during the feudal era, which was many years ago. Her body wasn't used to that much exersion being placed on it anymore. Settling farther into her covers, she attempted to get more sleep. All she wanted to do for the rest of the day was sleep and allow her body to recover from the torment she had put it through the night before.

*Bzzzzt* *Bzzzzt* *Bzzzzt* came a few moments after she got comfortable.

Reaching over, she snatched the offending object off the nightstand, "Whataya want from me?" She groaned.

A/N: Most chapters will be 200 words each.