Author's Note: Just to let you all know this has nothing to do with my other Agents of SHIELD story 'Of Cupcakes and Gunshots'.

This story is set after the season finale.

The title comes from the song 'Bones' my MS MR. The story really has nothing to do with the song but I really like the words and they seem to fit the story.

I know there is going to be a lot of Grant Ward redemption stories out that now that the season final has aired, but I really wanted to get my thoughts down.

Please favourite, follow and review, the more people that I know like it the more work I will put into getting a new chapter up.

I don't own agents of SHIELD, otherwise Ward wouldn't be evil in the first place.

Broken Dreams and Silent Screams

Chapter 1 – A Girl Named Skye

In his dreams Grant Ward is happy. There is no HYDRA, just him and a girl named Skye. But reality is different, all anyone ever asks him about is HYDRA and the girl named Skye is nowhere to be seen.

The first time he wakes from these dreams Grant Ward is handcuffed to a bed, a nurse is adjusting an IV drip that is attached to his arm. Ward tries to ask her where he is, only no sound comes out. The nurse leaves without even looking at him and Grant Ward is alone.

The next time Grant Ward wakes up the nurse is back. She rests one hand on his bed rail as she adjusts a monitor. Ward acts immediately, he doesn't grab her hand, only grazes her hand with his fingers, being handcuffed to the railing has limited his movements, that's about all he can manage. The nurse jumps at the contact. Ward tries to speak but once again no sound comes out. The nurse actually looks at him with pity, she then looks in the corner and for the first time Ward sees the camera. The nurse goes back to her work, however she slowly turns so that her back is to the camera and she is facing Ward. Again Ward sees pity in her eyes, "I'm sorry," She said, "Whatever stuck you in the throat may have done some serious damage." Her eyes flick behind her for a second, paranoid that someone will interrupt her, "It may be permanent."

With those words she leaves. Again Grant Ward is alone, only this time it is with the knowledge that he may never speak again. Ward briefly wonders about his foot but it doesn't really matter, in terms of flesh wounds, Grand Ward has had worse, he'll stand again, he'll walk again. He always does.

The third time Grant Ward wakes, he desperately wants the dreams to be real. He wants to live in a world without the memories of his childhood, a world where the one thing he ever wanted wants him back. This time there is no nurse checking on him. Ward briefly wonders where he is, probably in the deepest, darkest corner of the Fridge. Then he remembers that the Fridge is gone, he helped bring it down. He wonders where they would put someone like him now that the Fridge is gone. He's too dangerous for general population and he shouldn't rate a military prison, military prisons don't allow torture and Coulson had promised him hell. What Coulson doesn't know is that Ward has already been to hell and John Garrett was the one that pulled him out.

For the first time Ward takes in his surroundings, the room he is in is all white, besides the bed and the heart monitor beeping next to him the room is empty. At it is clean and all that Ward can think is that he has been in worse situations, both as Grant Ward and as an undercover operative, he remembers a particularly bad cell in Russia and almost smiles at the memory. That was a simpler time, when he could be both HYDRA and SHIELD at the same time, when Garrett's interest didn't contradict SHIELD's orders. But SHIELD was gone now, so was Garrett, there were no more orders to follow. Grant Ward had followed orders his entire life, first his father, then his brother and eventually Garrett, for the first time in his life Ward wasn't dancing to someone else's tune and that thought alone terrified him. He didn't know what to do without being ordered to do it. Ward wondered if the next time he woke, if he would be alone. Ward found that he liked the solitude, it gave him time to think. Grant Ward hadn't been alone with his own thoughts in a very long time.

The final time Grant Ward woke from the dreams he knew that he had to stop. There is no point dwelling on things you cannot change. He was a monster, one made by a man named Garrett but a monster none the less. After he learned the truth about Skye he had dreamt of being a monster with her, two monsters side by side, but the truth was he didn't want her to be a monster, that wasn't the girl he fell in love with, he wasn't sure he could love a monster, And if he couldn't love a monster, why should she.

The next time Grant Ward woke up he hadn't dreamt of a life with Skye, he doubted he ever would again. He didn't deserve a life with her, he didn't deserve a life at all.

It took Ward awhile to realize he was no longer handcuffed to the bed, he wasn't even in the same room. Sitting up he looked around his new accommodations. They were very similar to his old ones, only there was no heart monitor, the bed was smaller, uncomfortable even and there was a stack of paper and pencil sitting next to the bed. On top of the paper was a note:

Tell us everything about HYDRA's operations

and we can talk about your freedom.

Ward recognized the hand writing, he just wasn't sure from where. Ward may have been many things; a traitor, a solider, and a weak minded patsy but he wasn't a complete idiot, he knew he would never be free. No matter how much information he gave on HYDRA he would never be a free man, but he could bargain for other things. Grant Ward owed no loyalty to HYDRA, he had only ever been loyal to Garrett and now Garrett was gone. Ward started writing, all in the hope of seeing a girl named Skye.