Author's Note: Sorry this chapter took so long, but school got the better half of me.

Thank you to: guardianofdragonlore, Michelle daughter of Hermes, teamleo4, percabeth-pothena, Neptune's daughter, Lordvader59, SetFireToTheRainbow, Zammie-Percabeth-Slythindork, StellaHunterOfArtemis, and AncientTide for reviewing!

Disclaimer: Uncle Rick owns Percy Jackson.

Sometimes, Apollo really, really hated mortals. Other times, he really, really, really hated Demigods. This was one of those times. It was bad enough that they thought he would be the Gay God, but it was even worse than that stupid son of Hermes had dressed up as him for Halloween, as Apollo, the God of Homosexuals. How dare him! Apollo was the almighty god of the sun, poetry, archery, medicine, music, not homosexuals! Before Dionysus had told them all what their favorite children had said about them, (not that they or any of their other children needed to know that), Apollo was only a little laughed at, mostly because of the time he sang "Peacock" in front of Hera and she dropped an enchanted cow on him; but now every minor and major god and goddess made fun of him. Mainly it was Ares and Hermes, but everyone else would throw little comments at him. It was horrible.

They were going to pay. Apollo was sure of that much, and he knew exactly how he would make them suffer, all thirteen of them. Oh they were going to be sorry, so very sorry.

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Connor and Travis Stoll were in the midst of yet another prank. They were quite proud of their own ingenious ways. They had acquired a rather large mechanical spider from the reject bin in Hephaestus' cabin next store. The spider wasn't perfect, but it was perfect enough for their needs. It was originally bronze, cold, and robotic looking, but when the Stolls were done with it the spider looked extremely realistic, much to their pleasure. It was now black with fur all over the body and the legs were now very hairy.

Lights were scheduled to go out at ten-thirty, so they had approximately twenty minutes before the Harpies would be on patrol. Connor and Travis crept through the darkness towards Cabin Six. The lights were still on; silhouettes could be seen moving behind the closed curtains. This was it. Connor threw Travis the remote. Travis gave his younger brother the thumbs up and slunk into the shadows underneath one of the windows. Connor set the fake spider down on the doormat, knocked twice on the door, and then bolted into the shadows, waiting for the madness to begin.

A girl with short blonde hair opened the door and looked around.

"Hello? Anyone here?" she called. Travis activated the spider, making it crawl through her legs and into the cabin. The girl didn't notice and shut the door. Travis risked peeking through the window to see where he was leading his spider. Connor did too so he could see it all go down.

It took no longer than a minute for someone to see the spider, scream, and cause complete chaos. The four or five girls in the cabin started shrieking at the top of their lungs, jumping onto bunks and chairs. One even hopped onto a desk with a computer. Annabeth was one of the girls screaming, but she was at least trying to do something about the insect. Knife in hand, she threw it at the spider, only missing because Travis navigated it out of harm's way at the last second. Malcolm, the only guy who stayed year around in Athena Cabin, tried trapping it several times, but it was no good. Travis was too fast for him.

Connor was no longer watching what was happening inside because he was too busy lying on the ground laughing. No one could hear him over Cabin Six's screaming. Demeter's cabin's lights flicked back on. A boy poked his head out the window and yelled for them to shut up and go to bed. To Connor's huge misfortune, the Demeter boy saw him because of the light from their cabin flooding across the ground, or at least guessed it was Connor. He jumped up as Katie Gardner stormed out of the cabin in her pajamas looking livid.

"Stolls!" she shouted. She was just upon Connor when Travis shouted,

"Abandon ship! Every prankster for himself!" He tore off as Annabeth lunged out the window and attempted to tackle him. Somehow Travis slipped through her grip and ran back to Hermes Cabin. Connor wasn't as lucky. Katie tackled Connor to the ground, pinning him tightly against the grass.

"I got him, Annabeth!" Katie called.

"Traitor," Connor mumbled as Annabeth ran over, her eyes full of fury.

"Spawn of Tartarus," Katie shot back. She rolled off him just so Annabeth could yank him up.

"I'm going to murder you!" she snarled into his face. Before she could do more than threaten him, the wind picked up. It howled loudly, growing stronger and quicker. Katie and Annabeth's hair whipped back behind them, snapping like flags in a storm. Annabeth let Connor go, looking around. The only source of light, besides the two lit cabins, was not the moon, but a golden, cloud-like object in the sky. It was puffy and glowed faintly, a soft thumping noise coming from it. Annabeth and Katie exchanged concerned looks.

"What is that thing?" Connor wondered aloud. Before either girl could reply, the cloud shattered, gold streaks falling down from the sky. Three gold streaks were heading right for them. None of them could move fast enough to avoid getting hit. A paint-like substance splattered their fronts and soaked into their clothes, disappearing. Annabeth looked like she'd seen a ghost.

"Well...that was interesting," Connor commented absently. Neither girl spoke as they went back to their cabins and went to bed; Connor quickly followed suit. Little did any of them know that they weren't the only ones who had been hit.

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The next morning, screams could be heard from the Big House all the way to the Lava Wall. People were running out of their cabins in their pajamas with weapons in hand, thinking the camp was under attack. Many looked around in confusion seeing as there weren't any monsters about. A majority of the screams were coming from the bathrooms. Chiron was on the scene within minutes.

"What is going on?" he demanded. Silena stepped out of the girls bathroom, her face a mixture of horror and amusement.

"Someone pranked a few of the girls," she said, the corners of her mouth twitching.

"What kind of a prank?"

"I'M A FREAKING DUDE!" Clarisse yelled. Chiron's eyes widen.

"Wh-what happened?" he stuttered. Willow walked out, eyes just as big as Chiron's.

"Someone turned Annabeth, Clarisse, and Katie into guys," she stated calmly. "Seriously. Not just cutting their hair, they...they're literally guys." Silena nodded, confirming what Willow had said.

"They're...males...?" Silena and Willow nodded. "Oh dear mother of Zeus," Chiron mumbled, his hand resting over his face. "Please send them and anyone else who has been...pranked to the Big House at once." They nodded again and Chiron trotted back to the large baby blue house. He was in for a rough morning.

Meanwhile, similar things were being discovered in the gods' cabins.

Travis woke when he heard the screaming, but since no one was banging on the cabin door, he ignored it. He slowly got up and climbed down the ladder to the floor to get dressed for breakfast. He was ruffling through his trunk when Connor woke up. Travis glanced at him and started to say 'good morning' when he let out this mangled gasp. Connor looked at him, confused.

"What's up with you?" he asked as he swung his legs over the edge and stood up.

"D-dude!" Travis choked out.

"What?" Connor made to pull off his shirt. He reached down for the hem of it, but it wasn't there. He looked down. His shirt hardly covered his abdomen. Had his shirt shrunk in the night? To his horror, he realized why the shirt didn't fit.

"Oh my gods!" he shouted. Everyone in the cabin turned to stare at him. "I'm a girl!" His half siblings snorted with laughter. Connor's face turned bright red. Running over to a mirror, he saw that his skin wasn't as rough, his lips were fuller, and his hair was down to his shoulders.

"What do I do?!" Connor asked Travis in a panicked-stricken voice.

"I don't know! Last time I checked dudes don't turn into chicks overnight!"

"I got that! Now what do I do?!"

"Hey, idiots, go to Chiron!" A majority of the cabin turned to see Willow in the window, looking at the Stolls. "If you were turned into a female, go to the Big House. That's where Chiron wants everyone." Connor's face went bright red as he turned to look at Willow. Unable to speak, Connor simply nodded at her. Willow walked off the porch and out of sight,

"Tough break there, Connor," Travis mumbled.

"It's bad enough that I'm suddenly a girl," he moaned; "but to top it off, Willow saw me as such."

"It could be worse," Travis said half-heartedly. Connor glared at him as he pulled several articles of clothing from his trunk and stormed towards the changing room.

"That is the biggest load of BS ever, Trav!" he shouted, slamming the door.

"Geez, he's been a girl for less than ten minutes and he's already PMSing," Melissa muttered to her siblings. Travis was not amused.

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Waiting at the Big House for Connor was Chiron, Annabeth, Clarisse, Katie, Beckendorf, and Grover. He marched up the steps, opened the door. His ears were filled with Clarisse's yells. He caught the tail end of one of her sentences.

"-stupid Stolls pranking again!" she declared loudly, slamming her fist onto the coffee table.

"It was not my fault," Connor stated coldly. Everyone turned, jaws dropping.

"Oh gods, if it wasn't the Stolls, who was it?" Annabeth asked the room at large. No one answered her because none of them knew who had done it.

"I cannot say how this happened, but the unfortunate thing is, I don't know how to switch you all back," Chiron said simply and sadly.

"Excuse me?!" Beckendorf asked, his voice near panic. "You're saying we're stuck like this? Forever?!" Everyone's eyes widen and the shouting match started all over again. Clarisse and Beckendorf were shouting over Katie, Annabeth, and Connor. Grover just sat in a chair gnawing on the arm of said chair. Chiron tried several times to calm them down, but he couldn't make himself louder than Clarisse.

The screaming had drawn the attention of many other campers. For instance, Percy's incredibly short attention span had been captured as he wandered up the steps and into the Big House. At the sight of the new arrival, everyone went silent. Percy blinked once, then twice.

"Have I officially lost my mind or is my best friend a girl?" Percy asked loudly. Grover bleated indignantly, finishing off the arm of the chair with one swift bite.

"It appears several campers have, err, switched genders," Chiron said quietly. By the looks of it, it took all of Percy's self-control to not burst into a fit of laughter. Annabeth glowered at him, her face contorted with anger.

"If you dare laugh Jackson, I will slice you into a thousand slimy pieces of seaweed brain!" she threatened. This made Percy smile so hard it looked like his entire face hurt.

"I'm not laughing, Annabeth," but everything about him suggested otherwise.

"Chiron, why can't you fix us?!" Annabeth snapped fiercely, her head snapping to face him. Chiron took a nervous step back.

"This magic that has been cast onto you six is very powerful," he said quietly.

"Just how powerful?" asked Katie.

"I am thinking that this was the work of a god." The six demigods turned at looked at one another. What god would put time and effort into changing their sexuality?

"Who would have done this?" Beckendorf asked aloud. Everyone was thinking. It was Connor who had an answer.

"What god do you think we offended when we dressed up for Halloween a few weeks ago?" Annabeth looked at him, confused.

"They were all good with it. They said so."

"What if they lied?" Percy interjected. "It wouldn't be the first time." Thunder rolled warningly outside. Grover shrunk away from the window.

"I think we infuriated Apollo guys by calling him the God of Homosexuals," Katie announced. Connor nodded in agreement.

"That's what I was thinking." Annabeth's eyes brighten with understanding.

"And he switched some of us so we would have to walk in the opposite gender's shoes."

"That sounds painful," both Percy and Beckendorf decided.

"I don't care what god did this. Someone is gonna fix me!" Clarisse snarled.

"Chill, Clarisse. I simply love being a chick. Didn't you?" Connor replied sardonically. Hate burned in her eyes as she looked at him.

"I'm sure if you just talk to Apollo, he'll right you," Percy pointed out. Annabeth sighed.

"Does that mean we have to go to Olympus, like this, and ask to be changed back?" Beckendorf murmured, sounding defeated.

"Sounds like it," Katie answered.

"This is all your fault, Stoll," Clarisse snapped.

"My fault? How is this my fault?"

"If you hadn't been him for Halloween, he wouldn't have changed us into chicks and dudes!" she shouted. Connor glared at her.

"You're just as much to blame!"

Their words mixed and blurred into yelling. Chiron stepped between them.

"Enough! The six of you will go to Olympus and ask to be righted by Lord Apollo. Argus will drive you into the city in the van." Percy grinned.

"Good luck, you're going to need it," he said before exiting the Big House.

The six of them exchanged looks. They could only guess how badly this trip to Mt. Olympus was going to be.

Author's Note: Just a 'letcha know' kinda thing: I'll be traveling the states for most of October, so there may not be an update for a while (but there will be another chapter!) Apologies, everyone. Willow is my OC, FYI.

If you enjoyed this, please review!
