Disclaimer: I don't own Harry Potter or anything from the series.

Removing Dudley From the Equation – Year 4

Chapter 1: The Quidditch World Cup

Sirius Black was currently visiting the home of his godson's adoptive parents to tell them the good news regarding the Quidditch World Cup. "So, after I told that idiot Fudge I wouldn't bring Prongslet to watch the tournament unless I deemed the safety measures, he quickly agreed to have more Aurors stationed."

"Thank God." Petunia commented. "Or Merlin as people who grew up in the Wizarding World like you usually says."

"Indeed, Petunia." Sirius replied. "The last thing Quidditch needs is Royston Idlewind trying to reinstate the wand ban."

That commented triggered Vernon's curiosity. "Excuse me, Sirius. Who's Royston Idlewind and what's this wand ban you speak of?"

"Royston Idlewind is a former Quidditch player who was part of Australia's World Cup-winning team in 1966." Sirius explained. "In 1971, the International Confederation of Wizards' Quidditch Committee or ICWQC for short named Idlewind their International Director. Idlewind, probably influenced by the jinxes he suffered as a Chaser, imposed several restrictions that made him more hated by Quidditch fans than he already was. One of those restrictions was banning anyone other than ICWQC officials from carrying wands. Several people threatened to boycott the 1974 Quidditch World Cup in protest but empty stands were Idlewind's secret desire so the boycott backfired. That cup was also known by the rise of a new musical instrument known as 'Dissimulator'. When Syria and Madagascar played against each other during the finals, the place was full of fans that brought up their Dissimulators. When Idlewind showed up at the box for dignitaries and high-ranked officials, the Dissimulators loudly gave raspberry sounds and were revealed to be wands in disguise. Unable to withstand this humiliation, Idlewind immediately resigned to the delight of all fans even those of the losing team Madagascar."

"The wand ban doesn't seem to be a bad idea with the World Cup being held in a nation with Death Eaters at large." Petunia commented to Sirius' horror.

"Petunia, you probably won't understand this being a muggle, but a wand is like a wizard's extra arm." Sirius argued. "You can't ask people to leave their arms at home."

"We have no time for heated arguments." Vernon interrupted. "We don't want to miss the finals, do we?"

"Right you are, Vernon." Sirius replied. "We must meet the Weasleys at the Burrow on time. Is everybody ready?"

"We sure are." Vernon gladly answered as he, Petunia and Harry got their camping gear. He then turned off his electric fireplace. "An electric fireplace instead of a traditional one?" Sirius asked. "Doesn't it make things difficult for floo travel?"

"We see no point in worrying over that." Vernon explained. "Connecting muggle fireplaces to the floo is illegal anyway."

"I'm sure the Ministry will gladly open an exception to the Boy-Who-Lived's home." Sirius stated.

"What if some wizard uses the floo to call us while we're entertaining muggle guests who aren't allowed to know about the Wizarding World?" Vernon asked and Sirius finally understood it'd be a bad idea after all. The four of them went outside, where Sirius used his wand to make a signal for a magical bus known as the Knight Bus. In order to enable Vernon and Petunia to see it, Harry held Petunia's hand while she held Vernon's. Harry and his parents learned that, despite the fact the fare system being similar to those of muggle buses, the Knight Bus offered a more cab-like transportation system since the driver could take the passengers anywhere in England they wanted. (Vernon assumed border laws were the only thing preventing the driver from taking passengers outside England) After their first Knight Bus ride, Harry and the Dursleys also assumed the Wizarding World had no laws against reckless driving.

The Knight Bus quickly left them at the Burrow. "Remind me to never use that stupid thing again." Vernon asked. "I thought I'd lose my dinner." After that comment, the four of them knocked at the Weasleys' door. "Welcome, friends." Arthur Weasley greeted his guests. He and Molly then introduced their two eldest sons Bill and Charlie to Harry, Sirius and the Dursleys. Knowing Bill worked at a bank, Harry and his parents were shocked at his attire. Molly noticed that. "I see you're wondering about Bill's looks." She commented. "I'm afraid he doesn't care about what his bosses think of his long hair and that earring."

"Mum, the goblins don't care for as long as I bring treasure." Bill argued.

"I can understand result-oriented bosses." Vernon commented and then the Weasleys (minus Bill, Charlie and Percy), Harry, Sirius and the Dursleys started walking towards the point where they're supposed to take a portkey to the place where the finals will take place. Harry then started a conversation. "Mr. Weasley, why aren't Bill, Charlie and Percy coming with us?"

"They already have licenses to apparate, Harry." He explained. "They can catch up with us later."

"We would have done the same but someone must keep an eye on the other kids." Mrs. Weasley added. "Especially the twins. By the way, Accio!" Several things came out from Fred's and George's pockets. "Still trying to waste time with that ridiculous dream?"

"Dream?" Harry asked in confusion.

"They want to open a joke shop, Harry." Ron explained. "They spent most of this summer working on their products and just need the money to set a place."

"Perhaps a Marauder would be welcome as an investor." Sirius suggested but considered taking it back once he noticed Mrs. Weasley glaring at him. They eventually arrived at a spot where they were instructed to grab an old shoe. It then took them away from the spot and sent them to the land where the game would take place.

End chapter.