Oh my gosh guys, I finished my first fanfiction...I even said goodbye in a way to the characters in this story. Hope you love the last chapter :)

I opened my eyes to hear the caw of a seagull by the boats. The sun was high and that told me we had survived the night. I looked over at Ciel to see he was still asleep, his head burrowed into the green of my jacket, hiding his right eye amongst the faux fur trim. I smiled before I stood and dusted myself down; removing any signs of the night I had just gotten through. That cat had probably ended up saving us when I considered it logically, even if my hand stung from the scratches it had thought to grace me with.

Though, the young master and I faced a new problem this morning: we needed food. We could hardly go to London, stop the true Doomsday, kill the Queen and her damned angel on empty stomachs. It was unthinkable. But I had something up my sleeve (other than my bracelet), I had gained some…less than legal skills while I had worked for Berrymore and some of those had helped me get through my bean cake diet. To hide the young earl while I sourced our breakfast, I covered Ciel further in an old tarp before I ran down to the docks.

My feet ached as I looked around for two things: a boat to take us home and food. The latter would be the easiest as I had light fingers. I took a chance to view my surroundings as a light sea breeze pulled at my knotted hair. I walked with my head down as I followed the docks. There were a few shops and stalls along the platform but one in particular caught my eye. It was a shop, and the owner was putting fresh bread rolls out for the sailors to see. My stomach clenched uncomfortably as I walked forward, my hair hiding my face as I went to the shop.

The thing about stealing is not getting caught. You have to be quick when you steal, and make sure it's something the owner won't notice quickly. That being the case, the rolls smelled really nice so I lifted two small bread rolls which I hid in my dress while the shop owner wasn't looking. I then spotted a small basket in passing and grabbed an apple, knowing the sugar would help us stay awake a little longer. I stowed that in my dress pockets as well and walked on, making sure the shop owner was distracted. It wouldn't help Ciel if I was caught stealing in France with no money to my name.

With food sorted so Ciel could wake up to breakfast, it was then time to locate the boat. A few were small pleasure boats but one stood out for me. It had a beautiful blue body that I had marvelled as a child. One I had never seen up close but in drawings and then photos when my uncle had enough money to do that.

"Destiny," I said in awe as I recognised my uncle's boat.

I walked closer to see the boat and the platform that people were loading. No one would know who I was, and there was no way for me to prove I was Frank Hamilton's niece so I looked around the base of the boat before I found the captain. He was a greying man with bright eyes, with a slight cough as well as I moved closer. I looked like a pauper so my awe could be realistic as I touched the hull with my dirty hands.

"She's a beauty," I said as I stood beside him, "does she have a name?"

"Destiny, miss," he said as he touched the rim of his cap.

"Where are you going?"

"London," he said with a chuckle, "the delivery won't make itself, you know."

"Sorry, silly me," I said as I ducked my head, "when are you departing?"

"In two hours," he said as he looked over the waters, "it should be a smooth trip."

"Well, I'll wish you God's speed," I said softly, "and pray you and your crew make it in one piece."

"Thank you miss," and I ran away.

Destiny was going to bring us home. Uncle had told me about Destiny before now and had said she was a transport boat. On occasion it was used for goods and passengers who sought London or other countries. I had only ever seen a picture of Destiny as a child so to be able to say, "Uncle, I took a trip on Destiny…" it would be a dream. Sebastian's vow flowed through my head and I knew; this is what he meant. I needed to make sure Ciel got to London safely and at all costs. Whether the demon had thought we'd have money was a different thing entirely as I spotted the cat from last night. It was hunting a mouse that had gotten close to one of the crates. I bent down and put my hand out to it. The cat nosed my hand before pawing at my pockets.

"Sorry kitty," I whispered, "nothing for you today. This is for me and my master."

The cat meowed before it gave up and went back to its hunt. It jumped into one of the crates after a mouse but no sooner was it out of sight that someone locked the box and put it on board Destiny. I guess the cat was going to join us on our trip. However, when I noticed the anchor, our entrance was going to be harder than simply climbing into a box. Ours was going to be cold as I ran to Ciel. The shop owner was looking at his wares with mild interest when I went by, he was wondering if "another damn seagull stole me apples." If only he knew his thief was running behind him, trying to get to her young master before the boy woke up.

I took my right and ran down the alley Ciel had used to follow the cat last night. I passed the stupid hotel that we had nearly used and found myself looking at an undistinguishable bundle by one of the crates. Not one hair on the young master's head was visible as I inched closer. I uncovered him and dusted down his clothes gently before bending down to shake him awake. This wouldn't be like his normal wake up calls so I didn't mind doing this. He opened his eyes slowly, a look of confusion there before he remembered where he was, how he had gotten there and who was with him. He rubbed his eyes before he looked to me.

"Elena?" he asked as he sat up, "where are we?"

"By the docks," I said softly, "come on."

I put one arm under him and got him up before sitting him on my crate. It was longer than I had realised so I sat down myself. I put my hands in my pocket and pulled out the bread rolls and handed him one. It was flaking and my pockets would be full of the remains, but if it was a meal to get us to England, beggars couldn't really be choosers. He looked at it curiously before looking me over as if wondering if I had somehow had money on my person before we had left the hotel.

"Did you have money?" he asked.

"No," I replied as I bit into the roll, "so savour it. It might be the last meal I can lift until we can get back to London."

"You lifted this?" he asked.

"We are hungry," I explained, "we won't survive very long on a boat without food. So please sir, eat up. I got us an apple to share because he only had four of those. He had fifty rolls so he wouldn't notice their disappearance as quickly as the apple."

"You lifted this," he said as he lifted the roll.

"You learn quickly to survive Houndsworth," I replied around another bite, "bean cakes are one thing but you need other meals, so stealing became common place for me. I knew the best places to steal from, though I tried to avoid stealing unless I was desperate. Stealing was punishable by death at the hands, or paws, of the Demon Hound."

Ciel bit into the roll and moaned when the food hit his stomach. He was hungrier than he had let on but I didn't comment on it. We had food now to get us on our trip but after that…I didn't want to think about it just now. We ate in silence before I wiped the apple and took a bite. It was sweet and nice to swallow as I held it out to him and he bit into it as well. He didn't seem to care he was sharing it with a servant, and that told me how hungry he was. We shared it like that until it was gone. I threw it behind the crates knowing the mice and shrews would get what was left. I wiped my hands on my skirt before I wiped my mouth. I used my skirt to wipe some of the apple juice off Ciel's hands as well who watched me curiously.

"Have you done this before?" he asked and I nodded.

"After my parents died, I didn't have anything to my name. My pay was split between the rent that Berrymore wanted and food, which was of dubious quality. So stealing an apple or bread wasn't uncommon for me, but like I said before. Had I been caught, I'd be dead now. So what next?"

"London," Ciel said with a sigh, "But I don't know how we'll manage to get home without money."

"That's where I come in again," I said simply, "Destiny is here for collection. They are doing a crate/passenger job today so we can sneak on board."

"Sneak on board?" he asked and I nodded.

"Have you never lived on the dark side before?" I asked and he shook his head.

"What is Destiny?" he asked as I sighed, "How are we supposed to get on board without tickets?"

"Destiny is one of my uncle's boats from years ago. Also, Uncle told me the layout of Destiny when he had her first bought. There is a small space for the anchor to settle and that goes into a holding pit. It's watertight but there is a door that leads to the cargo. This door will seal to contain any water that gets on board from the anchor so we can get in through there. We can hide by the cargo until then, and then make our way up to the surface."

"You are quite evil," Ciel said with a smile, "I doubt anyone else would know any of this."

"Glad to be of assistance," I said, a smile creeping across my face as I heard a fog horn, "but we have to go now. When they finish the cargo, and the passengers are aboard, they will leave."

Ciel followed me as I led the way back to the boat. There was a big crowd around the boat and luggage was being put on first. I spotted my pink luggage case and then the young master's blue one. They would go to the manor or my uncle's. We'd have fresh clothes, I thought with a smile as I caught Ciel's hand tight. The passengers were getting on board now, and there was a small gap to where the anchor was. That was in case anyone fell in. The space for the anchor had to be clear in case a problem occurred but also, the anchor was a sheltered spot so no one would notice two people sneak aboard. The problem with Destiny was the anchor was closer to the body's edge that dipped into the water with each wave. So Ciel and I would have to go for a small swim. I told him as much as I walked to the edge of the other side of the dock.

"We can't join the crowds," I said as I pulled him to another dock and sat down, "people will notice two well-dressed paupers."

"Paupers?" he snapped when I looked back up at him.

"You're covered in dirt from our hike yesterday; your clothes are askew as are mine so yes, right now we're paupers. The people boarding Destiny are not wealthy but have enough to use her. They'll remember us and tell the captain before we get into the anchor room."

"So what do you suggest?" he asked sarcastically.

"A swim," I answered simply as I undid the ribbon around my waist, "you can swim right?"

"Swim?" he asked and I nodded.

"Can you swim?" I repeated and he shrugged, "this is going to be harder than I had originally planned. But we'll work with what we've got. Destiny has our luggage on board so we can get into clean clothes afterward."

"You're certain?" he asked as I pointed to one crew member, cursing under the weight of one of Ciel's bags.

"Yeah, I'm sure," I answered as Ciel looked over.

"Oh," he said, "when do we start?"

"Now," I replied as I dropped into the murky water below.

The water wrapped around me like a cold blanket, my eyes open. Light didn't get down far enough for me to make out anything at a distance but what was below me…I was glad I hadn't grab more than necessary on the food front. I would have been ill at the sight of…stuff below. I lifted my head and swam up as I heard a worried, "Elena?" being called by Ciel.

"Yes?" I asked as I slicked back my hair, "is something wrong?"

"You were down there a while," he answered as he sat where I had been.

"Getting my bearings," I replied as I paddled, "drop in. My skirts will start getting heavier soon."

"It's safe?" he asked and I shrugged.

"I don't suggest you look down," I replied as he took a deep breath and dropped.

The water covered him as I ducked under and pulled his hand up. He blinked away dirt that had gotten in his eyes. I tied my ribbon around his wrist and he looked at it.

"So we stay together and get onto Destiny together," I said with a smile.

He nodded and I pulled us along but when we were under one dock away from Destiny, we had to swim deeper. I grabbed his hand to hold him closer before he watched me, his eyes looking bloodshot.

"Take a deep breath and hold it," I instructed and he did that as I ducked under.

I swam towards the boat, glad the anchor was almost completely submerged by now. I pushed Ciel through the gap first and then followed before I heard a gasp for air. I lifted my head up and did the same as I caught Ciel's arms to make sure he was alright.

"Sir?" I coughed and he nodded, "we have to keep moving."

I stood up slowly before looking around the partially lit room. Uncle had told me the door was facing the anchor so I felt the walls until my hands found the handle. The door was jammed tight, making it more secure than any other door but Uncle had told me a trick. I undid my ribbon and wrapped it around the handle, forming something to grip before I returned to Ciel and took off the ribbon around his throat. I tied it around my ribbon to cover it before putting my hand on it. I then stood on my toes before I slammed down on the handle, forcing it to bend down and open the door. It was watertight for a reason and my uncle had not gotten this far without the money to make sure his boats were secure.

No one was down there waiting for us or investigating the cargo so I slipped out and pulled Ciel along. Water dripped on the floor but I stopped midway and that made me worry. If they followed the water, they'd find us so I stopped and completed the gruelling task of undressing so I was in the lighter corset and stockings. My boots were soaked through and would only give me blisters so I took them off.

"What are you doing?" Ciel asked as he looked me over.

"We can't be found here. If they find us before the boat takes off, they'll kick us off board. The water drops are leading them so we both need to get like this. Though when I can, I'll find us our clothes and we can get dry. You have to trust me," I begged him and he looked confused before he nodded.

I undid his clothes until he was in his shirt and underwear. I knew we should stick our clothes in the anchor room to let the water wash them out to sea but my skirts or even his top could damage the anchor. So I grabbed everything and stuck it into one of the crates near the back. Someone would notice but not until they were unpacking. The crate contained pots so it wasn't like water was going to destroy them. I closed the lid and returned to the young master and pushed him into one of the gaps before I went into one further up. When I looked through the crack, his left arm was the only thing that would be seen if someone was looking directly down and my left leg was on display while I listened out for anyone.

It was only when I had put myself as far into cover as I could that I heard voices. Crew sent down to make sure everything was safe and secure before they departed for London. I heard Ciel take a deep breath and push himself further into the crates as I did so if anyone moved to view the gaps, he nor I would be spotted. The crew walked past us on their way to the anchor room which I had locked. No one would see the ribbons and know there were stowaways on board. The water would lead to the crate and around the edges of other boxes but nothing where we were, I hoped as I closed my eyes tight. When I thought back to that moment, I was certain that we were both holding our breath.

"Derek!" a voice called, "we have a leak here."

"Water?" Derek asked, "it's probably someone didn't close the door right when we moored yesterday."

"The door's locked now though," the other man said, "did we take in a lot of water?"

"No, but some may have escaped while we were docking. Perhaps someone corrected the error before it got worse but that means there's residual water here. We aren't telling Mr Hamilton about this. He'll get a new crew no doubt," two men walked past are spot but didn't look at us, "the last passenger is on so we're leaving now anyway."

I waited until I heard their door close and lock before I let out the breath I had been holding. It was a further five minutes before the boat lurched forward and I braced myself. It took a moment before it was smooth sailing and I walked out to go to the gap Ciel was in.

"We're safe," I said with chattering teeth, "they won't be back until halfway through the trip. I'll find our suitcases, you stay here."

I didn't wait for an answer before leaving him and going towards the door the two men had disappeared into. Our luggage was under Ciel's name, and that was a name that would mean his luggage would be better cared for than if my own was under my name. It turned out our luggage had been put by the wall closest to the door, and I breathed out a sigh of relief. I pulled down our bags before opening mine first. I grabbed a blue suit for Ciel, similar to the one I had ditched, and the rose dress for myself. I picked up dry shoes as well during my scavenging. We could hardly walk around barefoot, now could we? I grabbed a pair of stockings, a dry corset and another underskirt before creeping back to Ciel.

I held out his clothes to him which he took as I undid his shirt and then dried him. I put on the clean shirt and everything else while I listened for the crew men to return. His clothes stuck to him a little due to the left over water droplets I couldn't remove. But he didn't seem to mind as I dried his hair and then started getting dressed myself. He helped me into my new corset with some simple direction and then I switched my stockings for dry ones before putting on the dress. I went to the crate with our wet clothes and stuck the underskirt in there.

I returned to Ciel and rubbed his arms to cause friction and start warming him up. He looked me over and I knew he had questions.

"Questions?" I asked bluntly.

"You know this ship well, how?" he asked after a moment and I dropped my arms.

"My uncle was very fond of boats, but Destiny was always his favourite. It was the boat he had under my father's name so when he died, Uncle got the rights. But because Destiny was built better than the others, he was proud of her. He would tell me everything about her, such as the anchor room. He told me about the crates, the crew…everything. I stopped listening at first but one day he sat me down and told me his empire would one day be shared between Harry and I. Harry is his son but uncle doesn't really see the boy dealing well with business. So he hopes I would do that side."

"Your uncle has more ships though," he said.

"There are twenty now. The primary ones he named after family. There were two boats names after me, which I've told you before. But those are more cargo ships rather than passenger boats. Destiny started off as a cargo ship but delivery could also involve people. Daughters who wanted to see their fathers, men wanting to be reunited with their wives…it all factored in to his decision to making Destiny a passenger/cargo ship."

We sat around in silence, picking at our clothes before I snuck back to my spot. I could hear Derek and the other man returning before the door opened. I crept into my space and made sure my skirt was hiding the rest of me. They walked by us as they checked the door for the anchor room and then doubled back. It must be halfway through the trip, which was nice to know.

"That's a strong wind a blowing eh?" Derek said.

"Ai, and it's warmer than it ought to be."

"I hope we'll make port in London soon," and I waited for the men to go.

I ventured out again to go to Ciel. He was hiding still so I stood there for a moment.

"Ciel!" I muttered and he looked over the edge to see me, "make room."

Ciel let out a sigh of relief when he spotted me and I slipped in near him. He looked anxious and I wondered was this his first bought of…theft really. I was about to tell him that we'd be home soon and with that, Sebastian would return when two crates were moved from behind him. I turned to see the Undertaker, smiling at us. A light cast a shimmer around him as he looked us over, almost like he was buying us at auction.

"I found you both, my lord and Elena," he said.

"The Undertaker?" Ciel asked.

We crept into the space he had opened up and I felt like I could breath. I went to a small barrel to sit down and braid my hair. It was that or have it flying all over the place if I needed to defend Ciel. Ciel moved to sit beside me as the Undertaker took the seat opposite us. I looked around the little space he cleared and noticed that where we were sitting wouldn't alert the crew that we were on board. That was handy in my opinion.

I heard a soft rustle of something and brought my gaze back to the Undertaker. He was dressed as normal, but it was what he had in his hands that made my stomach growl. The bowl looked like the bottom part of an urn and it was filled with biscuits. From their shape and size, my bet would be they were Inukko dog treats and my stomach growled audible. I guess when you were hungry, even dog food seemed edible. He put the bowl out to us, more so to Ciel whose stomach growled nearly as loud as mine. The roll and half of the apple had been enough to curb the worst of the hunger, but not enough to end it.

Ciel gulped at the thought of eating the biscuits but reached for them anyway. His hand had only skimmed one biscuit before the Undertaker pulled them back and took one himself. He bit into it with a chuckle, almost like he was teasing Ciel. Ciel looked oddly annoyed as he clutched his stomach beside me. If I could get him food, I would but there would only be clothes down here or pots. Uncle had said no food was allowed on Destiny.

"What are you doing here?" I asked as the Undertaker handed over the dog biscuits, "on Destiny?"

"Destiny?" he asked, "the boat had a name? I would never have suspected that. But that is beside the point. Why am I here? That tiny whiney bloke Will was the one who brought me into this expedition. Apparently he'll be shorthanded in London so he roped me into it by promising to waive my library fines."

"Will's coming to London?" Ciel asked; his mouth full as I took a biscuit to eat. I bit into it and moaned as it filled the gap in my stomach. I had never been happier to eat a dog biscuit, so I took another one to nibble on when the first was gone.

"Yes, there's much work to do," he explained, "We have a great many souls to collect in London this evening."

"Look at that!" someone shouted above deck.

I took another three dog biscuits to inhale and that curbed the hunger to a…tolerable level. I looked up but I knew I wouldn't be able to see anything. The voices all went to one side of the boat so curiosity was getting the better of me.

"Ha, it seems to have begun," Undertaker said simply.

"What has begun?" I asked and he put his finger to his lips.

So he couldn't tell us what was going on, but I had a feeling. The Queen wanted to plunge the world into war and Angela, along with Ash, had spoken about the real Doomsday. I had a feeling they would act as judge, jury and executioner for the people of London. I only hoped it wouldn't be as bad as 1666, which I had read in a history book in the Phantomhive library. Ciel put the biscuits down and left the cargo hold. I followed after him and made it onto the deck without anyone noticing. The Undertaker followed us as we moved towards the railing. My seasickness was forgotten when my eyes saw what had caused shock in everyone.

We were near London, but London was burning. Not a small fire at the docks but the city as a whole. It was frightening to watch, and something I never wanted to see again. Ciel froze beside me as we watched. I wondered what had started the fire to begin with, because it hadn't been a house-fire…well not unless it had been beside fuel for lanterns.

"My, they certainly put on quite the show, don't they?" the Undertaker said, reminding us of his presence, "and now I must be on my way."

"Hold on!" Ciel said as he moved around me to catch up with the Undertaker.

"Tell me," Ciel continued when Undertaker had stopped, "why did you come here?"

"You and I have our share of history together, don't we? In light of that fact, I thought I would give you fair warning."


"Our young earl," he said as he turned to look at Ciel, "before much longer, you'll die."

"I'll die," Ciel repeated, "what do you mean?"

A woman sobbed near us so we both turned to look at her. A man who I took to be here husband held her shoulders as the boat hit the waves. When we turned our attention back to the Undertaker, he was no longer in sight. The woman had been our distraction so he could make his escape. She was obviously upset about London burning, which suggested she had family there. People on board this ship would be wondering about their families, whether they had survived or not.

"He can't tell us," I said softly, "it would go against the rules of the Grim Reapers."

"The rules?"

"No Grim Reaper is allowed to divulge information from the Doomsday books. It would mean you could change your destiny and do something else. If you were destined to go down Whitechapel Lane and get stabbed, and you knew that, you could make sure you didn't go down the lane and thus, are never stabbed."

"But you'll survive," he said as he looked me over, "he said I was going to die."

"If I don't see you before you do die," I said as I put my hand over my heart, a single tear escaping my right eye, "it was a pleasure working with you. Both as your maid or your bodyguard. Thank you."

I hugged him gently as I let go and looked him over. He was smiling a little at me before he looked back to the London. He touched his eye patch and I wondered what he was thinking. He looked like the pieces of the chess board had changed, that he was no longer in control. I could understand that, but left him to his internal evaluation. But the silence stretched on for a very long time, and it made me anxious. What was he thinking?

"Sir?" I asked to break the silence.

"The death I will face will be useless."

"How so?"

"Sebastian is gone, and instead of him taking my soul, my death will be useless."

"You want Sebastian to return to devour your soul?" I asked and he shrugged.

"Yes…I don't know. I had accepted my fate when I was ten. I knew he would be the death of me. But to be told…he might not. That my death could be outside our contract. It makes it meaningless, what I have sought to achieve on this earth…my revenge."

I nodded and pulled him to the railing. I was grateful I had done as much when the boat started to turn. With Ciel against the railing and my arms acting as barriers, he wasn't hit by the people who swayed. Some lost their balance and did fall. The captain stayed in his position while his attendant came down. He was busy guiding the ship to safety, and away from London. Uncle would have given them orders to protect Destiny and the passengers on board with everything the crew had.

"Due to the fires of London, this boat will not be docking. It is not advisable for you all to go to London. We will stay on the sea until the flames die down. We also cannot contact the mainland so we apologise if you don't know the status of your loved ones."

Ciel pushed away from me to run after the attendant. I followed after and groaned when I recognised the man. He had short brown hair and brown eyes. My uncle's most corrupt worker, Brian. Brian had worked for my uncle for years, and had most likely put the guns and drugs the Ferro family wanted transported on the boat in the first place. He was a very lax employee and that meant he would do anything, for a price.

"What are you doing?!" Ciel snapped at Brian.

"We can't go back to London when it's in this shape, can we? We're going to have to do circles around here."

"But why?" Ciel snapped, "I mean we're practically there already."

Ciel looked around himself and spotted another boat, one that was going straight to London with no fear of the flames. He pointed to that and looked to Brian.

"Fine," he continued, "I'll get on that one. Get me a row boat!"

"For one little boy and…Elena?" he asked as he looked me over, a grin pulling on his lips, "my, it's been a long time. You're what? Fifteen?"

"Seventeen," I muttered as I crossed my arms along my chest.

"Focus!" Ciel snapped.

"Tell me why I should bother getting you a row boat? Now, if there was money changing hands…"

"Bloody fool," Ciel muttered as he glared at Brian, "I have to return to London."

He looked at Brian as the latter watched me with a disgusting level of interest. I shivered and vowed if I survived, I would tell Uncle about this. Brian reached for me but I slapped his hand away, knocking Ciel's shoulder. It shook him out if his contemplation as he said, "who stands here now?"

"Master?" I asked as I looked him over, wondering if he was alright.

"Who am I?" he asked.

"Wake up kid! I am a busy man, so maybe you should…bloody hell. What's wrong with ya? Are ya mad?"

Ciel had broken down in a form of hysteria. I touched his arm and wondered what was going on. He looked down at his thumbs before slowly removing the blue family ring. He looked at it for a moment before putting it out to Brian. The diamond was caught in the fire's dull light, giving the gem an extra sparkle.

"Take this," Ciel said after a moment.

"That's incredible, just look at its shine," he said as he viewed the gem.

"It's a blue diamond, you don't see one of these every day."

"Wait. What's a kid like you doing with something like that?" Brian asked.

"Take it and give me a boat!" Ciel ordered.

"And her?" Brian asked as he pocketed the ring, "what's her payment?"

"You want me to pay for the boat as well?"

"I know you come from money, Elena Hamilton. And no boat will move without oars…"

I looked to the young master who watching London burn. He wanted his death to be meaningful and I had vowed to protect him while Sebastian was gone. If that meant paying for the oars, I would and make sure he got his final wish. It was what I could do for him, but the matter of payment threw me. What was I supposed to give for the service? Ciel had given his ring and all I had was my locket…I touched my locket before pulling it from my neck. I didn't think about what I was giving up, it hurt too much as I held it out to Brian.

"A smaller blue diamond," I said and Brian smiled.

"I'll get the boat for you both," Brian said as he left with my necklace and his ring.

I went to the railing as I looked out; the sea wasn't bothering me as much as before. Ciel stood beside me before he touched my hand. The grasp was warm and I touched my neck, unaccustomed to the bare feeling there. I had worn that locket for the last year and never taken it off. Ciel watched the motion before I dropped my hands to lie on the metal railing. I had done the right thing; I thought to myself, I was helping Ciel. I was taking care and protecting him as I had promised Sebastian.

"Why did you do that?" he asked.

"Because you want your death to be meaningful," I said simply, keeping my eyes on the sea, "and what type of Phantomhive maid would I be if I couldn't do this much for my master?"

"That was your mother's," he whispered and I nodded as I wiped away a tear.

"I took it from her when she was dead," I said, "Martin Hamilton bought it for her. To mark my birth and their love for each other. He found it while in London with Uncle."

"The attendant seemed to know you from somewhere," Ciel said.

"His name is Brian. He worked for my uncle and we all knew he was corrupt. So if it works in our favour," I said with a sigh, "then you will have your meaningful death and I'll…do something else. I'll find a new job and…I don't know."

Brian returned then and handed me the oars. He also handed me a flare gun to use to signal the boat heading to London. Ciel looked over my prizes as I looked back to the water. Brian pointed behind him, a smirk on his lips over his new possessions.

"The boat is waiting for you both," he said as he brought us to the back of Destiny where a boat was indeed waiting. I helped Ciel in and the jumped for myself. Brian kicked it away and I handed Ciel the flare gun while I rowed.

"When we get close enough," I said as I dropped the oars into the water, "shot the gun to get their attention."

"Alright," Ciel replied as he looked behind at the boat.

It was hard on my arms when I simply didn't have the energy. My body ached from the uncomfortable night's sleep but also the lack of good food. I rowed until we were ten metres from the boat. Ciel fired the gun and I heard a few people cry out when they saw us. The boat was stopped as I continued to row up beside it. It was only when we were near a low piece of ladder that I stopped the boat and took Ciel's hand to get him to stand. The boat rocked steadily and I hoped it was the waves and not because of the shift in weight.

"Mon Dieu!" one man said as he reached down and helped Ciel up, "you must be looking to go to London!"

"Help," I said as I stood and two men helped me.

The row boat went with the waves after that as no one was in it anymore. I got up onto the deck and went straight for the captain. It took a moment to determine whether he was going straight to London or doing what Destiny had done. He was under strict orders to bring the ship to London in whatever condition the city was in so I thanked him and returned to Ciel. That also seemed ominous so I looked around the passengers and then back to the captain.

"He's going to London," I said as I looked at his face, "and he's bringing the French to the burning city."

"I gave that ring to someone in the end," Ciel said on a sigh, ignoring my worry, "I could have given it to get the room and instead, I gave it to that corrupt man."

"I gave my locket as well," I said as I hooked his arm, "I'm doing what Sebastian wanted me to do. Though, if you had paid and I hadn't, I would have swum out to you."

"Thank you Elena," he said as the boat docked, "we're here."

I went off first and he followed. We looked around and spotted a group of men coming towards us, menace in their eyes as they took us in. I wondered if I had worn a dreaded colour when they surrounded us. I tried to pick out the worst target, but all of them looked cruel. They would hurt a boy and a girl without skipping a heartbeat, that's what that look said as they leered at me.

"Look, here they come!" a man snapped as he looked over Ciel and myself.

"Are you a Frenchman?" one guy snapped as he grabbed Ciel.

I roundhouse kicked his arm away as Ciel shouted, "let me go! What are you doing?"

"You bloody Frenchmen! You started this fire in the first place, didn't you?!" one man snapped.

"You want to start a war with England, don't ya?!" a man said.

"Just wait a moment!" Ciel snapped as I raised my hands to protect him, "I'm not a–"

"Quickly men! Another frog!" and the group left to attack another man. They had anger, and lots of it. But the men were made of brawn rather than brains so it could be said I would have been an even match for them. However, that couldn't be certain…and if it had come to a fight, I would have probably been drowned for being a suspected French girl. What a world we lived in!

"What's going on?" I asked Ciel.

"The Queen has started a war," he answered.

He started to run off up a set of stairs and I followed, hearing the screams of the woman as her husband was being attacked. For no better reason than he was French. Would they turn on her? Would they kill her because she was French or that her husband was French? England had gone crazy with the toxic fumes that were the result of the city burning. I wasn't sure if it could be rescued as I ran after Ciel. This great cleansing could result in the death of a lot of good people.

"Cleansing huh?" I muttered as I followed, my feet hitting the road as I followed Ciel.

"Such a fire," Ciel gasped when he stopped.

I stopped behind him to see London. I wasn't sure what street we were on, let alone how far away we were from the Phantomhive manor. But this was distressing. Windows had shattered and bodies scattered the floor. Babies had been suffocated by the smoke while others had been trampled on. Luggage was set along the road where someone had pulled it free and sought out money. People ran past us as they went for the dock or anywhere that provided safety. Ciel was knocked down by a panic-stricken man with luggage. I helped him up and dusted his clothes. But Ciel didn't notice; he was too dazed and confused. This wasn't a London he had seen before. I watched as someone pulled luggage away from another man by kicking him in the face. The man was unconscious and next to a burning building. If I didn't have a task, I would have gone to help him, but a small piece of the roof fell. It covered his body and I knew, death was waiting for me if I went to his aid.

While in that same daze, Ciel walked forward and I followed. Shock clouded his features as he accidently stepped on a dead man. The sound was almost similar to hitting a piece of meat to tenderise it. I had only done that at Berrymore Castle…but the sound was nearly the same. Ciel lifted his foot to look around again. A carriage had overturned and caught fire. The lantern by the driver's side must have leaked fuel and due to the fires around us, lit up like a candle.

I stopped at the mouth of an alley and saw a young child crying in the arms of its dead mother. I walked to it and bent down. The mother was dead because of the smoke. She had no burns to her skin and by the sound of the child's cries; it didn't have much longer if I left it here. I dropped down to pick up the child, and it continued to cry while I held it. I rocked gently and it started to hiccup. Its eyes focused on me as I walked out of the alley to see Ciel with MeyRin. I ran over to them, the child in my arms as I helped Ciel stand.

"Where did you find a child?" Ciel asked.

"In the alley, its mother was dead," I said as I looked down, "I have never been able to stand a child crying."

"What do you plan on doing with it?"

"Find somewhere safe to put it down," I said simply, "my job is to guard your life, not guard that of this child."

"There's nowhere safe here," he said as he looked at MeyRin, "MeyRin? What are you doing here?"

"Oh dear, I am so very sorry, my lord. I know it's my duty to protect the estate but I-"

"Calm down. You're not in any trouble. Just tell me why you're here."

"It's, it's Plu Plu," MeyRin said crying.

"What about Pluto?" Ciel asked.

"Bring us to Pluto," I said as I held the child, "I'm assuming you weren't alone when you left the manor."

"No, Finny and Bard followed me."

"Take us to them," I said and she nodded, "come on master."

"Master?" MeyRin asked Ciel and he nodded to put more force behind my order.

We ran with MeyRin, dodging fallen debris as the fire burned hotter. The child clung to me tighter and I hoped I found a safe place to put it soon. I couldn't carry it around everywhere with me. I spotted Bard and Finny looking up at a podium. On top of the podium, was none other than Pluto. His fur was standing on edge; I could see that from here as I watched him breathe fire. I gasped when I stopped at the look in his eyes. I had seen that look only once before, and it had been in my own eyes. It was after Angela had fed me the demon spice, and made me hate everything that moved. When I had passed a shop window, there had been no sparkle in my eyes, no sign of a soul as I killed. There had been no remorse as I did far worse than the demon hound on a good day. But I had been awake and could feel when I killed. It hurt each time but the murderous part of my head told me it was alright. The demon spice had taken over; leaving me as a passenger in the hell it rose.

"Master! Elena!" Finny said when he spotted us.

"What were you thinking bringing them here?!" Bard demanded as he looked us over.

"He told me to, it's not my place to say no," MeyRin replied, "Elena told me to as well."

"Pluto!" Ciel yelled when he spotted the demon hound.

Ciel glared at the creature before he looked at the rest of his servants. He looked temporarily annoyed before he looked up at Pluto again. The Pluto we had come to care for wasn't there anymore. We would never see the excited human Pluto again.

"What have you been doing here?" he asked.

"Well, it's just…we wanted Pluto to be the way he was before. We're sorry," Finny explained.

"I've already run out of tranquilizer darts…" Bard explained.

"Are you idiots?" Ciel asked, "You have real bullets, don't you?"

Each of the servants turned to him with shock clearly evident in their faces. They didn't understand why their master would order them to kill Pluto. But in the last twenty four hours, Ciel Phantomhive had seen the real nature of things. He had seen starvation, desperation and anger. He had seen it and hadn't understand it. That was why he was telling them to kill Pluto, he understood now. He understood, if only briefly, how I had survived until my seventeenth in Houndsworth.

"Master, are you telling us we should shot him?" MeyRin asked around their shocked looks.

"Take a look at his eyes," Ciel said, "his mind is already long gone. That up there is not the Pluto you and I knew. It's just a beast."

"A beast?" MeyRin asked.

"You four know what its like, don't you? To have even your pride stolen away from you? To be left behind hollow? It's a tragic way to live. You each understand," he said as he looked at all our faces, "I order you MeyRin, Finny, Bard; kill the demon hound any way you can!"

"Yes sir!" the three echoed.

"And my orders, young master?" I asked.

"You will stay with me and protect me, with your life!"

"Yes sir," I said.

MeyRin and Bard loaded their guns, one using a rifle while the other a sniper's. A preference I wondered if I would ever get the chance to understand. Finny lifted a piece of a fallen wall up above his head. Each servant had tears in their eyes at the thought of the task ahead. Finny wanted to retain the memories he had gained; that was something he had said to me. It felt like months ago, but it had only been a week. That conversation was a distant memory compared to the reality we faced now. He had said that having me a part of their family, it made it feel complete somehow. That they had felt like they were missing something until they met me. I had taken it as a compliment, which had made him blush before going out to the garden.

I was reminded of the day we had gotten a group photo taken. Pluto had been in the background in dog form, Finny holding his snout. MeyRin and Bard had been standing by his tail with Sebastian beside Ciel. I had stood beside Ciel in a dark blue dress while Tanaka had come into the frame closer to the front. It was a photo that had hung in the manor, to remember the easier days. As Sebastian said, it was going to be a long day for me. Ciel started running and I followed, the child held tight in my arms.

"I am going to get my revenge," he said simply, "we're going for the Queen."

"Yes, young master," I replied as we spotted a horse, "hold this child."

"I can ride a horse," he muttered.

"Not as fast as I can," I replied, "come on."

I dropped my hands to rip the sides of my dress so I could throw my legs over. I didn't care if it was against society to dress in such a way, but I'd be damned before I rode side-saddle. I put my hand out to Ciel which he took. I lifted him up to sit behind me, wrapping one arm around my waist as he held the child in his other hand. Gunshots echoed through the night and the moan of Pluto who must have been shot. I hoped the servants survived this, but I knew like me, they would follow Ciel Phantomhive's orders until their deaths. That was what a family did, took care of each other.

"Where are you putting this child?" he asked.

"The palace," I answered as I gathered the reigns of the horse and gently heeled its sides.

The horse went off like a bullet as I shot us around corners at daring speeds. Ciel clung on as I jumped over debris and bodies. The horse continued on as if the smoke didn't bother it and I held on as I brought it to the gates of the palace. They were wide open and the guards outside appeared unanimated. Ciel jumped down with the child and I followed, taking it with me. I patted the horse's side gently before we stepped closer to the doors. Ciel went straight to the guard on the right who stared on.

"I am the Earl Phantomhive, Ciel Phantomhive with my bodyguard, Elena Hamilton. I request to see-"

I walked to the other guard and I waved one hand in front of their eyes. He didn't blink in response so I went back to Ciel. This seemed very odd and unnerving in my opinion. If I was of sound mind, I would run in the opposite direction but I was Ciel's bodyguard, and that meant I had to swallow my fear and step forward.

"I don't know," I said as he looked at me confused.

"We better go inside then," he said as we walked in.

More guards stood lined up but none of them moved at our response. My body was humming with the feeling that this was a trap. Their eyes were unblinking as they faced each other. The only sound was the click of our shoes and the child's gentle gurgle. Everything else was as still as death.

"Time is standing still, a trap? No time to decide that!" Ciel replied as he ran down the corridor.

I followed after him and found him walking up a set of stairs and then another. He seemed to know where he was going. Sebastian had never mentioned that he had been to the palace before, but I should have assumed as much. He was the Lord Earl Ciel Phantomhive after all.

"Do you know where her room is?" I asked him and he shook his head.

"I was once told you knew you were on the right corridor as it was better decorated than the others. This one has a fake Monae while there is the real one. We'll follow that and see where it brings us."

I nodded and heard only the click of our shoes as they marked time. The child was sniffling as it pulled on my bracelet. The gurgling has stopped as it coughed against my hand. Poor thing was probably very tired. With the child acting the way it was, I was so distracted; I walked into Ciel who had frozen in the middle of the corridor. I looked up and heard the sound I had followed before. The man who attempted to make me a doll; the song that made me want to follow him down each alley until he was in front of me. It sent a chill down my spine as I remembered the feeling of being a puppet attacking my true master.

London Bridge is falling down, falling down, falling down. London Bridge is falling down, my fair lady…

"That way," Ciel said as he ran down to the door that the music was coming from. He opened the door and the first thing I was greeted with was the smell of death. There were two beds in the room so I put the child in the one furthest from the window. The other was occupied by the dead Queen, her eyes open. Her chest was peeling away with decay. On her cheek was a piece of rotted flesh and her face was stained with blood tears. Apparently, her late husband hadn't been as enthusiastic with the new 'living' arrangements as she had been.

"I can tell that my late husband is pleased with what I have done to keep us together. I can feel his body still, his heart beats inside me. Thump…thump, the throbbing of life. Truly what greater joy could there be other than being made one with the person that you love?"

"So this is what she meant when she said his heart beat inside of her," I said as I looked at her face, "he decayed and took her with him. Her heart was gone and replaced by his dead one. You cannot feign life in a dead body, even a part of it…" I said as a scream echoed in the room. We turned to see a young woman, her mouth covered by one of her hands.

"What's this? What happened?" guards asked as the world unfroze around us.

"Who are they?" the guards asked as we were spotted.

I grabbed Ciel's hand as we ran past the woman and into the corridor. Two of the guards from downstairs had come up when the woman had screamed. We ran down another flight of stairs instead, my heart racing as I was certain Ciel's was. We had to get out of here or we'd be done for supposedly killing the Queen. Something told me the guards wouldn't listen to reason.

"Where are we going?" I asked as we ran into the hall.

"We need to get out of here!" he replied as he rounded the corner…only to be surrounded by her other guards.

"Damn!" I snapped as the guns were pointed at us. The two guards who had been tailing us pushed us towards the others. They formed a loose circle around us, their guns raised to our hearts.

"Who are these murderers?!" the guards stated with the guns loaded. I took the necessary steps to stand in front of Ciel, feeling protective of him again. The ten guards looked us over, now wondering who the murderer was. Had I murdered the Queen and Ciel had helped me escape? Had he killed her and I had aided him? Had we both killed her?

"I am Ciel, Earl Phantomhive! As my father was! " Ciel shouted, "This is my bodyguard, Elena Hamilton!"

"Phantomhive?" a guard repeated, "you mean the Queen's Guard dog has turned against her?"

"I've cast off that title. And no, I'm not the one who killed her Majesty. My bodyguard did not kill her either!"

"You'll think to talk your way out?" a guard asked.

"No, I'm certain I can't," Ciel replied from behind me, "but still, whatever you do to me, I will not quit now!"

A gun went off and I turned to see Ciel was looking shocked. I looked down at his hip to see a bloodstain forming. A bullet hole in his jacket told me this wasn't a simple flesh wound and went deeper than that. Tears ran down my face as I tried to hold him.

"Master!" I cried as another gunshot went off, hitting me in the gut.

"Elena!" Ciel yelled. He fell to the floor as I covered my wound with my hand, sobbing before I fell down myself. I was by his head, the blood leaving me and making me weaker. My eyes were looking into his as we gasped around the pain.

"No, forget it!" Ciel snapped as he pulled off his eye patch to look at me, "I won't end here, not like this!"

"I see you have awoken, young master," Sebastian's voice called out.

"Fire!" the guards shouted as they shot at us. I closed my eyes and put my hand out to Ciel, to protect him.

"I'm sorry," I said on a whisper. I opened my eyes when the guns had gone off to see a figure kneeling by my head with the bullets from the guns in his hands.

"You came back," Ciel said as Sebastian turned to look at both of us.

"It was exactly how you said it, master," he replied, "you won't end, not here and not now. And Elena, it is not your time yet."

"Thank you," I croaked.

Sebastian threw the bullets at the guards, hitting their hearts. They fell to the floor when a look of shock crossed their faces. They were dead before they realised it was the case. One man was still standing, shaking in his boots as he watched Ciel and Sebastian. I could see his wonder at why he hadn't been shot at.

"Master," Sebastian said, "I ask for your forgiveness for taking unauthorised leave."

"What? What's so important?" Ciel asked.

"Oh, just looking into the preparations for the last supper. Spicy, bitter and sometimes sweet. It's a multi-faceted meal indeed, brazed to perfection. Thanks to you, this last supper will be delicious. I will be able to enjoy an ultimate soul."

"I order you now, take me to this angel of massacre," Ciel ordered, "also, tend to our injuries!"

"Yes sir," Sebastian replied as he took us out of the hall.

He brought us outside where the horse had been and put us both against the wall. He left us as I laughed gently, causing pain to shoot up my body. My hand pressed against the wound and blood flowed from between my fingers.

"Are you alright?" I asked Ciel and he looked over to me.

"Are you?" and I shrugged.

"I got shot," I said simply, "a little more on the fatal side than yours. Who knew death would be this painful?"

"You have to make it through this," he said as Sebastian returned, "tend to her injuries first."

"I can't," Sebastian replied, "it goes against our contract while you are dying. You are the priority and if any order you give me goes against your safety, I am obligated to ignore it."

"But she's dying!" Ciel snapped.

Sebastian ignored his complaint as he wrapped Ciel tight and checked the bullet had come out. He then tightened the bandages to staunch the bleeding before he went to me. He looked at the bloodstain as I groaned.

"Have I done what I promised?" I asked him.

"You did better than that," he answered, "you helped get the young master back to London."

"That makes me happy," I said as I closed my eyes.

"Elena!" Ciel yelled and I opened my heavy eyes to look at him, "you can't die here."

"But I'm only sleeping," I whispered, "I'm so tired and hungry."

My bodice was ripped away as was my corset so Sebastian could look at the wound.

"The bullet is still in you," he said as he tilted my face up to look into his, "I can take it out but it will hurt."

"So sleepy," I said as something was shoved deep into my gut. I gasped as the pain flared and my brain told me to move away. Ciel clutched my hand as Sebastian took his hand out, holding the bullet between his blood-stained fingers. Had he pulled the bullet out? With his hand? Was there a gaping hole in my gut now? The pain suggested that there was.

Blood flowed freely down my stomach and into the skirt of my dress as Sebastian quickly stitched up whatever he had done and bandaged it. He kissed me lightly on my forehead as he turned back to Ciel and lifted him. Ciel looked like a pale child as his hand slipped away from my own. Was this the end? Was this the last time I would see Ciel?

"If you stay here, someone will find you," Sebastian said simply.

"Protect him," I said as I caught his tailcoat, "promise me Sebastian."

"I promise to protect Ciel Phantomhive," he said with a smile as he ran off.

I closed my eyes as they disappeared, and I know now that I drifted off to sleep. My dreams were painful and I was brought out of them when someone shook me awake. I opened my eyes slowly to see the guard who Sebastian hadn't killed. He looked worried when he saw me. He had associated me with the butler and that meant; he had learned to fear me. But I was hurt and weak; I'd hardly be able to hurt him in kind. Stupid guns!

"Help me," I said and he nodded.

He picked me up and brought me slowly down into London at my request. I found where the servants had been and looked to them. Pluto was dead and they were barely breathing. The guard left me with them as I touched their necks, seeking a pulse. I found one and smiled when I did. I touched Finny's hand and Bard's head before I stood. They were alive, which meant they had been strong enough to defeat Pluto. They had done as the young master had requested. I walked down an alley, bracing myself against the stone work when I heard a light chuckle.

"You really refuse to die," a voice said, "I always admired that about you."

"Undertaker?" I asked as I got closer.

"You aren't destined to die tonight," he said as he bit into a dog treat, "but there is something you are meant to see."

"What is that?" I asked and he smiled.

"Go to the Tower Bridge," he said simply before he stood to help other people dressed in suits and carrying garden tools. I recognised William T Spears with his shears and Greil with…with a chainsaw? Greil waved to me before going back to work. I wasn't sure where I was meant to go and when I looked down, the cut had opened up and I was bleeding again. I wouldn't be conscious for very long at this rate.

I walked slowly towards the Grim Reapers, Undertaker helping me get closer as I walked through them. My body wanted to curl up and sleep this pain away while my mind told me I needed to go to Tower Bridge. That there was something there I needed to see. I heard a whistle pierce the night and recognised it from a distant time. Angela had stood outside and whistled…and it had been shortly after Pluto had been discovered by Ciel Phantomhive. Angela or Ash was calling Pluto. They would be disappointed when they learned of his death.

"What is she doing?" Greil asked.

"She's seeing the end of a hard day's work," Undertaker replied.

"What do you mean?" William asked as I took a breath beside him before moving on.

"She's protected the boy until now, and she only stopped because she was incapacitated. Sebastian Michaelis took over and she was left to rest. She was to wait for someone to rescue her, but she decided against those orders. A truly stubborn girl."

I walked down to the street and turned to my right, towards what appeared to be a boat. I clutched my stomach as someone said behind me, "what's making her move forward?"

"Mind over matter," a voice replied.

I followed the path and found myself at a wall that blocked the Thames. Bodies were scattered on the walkway as well as floating in the water. It was tragic but I knew I was beside just another unnamed bridge. I looked around before I spotted a bridge under construction.

"I bet you that's it," I said as I moved closer.

Stones stuck into my boots as I moved on. The fire burned brighter as I walked closer, seeing a fight happening. Was this the end? Was Sebastian killing the angel? Would I never see Ciel again? The thoughts ran through my head in quick succession and I had to shake my head to think clearly.

There was a loud crash as part of the bridge came loose, like in Paris. Something rolled down with it and hung off the edge. From the way it was swinging, it had to be a person. I inched closer as I tried to make out details but it was so dark and I was so tired. The figure was swaying slightly and I could imagine their hand shaking under the strain of holding up their body. Another figure became enshrouded by feathers as Ash was surrounded by white. Things started flying away from them and one I was certain was a wing. I didn't know a demon had the power to maul an angel. I watched as a bright white light formed around two figures on top and it spread past me, shocking me with the chill it emitted. The light then returned to show the bridge had a new addition. But from here, I couldn't make out what it was. I clutched my stomach tighter as I watched a taller figure stop just in front of the dangling one.

I watched for a moment longer before the latter figure let go and fell. I knew who it was, but I still shouted out, "CIEL!" at the top of my voice. He was dead…and I knew it when I saw thin strips of white leave his chest. His cinematic records, I thought bitterly as I watched the taller figure jump after Ciel. I fell to my knees, weaker than before as I watched the bridge glow like a beckon. Was that Heaven beyond? No, I thought, Heaven will elude Ciel, even in death. I dropped to my hands before my chest hit the ground. I coughed on dust before I closed my eyes, the image of Ciel dying, playing on repeat behind my eyes. I couldn't face that hell again…never again…

"She's coming around!" a voice said as I groaned.

"How are her vitals?" another voice asked.

"Her heartbeat is strong," the first voice said.

I opened my eyes to blinding light as I looked at a man and a woman, both looking down at me.

"Do you know your name?" the man asked as he shone a light in my eyes.

"Elena Hamilton," I croaked and he wrote that down.

"You were found near the Tower Bridge with a gunshot wound. You were lucky you were one of the first we found. You survived."

"Ciel?" I asked.

"Ciel who, dear?" the nurse asked and I shook my head.

"Sleep now, we can talk later," the doctor said calmly.

They left me and I turned in my bed to see a sleeping MeyRin, Bard and Finny; each with their own injuries. They were lucky, I thought as I turned away from them. A selfish part of me wanted someone to speak with, to tell them what I had seen but I knew that would be my own cross to carry. The Undertaker had said I was supposed to see that, not the servants so I took a deep breath and went back to sleep…hoping the day would come where I could grieve for myself. I had cherished Ciel in the short time I had known him, and to know he was dead…it was like kicking me while I was down. As sleep claimed me….I dreamt of the days Ciel had been alive. My time as the Phantomhive's new maid, and then bodyguard, was over…

(Sebastian Michaelis POV)

I returned to see what had happened to Elena and the servants. It hadn't taken long to determine the girl had left the palace and gone looking for me or the others. Her blood stained the walkway before it ended in a puddle about two miles from the Tower Bridge. My bet would be she had seen my fight and Ciel falling into the water. Had she seen us come back up? My guess would be no as I looked at her through the door. The ward was too busy for the doctors to worry about visitors.

I opened the door and looked to Finny, MeyRin and Bard first. They were bruised but still alive. I had thought they would be an even match for Pluto, but a small part of me believed they would be dead. I then turned to look at Elena. Her black hair was tied in a braid across her neck and her eyes were closed. Her breathing was verging onto rasps as she slept. Tears dripped down her cheeks and stained the pillow.

"You were there with the young master before his parents died," I said softly and I heard her whimper.

Ciel Phantomhive had seen those memories as I had brought him to the demon island. He had seen how close he had been to her. He had determined she had acted as a big sister would. Her protective manner was instinct alone. I brushed a small part of her fringe away to see the soot lined face. Would she return to the manor? There was nothing there for her to see other than rubble.

"You fulfilled your promise," I said softly, "you protected the young master at the risk of losing your own life."

"Ciel…please," she begged in sleep, "please don't die."

I left her then, not wanting her to find me when she woke up. She was truly a marvellous soul, one of many layers. Hatred and anger, love and loyalty…all mixed together with loss and grief. She had faced a lot during her time with us, and for once, I hoped a human had a good life.

"Pleasant dreams, Elena Hamilton," I whispered as I closed the door and disappeared into the crowds…

Guys, this is the end of the Phantomhive's New Maid. I hope you all enjoyed the story of Elena Hamilton. Now, good news :) I had a poll going and the results are in *dah dah dah (dramatic drum beat)*

There will be a sequel to this story! Elena Hamilton will return with Ciel Phantomhive and Sebastian Michaelis in... "That's What Makes A Trancy Maid" so for anyone who watched the series, you can guess whose coming into the next story :)

Thank you to all my loyal readers and please remember to review :)