Chapter 3

I roll over onto my back, frustrated on how the sheets were tangled around me and how hot it was in my room. I gritted my teeth and kicked off the sheets in anger, covering Mako in the process who growled back angrily for me covering him too. I laid halfway off my bed, trying to get comfortable in this stupid heat wave.

"Uhhhh… It's too hot~." I whine and Mako throws a pillow at me, growling for me to shut up. I didn't blame him; it was four in the morning. I huffed and got out of bed. Stretching my hands high above my head, my tail straightening out in the process. I then yawn and run a hand through my short white hair, not caring to smoothing out the bed-headedness of it and making it stick straight up. I rub my eyes and leave my room. The hallway was lightened slightly by the rising sun that hadn't peaked over the horizon yet, wait another half hour and the sun would just start to appear over the trees that stood right next to the windows.

I head down the hallway to where the sinks were and washed up, seeing as how I wasn't going back to bed anytime soon. I wash my face and brush my teeth silently as the morning doves start to awake and slowly sing their soft songs. One after another would join and soon there was a chorus outside of the dorm. I finish washing and head downstairs to the kitchen, scratching my head with both hands, probably making my hair look even wilder.

No one was awake at this time in the morning, even Ukobach wouldn't be up at this time. So that meant I would be alone. I smiled, enjoying the solitude. I walk around the counters to the back kitchen area and open the fridge. I knew that I was in a territory that I shouldn't be in, but maybe Ukobach would understand if I explained it to him. I nod and grab some eggs out of the fridge and grab ahold of a frying pan. My best bet would be to make some for Ukobach as a peace offering for invading his territory, the kitchen.

I quickly made some breakfast for me and a small portion for Ukobach when he woke up. I smiled at myself as the smell of cooked eggs and spices filled the kitchen and dining area.

A rustle in the corner of the kitchen caught my attention. I turned to find Ukobach, rubbing his eyes awake. The smell of spices must have woken him up. He growls rather cranky at me because I'm in his territory. I smile and offer the small separate portion to him. He looks at it then grabs it slowly before taking a bite. He then compliments me on my food, then tells me what I could do to make it even better.

I smile brightly and do as he suggests to my portion, adding the suggested ingredients. I then cut a small portion of that off and offer it to him again. He smiles and gives me a thumbs up as he cleans the rest of the plate. I smile back and eat my food, squealing with the taste exploding in my mouth.

"Thank you so much Ukobach. It tastes so good now." I hug Ukobach. "Could you teach me more of your secrets?" Ukobach smiles and nods yes. I giggle in delight before our moment of happiness was interrupted.

"What's going on down here?" I turn towards the dining area to find a disheveled Yukio.

"Good morning Yukio." I smile and offer some food to him. He looks down at it then at my hair. He holds a hand up to his mouth to muffle a laugh. I narrow my eyes at him and bring the plate of food back to me. "Fine then. You don't get any of my amazing food." Yuiko straightens his glasses and runs a hand through his hair, making it stand up. I try to muffle a laugh too as he takes the food from me.

"Okay. We're even now." He then chuckles and sits down and begins to eat. I grab my plate and eat too. Eating in silence. Soon Footsteps can be heard from Rin. "Clare, your tail is showing." Yukio quickly states and I hide it as soon as Rin comes in.

"Why is it so hot." Rin says before heading into kitchen.

"Did you only come here to whine? Because we already know that." I yell towards the kitchen.

"I don't know what I'm more surprised about. Your cooking or the fact that Rin's up this early on a sunday." Yukio states as he finishes his plate and begins drinking his tea.

"Well… Ukobach actually helped me make it taste better. So you should be so surprised." I state as I pick up both mine and his plate. I bring them into the kitchen and walk into Rin and Ukobach arguing about what to add to the food that's prepared on the counter. I shake my head at them and put the plates in the sink and cleaning them. The noise of them arguing becomes background noise as I stare out the window. The sensation of soapy, warm water on my hands becomes nothing. I watch the stray cat that's resting atop the dorm's cement divider, lazing about in the shade of the tree, trying to get as cool as it can get in this heat.

A loud crashing is heard behind me as I jump out of my daze and splash water everywhere. I whip around to find the two in a throwing match with pots and pans. The kitchen had become a war zone. I hurriedly clean the plates and carefully maneuver my way out of the kitchen in hopes I don't get hit by a stray cooking utensil. Yukio is no longer in the eating area and pans are being thrown out of the kitchen. Well this was one interesting way to start the day.


The chaotic spew of mashed up songs with a hypnotic beat plays in my ears as I climb down a long flight a stairs. I was flying more than running as I pick up speed. Breathing heavy with the cord bouncing off my back. The familiar burn in my muscles as I push down the side of True Cross towards the waterside. With this heat, I was breathing harder. Pushing myself harder. The music cheering me on. Sweat rolls down my neck and back. Then sudden wonder on how I'm gonna make the trip back up to the academy. Remembering that I'd left my keys in my room not thinking that I'd run this far away from the dorms. The thrill of not knowing where exactly I was pushed me faster as I reached the bottom of the steps and down the next street. Momentum causing me to sprint as I weave around people and as others move out of the way. I move down side street after side street, avoiding the busy main roads.

That is why I love running. I get lost and find new things. Like little side shops, or antique stores that have the coolest things. Delicious hidden family own restaurants that would beat any mainstream food business with just one bite. I slow down on a quiet street to a nice jog to cool down and inspect the small shops on my left and right. One catches my eye as I slow to a stop in front of it. The beach glass wind chimes hanging in the doorway and the smell of incense that was so familiar, but couldn't put my finger on it.

I casually walk in and I'm surrounded by terrariums of different sizes and shapes. Blessing rocks and others for spiritual use. Dry herbs hanging from the ceiling in the back of the store along with incense. Hanging glass both beach glass fragments and full bottles. I then realised the crystals and dreamcatchers hanging in the window, causing color to go everywhere. I look at the counter stationed in front of the window that is filled with crystals and jewelry. The older woman at the counter is weaving a dreamcatcher. She finishes the strand of thread in her hand before looking up at me. She smiles and sets the half finished dreamcatcher down. She doesn't say anything; however, she looked like she was happy to have a customer. I smiled back and walked about the store mainly walking towards the incense in the back where there is one burning. Lily of the valley, a small delicate flower of white bells, one whose scent is not strong alone, but beautiful in a bunch. I grab several boxes, knowing that I'd run out quickly. The hanging lavender's aroma smells sweet and fresh. I grab a small bundle, the mixture of sage and lavender in my room will smell lovely. Mako won't be thrilled with the new addition. He complains that I have too many plants in the room. The plants won't bother hmmm though, they only rapel bad spirits and ghosts.

With my plants and incense in hand I head to the counter when one of the crystals catch my eye. A purple crystal on a long silver chain. I walk over to the necklace and the woman speaks for the first time.

"That's Amethyst. Its helps with stress and with those who wish to seek strength and inner peace." I look over at her and she looks me right in the eye. "Do you struggle with and inner torment that makes you fear your friends." I am speechless that she knew my problem. I look at the ground and she doesn't say anything else as she takes the necklace off the display and wraps it up along with my other items and rings them up. I pay as someone else walks into the store. I thanked the lady and looked at the other costumer real quick before leaving. However, the two toned mohawk caught my eye.

I grabbed my items and crept up behind him and poked his side. He jumped and turned towards me with a scowl on etched on his face. However, his face softened when he saw it was me and smiled. "Hey Clare, what are you doing here?"

"I was just running by and saw this place. I was able to pick up a few supplies." I showed him the contents in the bag. "And you?"

"I'm here to pick up the plant for next weeks project. Unfortunately it's not here." Bon huffed and ran a hand through his hair then turned towards the woman at the counter. "Hey Liz. Got any red clover in back?"

"Sorry Suguro. I'm all out." Liz called back. Bon sighed again frustrated. I poked his arm.

"I have some if you want to have it." I stated.

"Really? You're a life saver Clare." Bon smiled and patted my head. I grabbed his arm stopping him.

"You can have it only if you buy me some ice cream and bring me back to the academy." He raised an eyebrow in question.

"Why can't you use your key?" I look off to the side and lace my fingers together.

"I forgot mine in my dorm." I smile, embarrassed from such a silly thing.

"Alright." I look at Bon to find him scratching the back off his head and looking away from me. I smile with glee as we make our way out of the shop, waving goodbye to Liz.

I follow Bon down a flight of stairs heading towards the water's edge. I breath in deeply as a breeze comes through bring the smell of the ocean with it. Salty and fresh, it was refreshing. I then noticed Bon waiting for me at the bottom of the steps waiting for me. I didn't realized I had stopped. I quickly make my way to the bottom of the steps when a presence makes me pause for a moment. But this presence was familiar so I continue down the stairs.

"Sorry for making you wait." I scratch the back of my head.

"Nah it's okay." Bon then looks out at the water. "The ocean does smell nice." I nod then grab his arm and pull him into the direction of the ice cream vendor.

"This way Bon. To the ice cream!" I point a finger leading the way and Bon follows close behind.

(Third Person POV)

A demon stood atop the buildings, hopping from one roof to the next as he followed the young girl towards the water's edge. He kept his distance so not to be noticed. The girl was now with another human as they made it to the water's side. She seemed happy yet nervous. Silly human emotions the demon thought as he made his way closer. Why was he following her. He didn't know, but he found her interesting. The goblin at his feet looked over the edge at the girl too.

"I know Behemoth. I find her interesting too." The demon said as he spits out his finished sucker.

Hahaha I know! I'm a horrible author that takes forever to post a new chapter.

Sorry everyone for the inconvenience and hope you like this new chapter.

Thanks for reading and please review!