Disclaimer: the characters mentioned in my fic are sadly not mine (though I wish there were) but belong to the wonderfully talented Tamora Pierce.

A/N: As this is my first fic I would really appreciate any and all reviews of my writings. Special thanks goes to my beta, she knows who she is and how much it all means to me for her to be doing this. So "love u and thanks again". Umm…what else? Oh yeah hopefully the italics work… if not then I'll come back and fix it. This is set after the last book of the Immortals quartet. Don't forget to review….


Numair sat down at the seat under his window. Pushing it open he looked out. The sky outside was showing signs of the beautiful spring day coming to an end in an array of purples, pinks and oranges. The effects of the colours were displayed on to the surrounding Royal Forrest and the horizon beyond. The castle's flags were fluttering in the strong wind high on top of the towers showing the Royal insignia. The sun was setting upon the castle walls as Numair looked down below in the courtyard. He saw a familiar small figure and watched intently as palace animals came to greet the human wild mage. She had half of a flock of sparrows try to land on her arms and shoulders while palace cats and dogs swarmed around her at her feet. Towards the back of the group of animals stood a grey mare looking somewhat displeased at having to wait while her mistress's attention had wavered from her.

He turned from the window and walked down to stand in the doorway to the courtyard. He drew his attention back to the female and studied her features for what seemed like the hundredth time. She was about five foot seven in height and her broad shoulders supported her slightly curled brown locks that were tied back by only a headband. Only being able to see the figure's back, Numair moved quietly to a spot where he could have the chance to study her facial features. He smiled at the thought that he would be able to see lips that were soft, full and lusciously red, turn into a smile. A smile that nowadays seemed to warm and melt his insides.

He reached the spot and continued to study her. Glancing at her eyes, he could see that they were a shade of an amazing blue-grey, supported by long feminine lashes. She had what seemed to be soft tanned skin because of her time outdoors. These thoughts brought a smile upon Numair's handsome face.

The animals around Daine quietly made a path for the tall man to approach. He reached out his long fingered hand and softly lifted her chin so that their eyes could meet. He took one look into those blue-grey eyes and his heart started to beat incredibly faster. Emotions took over and Numair lent in, gently placed his lips on hers. The kiss took Daine by surprise, and she almost broke it until she realised who was kissing her. Daine kissed him in return and blushed as Numair saw her breathe in heavily as they broke away finally. He chuckled softly and a broad grin spread across his face.

"I'm sorry, magelet," he said using his pet name for her, "I couldn't help myself."

Daine laughed and her own reply was, "Well next time you have the sudden urge to kiss me, make sure it's in private, not where everyone could see." She saw him scold and laughed once again, turning to walk into the stable. Stopping at the stable doors, she realised that Numair was still standing in the courtyard. "Are you coming?" she inquired. She silently asked the same question of her mare, Cloud, as she was able to communicate with animals of all kinds because of her wild magic.

'Yes,' replied the mare tartly.

Numair tilted his head slightly as if considering her question and then nodded in agreement. Daine turned and continued to walk into the stables, Cloud and Numair behind. In the stable she unsaddled the pony and opened a stall allowing for Cloud to enter. She then went to work, putting the saddle away and returned with tack in hand, a brush and comb and a blanket. She saw that Numair was leaning against the gate, gently running his hand along Cloud's neck.

"I'm surprised she hasn't tried to bite you yet."

With that comment, he quickly withdrew his hand, as the mare's teeth were only inches from them. Daine laughed out loud and in return received a frown from Numair.

"And I thought we were finally getting along."

'You thought wrong, Stork man.'

Daine laughed again and looked at Numair. His facial expression had the question as to ask what the mare had said, knowing from experience that she had said something. Daine relayed what Cloud had said and continued to brush the mare down.

Half an hour later, Daine was walking along towards the Rider's mess hall with Numair beside her. Having heard the bell chime for dinner, she was surprised to find that she was hungry! She smiled at the thought as she walked into the hall and joined the end of the line grabbing a tray and handing another to Numair. "Thankyou," he told her. The kitchen servers placed a bowl of hot stew on her tray, among other things and took some fruit juice to accompany it all. She stopped and waited for Numair to finish, looking around the hall to see where they both could sit.

"There are empty places besides Buri and Alanna," a soft whisper came in her ear. It sent a giddy chill up and down her spine making her insides turn to mush. Numair had come up to stand beside her while she had been looking at familiar faces around the mess hall. "We can sit there if you like, or-" but he was unable to finish the sentence as Daine interrupted.

"Yes, that would be lovely. I have been meaning to ask Alanna something."

They walked over towards the table and slid into seats opposite Alanna and Buri, placing their trays before them.

"Daine, Numair, how are you both? I haven't seen you in a while." Buri greeted. She had a broad face and her eyes were black.

"I'm well, thankyou Buri." Numair was the first to answer. "How are you? And, where have you been?"

Buri, the commanding officer of the Queen's Riders, had been in a village with Third Rider Group aiding the village healer rebuild part of her house as it had been partially burnt down.

"Raoul and his company of the King's Own are still there in Holly's Valley making the final repairs to the rest of the village. My Group had finished and Raoul saw no more reason for us to stay, as they too would soon be making the trip back here. So we left and arrived at the stables just in time for dinner!" she said with a grin. The four laughed and Buri continued to explain the situation to her dinnertime companions. But Daine's concentration wavered as she was distracted by something touching against her leg. She looked down and saw that, there, pressed against her leg was Numair's. He had moved it closer to her and slowly pressed it against her in an attempt to be closer.

'WOW!' she thought silently. 'Numair is really having trouble controlling his feelings for me. I've never seen him like this before. The way he took me by surprise earlier when he kissed me. He's never done that before and always looks around before asking me if he can kiss me, though this morning he didn't ask; he acted on impulse. And then there's the way he looks at me, his eyes just seem to sparkle with happiness and …and love? I can see something in his eyes. He must really have feelings for me. Like he told me last spring… what were his words? He told me that he loved me and asked me to marry him, I was sure then that I would someday marry him…but what about now? I like Numair, but is it enough to want to marry him?'

"Daine?" a voice inquired. A hand waved in front of her eyes and she was suddenly brought back to reality. Her own personal thoughts would have to be pushed back as she tried to focus on the voice that had called her.

"Huh? Oh, I'm sorry, did you say something Alanna?" Daine recovered quickly, smiling at the Lioness.

"Sorry to distract you from your thoughts, but are you alright Daine?" Alanna said. There was a small amount of concern for her in her friend's voice. Daine looked up at Alanna and glanced out of the corner of her eye at Numair. She saw the same amount of concern in his eyes as what she found in Alanna's voice.

"Yes, yes I'm fine. There is nothing to worry about, although I do want to ask you something later, in private, if you have some spare time available?"

"Sure." Alanna said slowly thinking. "But I won't be free until later tonight. I have some things to discuss with the King first. Shall I come to you rooms when I'm done?"

"Yes, thankyou." She paused for a minute and continued. "Numair take that look of your face. I said that I was fine and there's no need to worry, ok?"

"But-" he started but didn't get to finish as she had firmly planted her hand over his mouth.

"I mean it. I'm not letting go until you agree."

Numair seemed to think before he nodded. Daine let go of his mouth and then excused herself from the table, picking up her tray as she stood. Numair, Alanna and Buri watched silently as she gave her tray to the wash up servers and walked out of the mess hall.

"What was that all about?" Buri asked. "Do you know something she's not telling us, Numair?"

"No. I don't even know why she wants to talk to you, Alanna."

Daine walked along the corridor and continued her way along until she reached her rooms. She unlocked the door and walked in, closing it behind her. She didn't know what had gotten in to her. She had spoken to Numair like that once before, but it was never in the presence of others and had totally regretted the comment later. Of course she apologised to him and he had dropped the matter, although his eyes showed that he wanted to pursue it. She flopped down onto her bed leaving her boots to hang over the edge. She lay there thinking about many things. Her life, the passing events of the year, her parents in the Realms of the Gods, her friends among the palace and her friends among the People, and then finally her thoughts drifted to Numair. 'Numair' her mind said. Daine smiled at the very thought of him. She was attracted to him for sure, who wouldn't be? He was six foot five inches tall, with coal-black hair tied back in to a horsetail. His eyes were of a dark colour and she loved the way that they looked at her. Despite everything, Daine knew that she had some feelings for him. But just what were those feelings she was unsure of. She didn't know what she felt for him.

'He's, he's…what?' Daine couldn't decide. 'What is he? He's attractive, that's what. Cute, for sure, honest and…' She paused for a moment. 'And he's completely funny. He makes me laugh. He makes me happy. But the most important thing is that he seems to like the person that I am. That I have become.' She sighed heavily and continued with her thoughts as she rolled over and looked at the ceiling without really seeing it. 'Maybe I… but no, how can I be so sure? What do I feel? What if I really have feelings for Numair? He told me that he loves me. What if I do actually…'

Her thoughts were brought to an abrupt halt when there was a sudden knock on the door. 'Damn it!' she cursed mentally at the intrusion. She got up from her bed and opened it to find a servant girl.


"Begging your pardon milady, but His Majesty King Jonathon sent me to give you this." The maid held out her hand and Daine took the folded parchment. Noticing the Royal seal, she tore open the note to read its contents:


Will you join me in my study as soon as possible please? The matter isn't urgent but needs to be dealt with soon.



"Thankyou" Daine told the maid. The maid curtsied and left, leaving the young woman standing there. Daine walked back inside and checked her appearance in the mirror, placing the note on her dresser. She wasn't vain about her looks like most court ladies she knew of. Most of the time, she forgot all about the droppings that birds had left on her arms and shoulders when they visited her. But she was to see the King and definitely couldn't be seen all messed up. She quickly ran a brush through her tangled brown locks and tied it back with a ribbon. She smoothed out the wrinkles in her blue shirt and then tried to the do the same with the creases in her tan coloured breeches but to no avail. 'Oh well,' she thought with a shrug. She collected her keys placing them in her pocket after locking her door and she walked briskly in the direction of the King's study hoping that the meeting would not take long.

A/N: well I hope you liked the first chapter… please review as I really would like to know what you thought of it so far…if I don't get reviews I may not put up the next couple of chapters…so click that review button down there! Thanks… -N-