Professionalism, Except Not Really


Kasamatsu Yukio hates flying, never been very good with it— what, with being stuck in a pressurized metal tube 30,000 feet in the air and his life in the hands of some faceless people whose voices sound garbled over the speaker half the time? Yeah, not his idea of reassuring.

So he's not sure how he's supposed to feel when he runs into Kise at the airport and discovers he'd be sitting in a 13-hour flight flown by the very man. Is he supposed to be comforted or horrified?

"Ladies and gentleman, this is your handsome co-pilot speaking! We're—"

The sudden, way-too-cheerful announcement blaring through Yukio's airline headphones almost makes him leap off his seat. He rips the headphones away from his ears and scowls at it. Is the idiot trying to deafen the whole plane?

"—about to encounter some turbulence, so please return to your seats and keep your seat belts fastened until the seat belt sign has been turned off."

Yukio blanches. Horrified, he decides. Not comforted.

"And also! Please don't worry too much, Kasamatsu-senpai! I've got this!"

Definitely horrified.

At least, he thinks, no one knows who this "Kasamatsu-senpai" is supposed to be.

Yukio sinks lower in his seat.

The flight attendant moving down the aisle didn't really giggle at him, no.


Originally written: September 18, 2013

A/N: I originally wrote this as part of a longer thing when I tried to picture Pilot!Kise and Passenger!Yukio after the whole future jobs thing that was mentioned in the character bible, but I couldn't seem to get this part to come out any other way (that isn't crackish). So here we have it, on its own, because I've long given up on that fic but still can't get rid of this imagery. :P