Disclaimer: I, of course, own nothing that you recognize. The only thing I own is my OC, Harlee Lynn Austin.

The sound of glass shattering ringing through out an arena always meant one thing for a WWE fan. Stone Cold Steve Austin was in the building and was ready to raise hell. It still rang true to this day, even after the legend had hung up his boots for good. Now, it was time for the glass to shatter again but for another legend in her own right, and that was me, Harlee Lynn Austin, the one and only daughter of Stone Cold himself. I had finally made it to the WWE after training for the past 5 years. My father was completely supportive of me entering the business, but he didn't let me start my training until I turned 16. I was 21 now and had been trained by the likes of my father, the Undertaker, Rob Van Dam, and Shawn Michaels. I didn't get offered this spot on the main roster right away, however. I had to pay my dues proving myself in developmental. Lucky for me, I didn't stay there for long, just about a month. They seen there was nothing left for me to know, I had been taught it all before hand. Now here I am, walking along the hall of the Dunkin Donuts Center in Providence, Rhode Island towards Vince McMahons office to discuss my debut on tonights Monday Night Raw.

I got some odd looks from the people I passed. It didn't surprise me since they didn't know who I was, not yet anyways. I knocked on the Chairman's door and was told to enter. I did and was welcomed with a smile. "Well, if it isn't Harlee Austin" the man smiled, "Mr. McMahon, always a pleasure" I grinned, "I've come to the decision to leave the way you debut tonight up to you. I've been thinking of letting some of the Divas go against the Superstars again, so note that you don't have to stick to the Divas if you don't want to. Sound good?" I nodded "yes" "great, then I'll let you go and get ready. Good luck" I thanked him and left.

I had my own locker room for the time being so i put my bags down and began to get ready for the show. I put on a pair of jean shorts, one of my fathers shirts (Arrive. Raise Hell. Leave.) That I had cropped, and a pair of combat style wrestling boots. As I got ready, I began to wonder what I would do tonight that would make an impact. Ideas swarmed my head until I finally came up with something. Once the show started I headed to one of the monitors close to the gorilla position, trying to stay out of view of everyone. I smirked as my targets music begun to play:

"Behold the king, the king of kings

On your knees dog.

All hail.

Bow down to the, bow down to the king.

Bow down to the, bow down to the king."

What could I say? Having a problem with Authority runs in the family. I didn't really hate them of course. The whole roster was gathered on the stage and a microphone stood in front of them. This was supposed to be an open forum, allowing anyone to speak up about the way things where happening at the moment. In the ring was Hunter, Stephanie, and Randy Orton. Hunter said what he had to say and a few superstars stepped up to speak. Hunter asked if anyone else had anything to say. Maybe one of the Divas? I smiled, perfect. I yelled for a stagehand to start my music and there it was. The sound of glass shattering. The crowd went crazy thinking my father was here but they where confused when the lyrics begun and I walked out. The surprise on everyones face was clear, including the talent and the three in the ring.

"Get ready for the smackdown

Get ready for the smackdown

How ya gunna react when ya put on ya back now

Cause there is no turning back when you're facing the smackdown"

I walked with attitude, past the microphone, down the ramp, and stopping when three men in black got in my way. I glared at them and shoved them out of my way before climbing into the ring and grabbing a mic of my own. "Well, if it isn't little miss Harlee Austin. I figured I would be hearing from you eventually. You've always had a problem with authority, just like your father. So go ahead sweetheart, say what you've got to say" I smirked at Hunter and brought the microphone to my lips and just as I opened my mouth to speak, I tossed the microphone over my shoulder quickly and hit Hunter with the Stone Cold Stunner. I knew that would raise hell. Randy came after me and I quickly dropped him to the ground, the three men in black came after me next, I think Hunter had called them the Shield? They quickly turned this into a three on one assult, but Rob Van Dam and Kofi Kingston came down to help me out, quickly making it an even fight.

When we cleared the ring, I grabbed the microphone again and turned to face the roster that still stood on the stage. "I'm putting each and everyone of you on notice, this ring belongs to an Austin again, and you know what that means. Its time to raise some hell and I plan on raising plenty of it. I don't care who you are, if you're the authority, if you're the WWE World Heavyweight Champion, if you're a Superstar or Diva. Watch your back because I'm coming after you." I dropped the mic as my music began to play and I jumped down from the ring. I walked up the ramp to the sound of cheers. As soon as I got backstage I seen Hunter and Stephanie waiting for me, Randy standing with them. His eyes where cold, and man he did not look happy that I hit him with a stunner. "You did great out there, Harlee. You really got us. Vince knew you would come up with something good" Hunter smiled, "it made sense for me to go after the authority since being a rebel is in my blood" "how about a match tonight? You, Rob, and Kofi against the Shield?" Steph spoke, I nodded "sounds good". They walked away to let the others know about the match but Randy stood behind, "I'll let that little move of yours slide since its your first night, next time I won't be so kind" I glared at him and opened up my mouth to speak but he just turned on his heel and walked away.

I was about to head back to my locker room when i felt an arm wrap around my shoulders, Rob, "you did great out there Harls" he smiled and gave me a hug, "thanks" I smiled back. I noticed that there was four other men with him and he gladly introduced us "guys this is Harlee. Harlee, that's Kofi, Seth, Dean, and Roman" they smiled at me "are you really stone colds daughter?" Seth asked, I nodded "the one and only" "you made quite the impression out there. Can't wait to see you in the ring" Kofi said. After talking for a little bit, they walked away, leaving me with Rob "how are you liking it here so far?" He asked "alright I guess. I think I've already made an enemy out of Orton though" he laughed "don't worry about him, he's been an ass ever since he won those belts. Have you met everyone?" I shook my head "no, I have my own locker room so I haven't had much of a chance" "alright, well I'll let you get to where ever you where going. I'll see you after for our match" I smiled and nodded "alright, I'll see you later".

I was just leaving my locker room, phone in hand, when i bumped into someone. I looked up "oh man, I'm sorry, wasn't paying attention" the diva smiled "its alright, I'm Kaitlyn by the way" "Harlee" I smiled back "you really made an impression out there, I'm looking forward to your match later" "oh, thanks" "I was just about to go and meet some friends in catering, want to come along?" I nodded "sure". The two of us walked together, talking, I could tell me and Kaitlyn where going to be good friends. She introduced me to AJ Lee, Dolph Ziggler, Miz, the Bella Twins, Daniel Bryan, John Cena, Natalya, Tyson Kidd, and last but not least, CM Punk. I could tell that they would be good friends. I also ran into some familiar faces like the Big Show and Kane.

When it came time for my debut match I met up with Rob and Kofi at the gorilla. "Ready?" Kofi asked as the Shields music started and they made their way through the crowd, I nodded "as I'll ever be". Kofis music started and he headed out, then Rob. I got into character quick as my music hit last. The two men had waited for me before heading down to the ring. Rob decided he was going to start off against Dean and back and fourth they went. About 10 minutes later he tagged Kofi in and after another 10 minutes he tagged me in, the crowd began to cheer. It had been a while since a woman had jumped in with the guys. I stepped up to Roman and glared at him, daring him to make the first move. He tried but I blocked it quick. Back and fourth we went. He was a strong competitor. I irish Whipped him into the ropes and he bounced back at me, I ducked the clothesline he was about to give me and gave him one of my own. Once he was on the ground I got him in the muta lock but Seth and Dean where quick to break it up. Rob and Kofi jumped in the mix. Once I had him alone in the ring again I climbed to The top rope ready to perform a five star frog splash, when Randys music hit. He came to the stage but didn't move down the ramp. I turned my attention back to the match and did the splash but he kicked out. He got up and hit the superman punch on me. Once I got back to my feet I seen him trash talking Kofi and Rob, I tapped him on the shoulder and once he turned I hit him with a stunner and pinned him for the win.

My music hit and Kofi and Rob celebrated in the ring with me. I kept my gaze on Randy though, who had yet to move from the stage. I could see his cold blue eyes perfectly from where I stood but he didn't scare me. That's how the show ended, with a stare Down between the viper and the young rattlesnake.

A/N: Hey, everyone! I'm back with another story! This time will be an OC/Randy Orton pairing. Hopefully, you will all like this one just as much as the Emma/Roman story I had done. You're possibly wondering where the one shots I said I would do for Roman And Emma are but never fear, I'll do a few, I just haven't really thought of one yet. But until then feel free to enjoy the wild ride of Harlee Lynn Austin! If you're wondering Harlees entrance music is "Smackdown" by thousand foot kruntch. Feel free to review!