
Heyyyyy guys! First book on fanfiction so I want to make sure it's the best I can make it. Nalu is the shipping, along with some Gale and maybe some others? I want to make it clear that this isn't the cliché, overused storyline of Lucy being the Dragon Princess or anything like that (I don't mean that to be offensive to any writers who have done that, but I've seen that bit wayyyyy too many times). Next I'd like to say: LEMON IN CHAPTER THREE. I'll be warning you along the way that that is coming, so just a friendly reminder. Due to the Lemon, this book is rated M for young readers' safety.

"Oi, Gajeel, you smell different today," Natsu observed, his nose twitching. His brow was furrowed in concentration as he tried to find where he smelled that scent before. It was on the tip of his tongue, and he knew this scent was way too familiar for his liking.

Gajeel sat stiff in his barstool. How could he be so stupid?! Gajeel was smarter than this than to let another dragon slayer sniff him all day. He had to get out. "S-salamander, stop that! You're freaking me out!" But Natsu continued his search.

Just before Gajeel was home-free, Natsu raised his head, a sly smirk on his face. The iron dragon slayer stopped in his tracks. Oh he was so dead. Especially when Mirajane was right behind the counter.

Gajeel gulped. He knew what was coming.

"I know you slept with someone last night," Natsu whispered.

Those words were almost joyous. Gajeel was relieved, for now. Natsu would probably absentmindedly walk by Levy and he'd know right away. What worried Gajeel the most was if Natsu found out, would he rush into things? If Natsu found out, then this would be a competition of who could have the most sex. Sure, it sounded stupid, but Natsu was arrogant, and so was Gajeel.

Gajeel closed his blood-red eyes to rid himself of screeching at Natsu. "If you even think to tell anyone, I will personally rip you to embers. Got it, Flame-head," He growled.

Natsu brushed it off, however, their voices soon became fists and punches. Just like any other day at Fairy Tail.

That night, rain fell upon Earthland. A soft sigh or groan could be used to describe Lucy's evening. With the pitter-patter of rain outside, that'd mean there'd be no mission tomorrow. It also meant that Lucy wouldn't get a wink of sleep. Rain always put her down. It reminded her of the sorrow and misery at her mother's gravestone.

Lucy had asked Levy to come over tonight with books, so they could have a little girl-time, but it appeared that Levy was not coming due to the terrible weather.

She sighed again. Lucy was as awake as the day, yet her body would not do much to hold her own weight. As she stripped down to nothing more than her undergarments, Lucy saw a flash outside her window. Must be lightning, She thought. Her stomach gurgled, indicating she was hungry. Lucy moved her way into the kitchen. Right as she opened the fridge and the light popped on, a loud, thundering boom erupted, and the power went out.

Great, just great! I'm stuck here in the frozen temperatures because my power is out! Lucy huffed. She trotted back to her bed in hopes of sleep.

As Lucy laid back down in bed, her mind wandered to some crazy thoughts. Like first, Natsu should be in her apartment. It was unlikely for him to elsewhere at this time of night. He usually snuck in and invaded Lucy in her sleep. But tonight, that wasn't the case.

Tonight, Lucy was alone. She could be writing in her novel. She could be actually trying to sleep. Instead, she thought of a special dragon slayer.

She thought of how good a boyfriend he might be. She thought of his revealing overcoat that at many times was so tempting to reach out and stroke his chest, but still refused. She thought of his cheesy grin that won her heart so many times because it reminded her he was always trustworthy. She thought about how Natsu was always there to protect her... and the many times her breasts landed on his face. Oh, and the time he groped her.

Just Natsu in general made her insides melt. The warm feeling that churned in her stomach made her feel at ease, and soon enough, Lucy had found peace in dreamland.

But it wasn't long until her mind cranked its gears again.

The window beside her bed creaked a bit. The rain's sound barely made any difference inside or outside. One figure entered the room. A calloused hand reached for the window's latch to close it. The being came closer to Lucy; a hand extended in her direction. Just before it touched her sleeping figure, it smacked its hand away.

Her breath hitched. She could feel the warm presence of a being in her room, but she remained quiet playing the 'I'm asleep, so don't touch me' bit. As the heat of the creature drew closer, she let out a small shriek.

A low reptilian growl was heard. Its eyes pierced on its prey. It licked its lips with a long forked tongue. How it would feel to have her body against its own. As the creature's thoughts became deeper and more perverted, the sane side of it snapped into place. I can feel her heart beating faster. She must be having a nightmare...or something else, it thought. The creature's mind began to play images of Lucy and itself wrapped around each other. Both releasing pleasure that had been built up for so long.

"Luce," it breathed. Its hand curled into a fist. I can't stay here much longer, it thought hastily.

It turned for the window. When Lucy thought the creature was gone, she peeked one eye open. She gasped at the sight. At the last moment before it hopped down, lightning flashed, perfectly enhancing the salmon hair on its head.

It ran as far as it could to isolation. "Soon... I have to know if you love me... Then I can be normal again. Gajeel is always right about these things.

"Levy..." Gajeel's eyes averted from his mate. He had to explain a lot to her in such a short amount of time. Natsu was already in his stage, and it wouldn't be long before he too would have a mate.

Levy sat cross-legged on her bed. It was a queen size, just big enough for her small petite self, and her tall and broad mate. She had books scattered on the ground, and an entire study table for her work.

"Hmmm?" She asked tenderly.

Gajeel rubbed the back of his neck as he began, "Salamander is in his stage. Just like I was two days ago."

There was no need to further explain. Levy knew that the beast that crawled into her bed a few nights ago was Gajeel in his stage. She had experienced a side of Gajeel she had never known. He had been frightening, yet protective. A dragon slayer's stage was just another dragon instinct that they had. It was almost like heat, but it's only a signal that lets the dragon slayer know they've chosen a mate.

Levy was partially scared. "W-What about Lu-chan?" By now, everyone in the guild knew Natsu and Lucy were meant for each other. It wouldn't be anyone else. Not even Lisanna.

The two cuddled up on Levy's bed. Worrying for her best friend, she began to shake. "Don't cry, Shrimp. Bunny-girl'll be alright. If she loves Salamander, then she'll be fine," Gajeel cooed.

She looked up at Gajeel with the biggest eyes and snuggled back into his chest. She believed him. She knew Lucy loves Natsu, and it'd be a matter of time before they'd mate.

Still, Levy wondered what happened to Lucy tonight. Especially when she was supposed to be at Lucy's apartment with her books. Did Natsu invade Lucy in her sleep? Levy hoped not. For now, Lucy should be aware of Natsu because Levy did get one hell of night with Gajeel in his stage. And the longer she waited, the more intense the mating would be.

"What if Lu-chan isn't ready?"

"She'll have to go through with it."

Levy thought long and hard. There was one thing that Lucy hadn't done yet that every woman in the guild had already done, and that was giving herself to someone. Even Lisanna did a little number on Edo-Natsu (taken that Edo-Natsu and Natsu are opposites, we can assume that Earthland's Natsu will never be right for Lisanna). Lucy was someone who wanted to wear a white dress to her wedding.

Gajeel stroked her hair. Levy's breaths became short and light.

As soon as Gajeel knew she was asleep, he muttered to himself, "Metalicana told me everything. It'll be so soon, too. I hope he was right."