As of the 19th of May... (for the season 1 finale, Dream Travel)

"This story sucks," Tyler said with a huff, glaring at the papers in his hand.

Burt looked up from his own stack. "What are you talking about? I think it's pretty good. I mean, going from the outline, anyway. And the first chapter came out nice."

"The whole thing is about me but I'm barely even in it. That makes no sense!"

"I think it makes it more interesting," Burt replied calmly.

Tyler snorted. "Yeah, 'cause it makes you the main character!"

Burt smirked but said nothing.

"Fine. But when you're story comes out, I'd better be the front person. It's only fair."

"Of course, Tyler."

"…Don't humour me."

"Of course not. Ooo look, she's started chapter two already!"

"You disgust me."

Yes. I have finished the first chapter and immediately began the second. Woot!