Ana and Sawyer

Sawyers POW:

There was always something from the beginning about her that he liked, but with her been his boss's wife he couldn't say anything even when he wished he could. He even went as far as to tell Taylor, when they were alone. He would do anything for Ana, jumping at Christians demands to look after her, but tried to make it look like he was just following demands from his boss.

We went to the beach and Ana and Christian were sunbathing, Taylor and I were watching over them, but Ana and Christian started arguing. Taylor told me that we had to stay here and watch out, as anyone could turn up and try to hurt them, or even try and take pictures. They argued for a while before Christian went out to have a swim in the sea, Ana untied her bikini and lay on her stomach for a while until she rolled over. My eyes nearly fell out of my head! I'm so glad I have sunglasses on so no one can see my reaction. If Christian could see, he would go mad. I can see Christian coming out of the water whilst Ana is still on her front with her top off. Christian's expression shows that he is not happy with what he can see, but me and Taylor can't help but look as we have to watch them. Christian started to shout at Ana, she hangs her head low and looks really sad. I really wish I could help her, I wouldn't talk to her like this. It really annoys me when Christian does this to her. She puts her bikini top back on and practically runs after Christian to keep up with him as they go back to the boat. Christian dismisses us when he is back on the boat so he can spend time with Ana.

We are dismissed until Christian takes Ana out on the jets and we have to go with them. Ana loved been on the jets but Christian was very protective over her, limiting and how far and fast they went. I know he's not used to people, but he needs to let up sometimes! We go shopping, Taylor and I stay in the shadows watching whilst Christian and Ana talk. You can tell Ana is not used to money, as she keeps picking things up that she would of got before she was with Christian but he keeps telling her to remember they have money. This goes on all day, until Ana buys a few items and we all head back to the boat. I still admire Ana from distance, she looks so beautiful on the jets. I'm so glad that we're getting closer and talk more, I think she is starting to get used to having security about. After we head back we are dismissed to our rooms, and let Christian and Ana have the time they need.

The next day Ana wants to go out on the jets, Taylor doesn't think it's safe and that Christian would not agree, but she said that we can go with her. Taylor finally agrees and we show her what to do to get the jets started, we take her out onto the water. We watch as she turns the key in the engine, it is clear that she wasn't expecting it to go that fast from her expression when she is thrown back with the speed. We shout, but she doesn't seem to hear us. Taylor gets worried, we are quickly by her side before she speeds off again. Taylor doesn't look happy, but I am glad she's enjoying herself, I just hope she is safe. We soon reach the mariner, where we all pull together and take Ana shopping. She seems more relaxed without Christian telling her she has to spend a lot of money. We talk for a while and Ana seems to really enjoy it, I forget that I am security and just talk to her like she is my friend. Taylor seems concerned and is keeping a very keen eye on things. Ana takes me into a few shops and buys a present for herself and for Christian before Taylor has had a call from an upset Christian. We go back the harbor to get back onto the jets. I help Ana back onto hers and feel a slight tingle between the both of us, but we say nothing about it; just smile. As we head out onto the water, Ana and I race each other, but Taylor doesn't look too happy. I see Christian standing on the harbor looking angrier than ever and frantically signaling Ana to stop racing and to come into the harbor safely. I help her off the jet before Christian takes her back to the boat.

Authors Notes:

This is a first preview of the next story me and my best friend are writing there will be a lot more to post I hope uses enjoy it and please feel free to contact me and leave feedback we do have a lot more to post.

This is a story about Ana leaving Christian and going off with Sawyer while she is pregnant I don't want to spoil it too much with Authors notes so I will be posting more soon I'm just having to work around work and waiting for my best friend to proof read everything so please feel free to leave feedback and contact me it means a lot to see your comments and I'm sorry if I upset anyone with this story I don't want to upset anyone this is just another view that's all.

Thanks everyone who reads this and please review I can't wait to read them!

1000, people have viewed it in less than 2days could not be happy thank you all for showing you care with the reviews, message, following, favourites and even private messages it really does mean a lot and we will hopefully be posting more soon. We cant wait for uses to read the rest that we have wrote.

Thanks everyone it means so much!

Love to you all x