A/N: Someone requested the prequel to my "Vampire" ficlet, which is chapter 50 of this collection. I hadn't even thought about how they might meet when I wrote that piece but this is my version of a vampire verse. All I wanted was for it not to be Twilight lol. I hope y'all like it.

Olivia stood in line outside the club, checking her lipstick in her compact mirror. She looked down at her leather dress then her red pumps that matched her lingerie. She held onto the small gold invitation, given to her seemingly in passing by the blue-eyed man, his skin slightly bronzed but still alabaster perfection, on the train to work. She'd almost not come, but Abbie had convinced her not to pass up on the chance to be with a vampire. A vampire herself, she'd never know the pleasure of being fed on, so she refused to let her best friend miss the opportunity.

So there she stood, awaiting entrance into the only nightclub open to mortals by invite only. The line filed into the club, the thumping bass-heavy music breaking the night's silence each time the door opened. Olivia finally made it to the front of the line, presented her card to the dark-haired man standing out front. She marveled at the perfection of his skin, unable to stop herself from reaching out and running her fingertips down his cheek. He looked up at her face then down at her outfit with a smile, revealing his fangs, plated gold.

"Don't make me take you home," he teased as he handed the c ard back then unhooked the rope cordoning off the entrance. Olivia only smiled as she stepped inside and he closed the rope behind her. She went for the door but he stopped her, holding onto her hand. "If no one's here for you, come find me."

"I will," she replied before entering the club.

The music was at a surprisingly low volume though the bass seemed to make the entire room vibrate. A redhead, paler than Abby by far, sat on a stool on the stage, her dress slinky silver that glimmered under the low lights.

"The sweetest submission/ Drinking you in/ The wine and the women/ The bedroom hymns," she crooned as Olivia made her way to the bar, looking around the dimly lit club. A woman lay atop a large slab, four men clustered around her, their mouths attached to her writhing frame. Olivia watched her head roll around, her low, guttural groans punctuating the music. A man was in a similar position, shackled to a wall as two women sucked on opposite sides of his neck. A slowly rutting couple, the woman's left breast clutched in the man's mouth, spread out on a backless couch, both of them blissfully unaware of the crowded room.

The bartender, a dark-haired woman with crimson lips, her skin nearly glowing against the glinting sequins of her top, grinned at Olivia. She leaned on the car, murmured, "Are you here to see me?"

Olivia smiled, her cheeks warm, and shook her head. The bartender shrugged, replied, "That's a shame. What will you have?"

"Surprise me," Olivia replied.

The woman's index finger ghosted the hollow of Olivia's throat, her fangs glinting silver around tiny red jewels. "You shouldn't make a request like that in a place like this."

Olivia laughed, watching as she mixed liquors in a tumbler. She shook it up for a moment then poured it in a shallow glass then plopped in a maraschino cherry and held it out to Olivia. "It's called a French kiss."

Olivia grinned as she took the cherry out and popped it in her mouth, tearing it off the stem with her teeth. Before she can reply, a hand pressed into the small of her back and she turned to see the blue-eyed man who had invited her. He grinned, his fangs gold like the bouncer's, and said, "I didn't think you were coming."

"I was trying to steal her away," the bartender replied with a grin.

"Quinn's always after my girls," he told Olivia as his hand clasped her waist.

Olivia smiled as she picked up her glass, giving the bartender a little wave. "Bye."

"Come back any time," Quinn replied as they walked away.

Olivia sipped her drink as she allowed the dark-haired man to lead her to a large leather chair in a corner. He sat down and pulled her onto his lap, his thighs muscular beneath the crisp denim of his black jeans. His fingers ran down the column of her neck then over her collarbone, leaving a trail of warmth in their wake.

"Your neck is exquisite," he murmured, his lips on the shell of her ear though she'd have no problem hearing him over the music.

His index finger dipped to the cleft of her cleavage and Olivia laughed as she caught his hand before it explored farther. "You still haven't told me your name."

"You haven't told me yours either," he replied.

On the train, he'd simply given her the card and gone on his way, leaving her staring at his broad back as the train pulled away from his stop.

"Olivia," she hissed because his teeth were travelling the length of her neck as if searching for a place to mark their territory.

"I'm Fitz." His lips found her earlobe, his tongue darting out and making her jump. "Finish your drink."

"Why? Is it spiked?" Something like mischief flashed in her eyes and he grinned.

"No, but I could give you something," he replied. Olivia shook her head, wanting to be fully aware when it—whatever it was—happened. "I like telling women what to do."

"Is that so?" She raised her eyebrows at him.

"Have you ever been with a vampire?" he asked. Olivia shook her head again, sipping her drink, and Fitz's grin widened. "We're very bossy."

Olivia laughed and finished her drink. Fitz signaled to Quinn to mix her another. He leaned over, breathed in the scent on her neck as his hand ran down her arms, pulling her wrists back and holding them in place. Olivia struggled weakly against his grin but found she couldn't move even an inch. She commented, "You're strong."

"I'm stronger than you think," he replied.

"How strong are you?"

He answered by getting out of the chair, leaving her in it, then lifting the whole thing with an easy smile. "To be fair, I don't think you weigh that much."


He shrugged as he resumed his seat, lifting her onto his lap. "I could throw you around easy."

"We'll see about that."

His tongue replaced his teeth running up and down her neck, and Olivia squirmed in his embrace. His hands locked on her waist, eventually pulling her around to straddle him. His lips trailed down from the lamb soft skin below her earlobe to the pulse point above her collarbone. His hands travelled down to cup the swell of her ass, enjoying the weight of it in his hands as he kneaded her pliant flesh.

"Will you let me take you home?" he asked, tugging at the zipper on her dress to open it, revealing her red bra. The cups were made of sheer silk, her nipples covered with red lace roses. "Did you know red is my favorite color?"

Olivia laughed. "What happens when you take me home?"

"Whatever you want," he answered.


"Slow, baby. Slow," Olivia hissed. He had to stop flicking his tongue so fast or Olivia would crawl out of her skin. She wasn't sure how long she'd been in his leather-heavy apartment. His tongue had taken the concept of time away from her completely. She lay on the edge of his black wooden coffee table, squirming away from his wanting tongue. She couldn't remember how she'd gotten on the table, just that if he made her cum again, it and she would dissolve into a puddle. He took hold of her ankles and pulled her to the edge of the table.

"Mmmm," he hummed against her clit, still held captive by his lips. Olivia's back arched further, almost enough to hurt, but the pain escaped her consciousness, her mind much more focused on the tide welling inside her again. She couldn't remember how many times she'd cum, only that this would be the orgasm that killed her. She tugged at his hair desperately, her thighs closing around his face so tightly that Fitz has to pull them away. He curled his fingers inside her and Olivia began convulsing, her hands banging on the table

"Roll over," he commanded.

Olivia managed despite her jelly-like limbs, sliding back to put her knees on the floor. Fitz considered her for a moment then picked her up and moved her to the couch, bending her over the arm. He squatted behind her, gave her center a slow lick that made her quiver. "Please…"

"Please what, Livvie?" He smiled as the way she shrank from his exploring fingers. "Had enough teasing?"

"Yes," she whimpered.

"What should I do with you now?" he asked as he stood, his hand in the small of her back.

She whined her answer so softly that he almost didn't hear her. "Fuck me."

"Is that what you think I brought you here for?" He laughed. "Dirty girl. I just wanted to have a drink."

Olivia snorted but offered no other reply. Fitz laughed again, shrugged as he scooped her up with one arm. "Well since that's what you'd like…"

He tossed her over his shoulder then carried her into his room and set her on the bed. "Stay here."

He left her there, headed into another smaller room, and Olivia slipped off the bed then wiggled underneath it. Fitz came back into the room. He frowned at the empty bed. "Olivia?"

When he got no answer, he looked in the bathroom but found it empty then returned to the room. He was about to look in the living room when he heard her giggle. He smirked as he looked at his closet. "So you're hiding from me? Alright. But it's going to get you punished."

She giggled again and he went to the closet, surprised when he didn't find her in it. He went into the bathroom, checked the shower then the linen closet, still not finding her. He returned to his room, opened the cabinet bottom of his nightstand though he didn't think she was small enough to fit there. Still, crouched beside the bed, he strained his ears until he heard her breathing then got up and rounded the bed, squatting on the other side. He smirked at the sight of her feet peeking out then grabbed her ankles and pulled her out, smiling at her laughing face.

"So you've been watching me look for you?" He grinned as he hauled her onto the bed. He placed the satin eye mask he'd left to get on her head then said, "I was only going to blindfold you but since you're so naughty, I'll have to fix you."

He left her in the room, disappearing into the smaller one again, then returned a moment later. Olivia allowed him to rig her up in the contraption, made of a metal bar between her feet and cuffs that looped around her wrists and ankles. "Can you move?"

Olivia attempted to crawl away but found she could only wiggle in the spot. "Just a little."

"Good," he replied. He slipped the eye mask over her eyes "Can you see anything?"

Olivia shook her head, smiling a little. "No. I suppose you've got me right where you want me."

Fitz laughed as he ran a fingertip down her spine. Olivia shivered, let out a soft moan, and he continued down the back of her thigh, smiling when she giggled. "Ticklish?"


"Have you ever used a safe word?"

"Yes," she answered.

"Good. Any preference?"

"The last one I used was balloons."

"Balloons works for me."

Her face resting on a pillow, she asked, "Do you do this to lots of girls?"

He gave the lush left globe of her ass a slap, answered, "Only bad ones who hide from me."

Olivia hissed then requested, "Do that again."

Fitz grinned as he settled himself behind her, slapped her other cheek. "I should have guessed you'd like that."

He rubbed his erection against her slick center and Olivia moaned, told him, "I'd offer you a hand with that, but…"

Fitz gave her another smack, rubbed his throbbing head against her entrance, groaning at the warmth awaiting him. "Ready?"

"I'm tempted to start without you." She wiggled her bound hands, scraped her nails against his knees.

Fitz scooted closer, lined himself up then pushed inside her, smiling when Olivia moaned, her center clenching around him. He set a thunderous pace, his hands creating constellations of bruises on her hips.

"Talk to me," he demanded, reaching up to take hold of her damp curls. "Tell me what you want."

"Slow please. I need you deeper." Though he couldn't see them, he imagined her pupils were blown judging by her flushed face.

He scooted closer, pushed deeper, groaning in tandem with the low moan Olivia let out, changing his pace so he was barely moving inside her. He reached beneath her, found her throbbing clit, and pressed the pad of his middle finger to it. "You're doing so good. So good. Taking my cock like such a good girl…"

His pace quickened until he found a steady rhythm that coaxed a wanton "ah" from Olivia each time he bottomed out inside her. It didn't take her long to begin shaking beneath him, rolling back and forth on her shoulders until he placed his free hand between her shoulder blades to still her. "You can't cum until you ask for it."

"Make me cum! Make me cum! Make me cum!" came her immediately reply, becoming a high-pitched chant as he resumed strumming her clit. He used his free hand to undo the restraints around her wrists and Olivia sat up on her elbows, pushed back against him. "MakemecummakemecummakemecumFuck!"

"Fuck," he groaned, his head dropping on her shoulder as he covered her hands with his, intertwining their fingers and using the leverage to pound her senseless. "So tight… Gonna— Gonna—"

He wasn't surprised when Olivia beat him to the punch, shuddering violently beneath him until she froze, her mouth open and her head tipped back, a shout caught in her throat as her clenching warmth reached a frenzy then seized up around him. After a small eternity, she shuddered back to life, slumping over. Fitz rode her through the tremors of her aftershock, his hips losing the finesse of rhythm as he slammed inside her until he erupted. His cock pulsed inside her, her fingers digging into her hips.

"Jesus," he breathed as he dropped his head on her shoulder, his weight stretching her out on the bed as he collapsed.

Olivia pushed her eye mask off then reached back, ran her fingers through his sweat damp hair. "Wow."

"Wow? That's all I get? Get out," he teased, giving her shoulder a nip.

"I don't know what I expected but wow is all I've got," she replied, looking back at him with a sleepy smile. "You know, you're not as heavy as I thought you'd be."

Fitz smiled as he sat up and unshackled her ankles, setting the spreader bar on the nightstand before he lay beside her. Olivia scooted back against him, grabbed his arm and pulled it around her goosebumped body. He asked, "How do you feel about shower sex?"

"Not as sexy as you'd think," Olivia answered, recalling more than a few underwhelming experiences.

"Well I've got a chair," he replied.

Olivia smiled. "That could change things, but…"


She shook her head, murmured, "Nothing."

"Tell me."

If anyone else commanded her so casually, she'd have balked immediately, but something about his whispery baritone made her putty in his hands. "Well… I just assumed you brought me here to feed on me."

Fitz looked down at her, replied, "Well, I was working my way around to it. I didn't think you'd volunteer."

"Well I am."

A/N: If you want to read about Fitz, feeding on Olivia, it's chapter 50. Don't forget to review (or leave a prompt if you want)! XOXOXOXO