So the title pretty much gives away what this story is about, but I like the idea and I'll try to be funny I don't think I portray Spike very well, but I like the idea so I guess I'll just give it a shot. This story is probably only going to be a couple chapter's long. And I am only writing it because most of my stories are pretty depressing and I wanted to write something a little lighter. So you know…yolo (Which in Spanish means I it!... I think. Any Spanish speakers that can either confirm or deny that?)

Chase's Point of View

Today has been a pretty much awful day. I glitched during training and sprayed Mr. Davenport with my snot cannon. Adam destroyed me even more than usual in combat training today. Which has earned me a great deal of pain. I am sore from last night when Adam threw me down the stairs, plus on top of all of that, it is Saturday. Which means there was no school.

"Oooohhhh Chase….." Adam sings merrily.

"What Adam?" I groan. I am not in the mood for any of his abuse.

"Look, it's you!" He laughs while holding up a Barbie doll.

"Ha, ha very funny. Where did you get that?" I ask him.

"What, you don't recognize her?" I squint my eyes.

"MALLORY!" I almost yell. After that outburst I can feel my face turning red.

"Who's Mallory?" Leo asks as he and Bree walk into the lab.

"Chase's doll." Adam jeers.

"She's not a doll." I grunt as I snatch the doll from his hands.

"Oh yeah, I remember her. Chase used to play with her all the time." Bree says.

"Chase played with dolls? Why am I not surprised?" Leo jokes.

"I didn't play with dolls. Mallory was an undercover spy. She was my only friend when Adam and Bree were mean to me." I inform him.

"Chase plays with dolls. Chase plays with dolls." They all chant.

"Stop it!" I scream at them.

"Ooooohhh is Chasey Wasey sady wady?" Bree laughs.

Why do they have to be so mean to mean? So what I played with a doll when I was little. Adam played with his collection of toe nail clippings and Bree used to eat her hair. But no one brings that up! All they ever do is make fun of me. All they ever do is point out my flaws. It's never good job Chase or thanks for saving our butts Chase. No, it's always you're short. You have a funny haircut. You are weak. You are such a nerd. Even when I risked my life for them on several occasions. Even when I was willing to lay down all I had for them. Even when I literally jumped in front of a ball of fire to save Douglass all I go was 'You actually did something for once'. Is that all I am? It just makes me so, so, so… MAD!

I made a mistake, I let my emotions get ahold of me. I tried to stop him. It didn't work, he has gotten to strong.

Commando App Engaged

This will probably update a little slower. I only am writing this so after I write for Chase's Battle (once was called Crossroads) I wouldn't be so depressed.