The Soldier and the Singer, the Author's final notes:

Well, this is the end. I had a lot of fun writing this story, but now, my friends, it's time for so long. But I just want to thank everybody who reviewed, shared, favorited and followed this story. It's definitely not as popular, but just like their Hooverville, we are only as strong as we are united, as weak as we are divided. (Sorry, that damn Harry Potter quote always gets me...*sob*)

I really am grateful for all of you, and THIS IS YOUR CHANCE to tell me your final thoughts, reviews, and opinions! And I'm gonna once again thank all my reviewers once more, before I disappear again!

(Also, if you want the links to the sites I had used for their vocabulary, PM me!)

Taylor Claire; swiftielove; percabeth1414; calMeCalypso; Yellow di Viridian Grove, jilyjackson, Blackberry Explosion and WiseGirl5!

BalletandBooks; Blackberry Explosion; GallagherGirlx; Peaceful Pegasus; The Last Girafficorn; (What. What. the hell is a Girafficorn?!); Yellow di Viridian Grove; esparzaarias; jilyjackson; kayotic718; pegg2345; percabeth1414 and trombone246!

Wisegirl2505; Yellow di Virian Grove; esparzaarias; jilyjackson; kayotic718; pegg2345 and percabeth1414!

God, I'm gonna cry...I LOVE YOU ALL, and be sure to stick around for my NEXT 1900's early based, which may or not be Percabeth...BRACE YOURSELVES