Hello :)

I always found an interesting parallel between Col. Fitzwilliam and Elizabeth, specifically them both having the burden of needing to marry for money. I had always envisioned what the Col. may do after the events of the book, and decided to see for myself. The same can be said for other characters in the chapters to come. You will see many familiar faces. Elizabeth and Darcy of course, as well as a few others that might surprise you.

I hope you enjoy,


Chapter 1

Sitting at the strategy table, a glass of wine in his hand, he looked over the plan of attack. A battalion of redcoats on foot were attacking head on, a regiment of officers on horseback were attacking from the west, and group of sharp shooters were positioned from the hills to the south. He drained his glass, and after a small hesitation poured another. It was going to be a long night.

Not every lieutenant made it to Colonel. Even if you were a career military man, there was no promise of promotion. Colonel Fitzwilliam had earned his post at such a young age from a mixture of cunning and charm. He had the wit to build a strategy, the persuasion to promote it, and the strength to execute it to a T. It was no wonder he had been assigned over a thousand men to his command, or that he had been put in for another promotion only six months after his last. The British army was frankly, "lucky to have him." His commander's words. And while the thrill of battle, the glory of victory, and the respect of his soldiers was priceless, it didn't fulfill him.

In the last year alone he had seen his cousin married to a woman he himself had greatly admired. His cousin's best friend also wed, to her sister, and from what he heard children were soon on the way. It made him long for a bond different from that of soldiering brotherhood, which while strong, did not make him fall asleep at night with the warm satisfaction of a husband, or father.

Perhaps the reason he was delaying sleep was because he knew that all that awaited him in his tent was a stiff cot and an itchy blanket. But that was the soldier's life. He quickly drained his second glass. Drink won't make the cot that awaits you any warmer, he told himself. Setting his glass down, he rolled up the map of the battlefield, stuffed it in his pocket, and quickly exited the tent.

His tent was less than fifty yards to east from where he stood, but he found himself turning west, he in eased into a slow stroll around the campsite, as he was known the do the night before a battle. After a few minutes he spotted a corporal sitting fireside outside his own tent, staring down at something in the palm of his left hand. Curious, Fitzwilliam veered over in quiet stride.

"You seem to have a captivating item in your possession sir. Pray tell me, what is it?"

The corporal stood at the sight of him, a quick salute to his cap, his back as straight as a board. "Yes sir Colonel. It's a picture of my betrothed sir, or more a likeness of her sir."

With a gentle wave of his hand, he said "Be at ease soldier, just a curious Colonel out on patrol. May I trouble you to see this capture?"

"Would be my honor sir!" said the corporal, sitting back down and handing Fitzwilliam the tiny painting.

It was indeed intricate for so little a canvas. It must have taken the artist many hours with a tiny brush to paint such a specific likeness. "Does it look much like her Corporal?"

"Indeed it does sir, at every curve." Replied the corporal with complete assurance.

Thinking of the time that it would take to paint such a tiny painting, the money it would cost, and the fact that the brush strokes appeared to be made by a left handed painter, the Colonel made an easy assumption. "I would wager a guess that you painted this yourself Corporal. Recently, in fact."

Surprised, but pleased, the corporal replied, "I did indeed sir, not a fortnight prior. How could you tell?"

Fitzwilliam smiled. "Only a man in love could paint something as exquisite with such detail as this! It seemed but the only choice." he said, handing the small likeness back to its owner.

"And only one who is in such love could recognize it thusly." The corporal replied. "Is the Colonel himself in love with such a woman?"

The Colonel paused, hoping to show no emotion upon his face. He was not in love, not anymore… "No dear sir, I am not. It was merely obvious from the look on your face that you were a man in love."

"Of course sir!" said the man, not doubting it for a second.

"To bed soon corporal. There is a day of fighting ahead and I have a feeling we won't get much sleep tonight, so rest while you can, for tomorrow I intend to be the victor. " The colonel said quickly, rising to leave.

"Absolutely sir!" the man said, already extinguishing the fire. "Good night sir!"

"Good night Corporal."

He spent the next half hour making his round to many a "Good evening sirs!" and the like. Several groups of men inviting him to join them for a drink or meal, he declined politely to each in turn.

His stroll came to an end at his tent just as he knew it would. He took another gander at a letter he had received earlier in the day, checking for the third time to make sure it really said what he knew it did. He took off his clothes and lay down slowly on the creaking cot, extinguishing the candle on the bed side crate. He tried to think of only tomorrow, of battle, of tactics, and not of what it would feel like to be in his own house, in a warm bed, with a woman he desperately loved falling asleep in his arms.


More chapters to come, I will determine how many based on interest and will update you with the amount in later chapters.

I eat Comments and Favorites 3 squares meals a day, they give me the energy to continue the story... Please good sirs, leave a fav or comment cause or I'll die.

No Pressure, but it'll practically make you a murderer if you don't... so, up to you ;)