Summary: This story is just a normal coming of age story.

"No, Korsak, your right! No, your other right!" Jane yelled into her headset. She noticed a faint barking and automatically knew that the opposing team had called in their score streak. Dogs. It didn't help that she had gotten killed. Again.

"You have got to be fucking kidding me." Jane growled while pushing her black frames up her nose.

"Okay, what in the name of Odin, honestly? What the hell, Frost?!" Jane yelled. Frost had messed up their formation which left both her and Korsak vulnerable, and inevitably led to their demise. She backed out of game and waited for the boys rejoin her party.

"Hey don't blame me!" He retorted, clearly just as upset. "Korsak should've had your back that time, not me. I was scouting the back entrance."

"I flanked right like you said!" Korsak said quickly to defend his honor.

"Whatever," Jane said brushing them off. "You both suck at Black Ops anyway." Jane heard them both gasp through her headset.

"Aw, c'mon, take it back! And besides, we said to put in Ghosts anyway. Black Ops is old and only whiny 11 year olds play it." Frost said while adjusting the classes on some of his weapons.

"Yeah," Korsak started. "Plus, maybe your formations just suck. We kept getting ambushed!" They were double teaming her now. This is how it always happened whenever they got together to play video games. Which was almost every day.

"Oh please, you two morons wouldn't know an AK-47 from a Honey badger if it shot you in the face." And it was partially true, these guys were poor with automatics, they were more of the quick scope type. Typical of boys, get in, get out.

"Whatever," Jane started until she heard a shrill voice cut through her soul.


"For the love of Odin, be right back guys." Jane groaned as she got up from her gaming position and headed down the stairs, taking them two at a time.

"What, Ma?"

Her mother looked her up and down, shaking her head. "What are you wearing? You are never going to find a good boy looking like that." She frowned deeply, pinching the bridge of her nose. "All you do is play video games and gush over superheroes. Maybe we can go dress shopping this weekend." Angela rushed out hopefully while Jane huffed out a breath.

"Ma, One thing at a time, please? You're getting sidetracked. Plus, I like this shirt." Jane pouted, hoping to get her back on track. She looked down at her T-shirt. It was red and had a picture of iron man on the front.

"Right right," The older woman said shaking her head as if to get her thoughts in order. "Are you all ready for school tomorrow?" Jane rolled her eyes, it was like pulling teeth with this woman.

"Yeah, Just like I am every year. Anything else?" Angela shook her head so she turned and ran up the stairs as fast as she could back up to her room before her mom could think of something else.

"Hey Jane, I better go, first day of school tomorrow and all." Frost said when Jane put the headset back on, Korsak agreeing with him.

"Alright, pick you guys up tomorrow at 7:30?"

"Sounds good," Korsak chimed in this time, "See you tomorrow, Janie." He giggled, knowing how much Jane hated the nickname.

"Stop calling me that, Korsak!" He completely disregarded her request and logged out of his PSN account, Frost following soon after.

"Asshole." She muttered under breath.

Jane looked down at her outfit, a blue shirt with the superman logo, black skinny jeans, and red vans. She slipped on her glasses and nodded in approval and headed for the stairs. Jane glanced at the clock that was on the stove.

Great, gonna be late on the first day.

"Bye, Ma!" Jane rushed out as she headed for the door.

"Jane, Don't forget about your brother!"

She rolled her eyes before looking up the staircase. "Aye Frankie! Let's go!" She shouted up the stairs.

"Hold ya horses, Jane! I'm comin'!" She heard his feet landing on the stairs, backpack in hand and they started heading for the front door.

"Don't you guys want breakfast?"

"No time, Ma. We'll just pick up something on the way. Ready, Frankie?"

"Yup." He answered, popping the 'p'.

"Alright, bye for real this time!" Jane faintly heard a "have a nice day" from her mother. She hopped in her car and rode off.

"You ready for this, little brother?" Jane inquired. Freshman year could be a big transition, Hell, she was still transitioning.

"Yeah," He started a little nervously, "It's just another school day, how tough could it be, right?"

"You say that now, kid." Frost said chuckling while continuing, "Welcome to the next four years of your life!" They all began walking, Frankie, in search of his first hour class while the boys and Jane were entering a heated debate about who was better: Batman or Iron Man.

"C'mon Frost," Jane said, clearly exasperated, "Iron Man obviously wins, he's smarter, quicker, I will admit Batman has better villains but," She stopped abruptly when she felt another body collide with hers, sending them both to the ground.


"Dammit!" Jane and the other voice started at the same time, Jane began looking for her frames when she noticed the other girl struggling to get her books together.

"Hey, let me help you with that…"

"I am so sorry, I should have been looking where I was going!" The girl hurried out, she looked so worried.

"It's cool, I was too busy fighting with these two morons, totally my fault." She gave a once over on the girl, she dressed like she was a model in New York Fashion Week. Jane looked back up to her eyes, they were a light Hazel.

Hey, Rizzoli, stop being such a creep and speak to her!

Jane cursed her inner monologue that she always seemed to get caught up in.

"Are you new?" Jane gave a small smile as she stood up noticing she had never seen the girl around before.

"Yes, I am new here. I was just headed to my AP Bio class but I can't seem to find it…" She trailed off while looking at her schedule again and around at the class numbers.

"I have that first hour too, I can show you if you want." Jane looked back at Frost and Korsak and had been weirdly quiet during this whole thing. Probably because their eyes are glued to her chest, she rolled her eyes. Boys.

"Thank you so much! I would very much like that."

"Yeah? Cool, see you guys later, alright?" She said as she faced the boys, they nodded absently and walked away as if they had been brainwashed. Jane snorted, they probably have been. The new girl raised an eyebrow at her.

"I'm Rizzoli by the way. I mean Jane. My last name is Jane. I mean Rizzoli. Uh, I'm Jane Rizzoli." Jane sputtered, rubbing the back of her neck.

Nice going, dumbass, now she's gonna think you're a total weirdo.

I'm not a weirdo!

Then stop acting like it!

"Maura Isles." She offered gladly, beaming at Jane.

"Maura," Jane rasped, letting the name roll off of her tongue, "Pretty. So, where are you from?" Jane asked as they headed down the hallway.

"Well, I am originally from Boston, but I moved to France when I was 10." Maura said a little nervously, she was not quite sure on how American teenagers worked, were they all this nice?

"Shit really? That's awesome." They were in class now, both headed for the empty lab station in the middle of the class.

"Hey, Nerdzzoli! Where did you vacation this summer? Krypton?" Crowe laughed and his buddies joined in, Jane blushed and put her head down.

Jane rolled her eyes at the joke. "That's not even funny." Jane muttered under her breath, taking out her textbook and notebook.

"What does he mean by Nerdzzoli? That isn't a word, is it some sort of colloquialism?" Maura asked looking genuinely confused. It was obvious that Maura was not quite use to the American public school system.

Jane shrugged it off. "It's nothing."

Except it wasn't nothing at all. If Jane could live in the world of her favorite characters, she would. Her goal was not to bring them into this boring mundane world, but to travel to their extraordinary one. She could build with Tony Stark, be brave with Rogers, and be badass with Natasha Romanov. Her goal was to become extraordinary in an ordinary world, to live limitlessly in a world of boundaries.

"Alright class! Welcome to AP Bio!" Jane tried to focus solely on the teacher, hoping to get through the rest of class without any issues.

Jane started to take down notes, but that was all ill-fated when she glanced over at her lab partner who was concentrating so hard she could see the gears turning in her head.

The adorableness has reached an all-time high with this one.

Really, Jane, really?

What? There is never a wrong time to throw in Star Wars.

Except there is.

Oh give me a break.

When she noticed that she was still staring, she saw Maura looking back at her with her brow quirked up.

"Oh! Sorry, I was just, uh, well," She stammered while trying to keep her voice low. Maura giggled and smiled softly back before turning back to the teacher.

That smile could end world hunger.

Maybe you should pay attention too.

Shut up.

"Alright guys," Wait, had the teacher been talking this whole time? "I know it's only the first day, but I am going to make you aware that you have a major assignment coming up. You can pick any topic that you like, as long as it deals with biology, of course, and you have to research it. Every grueling detail. From start to current day. Details will be available later in the week. This is a partnered assignment, so you might want to begin thinking about who you want to be partnered up with as well." The teacher finished. First off, Jane stopped paying attention about half way through the class, second off, a partner?

God, I hate partner assignments.

Oh, stop your whining.

Okay, honestly?

"Jane?" Jane looked over to Maura and noticed her staring back at her a little nervously. "Would you want to be my partner? I completely understand if you wouldn't, as I am only the new student. And you probably already have friends that you want to be partnered with and,"

"Yes! I am sure. Yeah, that's cool. Totally fine." Jane rambled, which earned her a giggle from the new girl.

You really gotta work on that, dude.

Yeah, I know, finally something we agree on.

I'm your subconscious, we always agree.

You know what I mean.

"Really? Fantastic! I already have many topics in mind, perhaps Genomics, or the history of surgeries, or even when people began working on cadavers!" Her eyes lighting up like a Christmas tree. Jane could stare at those eyes forever.

"Jane?" Maura was looking at her with that small smile grin.

Wait, am I supposed to be talking?

"No! I mean yes! Uh, yeah. We can discuss topics. Sounds good." Just as Jane finished her sentence the bell rang. She wondered if Maura knew where her next class was.

"I can help you find your next class if you want?" Jane asked, her nerves creeping up on her.

"I would like that." Maura beamed up at her as she handed Jane her schedule.

"AP World History, I have that, but not this hour. I'll show you." Jane handed her back her schedule and began to walk her out of the class, the history hallway wasn't far from the science hallway. When they got to the door Jane turned to her and rubbed the back of her neck.

"We both have the first lunch period after this; do you want to sit with me and the guys?" Jane queried.

"I would love that, thank you for being so kind to me." Maura finished, she had no idea that on her first day someone would show just kindness towards her, it was never like that in her previous schools.

"Not a problem, I'll see you at lunch." Maura smiled in response and turned around and headed into her classroom.

That's rough.


You got it bad, dude.

Jane groaned.

Jane headed to the lunch room and began surveying the large room for her friends. It was like a zoo in there, haphazard yet concealed with every group of kids in their respective cages. Jane swore she could almost hear the sounds of the jungle when she entered; she made sure to keep an eye out for any overly large felines. As she was walking past a table with the popular boys, leaded by none other than Crowe, she began to walk a little faster. She noticed Maura was already seated with Frost and Korsak at a table ahead. Maura smiled and waved her over.

"Hey, Rizzoli!" A voice shouted behind her. She turned around just in time for an unpleasant surprise. All of a sudden she felt sticky all over, she couldn't even see through her glasses. One thing Jane could notice though was the laughter that invaded her ears. She immediately turned on her heel and ran straight out of the cafeteria doors as best as she could with her dirty frames. As soon as she got out of there she took her glasses off and began to wipe them on her shirt. She could feel a familiar stinging behind her eyes.

Not here.

She walked out to the student parking lot without bothering to check out from the school's front desk and drove home as fast as she could.

Close to tears, Jane started pacing angrily around her bedroom. She didn't understand, why did people treat her this way? Was it simply because she was different, or maybe because she was smart? She glanced at the Spiderman poster on her wall searching for answers.

How did you do it, Peter?

Oh stop talking to that stupid poster, Jane.

Puffing out a breath heatedly, Jane went the corner of her room to the keyboard that was set up against the wall. She didn't think, started just playing soft chords and began singing softly the first song that came to mind.

She sees them walking in a straight line, that's not really her style,

And they all got the same heartbeat, but hers is falling behind.

Nothing in this world could ever bring them down.

Yeah, they're invincible, and she's just in the background.

Jane felt hot tears rushing down her face, but her voice was getting stronger with each line, as were her hands as they pattered softly against the piano keys.

And she says,

I wish that I could be like the cool kids,

'Cuz all the cool kids, they seem to fit in,

I wish that I could be like the cool kids, like the cool kids.

She finished the verse softly and let the quiet sobs come out, not hearing the footsteps coming up behind her.
