It was not a good day to be Hermione Granger.

No, more appropriate would be to say it had been a terrible decade to be Hermione Granger. Hermione had grown up friendless and – while not exactly unloved by her parents – she certainly hadn't had their attention the way a child should have. Her parents were always busy with their dental practice, trying to make a good life for their family. And truly, Hermione hadn't wanted for much in terms of material possessions. Her parents always got her things if she asked for them. But she was lonely since they were always out. So she turned to her books. She loved reading to a very high degree, and she loved learning new things. Over time, it became who she was. She was always the smartest. Always ahead of her peers…

Fat lot of good that did for her. She was lonely at home, and hoped to change that when she finally went to school. She hoped to impress all of the other children with how smart she was. She always tried to help them when they slipped up. But her lack of interaction with others had really made her bossy and overbearing when she was honestly just trying to help. So the kids shunned her. Called her a geek or a nerd. Made fun of her every time she raised her hand to answer a question.

Over time, she noticed things act…strangely when her emotions were on high. Once, a mean girl at her school had made fun of her teeth, and her desk had broken right on top of her! So when Professor McGonagall had arrived with a letter informing her that she was a witch, she almost hadn't needed to see the teacup turn into a kitten to believe it.

She was a witch! The first in her family! She would be able to do magic! How amazing it would be! So she did what she did best. She bought every book her parents would allow her and she learned. She devoured books on magic like a girl possessed! Surely everyone would be impressed with her skill! Surely now she would make friends! Right?

Only she was once again disappointed. The kids still made fun of her for her intelligence. They still mocked her behind her back when they thought she couldn't hear them. Two months into her first term at Hogwarts, she was still the same, friendless, lonely girl she had been her entire life. Earlier that day – a day she should have been enjoying with the other children! It was Halloween! – that jerk Ronald Weasley had loudly complained to his two best friends Seamus Finnegan and Dean Thomas that she was a nightmare! That it was no wonder she had no friends!

Hermione hadn't been able to stand it. She had immediately started sniffling and crying, unable to take the abuse anymore. She had rushed past them just barely keeping herself from breaking down and fled to a girl's bathroom, where she proceeded to cry her little heart out. No one even came to check up on her. She must have been in there for hours, to the point she really felt she had no more tears left to cry. So she opened the door to her stall and all the color fled her skin as she stared at the gigantic mountain troll staring at her hungrily. She had been crying and sniffling for so long she hadn't even noticed the stench.

So she did the only thing a twelve year old could possibly have done in that situation. She screamed in fear. She didn't even move back into the stall. Her legs were locked rigidly in terror. The troll snarled and lifted its club, looking to squish the irritating pest in front of it.

And that was when the rock smashed into the back of its head. The troll stopped, rubbing its head stupidly as it turned around. Hermione sank to her knees. It was a good thing she had already used the toilet, otherwise she would have wet herself. Tears were pouring anew from her cheeks as she eyed her savior, only for a pit to drop into her stomach.

Harry Potter.

She couldn't help herself in her hysterics. She cursed. Of all people, it had to have been Harry bloody Potter to come save her. The only student in the school who possibly may have been in competition with her for most unpopular. The boy was just…just…clueless. No matter how Hermione tried to help him, he was just a terrible student. He was absolutely pants at magic. Even worse than Neville Longbottom! It was a minor miracle he was even passing his classes! It was only the fact that his theory was actually pretty good that kept his garbage practical skills from getting him flunked outright. He just couldn't do the magic.

And he was even more socially inept than she was! That was saying something. He seemed completely incapable of reading the mood and had no brain-to-mouth filter to speak of. He had embarrassed himself more than one time throughout the year, even if he himself never actually showed that he felt said embarrassment.

He had been nothing like what she – and truthfully the rest of the school – had expected. For one, his famous curse scar was faded to almost nothing. People everywhere said that it would be as vivid as the day he got it. He wasn't muscular and was actually pretty tall, so he looked skinny… his hair was a mess, as if he never even tried to tame it… he wasn't popular... He was just kind of…there. And he certainly wouldn't be able to end a Dark Lord in a single spell! He'd be lucky to even manage a single spell! About the only thing that was special about him was that no one seemed to be able to catch him off guard about anything. She had looked up the answer to the questions Snape had asked in their first class and they weren't even covered until the later years!

"GO AWAY!" She screamed and cried at the same time. Big tears were dripping down her cheeks, "Don't die for me!..." She watched as the troll advanced while roaring and raising the massive tree trunk it dared to call a club. She jerked her head to the side and sobbed quietly as a massive crash sounded in the room forcing a cringe out of her. A loud thud followed, sending another jerk through her body..

And then another thud.

And then another two.

Her eyes blinked open. That was too many thuds. He hadn't been split in half had he? Despite her fear and rising gorge, she turned back to the scene and her jaw dropped, "Wh…wha..?" Her mouth opened and closed like a goldfish.

The club had shattered into almost half a dozen pieces, the last of which was only now crashing to the bathroom tiles. She flinched again as the chunks of wood shook the room as they fell. She blinked owlishly, much the same as the troll was doing.

What… what in the world happened? Where was the squish and the gore? Harry tilted his head in a cute manner, "That wasn't very nice." He said as if he wasn't facing a massive monster. The troll snarled, "Can you go away mister troll? I don't want to hurt you." Hurt it? What the devil was the boy on about? The troll roared and charged, its arms outstretched ready to wring Harry's fool neck. This time, Hermione couldn't dare close her eyes. Harry sighed and lifted a single hand, and then it happened.

Both of his eye sockets lit up entirely in an emerald green and shone. His hair lifted up like he had medusa hair and waved in a nonexistent wind. That same emerald glow engulfed first his body and then a light sheen of it engulfed the troll. The beast roared in panic as it was lifted of its feet. It kicked and swiped futilely at the air, roaring all the while. Harry sighed again and flicked his wrist. The troll shot to the right as if it had been fired out of the canon. It's massive form crashed into the stone wall and massive chunks of magically reinforced stone shattered and rained down to the tiles. The tiles broke from the impacts as deep fractures spider-webbed outward through Hogwarts's walls. The troll groaned weakly in pain as it jerked from the wall and shot forward, coming to a floating stop in front of Harry. "You calm yet?" The boy asked curiously.

The troll was beyond reason at this point. Not only were trolls dumb and stupid, but it had been injured. Now it was in a blood rage. It swiped at the air, trying desperately to reach Harry and squeeze the life out of him. Harry sighed again and jerked his hand up. The troll flew up and crashed into the ceiling, sending chunks of rock raining to the floor, followed by the troll, who crashed into the ground and formed a large crater. It floated almost limply in the air after Harry lifted it out of its hole and could only roar listlessly. It was basically mindless at this point. Harry sighed sadly again and lifted off of the bloody ground. He was now flying without a broom, and was officially impossible.

The emerald glow around him intensified as he lifted his other hand. With a grunt, he pushed both towards the troll and this time, it flew backwards so fast that it broke the sound barrier by a large margin. Hermione's eardrums would have burst and leaked out of her ears if it hadn't been for the glow surrounding her head. The floor underneath the floor cratered behind its body and the shockwave blew the stalls apart as it passed. If the room had windows, they would have shattered. The troll crashed into the magically reinforced wall and blew it back like it was just a couple of normal bricks! Its body continued, taking out a massive chunk of the wall and continuing onward through the next two as well. Finally it fell into a broken, crumpled heap three rooms down.

Harry landed lightly and turned to walk away. "WHAT THE FUCK WAS THAT?!" Hermione yelled hysterically.

Harry flinched, and turned to her. "Huh?" He blinked at her owlishly.

Hermione was just gone. She was past the point of caring about anything anymore. She advanced on him like an angry goddess and he broke into a flop sweat as she kept poking him with her index finger, "HOW?!" She screamed hysterically in his face, "You can't even use the Levitation Spell on a feather! HOW DID YOU DO THAT?! HAVE YOU BEEN FAKING IN CLASSES?!"

Harry rubbed his head nervously, "Ehh…that wasn't the levitation spell." He looked embarrassed, "I can't do that… And I haven't been faking either."

"Then how did you do that!" She exploded hysterically.

"I'm a psychic."

…Eh? "…Huh?" Hermione said stupidly.

"I'm a psychic…or esper…if you prefer." Harry said lightly.

"…Like…bending spoons?" She asked dubiously.

Harry gained a ghost of a smile on his face, "Something like that…"


So let's just get this out of the way.

ONE is awesome. I binged the few episodes of Mob Psycho 100 that are currently out and then I rewatched it. Obviously, that spawned this little bunny. I had a blast writing it.

I just needed to get this one out there. I wrote it in a few minutes, maybe an hour. I have nothing else for it. No world building or anything like that. I just don't think I have the time or patience to properly run through the school years a second time, the way I'm doing in Inferno. If I come back to this one, it'll probably be a far future thing in a crossover of some sort where he and maybe Luna get up to shenanigans. Or maybe I can do the major events in one big chapter, kind of like a series of interconnected one-shots, before I get to more fun post-Voldemort. Either way, psychic powers are fun. :D