A/N: Joys of a long road trip - lots of music to listen to and be inspired by! This one was prompted by the Gym Class Heroes track 'The Fighter' although it's probably the least obvious connection of all these stories. The official video has a male gymnast in it, but I'm sure I saw a version that had a ballet dancer and a boxer in it. Can't find it now, but anyway, that's what prompted this story.

Oh, and it's smut free. Oh well. Hopefully it's still enjoyable! ;)

The sound of the piano could barely be heard over the sound of Regina's snapped commands for Killian to leap higher, turn faster, and focus more. Killian wanted nothing more than to tell her to go get laid, she clearly needed to get that stick out of her arse, but he kept his mouth closed. He knew that she was doing him a massive favour with training him out of hours, and there was no way he'd jeopardise it. But holy shit did she need to ease up!

"What the hell do you call that Jones?" She waved her hand and Sidney Glass, the simpering pianist, stopped playing almost mid note. Killian completed his turn and then lifted his head to look at the teacher. Even in her late thirties she was a beautiful woman, but the years of ballet training had left her looking harsh, her hair pulled back in a sombre bun and the stark black of her outfit doing nothing to soften her features.

"I call it the moves you told me." He replied, and he wished he could keep the biting tone out of his voice. He really wanted to scream at her, but what was the point? She could kick him out as simple as that, and then where would he be? He'd be left with nothing and all the struggle would have been for nothing.

Sidney gasped and Killian figured that maybe he needed to try harder at moderating his tone. He looked down as he waited for her to start yelling at him, but instead she dismissed Sidney.

"That will be enough for this evening Mr Glass. Thank you for your help." She didn't look at the musician but Killian was pretty sure she knew he was surprised at his sudden expulsion. The older man didn't bother to argue, however. He just gathered his things, put his ridiculous fedora on his head, and glared at Killian as he left the studio.

Regina hadn't moved, simply watching Killian, until they heard the outer door of the studio slam closed.

"So do you want me to start cleaning now?" Killian finally asked, annoyed that his lesson had been cut short even if she was a grumpy cow. But that was the deal. He cleaned the studio and she gave him extra lessons until his audition. Regina gazed at him, it seemed like she was sizing him up, and then she shook her head.

"No, I have something else planned for you Mr Jones." She replied, and Killian's head shot up. There was something about her tone that made him nervous. What was she suggesting?

Clearly his fears were displayed on his face, no matter how hard he tried to school his features, because soon she was laughing.

"Oh Mr Jones, don't worry. You're a handsome boy but you are a boy and I am a happily married woman. No, what I have in mind for you is something different entirely, although it does involve my husband."

Killian was completely lost.

"What are you talking about?" He finally managed to speak, and Regina nodded once, as if she had just been waiting for him to speak before she started to move.

"Come with me." She grabbed her massive black leather handbag (Did the woman own anything that wasn't black?) and started to walk towards the door. When Killian didn't move for a bit, she paused. "Well?"

Killian started to move again, grabbing his bag and hoodie, pulling out the bottle of water to give himself a shot of hydration before he followed her out the door.

"Where are we going?" He asked her, but Regina didn't reply. Rather than leaving the building entirely, she turned down a corridor and led him through a door he'd noticed but never entered. It was usually locked when he was doing his evening cleaning. He realised he shouldn't have been surprised when Regina unlocked the door. She did own the building, as far as he was aware, so why shouldn't she have keys to everywhere? "Are you taking me somewhere to kill me?" He blurted, and his face flushed with embarrassment when she peered back at him, her eyebrow raised.

"No, Mr Jones." She drawled. But she didn't offer any more of an explanation. Killian waited for her to say something, but she didn't, and so he just trudged on after her, wishing he knew what the hell was going on. Would he have time, after whatever the hell she was planning, to get his cleaning done and then get home in time to make sure his father's dinner was ready? Assuming his father came home, of course, but it was always best to assume the bastard would be there. Safer that way.

"No Swan, keep your head up. Your opponent's not on the ground yet."

Killian looked up in surprise when they passed through another door at the end of the corridor and he heard an English voice yelling, over the sound of something thumping against something else. Passing through yet another door, he found himself in the sort of gym he had seen in movies, but didn't realise actually existed. He glanced at the sign on the wall 'Locksley's Boxing Gym'. Killian looked at his ballet teacher, one eyebrow raised, but Regina was just smirking at him as she walked towards the ring at the centre of the gym.

"Why do they call it a ring when it's square?" Killian didn't realise he'd asked the question out loud, until he heard Regina chuckle.

"History, Mr Jones. Now pay attention."

Killian thought she would look out of place, in her sever clothes and her dancer's figure, but Regina Mills-Locksley, former Prima Ballerina and current owner of Mills Ballet Academy, actually seemed to fit in. She even looked a bit softer, and Killian never thought that would be possible. It was the smile on her face that was so different to the one he usually saw. Gone was the condescending grimace and in its place was something that was actually affectionate. Killian looked over to where she was gazing and noticed the man that was clearly the instructor. His curly beard was clearly visible underneath the headgear he wore, and even from this distance Killian could see his eyes seemed friendly, even as he told the young boy he was fighting to keep his head up and stay light on his feet.

Then the older man noticed the newcomers and he held his hand up, telling his student to stop.

"Ok Swan, take a break. Our visitors are here."

He took off his head gear as the young boy pulled something out of his mouth and took off his own head gear.

It wasn't until he turned around that Killian realised the he was actually a she, and despite the furiously angry look on her face, she was stunning. Killian blinked in surprise as he looked at her, and then gave her a lazy smile, one that always seemed to make the girls come running. Well, at least until they heard he was a ballet dancer and decided he must be gay. The grin, however, didn't seem to work on this lass, and he ended up frowning at her.

"Mr Jones, this is my husband Robin Locksley. He and I thought you might benefit from working with Miss Swan here."

Killian and the blond both stared at Regina as if she had three heads. Killian didn't say anything, but she swore, only to be hushed by Robin.

"Emma, this could be good for you."

Killian tried to place the man's accent but all English voices sounded the same to him.

Emma was looking Killian up and down, taking in his black leggings and sleeveless shirt, visible under his scruffy hoodie. He was in bare feet as he'd pulled his dance shoes off as soon as they'd left the ballet studio (he was good at walking and removing the shoes at the same time, and was always glad male dancers didn't get stuck with the long ribbons on their shoes). She was undoing the straps around her hands as she sized him up.

"Don't need help Robin." She muttered, and Killian flinched at her tone. If anybody spoke to Regina like that she'd tear strips off them, but Robin didn't seem either offended or surprised.

"Let's sit down and discuss this," Regina was already moving towards the back of the gym and the way she walked somehow managed to convey that she expected the others to follow her. Her husband did, and Killian was about to, when he noticed that Emma wasn't coming with them.

"You planning on joining us?" He asked, glancing back at the blond. Everything about her, from her expression to her outfit, showed she didn't want to be approached. Her face was devoid of makeup, her hair back in a ponytail, and her baggy clothes covered her up entirely. Her bright green eyes sparked with fury though, and even though she looked more like a Disney Princess than Rocky, she was clearly tough. There was something about the way she stood that made her look like she was ready to run if anybody so much as blinked at her the wrong way. Killian tried smiling at her again, a more honest smile rather than the flirty one he'd tried previously and the only change was she rolled her eyes before starting to walk towards where the others had headed.

"What do they want with us?" He asked, but she just shrugged. He was walking beside her now. Not too close, or she'd flee, he was certain. He was trying to be friendly, even though that was such a different way of operating for him.

"No idea." Emma muttered, not looking at the man beside her. Then she turned her head slightly and gave him a tight smile. "Do you get bashed up a lot?"

Killian stumbled.

"Why would you ask that?"

Emma shrugged.

"Small town, figured you'd face a lot of gay bashing."

Killian stopped still and glared at the blond.

"I'm not fucking gay!" he growled at her. Emma shrugged.

"Whatever." She kept walking.

Killian strode after her, going to grab her shoulder. He was about to ask her why she thought he was gay but as soon as his hand touched her she grabbed it, twisted around, and swept her leg under his. Soon he was on his back, staring up at a very angry blond boxer.

"Don't fucking touch me." She growled, and let him go.

"Fuck's sake!" he sat up, rubbing his head. "What's your fucking problem?"

"I don't like people fucking touching me." She was bright red, but if looks could kill he was pretty sure he'd already be cremated by now.

"Yeah, got that loud and clear." He got to his feet, surreptitiously rubbing his behind.

Regina and Robin were standing up, watching the pair of them, and they both looked slightly amused. Killian glared at his dance teacher and then made his way to the table where mugs of coffee were sitting waiting.

"So I see you two have become acquainted." Robin grinned. Killian didn't realise his disgusted expression was mirrored by the girl beside him.

"What's this about Robin?" Emma slumped in a chair and grabbed a coffee. Killian flinched again, sure that she'd get yelled at. But Robin didn't seem to mind her disrespect.

"Miss Swan, my name is Regina Mills. I'm Robin's wife."

Emma shrugged, focused on the table as she sipped her coffee. Robin gave his wife a sympathetic smile and pulled out a chair for her, before nodding to Killian to take a seat as well. Finally he sat down himself. Regina's eyes tightened but she made herself smile.

"I understand you are a talented boxer, but you need help."

The look of wounded betrayal Emma gave Robin almost hurt Killian to see. Robin gave her a smile.

"It's not like that Emma, and you know it. You're good, but like I keep telling you, you need to relax."


Killian flinched at her response. What kind of person refused to relax? Robin didn't look all that surprised by her answer though, he just seemed sad.

Regina turned to face Killian now.

"You need help too Mr Jones. Technically you're brilliant, but you lack emotion."

Now it was Killian's turn to look upset, and he glared at Emma when he heard her snicker. She just focused on her coffee though, the mug never moving from her mouth. She peered at the table over the rim of the battered metal cup.

Robin spoke up now, and Killian wondered how much they'd prepared this. Was one of them meant to be the good cop to the other's bad cop? If so, which was which?

"Emma, you are a good fighter, you really are. You're one of my best. But you are too emotional and you need to focus on technique. You can't just hit and hope."

Emma glared at him, and Killian had a feeling that she was just a breath away from leaping up and storming out. Robin gave her a gentle smile, even though his eyes seemed sad, and then he continued.

"Killian, from what I understand, technically you are brilliant, but you need to embrace your emotions more. Ballet isn't only doing the right steps. It's so much more than that."

"You do ballet?" Emma snorted. "I was right. Gay."

Killian glowered at the girl he had decided was a right royal bitch, but before he could reply, Robin cut in.

"Emma, do you know how I met my wife?"

Emma, surprised at the apparent change in topic, turned to her boxing instructor.


"We danced together in the Maine State Ballet."

Emma shot back so quickly she fell off her chair and Killian couldn't help but laugh at her.

"Oh you are so graceful!" He snickered. Regina clicked her tongue in disapproval, even as Killian was standing up and holding out a hand to the blond. Killian blushed and mumbled an apology. Emma was glaring at him (seriously, did she do anything BUT glare at people?) but at least this time she took his hand, letting them actually touch one another without punching him.

Once everybody was back in their seats, Regina took up the conversation again.

"What we're proposing here is having the pair of you work together. Hopefully Mr Jones, you can teach Miss Swan the importance of learning technique and Miss Swan can help you tap into your emotions." There was a secret glance that passed between the married couple that had both the teenagers raising their eyebrows, but nothing else was said.

"You want me to what? Teach him how to fight?" Emma's scorn was obvious. "Aren't you afraid I'll break him?"

"I'm tougher than you think." He hissed at her, and she just laughed. Robin and Regina exchanged knowing glanced at one another.

"Sure sure." Emma rolled her eyes and returned her focus to whatever the hell was so exciting about the coffee table.

Regina gave Killian a knowing smile.

"Perhaps you'd like to give us a demonstration of what you can do Killian? Up in the ring?" Robin said and Killian nodded, standing up.

"This should be good." Emma muttered, as Killian pulled his shoes out of his bag. As he slipped them on he gave Emma a wink.

"Watch and learn princess." He teased, and chuckled softly when he saw the way she stiffened at his nickname. He made his way to the ring and climbed between the ropes as the others walked over to watch more closely.

Robin had a remote in his hand and soon music was pouring out of the speakers. It took Killian a moment to work out what the song was, but soon he recognised 'Fighter' by Gym Class Heroes. He raised an eyebrow at the choice, but then he shrugged and started to move. It helped that it was a song he liked.

Killian always wanted to get caught up in the music, let it really move him, but there was always that part of him that was worried if he got too lost he'd never come back. After all, what did he have worth coming back for? But he managed to work out a dance routine that borrowed from a few different things he knew. He knew what he was trying to do – show that he had strength – and he could do that. Seriously, how could anybody who had ever seen male ballet dancers not realise how strong they had to be? Did they think the women were able to fly on their own? Sheesh!

When the song finished Killian kept dancing, making his way through three more tracks before he came to a stop and turned to face his audience. Regina looked like a cat that got the cream, and Robin was smiling. It was Emma's reaction he was interested in, however, and Killian had to say he was impressed.

Because Emma's eyes were wide and she looked stunned.

"So not weak then?" She murmured, and Robin chuckled.

"Not weak." He agreed. Then he looked at Killian.

"You really are technically a good dancer Killian, but tell me, did you ever truly lose yourself in that?"

Killian had been feeling rather proud of himself until Robin asked that question, and he shook his head slightly, jumping down to get his drink bottle as a way of avoiding the question.

"Don't wanna get lost." He murmured, and Emma blinked.

"Don't wanna get found." She replied, her voice just as soft. The pair of them looked at one another and for the first time Killian thought maybe he was seeing the real Emma Swan, rather than the hard arsed bitch she'd been playing at.

Regina and Robin exchanged another knowing glance before Regina spoke up.

"So what we are suggesting is we have you two work together for the next couple of weeks. Miss Swan, you can teach Mr Jones some boxing and Mr Jones can teach Miss Swan some ballet, and after those two weeks are up we can have a look at what has happened."

Both of the teens spluttered in shock, each insisting that they couldn't teach their sport or learn the other. But Regina did not allow people to disagree with her.

"You'll give it a go, and after the two weeks are up we'll look again at the situation. But frankly this is the only thing that is really holding each of you back from true brilliance. It might be unorthodox, but we honestly believe it will help. So take the time now to get to know one another and then tomorrow we'll reconvene. I think Mr Jones can learn some sparring tomorrow, with Miss Jones assisting." She nodded, as if it was all a simple matter of her saying what she wanted and the world bending to her will.

Well, Killian had to admit that usually that was the way it seemed to go.

Robin just chuckled and followed his wife as she walked back to the coffee pot in the back office, leaving Killian and Emma alone.

"Do you really think this is going to work?" Regina asked her husband. Robin shrugged and glanced back at the pair that was apparently now speaking to one another. The awkwardness was palpable even across the gym.

"I don't know. But I hope so. They're too bloody similar, from what I've seen. Emma's an orphan, and Killian is as good as one isn't he? They have to do it too tough for kids that age. Hell, I'd have trouble living Emma's life at my age!" He smiled but it was a sad expression. He poured his wife another coffee and handed it to her. "There you are my dearest. As black as your soul!"

Regina laughed, and if Killian had heard it he would have wondered what the noise was. She sipped her drink and sat down.

"Killian is a brilliant dancer. But you saw him. He just won't let go. He is so worried about losing control."

Robin snorted.

"Emma needs to learn control!" He replied. "She's all emotion. Every day she has something else she needs to vent about but she'll never bloody talk about it. I know I'm not her therapist, but it's frustrating. She needs to learn how to rein her emotions in, and not just because she's going to give herself an ulcer. She could completely lose it one day and kill somebody, and I'm not sure if she'd mind that."

Regina looked over to the blond, who was actually smiling at Killian now. Regina couldn't help but smile at that, and to see Killian grinning shyly back was a delight.

"I want them to be ok." She whispered, and Robin reached over and took his wife's hand in his.

"They will be." He promised her. Regina looked at her husband, her eyes full of love. Robin's smile was more honest, his eyes crinkling as he gazed at her. "And you will be an amazing mother, even if those two kids don't get their lives sorted out in a fortnight, ok?"

Regina placed a hand on her still flat stomach and blinked tears away as she smiled.

"I know." She leaned forward and kissed her husband. "And even if I'm rubbish, this baby will have a wonderful daddy." She rested her forehead against his, and just enjoyed being there for a moment, before she pulled back.

"Ok," She glanced back to the teenagers. "Let's go break up those two. We need to get home and Jones has his job to do." She grimaced. She wished the boy didn't have to do the cleaning, she would happily teach him for free. But the damned boy was too proud. At least he let her pay him as well, although he insisted she deduct the cost of the lessons. She didn't take out the full cost, but he didn't need to know that.

Robin watched the pair that was now laughing softly together, and he smiled again.

"Hey," He stood up and held out his hand for his wife. "Do you think they'll invite us to the wedding?"

Regina rolled her eyes.

"Who the hell do you think will be paying for it Locksley?" She muttered, and Robin laughed out loud at that. The teenagers glanced up in shock, and then they were blushing as the others walked over to them to discuss what was happening.

Robin hadn't been certain, when Regina had suggested her idea, if it would be a good idea, but it already seemed to be working. Never had he met a pair of teenagers more in need of help, and he worked with damaged kids every day.

When Killian married Emma, ten years (and two children) later, Robin made sure that he stressed how much he and his wife had been involved in bringing the pair together. The happy couple, now the owners of a youth camp that worked with troubled kids, were so in love that they didn't even complain as much as Robin expected.

When they finally found out why everything about their wedding had been so inexpensive they had been less forgiving, but Regina just told them to stop fussing and accept the help again.

After all, if they had continued to hold everybody at arm's length they wouldn't be married at all. And, as was so often the case when Regina Mills-Locksley spoke, nobody dared complain.