A/N: Sorry. Sorry. Sorry. I know it has legit been months since I updated. I apologize! Life has simply gotten in the way ranging from school all the way to medical emergencies. However, I am somewhat back in action. I managed to FINALLY find the time to write up this last chapter. Hope you enjoy. Hail #Skimmons.

Jemma. Jemma, please. This is my forty second voicemail today, at least that's how many I have tallied in front of me. I know you are mad, and have every right to be. Just please, please do not throw this away. Give me a chance. One chance to explain everything. I can't promise you that you will like what you hear, hell I don't even like to hear it, but it's the truth. You deserve to know the truth. Just please, give me a chance to tell the truth. I love you.

Skye has been sitting on her couch for the past day. Replaying in her mind over and over the events that happened just hours before. Jemma knows. She knows that Skye is Rising Tide. She knows that Skye was at the alley that night. And worst of all, she left Skye because of it.

Maybe it was the adrenaline of wanting to get her back, but Skye found herself repeatedly calling Jemma. Of course, no answer. Skye can't blame her. If she had the ability to leave herself, she would do it in a hot second. Skye still tries though. Jemma is the best thing to have ever happened to her. If this is the only good thing that was ever going to happen in her life, then Skye was going to make sure that their story did not end this way. All she wants is to just tell Jemma the truth so that way she does not have to go on thinking that Skye just used her as some sort of side piece.

Jemma is more than that. Way more.

Skye just wants to explain that she is not a killer. Explain that everything she said and felt toward Jemma was real. Then, and only then, if Jemma still does not want Skye, she would let her go. Because Skye only wants the best for Jemma. While she hoped the best would be her, she knows now that she definitely is not. But that won't stop her. She needs her. She needs Jemma Simmons in her life. For once, she is going to be selfish.

Skye pulls out her laptop, the one thing that she owns that is up to date, and does what she does best. It takes her only a couple of minutes to find the address she is looking for. She grabs her coat and despite the pain flushing through her veins, she runs down the stairs and hops in her car.

She really should have checked the time before she left to come here. I mean it felt like it had only been maybe an hour for Jemma to dump her and to leave those forty two voice mails. I guess she thought wrong. Because here she is. Ten o'clock at night in front of Jemma's parents' house.

What if they are asleep? Why would anyone answer the door late at night? Maybe they will if they see the bruises on my face. Oh God. What if he remembers me?

It is because of her back and forth arguing with herself that Skye does not find the courage to walk up to the door until thirty minutes later.

Skye hesitantly knocked twice on the front door. The house did not seem to have any lights on, other than the porch light. Skye definitely did not want to knock again. That would just be something else that Jemma would get mad at. Waking her parents up late at night? Yup, better turn around.

Skye begins walking away when she hears the door creak open. "Can I help you with something?" Came the voice of a man.

Skye swallows hard and quickly lets out a breath before slowly turning to face him. "Yes and no."

The man, Coulson, Skye remembers, looks confused at her answer. It wasn't until he was able to focus more on her face given the night light that his face turns into shock. "You're hurt. Are you okay?"

She shakes her head. She is not okay. Her heart hurts more than ever. Especially now, seeing the man in front of her knowing she did wrong by him. "No." Skye answers simply.

Coulson walks forward, placing his arm around her, urging her to come inside. "Come on. I believe we have a first aid kit in the house."

"First Aid?" She asks confused. Oh. Skye forgot about her other pain, the physical kind. "Right, my bruises." She says to herself, just shy of a whisper.

Coulson furrows his brows, catching what Skye just said. "What did you think I meant?"

Skye simply shrugs her shoulders and allows herself to be lead inside.

She hears the door close behind her and just as she was about to turn to face him, she feels a weight get pushed against her head. Skye has been in the business long enough to know that it is a common reaction to raise her hands in surrender, knowing a gun is directed right at her.

"Give me one reason why I should not shoot you." Coulson says with a slight disgust tone in his voice.

Skye rushes to think of something, anything to get her out of this. Nothing. There is no excuse that can help her. She deserves this. After what she did to Jemma, she deserves this. Skye just lowers her head and nods, giving him the okay to pull the trigger.

Skye can't see, but the confused look on Coulson's face is priceless. "You remember me don't you?"

Skye nods. "Yes."

"Then why show up at my door? The last time I saw any one of you was when you picked me up off the floor of the alley. Put me in a truck. And beat me senseless." Coulson swallows hard. "If I'm remembering correctly though, you weren't there for that part. So what? Did they have you come to finish the job?"

Just hearing the confirmation that her former friends did this is enough for Skye to let loose the tears she has been holding back. "No!" She practically yells under her heaving breaths. "I'm not a killer. Search me. Frisk me. Kill me. Whatever you have to do, I don't care. I deserve it after how I made her feel."

Coulson relaxes his grip on the gun. "Made who feel?"

Skye sucks up a sob. She turns her head slowly, just enough to make eye contact with him. "Your daughter."

Coulson's eyes grow wide. He pushes the gun harder against Skye's head eliciting a wince from her. "How do you know anything about her? Is she hurt? I swear to Fury, if you hurt my daughter—"

"I didn't." Skye interrupts. "I would never hurt Jemma." Skye lowers her arms. "At least never physically. I've already done a great job of hurting her emotionally. Which if you ask me, is way worse."

Coulson puts down the gun and grabs Skye by the shoulder, forcing her to face him. "What are you talking about? How do you guys know one another?"

Skye wipes the tears from her face. "I'm her—was her girlfriend."

Coulson gasped at the last word. "Jemma would never date someone who is capable of doing—how in the world did you manage to get her to even talk to you. I mean, she was bound to have figured out your identity as Rising Tide long before."

Skye shakes her head. "We met under better circumstances. But you are wrong. She had to figure out from me who I was."

Coulson nods understandingly. "What in God's name are you doing here then? Do you not know how badly I want to hurt you? Especially more knowing you caused pain to Jemma."

"Just please, let me explain everything to you. Everything. Then make a judgment. I know I don't deserve that, especially from you. But this is the only way I can think of to get out the truth." Skye explained.

Coulson looked up and clenched his jaw. "My wife always taught me that people, even the bad ones—"he looked back down at her. "—deserve at least one chance to prove their innocence. You have one chance here. Do not ruin it."

Skye nodded gratefully. "I won't."

So Skye explained. Everything. Just as she said she would. Starting from the beginning, all the way from when she met Ward, to how they started Rising Tide, to meeting Jemma. Leading to the most recent events.

Coulson even went on a rant of his own and told Skye his own story. One that only he and Jemma's mom knows about. Next thing they know, they both passed out on the couch. They wake up at the dreaded, you know it, six o'clock, but this time because of Coulson's watch alarm.

Coulson walked upstairs to grab Mrs. Simmons from bed. He dragged her down and introduced her to Skye. Skye and he did a quick brush over for Jemma's mom so that way she was not lost as to why there was some random beat up girl chilling on her couch.

"So you are the one that my daughter was going on and on about." Is the first thing that Audrey Simmons says after hearing the rundown story.

Skye smiles and nods. "That's me."

Audrey nods. "Well, if what you say is true, and what my daughter rants about is true, then you are more than welcome in this house. Of course there is some making up to do with what you did to my husband and daughter. But, after hearing our story," She stops to grab Coulson's hand. "I know that they will both forgive you quickly."

"I hope so." Skye says quietly.

Coulson leans forward to place a gentle hand upon her knee. "She will be here with Fitz in the next couple minutes for breakfast. Join us. That will give you the perfect chance to explain."

Skye nods. "Thanks. I just hope she will listen."

It was then that they heard two car doors slam. They were here. Skye's eyes grow wide, rushing to come up with her speech, but nothing is forming. She is blank and freaking out.

Audrey senses Skye's fright and moves couches to sit next her. "It will be okay." She whispers to Skye. The doorbell rings. "Get it Phil." Audrey smiles at Coulson.

Coulson nods and proceeds to answer the door.

"Sorry we are late." Fitz says. "Simmons did not sleep very well last night. She was cry—"

Jemma slapped him in the shoulder. "Fitz! Quiet."

Coulson looks toward Skye and Audrey giving a knowing look. He turns back to them and smiles. "It's fine Fitz. I know my daughters crying look anywhere. Come in. Settle down and relax." He says the last part quietly.

They walk past him, Fitz first following Jemma. Fitz notices Skye first and stands in shock. Jemma happened to be looking down and bumped into Fitz causing her to almost fall backward. "Fitz? What is wrong with you? You almost made me—"Jemma stopped talking. She stood there staring in shock. "Skye?" She whispers.

Skye licks her lips and stands tall. "Hi, Jemma."

Fitz clenches his fists. "Get out! Now!"

Skye looks taken aback. "Fitz, I just need to—"

"Now, Fitz. That's really not your place to say." Audrey interrupts.

"He is right." Jemma says confidently.

Coulson steps forward placing a hand on Jemma's shoulder. "Jemma. Now that is not very nice. Skye here was just—"

"Leaving." Jemma states. She rubs off his hand and takes a step forward. "She was just leaving." Jemma says to her parents. She looks dead at Skye and says, "Get the hell out."

Skye can't help the tears that begin to form. "Jemma. Please, just let me expl—"

"Get out!" Jemma says more forcefully causing Skye to wince. "Now."

Skye puts her head down and begins to walk forward. Audrey grabs her arm and clenches on tight. Skye grabs at her hand and gently pry's it off. "It's okay." She whispers.

Audrey can see the defeat in Skye's eyes, and although she did not want to, she let her go.

Skye walked passed Jemma, making sure that she gently brushed Jemma's shoulder with her own. As she opened the door, Skye realized that this would be the last time she would ever see her again. Thus, there is no point in holding anything back. "Just know—"Skye starts causing everyone to look her way. "None of it was a lie. All the feelings. Everything I told you. It was true. Before you, I was scared of love. I avoided it. But Jemma, you made me realize love was worth fighting for. I'm sorry I hurt you. I'll never do it again." Skye looked at the tears forming in everyone's eyes, surprisingly to her, Fitz was even shedding a couple. She gave a gentle smile and closed the door behind her.

Coulson shakes her head and turns to face Jemma. "I'm disappointed in you."

Jemma nods in agreement. "I'm disappointed in me to. Can you believe I ever dated her?"

"Jemma." Coulson moves forward and lays his hands on her shoulders. "I'm not disappointed that you dated her. I'm disappointed that you did not give her a chance to better explain things."

"Explain? There is nothing to explain. She lied to me. To us. She beat you to the point where you had to go to the hospital." Jemma states.

"If you would have listened to her, you would know that she didn't do that." Coulson stops to see the confused look on her face. "You don't think that when Skye came here last night that I did not want to hurt her? To kill her? I legit had a gun to her head."

Jemma looks taken aback. "You what? You had a gun to Skye's head?"

Coulson nods. "You know what else? That girl was more than willing to die because she felt like she deserved it… Because she hurt you."

"She wanted to die for me?" Jemma asked quietly.

"Yes. I knew right away that whatever it was she had to tell me, it was going to be nothing but the truth. Someone who is willing to die for another has no reason to lie. I know that for a fact. Because I was willing to die for your mother." Coulson walked over to Audrey and placed a hand at the small of her back.

Audrey and Coulson sat on the couch followed by Fitz and Jemma sitting across from them. Coulson took a deep breath before speaking once more. "We never really told you the truth of how your mother and I met."

Coulson looked at Audrey, giving her a nod to assure her that it was okay to tell Jemma. "Your father, your real father, was a bad man. Not in all ways, but in most. He got into some trouble with Hydra and well, that's how I met Phil."

Fitz and Jemma furrowed their brows.

"Coulson? You were Hydra?" Fitz questioned.

"Head of it, to be in fact." Coulson replied with a nod.

"I knew right away that Phil was different." Audrey continued. "Your father had become violent toward me, and the more he hung around Hydra, the more he got brainwashed. I naturally drifted away from him and toward Phil. Because maybe I could somehow convince him to stop brainwashing your father."

"When she came to tell me of the violent acts," Coulson interrupted. "I was baffled. I had made it my life's work to make Hydra just as good as Shield. Then I realized that my co-head, Garrett, was the one who had other plans for Hydra. I was so in the dark in that business because I didn't notice that I had more people against me than with me."

Audrey squeezed Coulson's hand ever so lovingly. "I didn't believe Phil at first. Who would? But when he confronted Garrett and almost died just to prove to me that he was not lying, I knew that if he survived, I'd marry him."

Coulson smiled. "I'm not a perfect person. I was a part of a terrible organization, but yet I was able to find a light."

"But, how could you just go back to him? Knowing that he was a part of it. I mean, sure he did not know of the killings and brain washing but—"Jemma stopped. Seeming to have come to a realization. "Oh." She stated simply.

Audrey smiled, leaning forward to place her hand against Jemma's knee. "Go talk with her. Make it better. And above all else…believe her."

Jemma nodded. She might have to cut the day with her parents short.

You know what mends a broken heart? Expired chocolate frosting and binge watching shows on Netflix. Well, maybe not expired frosting, but that is all Skye had in her fridge, alright? Skye is sitting on her sofa, laptop laying on her lap, with both hands occupied with a spoon and the frosting can. She has been watching back to back movies for the past ten hours. Ten hours that seem like an eternity. Yet, Skye failed to realize that it had been that long because she looks to her left, out the window, to see the darkness of night. She really should go to sleep. She needs it. She is legit emotionally and physically exhausted.

Skye sighs as she throws the frosting can on the table in front of her, shutting her laptop closed and tossing it off her lap. She gets up and stretches out the aches in her back from just sitting on the couch in that same position for so long. Skye is taken aback when she hears a faint knock at her door. It is most likely her neighbor who is looking for her dead cat again. I hate living in a rundown apartment complex. Crazy old ladies.

Skye looks down as she opens the door, getting ready to recite the same old speech she does every other night for her neighbor. "Mrs. Welch? I already told you…Snickers is—"What Skye does not anticipate is to find someone else at her door.

"Jemma?" she whispers.

Jemma looks exhausted. Her eyes are a little puffy, definitely an indication that she has been crying. She opens her mouth like she wants to speak, but nothing comes out.

Skye hesitates for a moment. "Jem—Jemma. I just, I want you to know that—"

Skye doesn't finish. She doesn't want to finish now. Because now…now she is being pushed further inside, lips connected with Jemma.

Jemma swiftly gets them both in, closing the door with her foot. She pushes Skye into the kitchen, lips connected the whole time. Jemma lifts Skye on top of the counter, pushing Skye's legs open so she can stand between them.

The kissing grows into something that's rushed, too slow and intimate. Like the two are savoring every second of it. Jemma brings up her hand, hooking it around the curve of Skye's neck, rubbing her thumb along her cheek. Skye places her hands on Jemma's hips, bringing them as close as possible.

When they pull apart for air, foreheads resting against one another, Skye decides that she will speak first. "I think we should talk."

Jemma shakes her head. "Don't."

Skye sighs and nods. She knows that they need to talk, and they will eventually, but obviously at the moment, Jemma just wants to do this. Be intimate. And if you ask Skye, she doesn't mind. Not in the least bit.

Jemma leans forward, but is stopped by Skye holding her back. "Don't." Skye says. She slips herself off the counter, smiles and rubs the length of Jemma's arms. "Let me this time." Skye picks up Jemma, legs wrapped around her waist, arms around Skye's neck for support, leading them into the bedroom.

"He told you, didn't he?" They are lying in bed. Naked bodies entwined with one another, with Jemma lying her head on Skye's chest. "Coulson told you about his past."

Jemma nods. "He wanted me to know that the two of you are similar."

Skye quirks her lips. "Can I explain to you now?" Jemma looks up to meet Skye's eyes. "I want you to know the truth."

"It doesn't matter." Jemma says with a faint smile. "You have already said that you didn't kill anybody, and I believe you."

"But I just—"

"Skye." Jemma leans forward placing a peck to Skye's lips. She hovers back, lips ghosting over hers. "Being with you never felt wrong." Jemma brings up her hands to cup Skye's cheeks. "It was the one thing I did right. You are the one thing I did right."

Skye can't help but smile. She picks up her head close the distance between them. "I love you."

Jemma smiles. "I love you back."

"Are you sure you want to do this?" Skye leans forward to place a hand on her girlfriend's cheek. "It's been two months. I'm better. Coulson is better. This is not your problem to fix."

Jemma nods in understanding. "I know. I'm glad you guys are finally recovering from the injuries, but nonetheless, they hurt you babe. I will never forgive that. And what they're doing now?"

Skye sighs. "Yeah. I didn't think that they would stoop this low. Bank robberies and murder? Rising tide, Hydra I should say, is in full affect."

"I want to do this." Jemma states. "If we take them down, Hydra would be left without a leader, and then all will be well again."

Skye smiles. "Okay. I'm in. But, we have a lot of work to do." Skye stands up from her sitting position. She walks toward the punching bag in the middle of her training room. "All five of them have a particular set of skills. Luckily I know them all. So are you ready to learn the defense tactics?"

Jemma gets up and walks in front of the bag. "More than ready."

One month. It took one month for Jemma to learn every defensive move against them. The practices her and Skye did happened every day, ten hours a day. Skye is thoroughly impressed at how good Jemma has gotten. She is not surprised, however. Jemma is her smart and talented girlfriend. She expected nothing less.

Skye has prepared herself emotionally for the past month as well. Prepared for this night. But, she can't help but feel a slight tug at her heart, telling her that this plan is all wrong. What if something bad happens? What if Jemma gets hurt?

That doesn't stop her.

She knows that at the end of the day, this is the only way. This is the only way to be done with Rising Tide for good. For Jemma to finally be able to move on.

Skye takes a deep breath and slowly exhales. "Okay, so you know the plan?"

They are sitting in Jemma's car, parked a couple meters away from the warehouse. It's almost midnight, and Skye knows for a fact that Saturday nights is when the gang always comes here to train.

Jemma nods. "I think so."

"I will tell you again just to be sure." Skye says reassuringly. "There are three levels. First floor is where we will find Maria and Trip. Second floor we will find Natasha and Peggy. And Third." Skye stops to take a soothing breath. "…Ward."

Jemma grabs her hand, squeezing tightly. "Hit them hard enough to tie them up then we will call the cops." Skye smiles and Jemma leans in to give her one last peck. "We can do this, babe."

Skye nods. "We will do this."

They get out of the car and walk toward the front. It's good they are wearing all black, just in case any of them happen to be near the windows. Once they reach the front doors, they stop to prepare their nerves. Then, they slammed the doors open and just as expected, Trip and Maria were sparring in the middle of the room.

Trip turns and gives a look like he has just seen a ghost. "Well. Well. Well. What do we have here?"

Maria smiles walking forward a bit. "Did you not get enough of a beating the last time we saw you?"

"Looks like this time the girlfriend wants a beating to." Trip adds.

It comes naturally to Skye to walk in front of Jemma, extending one arm out behind her as if thoroughly protecting Jemma. "You guys aren't like this. I know you. You guys loved to help people. Now you want to do nothing but commit crimes? Come on. Don't make me do what I came here to do."

Maria and Trip walk forward, in an odd unison. "What's that?" They say together.

"This." Skye says simply. She pulls out a night night gun, courtesy of Fitz, and shoots them both. Skye shakes her head. "You were right, Jems. They've been brainwashed."

Jemma shakes her head as well. "Yeah. Thankfully we agreed that we would only hurt them if they weren't brainwashed. At least now we know."

Skye and Jemma drag them both against the wall. Making sure that they were lying comfortable.

"Okay, we have to hurry. We only have twenty minutes before it wears off." Jemma announces.

Skye nods. She grabs Jemma's hand and they both run to the stairs that lead to the second floor. There is no confrontation that takes place. Jemma simply aims and shoots them both the second they got to the top of the stairs. Which causes Peggy and Natasha to drop where they were. It takes a few minutes to drag them down the stairs to lay them with Maria and Trip, but they managed.

Jemma took a breath and was about to turn to run toward the stairs, but is stopped by a hand tugging at her shirt. "What's wrong?" She asks with deep concern.

Skye, without hesitation leans into kiss her. She savors the moment, as she knows that within the next couple of seconds, Jemma is going to be pissed with her. "This is as far as you go."

"What do you mean?" Jemma asks a little confused.

"I am not using a night night gun on him, babe." Skye takes her hands in her own, entwining their fingers. "My problems with him go deeper than that. I need to let it out. He is not brainwashed. Everything he did, he knew exactly what he was doing. This is my fight. I'm going to take it."

"Babe." Jemma exhales. "But what if—"

"You're going to go to the car and call the police." Skye interrupts. She pulls out her phone and sets a timer. "When the time is up, you call them. Whether I am back or not you call them. And then you leave."

"I'm not leaving without you." Jemma states quickly and firmly.

"Yes you are. If I'm not back in time, then yes… you… are." She cups Jemma's cheeks, rubbing them gently. "If I get caught, it is fate telling me that I need to serve my time for the mistakes I made."

Jemma nods. She knows that when Skye makes up her mind, there is no changing it. "Promise me you will be okay."

Skye smiles. "I promise you."

Jemma leans in, giving one last kiss. They hug tight and Jemma walks out.

She has never been more scared to open up a door in her life. Skye always thought that she would never feel this amount of fear ever again after leaving the foster system. Yet, here she is. About to go in and fight the one person she thought she could always trust. How wrong she was. Hell, she was wrong in a lot of things. She was thinking she was going to be alone forever, but then she meets the girl that changed everything. Everything. Her perspective on hope, love, and life. For once, Skye has something that is hers. Solely hers. She will do anything to keep it. Which is why she needs to win this fight.

She has to win this fight.

Opening the door slowly, Skye smells the aroma of alcohol. Nothing has changed. The place is still pretty empty except for the desk and computer in the middle of the room. What Skye does find weird is that Ward is not there. She walks in all the way taking a quick look around.


Or so she thought.

The door behind her slams shut and Skye quickly turns around. She did not expect to feel the growing pain on her face and her bum from being knocked on the floor by a punch to the face.

Skye looks up to see a grinning Ward. He looks like your typically drunk hobo. Obviously he has stopped caring about his appearance for a while not. "Skye? Was that a good enough welcome for you?"

Skye shakes her head and grins wickedly. "No. Why don't you try again?"

Ward laughs and nods. "Fine." He balls his hand into a fist and lowers down to swing. He did not expect for Skye to successfully dodge it. Skye then kicked him as best she could from the ground, right in his sensitive square. Ward naturally bends over from the pain.

Skye takes this advantage to get up. She walks forward and swings at him twice. Both successfully hitting her target. The third attempt was stopped. Ward grabbed her fist and took advantage of the opening to her rib cage and hit her twice quickly. Skye's ribs feel like they were hit by a hammer. And she knows good and well that they are most likely broken.

Ward laughs knowing that he done her good damage. He lets go and Skye curls into herself holding onto her ribs. Ward once more hits Skye in the face, sending her to the now, oh so familiar, floor.

Ward stands over her. "You know. I've always loved you Skye. I was always hoping since the day I first met you that you would see that I am the one for you. But, I can't change the fact that you like girls. So, I thought you and I would be friends forever." He stops to pull something from behind his back. Skye can now see that he is cradling a gun. Ward lifts it up and gets it prepared to shoot. "I guess all things change, huh?"

He aims the gun quickly. However, it is just as quick when Skye manages to get her leg up far enough to trip him over. Ward tips and lands on top of Skye. The gun goes flying past Skye's head, landing about a foot away. She turns herself over as best and quickly as she could given the new weight on top of her. She reaches for the gun, but is stopped only to be turned back around. Ward wraps his hands around her neck and begins to apply pressure.

"Damn it Skye." He starts. "Don't you get it? I'm the best. I taught you everything you know. Do you not think I know your moves? I know everything," Skye quickly slips off her shoe. Trying her hardest to focus given that she can barely breathe at the moment. She leaves the shoe hanging at the top of her foot, so that it can easily be thrown. "…You are going to die tonight. Because I know all of your –"

Skye swiftly tosses the shoe in the air, just barely catching it and smacks him across the face. He let's go and cups his eye. Skye wiggles free and grabs the gun. Ward starts to get up, but ends up right back down when Skye shoots him in the shoulder.

Skye walks forward and is now standing over him. "You are wrong. I have always had one advantage over you." She aims the gun at the other shoulder. "You never learned when to shut the fuck up." Hearing the next shot, was like hearing a bell signaling that it is over.

She won.

Skye can hear faint police sirens approaching. She looks down to a bleeding Ward and smiles. She kneels down to be face to face with him and waits for Ward to make eye contact with her. "Rot in hell." Skye whispers. And she turns to walk out, leaving behind her baggage on the way out.

Jemma knows Skye said to leave once she called the cops, but she just couldn't. That's the love of her life in there, and gosh darn it, she will wait for her.

Jemma has her head turned to the left. She is searching for any sign of Skye. Nothing. No sign of her. But what she does see is the police now breaking into the warehouse. Great. Skye is caught.

The passenger door opens, and Jemma feels her heart sink. Shit. The cops. "Listen, I was just—"

Jemma stops, a shocked look now covering her face.

"You were just not listening to me." Skye finishes for her. "I told you to leave. And what do you do? Not le—"

Jemma grabs here and kisses her with the upmost passion. And Skye can't help but smile in between the kisses.

"You're okay." Jemma whispers.

Skye nods. "Mostly. I have some broken ribs, but…" She leans forward so her lips are ghosting over Jemma's. "…I'm alive."

Jemma smiles and puts her forehead against Skye's. "And I plan on keeping you that way."

Skye laughs. "Promise?"


One Year Later

"Breaking News. The former Rising Tide members are now leaving their fifth and final trial. According to the judge they will all be given fifty years with the head of the group, Grant Ward, given life."

Skye is sitting on top of the counter in the Shield Gym alongside her fellow employees. They have all been watching the trials throughout the past year. All her employees watch in hopes that one day, the members will reveal who the sixth member is. If only they knew.

"We will now cut into the interview we were able to get with the four members." The screen cuts to Trip, Maria, Peggy, and Natasha in orange jumpsuits. They are walking toward their van, but stopped to give the interview. "Do you guys have anything to say about the sentence?"

Trip smiles and looks at the rest of the girls. They all give him a small nod and he looks right into the camera. "We deserve it. We did wrong, and most it we didn't know we were doing, but we still got into this industry willingly. If it was not for the help of our other member who opened our eyes and stopped us, we would still be doing wrong. If you are listening, just know, we all thank you."

Skye smiles and nods. You're welcome. She mentally whispers.

"Skye!" May yells from the front desk. Skye turns and nods. "Your five o'clock is here."

Skye jerks her head back. She looks down at her watch and grunts. 4:45.

"They're early!" Skye yells back.

May gives a knowing glare and smiles. "I'm sure you will manage."

Skye giggles knowing good and well that she will manage. She stares at the client that comes around the desk and is now walking toward her. Skye smiles wide and winks. "I can definitely manage."

Jemma shakes her head and stands in between Skye's legs, wrapping her arms around her neck. "Are you really complaining about me being here early?"

"Yes!" Skye says enthusiastically. "You said you were going grocery shopping. That was thirty minutes ago, which means you probably did not get enough food. You know I like to eat, babe."

Jemma laughs. "Yes I do know that. I'm your fiancé after all."

Skye takes Jemma's left hand and looks down at the ring that she had spent two months trying to find. The glow will forever get to her, but knowing that it is on Jemma's finger, now that kills her.

"My fiancé? I like the sound of that." Skye gives her a quick peck and smiles.

"You know what sound I'm going to like?" Jemma asks. "Mrs. Skye Simmons."

And Skye can't help but mentally agree.
