Disclaimer: I don't own Thor: The Dark World. I don't own anything licensed by Marvel. I don't own Thor but I'm sure everyone reading this wished that they did.

I do however, own Sam Greene and my plot line.

Third Person's POV

Long before the birth of light, there was darkness. And from that darkness came the Dark Elves.

Millennia ago, the most ruthless of their kind, Malekith sough to transform our universe back into one of eternal night and complete darkness. Such evil was possible through the power of the Aether, an ancient force of infinite destruction that took the form of a strange liquefied metal that screeched and hissed as it churned in upon itself for all eternity.

The noble armies of Asgard, led by Odin's father, the valiant and wise King Bor, waged a mighty war against these creatures in hopes of stopping the threat of an everlasting darkness and restoring light to the Universe.

As the Nine World converged above him on the battlefield, Malekith could at last unleash the Aether, in doing so, taking the all the various worlds and realms for himself. But, with the sacrifice of many brave and valuable lives, Asgard ripped the weapon away from his grasp at a moment of weakness. Without it, the Dark Elves fell.

Now, with the battle all but lost, Malekith sacrificed his own people in a desperate attempt to lay wast to Asgard's army, a strong hate for the accursed immortals forever festering in the pit of his stomach.

Malekith was vanquished and the Aether was no more.

Or so we were led to believe.

Jane had only been minding her own business, trying to decide what she wanted to order for her midday meal when her assistant came stomping into the high dollar restaurant where she was with her date. Things had been going... well. Or at least that was her opinion anyway.

"Hi. Could we get some wine, please?" Richard, her aforementioned date, asked who he thought was their waitress but really turned out to be Jane's young colleague.

"Sure, I'd love some." The brunette with the beanie atop her head replied, a smile on her face which only caused the dark haired man to raise an eyebrow before glancing back over at the woman across from him.

Jane groaned both inwardly and outwardly but it was definitely louder on the inside. "Richard, this is Darcy." She looked to her friend who was giving her a thumbs up in regards to the handsome man sitting across from her. Apparently, she approved. "What are you doing here?"

As her intern dragged a chair over from one of the adjacent tables, it made a huge scrapping noise that filled the quiet silence engulfing the tranquil restaurant.

"Oh. Hello." Richard murmured, not expecting their date to be broken up like it was.

Darcy took a seat in her chair before nabbing the physicist's knife and starting to spread butter across some of the complementary bread placed upon their table, neither customer having touched it yet. "So, I show up to work slash your mom's house, fully expecting you to be moping around in your pajamas, eating ice cream and obsessing about you know who."

Richard just made a small sound of recognition, having had this very discussion about Jane's mystery ex before her strange friend showed up.

"But you're not! You're wearing lady clothes! You even showered, didn't you? You smell good." The intern continued as she began to eat the bread, which, just to be clear, was amazing.

Jane felt her cheeks flush with embarrassment, risking a glance to her date who only raised an eyebrow at her. "Is there a point to this? Because their really needs to be a point to all this." She murmured, her annoyance apparent.

"Right." Darcy said before putting her bread down and wiping her hands off on the sleeves of her jacket before reaching into the coat's pocket and retrieving a small handheld machine. "You know all that scientific equipment you don't look at any more? You might wanna start looking at it again. This is the reason we came all the way out here."

She handed it over to her friend who only gazed at it for a moment before frowning softly, the readings upon the screen not correct in the slightest.

"It's malfunctioning."

"That's what I said." Darcy told her, picking up her bread and taking another large bite. Jane then hit the device upon the table top in hopes of jogging something back into place internally. "That's what I did! I though you would do something a little more scientific." The brunette only looked at the device for a moment before rolling her eyes and looking back to her colleague.

"Did you call our... um, supervisor, about it?" She grumbled and it was apparent to both other inhabitants at the table that things between her and this supervisor they were speaking about weren't entirely good.

"Yes." The intern replied through a mouthful of bread.

"What did she say?"

"She asked if I tried turning it on and off again." Jane only rolled her eyes.

"Did you?"

"Yes." Darcy admitted, swallowing another hunk of bread before she began on her second roll. "And I told her that I hit it on the table to get it to work just like you did." The brunette ripped another corner off her snack, popping the smaller piece into her mouth before a nervous look crossed her features and she stopped chewing. "She yelled at me."

"I'm sure it's nothing." Jane smiled over at Richard before handing the machine back to Darcy who only scowled at it.

"It doesn't look like nothing. It kind of looks like the readings that Erik was rambling about." The strange girl took the machine back and looked over at Jane's apparent date. "Our friend, Erik, kind of went... banana balls." She told him before waving her finger around her ear, signifying that their friend had most certainly lost his sanity.

"He's not interested." The physicist snapped, her eyes flashing angrily. "It's time for you to go now."

Darcy just looked at her old boss for a moment, not believing what she was hearing. "Okay." She said in a mockingly quiet voice, feeling a bit put out but she didn't show it. She was just doing her job.

There was a reason why Jane wasn't her favorite employer anymore.

She stood up from her chair and moved it back to its old table, making the terrible screeching sound that filled the restaurant again and causing a multitude of heads to turn in their direction.

However, when Darcy left, the traitorous thoughts that the intern had brought with her stuck in the brunette's head as she gazed down at the menu, not really reading the words on the page or even hearing what Richard had to say though she still heard it.

"Jane? Maybe you should stop saying 'sea bass' and go after your friend." She hadn't even realized that she was saying the phrase over and over again until he mentioned it. She only guiltily looked up from her menu, hope now lingering in her eyes.

"This was so fun." She lied easily to him but it was still apparent.

"I'll just stay here and say sea bass alone." Richard murmured, still looking at his menu, not even risking the physicist a glance.

She could only smile awkwardly at the man before apologizing as she slipped her coat on and left out the front door without even looking back, a long anticipated ball of anticipation churning in her stomach.

It wasn't hard to find Darcy or their borrowed car which was one of the ugliest little vehicles that she had ever seen. However, it got good gas mileage, had plenty of room for equipment, and was the most affordable thing they could rent on their budget despite the fact that their supervising manager seemed to get good pay, including a nice apartment and new lab equipment.

Pulling open the rickety door, the brunette slid into the seat beside Darcy who had been waiting patiently the whole time.

"And I hate you."

"What? I said he was cute!" The intern protested, looking completely innocent.

"Just shut up and drive."

Doing as she was told, Darcy put the key in the ignition and the tiny car roared to life before she shifted into gear and began to drive off down the road. They had been driving for a few minutes and had just started crossing a rather long bridge when something unexpected happened.

"You need to take a left." A third voice joined the two females and Jane gasped in surprise and fear when she heard the young man in the backseat speak.

"Who's he?" She breathed, her eyes wide.

"He's my intern." Darcy replied, a tight lipped yet smug smile upon her face.

"You have an intern?"

"Oh, yeah." She told her, finishing the small loaf of bread that she had managed to sneak out of the restaurant.

"H-Hello, Dr. Foster. It's a great honor to be working with you!" He replied though he stammered a bit, obviously nervous in the presence of one of his idolized physicists.

Jane just glanced over her shoulder at him for a moment before turning back to Darcy. "Is he getting paid?"

"Really? You think he's getting paid when I hardly do?!" The other brunette woman rolled her eyes, keeping her hands on the steering wheel, still chewing her snack.

"Who okayed this?"

"Our supervisor." The physicist just looked at her young colleague for a moment before shaking her head in disbelief and reaching for her phone in her pocket.

"Right. I have to call Erik."

"Alright. This is the place." The male in the backseat informed them and Darcy pulled the car to a halt in front of the vast parking lot surrounding a decrepit old industrial building.

A number of things looks out of whack at the place due to the fact that numerous shipping containers were standing upright the long way and a cement mixer is tipped on its side.

"It looks sketchy. I feel like we're going to be mugged." The young woman informed them, feeling unease bubble in the pit of her stomach. Jane only rolled her eyes again before getting out of the car and shutting the door behind her. "Hey!" Darcy called to her, rolling her window down and sticking her head out. "Where are you going?"

"To investigate the readings...?"

"Boss said not to go in there." Darcy called to her in a sing-song voice. These words caused Jane to stop.

"Then why did she send us here?"

"She just told me to wait! She said something about it possibly being extremely dangerous and that she would meet us here."

The physicist just looked around the abandoned warehouse, her lips pressed together in a firm line. She then threw her arms out wide before shrugging her shoulders. "Well, I don't see her anywhere... So, I'm just going go in and start without her!" She shot her intern an innocent smile before turning away and shoving her hands into her pockets, the cold London air nipping at her fingers.

"B-But boss said not to!" Darcy called after her, opening the car door and stepping out of the driver's seat. Her intern followed her actions, remaining silent as he did so, the abandoned buildings also causing anxiousness to bloom in him as well.

"She's not my boss!" Jane called back to her as she continued to walk away from the red car and further into the empty warehouse parking lot.

"Uh... Well, she is your supervisor."

"It's not the same thing."

"Actually..." Darcy scrunched up her nose as if she were thinking really hard, her voice raising a few octaves. "I think they are actually synonyms..."

"Are you coming or not Darcy?!" The physicist snapped, having had enough of her intern's suddenly bossy attitude.

"Alright, alright. Jeez. Someone's grumpy today." Her colleague replied, holding her hands up in surrender before begrudgingly following behind Jane with her own intern just on her heels.

Oh boy, were they going to get thoroughly scolded for this.

As they entered into the deserted building, all three scientists could only let their heads swivel around as they gazed in awe around the vast emptiness around them.

Despite the fact that it was decrepit and beaten down, the older building held a sort of silent grace about it. The dim light was able to break through the thick European clouds and stream into the glass ceiling upon the second floor, further illuminating the vastness of the long room.

A blanket of leaves carpeted the tile flooring, crunching beneath their feet with every step they took. Pigeons also cooed and hooted at them before flapping their wings loudly as they were disturbed by the newest visitors.

However, they startled the three of them and when they turned back around, they watched as a number of human-like shadows danced across the wall.

"I am not getting stabbed in the name of science." Darcy murmured in an attempt to lighten the mood except for the fact that she was actually concerned about being mugged. You never knew with British people.

Sometimes, they were almost too nice.

"It's okay, we're Americans!" She tried in an attempt to save her own skin, holding her hands up in surrender.

"Is that supposed to make them like us?" Jane murmured, subconsciously taking a small step closer to her young intern in case she needed to use her as a human shield.

"They'll make it go away!"

"Shh!" Came two quiet voices as suddenly and a group of three children stepped out from their hiding places consisting of thick cement columns and behind a distant corner.

"Oh, they're kids..." The physicist breathed in relief, glad that it actually wasn't someone dangerous. She really didn't plan on dying that day.

"Are you the police?" The lone, young Indian girl asked, stepping forward, worry evident in her large, dark eyes.

"No. We're scientists." Jane told them before pausing and glancing back to the others accompanying her. "Well... I am."

"Thanks." Darcy murmured, shooting her boss a pointed look, one that was very unappreciative. After doing all she had for Jane, that was the best she got. Not a scientist.

"We just found it." One of the boys accompanying the girl replied. These words caused all three new arrivals to frown softly.

"Can you show us?" Jane asked them and she watched as the girl exchanged an uncertain look with her friends before turning back to the lady and nodding slowly.

The older looking of the two boys sighed before he began to walk off, his friends right on his tail.

He eventually led them into another huge room with a lone cement truck but that wasn't the strange part.

The truck's tires weren't touching the ground.

All three arrivals watched with wide eyes as the same boy stepped forward and using two fingers, lifted up on the bumper and the entire thing began to slowly rotate in the air.

"That doesn't seem right..." Darcy murmured, the only one out of the three scientists who could seem to speak.

The kids then led them out of the room and up a tall and spirally outdoor staircase. The second boy then produced a glass bottle from his bag before he began to race upward until he was on a higher level than the rest of them were.

He then leaned out over the railing before holding the bottle out into the open air before he dropped it.

All of them watched it begin to fall but right before it hit the ground, it disappeared, vanishing into thin air.

"Where'd it go?" Jane asked, her eyes narrowed slightly as she looked over at the kids.

The little girl pointed upward and once again, all three visitors looked skyward and watched with amazement as the bottle reappeared above them before it began to fall again, only to disappear like it did the first time. It then reappeared above them and this process happened a few more times before the other boy caught it.

"That's... That's incredible!" Jane told them, not believing her eyes.

She then turned from her place at the railing and she found a can lying discarded on the cracked stairs before picking it up and trying it for herself. However, when she dropped the can, she watched as it disappeared and raised her head to watch it fall through again, only for nothing to happen.

"What happened?"

"Sometimes they come back. Sometimes they don't." Explained the little girl and Jane only turned to look at Darcy, her mouth still hung open slightly in shock. She then glanced at the same strange little machine from before and her mind flickered back to the mishap nearly two years ago.

She reached out and took it into her palms, examining the readings on screen.

"I haven't seen readings like this since..."

"New Mexico?" Darcy beamed, finishing her old boss's sentence for her.

In realization, Jane's mouth only hung open with excitement and she pushed passed Darcy, her mind racing a million miles an hour.

"Don't touch anything!" She warned them before rushing off and climbing the rest of the staircase, leaving the intern to only smirk to herself.

"Yeah, I'm going to get my head ripped off for this."

Jane continued onto the upper levels of the warehouse, examining the scientific reader the entire time, a soft frown pulling at her features.

The laughter of the children could still be heard just down the hall as they enjoyed throwing things into the seemingly endless portal somehow located on Earth.

The machine in her palm began to beep rapidly just as the wind picked up and the physicist felt a spark of excitement light inside of her before she moved off, further away from her friends and the children.

As she came waltzing around a corner, she heard a strange noise and turned to look down the hallway to her right, the signals on the machine becoming stronger.

Once again, the wind began to pick up and the leaves behind her stirred. Before she could even comprehend what was happening, she was suddenly yanked forward by an unseen force towards a dark doorway before she disappeared.

She then reappeared in a different place, one that was definitely not part of the warehouse and the for the first time ever, Jane really wished that she would have done what her boss told her.

Bullets whizzed by her head and as she ducked out of the way, she failed to notice her phone ringing and buzzing in the pouch at her hip.

Suddenly, beside her, there was an deafening sound from an explosion from a grenade that caused sand to rocket high into the sky. She was easily knocked away by the force of the impact but she was left relatively unharmed much to her own relief but her mind was a bit hazy for a moment.

Cursing and grumbling the entire way, she clumsily lifted her discarded body up out of the sand before crawling over into one of the various abandoned clay houses that was part of the dangerous battlefield around her.

With a quiet sigh of relief, she fell back against the wall, happy that she could finally have a second to breath but it was at this moment that she realized that something was vibrating in her pocket.

Pulling her phone out, she raised it to her ear, not even bothering to look at the contact due to the fact that her hazel eyes were busy searching the distant landscape for approaching trouble.


"Boss?" She easily recognized the woman's voice on the other end of the phone, having just spoken to her again that very morning and she felt both a mild wave of annoyance and confusion when receiving the call.

"What's happening, Darcy?"

"Eh... Not much." She replied, her tone sounding strange to her boss's ears who in return frowned.

"Did you go check out the location of the spike I told you about?"


"What did you find?"

"Uh... Well, we found a lot more than we bargained for." This caused the woman holding the phone to pause for a moment, not liking what she was implying and she narrowed her eyes in suspicion.

"You went into the place, didn't you?" She accused.

Her young colleague just laughed though it sounded fake and strained. "Well, you see, that's the thing..."

"I told you not to go in there!" She hissed, hearing the sudden sound of gunfire in the distance so she pressed herself further against the wall of the home, hoping to hide herself in the shadows.

"That's what I said! I told Jane not to!" Darcy protested and the woman only narrowed her eyes. "Which, uh, also brings me to my next order of business..." The line was silent for a moment as Darcy tried desperately to gather her courage. "We lost Jane."

"WHAT?!" She shouted and at that exact moment, more gunfire filled the air and she felt pain bloom in her right upper arm, the one that was exposed to the open doorway. She immediately dropped the phone and with a loud, "Shit!", she pressed her palm to her suit jacket, finding that scarlet liquid was spilling from between her fingers at an alarming pace.

"Hello?" She heard come through the headset of the speaker, despite the loud sound of bullets being exchanged in the air. "What happened?!"

She simply sat there in pain for a moment before reaching out with her wounded hand and picking up the phone, the adrenaline in her system dulling the pain some so that it was at least manageable.

"Sorry, Darcy."

"You sound busy. Should I call back later at a better time?" The intern asked and the woman shifted, making sure to keep the hold she had on her arm tight to stop the bleeding. More gunshots were heard just outside the house she was in and she flinched before balling herself up slightly in hopes of protecting herself.

"No you're fine. How I see it, I'm probably gonna be this busy for awhile." She jumped when a bullet grazed the stone doorway beside her head. She also heard Darcy say something over the phone but didn't hear her. "What?!" She called back into the phone but another explosion caused the words to become silent on her ears as well. "Darcy, I can't hear you BECAUSE ALL THESE GODDAMN AL QAEDA SOLDIERS WON'T STOP SHOOTING AT ME FOR FIVE FUCKING SECONDS!" She had leaned out of the door while she shouted this and she was amazed when the gunfire ceased and all was quiet for a moment. "Thank you."

And sure enough, five seconds later, the war started up again, a string of gunfire hitting the side of the house and she quickly rolled back inside.

"Did you just scream something about Al Qaeda?!" Her young intern replied, her tone now sounding very worried. "Where are you even at? When I talked to you this morning, all you said was that it was important!"

"Afghanistan." The woman just winced, continuing to apply pressure to the wound. "Oh, you know, just taking care of some rogues. Nothing big." She looked down at the wound and found that the bullet had only grazed her shoulder, leaving just a bloody mess. She felt anger swell inside of her and she turned back to look at the advancing soldiers outside. "Hold up, Darcy. My service may get a little fuzzy over here."

"Why? Are they cutting the phone lines?"

"No." Her boss replied before pushing herself to her feet and running outside. Still holding the phone to her ear, she felt her brow furrow and she raised her hand and made a sweeping motion with it, one that churned up a strong air current. "I just started a sandstorm." She told her intern who was stunned into silence, still not having entirely gotten over that little detail of her boss. "By the way... YOU LOST JANE?"

"We were just looking around the building and then she just... vanished." The girl replied, easily sliding from one topic to the next.

"How do you lose a person?"

"That question makes me uncomfortable." Darcy replied and the woman on the other end of the phone couldn't help but smile and shake her head in disbelief. She knew there was a reason she liked the intern more than her other employees.

"Alright, Darcy, I want you to listen very closely to me." Her boss's tone suddenly took on one that was very serious. "Get out of there right now." There was a hint of nervousness in there, too. "I can't really leave right now but give me about an hour and I'll be there. When this is done, I gotta go home and shower. I smell like a camel." She heard the girl snort over the line and the howling wind whipped wildly around her as dust also swirled and churned in the air. She was, however, unharmed due to the fact that she stood in a small dome of air inside the raging storm. "See ya in a bit, Darcy."

"Bye, Boss."

On the dot an hour later, both Darcy and her own intern were back outside standing by their car, having given up in their search for Jane when they both got some creepy vibes from the place when the both of them swore up and down that they had heard voices whispering to one another.

Thing was? There was no one there.

The young brunette intern just pulled her phone from her pocket as she leaned against the door of their vehicle, frowning softly as she looked at the time that was projected at the top of her iPhone. It was exactly one hour after when she had called her supervising manager. She was supposed to be there.

Just as she opened her mouth to complain to her fellow researcher, she heard the roar of an approaching engine and both her and her male companion turned to watch as a car approached. A very, very nice car.

The deep blue Ferrari pulled to a rather graceful stop beside the little red station wagon and the two spectators couldn't help but let their eyes widen in awe of the vehicle as its engine purred beneath the unblemished and perfect paint job.

"Wow." Darcy murmured after finally finding that she could form words, her mouth having been hung open slightly.

Suddenly, the driver's side door opened and out stepped one of the most gorgeous, in Darcy's opinion, women to ever walk the face of the Earth. Despite the fact that she was dressed as a boy, or rather, in her field work gear, the woman still somehow managed to captivate them and make anyone in the surrounding area pale in comparison.

A pair of heavy, black combat boots clung to her feet as she stepped out onto the hard pavement on which her car sat. A pair of khaki cargo pants hung from her hips and were tucked into the boots. A dark gray wife beater tank top also covered her top while a charcoal gray jacket was draped around her shoulders with a black S.H.I.E.L.D. symbol adorned her left bicep. A pair of white sunglasses also adorned her face, hiding her eyes from her interns.

She suddenly turned to look over at them, her face holding a stern expression for a moment, one that caused Darcy to grimace internally. There was going to be yelling and lots of it. She could feel it in her bones.

But what she did next caught them off guard.

"Hey, kiddos." She suddenly beamed over at them, causing both of the interns to relax, thinking that she was absolutely going to explode on them like she had done numerous times with Jane.

"Hi, Sam." Darcy replied, silently reminding herself to not call her by her proper title. She had been mildly scolded for that before and didn't want it to happen again.

"H-Hello, Miss Greene." The male intern stuttered out, very intimidated by his... boss.

"Good afternoon, Ian." The blonde smiled over at him and he let his eyes widen slightly in shock. She... remembered his name!

"Wait, you're name's Ian?" Darcy turned to look at him, this new information catching him off guard. He only nodded his head and Darcy only looked mildly impressed. "Didn't know that. Well, speak up next time... Ian." She told him before looking back to her supervisor and eyeing the shimmering vehicle she had just arrived in. She reached out and touched the cool surface of the hood. "New car?"

"Yeah. All the way from Italy." Sam breathed in awe herself then, looking down at her newest gift with complete adoration in her eyes. "Late birthday present." She explained before also placing her hand upon the hood and running her finger over it, a small smile upon her face. "Handles like a dream."

"Can I be best friends with your best friends?" Darcy joked, laying her torso down upon the hood of the car and closing her eyes.

"Get off." Her boss warned her as soon as she had rested herself there. Immediately, she sat up, not liking the dangerous tone in the woman's voice. When she opened her eyes, she also found that her hazel eyes were burning with anger.

Darcy always knew that her boss was protective of any of her cars so she held her hands up in surrender and backed up a few steps.

"Thank you."

"Yeah... No problem." The brunette replied nervously, biting her lip to outwardly show her nerves. "Anyway, how was Afghanistan?"

"Hot as hell." The blonde female muttered as an after thought, letting her eyes flicker around the area for a moment, finding that they were one person short but that was what she expected due to the call she received earlier.

"Judging from the number of employees present, I can only deduce that you actually followed directions and left the creepy warehouse like I told you?" Sam teased them, pulling her sunglasses down on the bridge of her nose so that they could see the playful glint in her eyes.

"Yeah but it was really hard." Darcy replied sarcastically and the blonde snorted quietly through her nose.

"Righty then..." She murmured before turning away from them and looking at the warehouse that lay before her.

As soon as she lay her eyes upon it, she knew that something was... off. There was a strange prickle in the air, a shift in the atmosphere, one that told her that something wasn't entirely right. She wasn't entirely sure what it was but it sure was unsettling and knocked all her senses up on high.

The hero only narrowed her eyes on it for a moment before she reached down into her pocket.

Withdrawing her own white iPhone, she held it extended to the female intern. "If I don't come back in about an hour, call the first three numbers on speed dial starting with number one. Try both one and two first and if neither of them pick up then call three but by all means, try one and two multiple times before that. I would really hate for you to call number three and bother... him."

"Gotcha." Darcy replied, taking the phone from her supervisor and looking at the contacts. "So, you want me to call 'Stark', then 'Rogers', and then-"

"Don't follow me!" She threw over her shoulder as she walked towards the deserted building, easily slipping into the role as Guardian of Earth, ignoring what Darcy was going to ask her.

As she approached the looming form in the distance, she took note of the tipped over cement truck and the shipping containers balanced on their ends. This struck her as a little odd but she said nothing and continued on.

When she made it inside, she only looked around for a minute, admiring the tranquil beauty that the place seemed to hold despite the eerie feeling that also lingered there.

Silently making her way into an adjoining room, she could stop and stare for a moment as she came upon another cement truck, only this one wasn't tipped on its side. No, it was upright but its tires weren't touching the ground. Taking a few cautious steps forward, she gripped the bottom of the right front tire and gently lifted upwards, not being surprised when the whole vehicle began to rotate slowly. She only gazed calmly at it for a moment, her brow furrowed.

"Well, somebody broke the physics in here..." Her voice echoed about the vast room before she moved further into the old warehouse, the gears in her mind beginning to turn.

She came upon a long set of hallways and just as she was about to walk passed, a strange wind churned up around her and she was suddenly yanked to the side. With panic sweeping through her, her hazel eyes widened and she reached down into her pocket, the cool feeling of glass meeting her palm and she quickly withdrew the weapon before she held it up.

Sam however, could do nothing when she disappeared inside a portal. Luckily, she was deposited unharmed on the other side and she stumbled for a moment before she was able to stop herself. She panicked for a moment, however, when she found herself balanced upon the edge of a huge cliff.

It took a moment for her eyes to adjust to the darkness in the room but when she did so, she only let her hazel irises scan the very dim place before she turned her head to the side when she heard footsteps.

Immediately raising her hand up, she pointed Chatnír at the other inhabitant in the room and the orb glowed brightly in anticipation of an attack but the blonde could only stare for a moment before sighing and lowering her arm as she took in the sight of her employee.

"Finally found you..." Sam breathed in relief, letting her eyes shut momentarily as she felt a weight lift off her shoulders.

"Oh, God. Not you." She muttered under her breath, not exactly happy to find that her boss had discovered her in a place she wasn't supposed to be in. "What do you mean 'finally'?" Jane asked, eyeing her supervisor carefully, wondering what she meant.

"You've been missing for over an hour."

"What?" The brunette breathed in disbelief, narrowing her brown eyes on her. "No, I've only been here a couple minutes."

The blonde only thought about this for a moment as she looked around the vastness of the cavern that they were in. "Time must run more quickly here."

"Where exactly do you think is here?" She pondered and both of them suddenly zeroed in on the towering column that lay in the center of the earthen bridge that they were standing on. A strange red glow came from the center of the column, one that made the blonde's stomach churn with uncertainty.

"I don't know." Sam replied, narrowing her eyes upon the strange rock sculpture. "I'm not even sure we're on Earth anymore."

Moving towards the strange object, she suddenly stepped into a dip and when she looked down, she caught sight of strange symbols upon the ground, ones that she easily recognized.

She immediately reached down and touched the imprint before her eyes widened and she looked around slightly. "The Bifrost..." She murmured, glancing around their dark surroundings before looking back to Jane, finally paying attention to the strange screeching noise that seemed to be coming from between the two halves of stone.

The brunette placed her hand upon the edge of the column and Sam's brow furrowed with worry and slight annoyance.

"Hey!" She got the physicist's attention, her hand still resting up what appeared to be the ancient stone. "What are you doing?" She nodded towards her hand. "This whole place screams 'Don't touch anything!'"

But it seemed as though it was too late to not touch anything.

Without warning, a loud hissing and screeching sound filled the room as a stream of what appeared to be black, metallic sand lept from inside the crack in the rock and latched onto Jane's arm.

The blonde hero's eyes immediately widened and, gritting her teeth, she was across the distance separating them in a moment. Without thinking, she reached her hand out, which was electrified at a moment's notice, and latched onto Jane's covered arm before she let loose a strong electrical shock. She watched as the blue sparks danced across the metallic sand for a moment before it retracted slightly, almost letting the physicist go but not before a tiny piece slipped beneath her skin. This caused some relief to wash through Greene, glad that it had at least let her go.

But apparently it was because it deemed that it wasn't Jane that it wanted.

Almost in a renewed anger, the strange sand lashed out at her and grabbed hold of Sam's arm before it shot across the open air and grabbed her other arm, turning her towards the rock and pulling her in. Chatnír tumbled from her now opened palm, coming to bounce onto the stone ground beneath their feet before coming to a rest.

Gritting her teeth, she fought tooth and nail with her inhuman strength to stay away from the column but found that the battle was a loosing one, only able to resist for a few moments before she was secured against the rock.

Letting out a strangled cry of pain, she felt her entire torso become enveloped in the mysterious, almost liquid-like metallic substance and it felt like it was crushing her, trying to compact her into one tiny bundle of squished hero. It soon, however, began to snake up higher on her person, traveling up her throat then to her jaw line, making her feel as though she were suffocating and she began to panic. She tried stretching her neck out as far as possible, almost as if she were trying to keep her head above water but it was to no avail as the sand continued to swallow her.

It was only a second later that she tasted something strange in her mouth and then, all she knew was blackness.

Guess who's back? Back again? Guess who's back? Tell a friend.

Hey, guys! What's up!?

I feel like I haven't talked to any of my readers in FOREVER. And I fell horrible about it.

So, yeah. First chapter of my new Thor story is out. I hope you enjoyed it. There will be a lot of wonderful fluff and feels moments in this story. I've seriously been anticipating this thing forever.

I know I said that I would publish this story earlier but I lied.

As you may or may not know, I have a very, very successful Hobbit story that I'm currently writing at the same time as this one.

However, I've sort of set it on the back burner for now, or at least until I got the first chapter of Back in Black out. So, yeah.

Things have been crazy lately and I just feel horrible about not doing anything for you guys. But don't worry, there will be more to come. You just have to give me some time.


