Anime16xoxo: "hey guys, thankyou for reading my story, I'll definitely make the next chapters longer, I swear, please review"

Clary: "she doesn't own me or Jace or any of the other characters from Mortal Instruments" *scowls at Anime16xoxo*

Anime16xoxo: "I was getting there"

Jace: "yeah, right" *rolls eyes*

Clary: "Jace" *looks at him seriously*

Jace: "clary" *looks back at her seriously*

Clary: "I love you, I missed you so much when the last book ended"

Jace: "I know"

Anime16xoxo: "ahem, if I may" *clicks fingers and they both disappear* "get a room"

Enjoy, favourite, follow and or Review! :)

Chapter one: Dark days

Clary walked down the middle of some random street, having lost track of where she was going long before she reached this point. She thought back to the reason why she had decided to go on an extra-long, delirious journey across town, she shuddered at what she remembered.

It had come out of nowhere, Sebastian was usually so calm and nice around her, but this night he had come home from work with a peculiar look in his eye, one she knew all too well, he had seen something horrible, something that would scar him for life.

She had approached him cautiously, worried that the fragile boy in front of her might break otherwise, asking if he was ok or if he wanted to talk about it, that's when the fragile boy had shattered, revealing the true monster that was hidden beneath, he had hit her, not once but many times, over and over and over again until she had barely been able to move anymore. She had lay there, on the kitchen floor, writhing in a pool of her own blood, for 2 hours, until she had been able to get up.

Sebastian had come out of his bedroom at that moment, a dazed and distraught expression on his face, he had been drunk, she realized, he had dropped to his knees and begged her to forgive him, she had, but only out of fear of what he would do if she didn't, then she had left, saying that she would see him tomorrow, she had even put on a little smile to try and convince him that everything was ok so that he would let her leave.

Then she had run, as fast as she could, crying from the pain it caused her, he had obviously broken quite a few of her bones earlier, after she had stopped recognising the street names she had slowed down and started walking.

Clary stopped at the corner of a fairly quiet street, she looked slowly up and down to see if she could recognize any of the street signs, she couldn't and so she just walked on, hoping to recognise something.

She stopped when she got to a bus stop, the bench was chipped and green and she reached into her pocket to see if she had any change, crap, she had left her purse at Sebastian's. She sat down anyway, too tired and sore to keep walking, she assessed her injuries silently, focusing on the pain.

She felt the sharp stabbing pain in her chest and knew she had fractured one or two of her ribs yet again, she felt the bruising around her collarbone and winced, she also felt that her left thumb had been broken when she fell over, even her left foot was hurting from when she had accidentally kicked a dining room chair.

She relaxed against the cold, hard surface of the bench and sighed, she was so tired. She tried to think about whether or not she had hit her head, when she was pretty sure she hadn't actually hit her head seriously she let her eyes drift closed.

Just as she was drifting off into a restless sleep a warm hand closed around her shoulder and she gasped and sat up, too fast, pain shot through her chest and she let out a small cry.

"Hey, are you ok, you know there's a homeless shelter down the road, right" a stony voice asked and she turned slowly, to see that it was an angel.

No, that's impossible, just a very good looking boy with golden eyes and a halo of, well, golden hair, he was wearing a tight black T shirt and leather biker jacket with a pair of ripped jeans and black Nikes. "No, I didn't know that, and I'm not homeless" she sounded partially breathless from the pain in her chest. She realized the boy was staring at her as well and she felt heat rush to her cheeks, then he snapped out of it and cleared his throat.

"Sorry, for calling you homeless, it's just, well, you're pretty messed up and you're sleeping on a cold bus stop bench, I just assumed you had to be either crazy or homeless" he shrugged his shoulders nonchalantly, "well, I need to sit here, you mind?" he asked.

"I'm not crazy and I'm not homeless, I'm just tired and I forgot my money at a friend's place, and sure, you can sit here, it's not like I own the bench or anything" she said sarcastically, he smirked slightly and sat down next to her.

"So, what brings you to this bench this late at night, Ms Longstocking" he asked.

"I could ask the same of you, golden boy" she said, her voice devoid of any energy.

"Well, to that I would say, I had to go on a late night shopping trip and my car is being serviced so I had to take the bus" he said confidently.

"Good for you" she didn't answer the question.

"Well…?" he waited for her to answer.

She decided to pay dumb, "Well…what?"

"Why are you out so late?" he asked again, sounding slightly amused.

"I was at a friend's" she said simply.

"And you don't have a car?" he asked curiously.

"Not yet, I'm only sixteen" she replied dryly.

"Oh, ok then, well, I was thinking, us late night bus catchers gotta stick together-" he was interrupted by the sound of the bus in question pulling up.

"You shouldn't do that, ya know, think, you might hurt yourself" she joked as he stood up to get on.

"Which school do you go to?" he called out the question and she smirked.

"Idris academy" she said as loud as she could, pain stabbed her once again and she bent forward, clutching her chest.

"Hey, are you ok?" he yelled and tried to step off the bus, but the doors were already closing and she was on the floor, passed out.