This is my newest story (obviously) and I hope you all like it as much as I do, the idea is interesting and will be known fully later on. I only own Emma.

Emma sat in front of a large baby powder blue mirror dressed in silk pajamas and a towel around her head. She looked at the clock on her wall seeing it was going on ten thirty. She looked back at herself tilting her head trying to find an imperfection. She smiled as she looked at the small gem that hung around her neck. The gem was a little bigger than a pebble. The lightning blur color of the gem made it always seem to shine. She smiled again and pulled the towel off her head letting her cold wet raven black hair fall past her shoulders. As she grabbed her golden brush from the table her phone began to ring a loud classical song. "Hey Lydia" she smirked leaning back in her chair.

"Can you believe summer's already over," Lydia complained on the other line. Emma sighed rolling her eyes as she brushed her hair with her free hand.

"Don't remind me, why don't we go out and do something?" Emma proposed as goosebumps began forming on her skin.

"Can't Jackson's over," Lydia said prissily as Emma laughed.

"My mom asked if I wanted to skip tomorrow," Emma changed the subject.

"I wouldn't blame you, Em, I mean you and Liam had a pretty bad breakup," Lydia laughed.

"Really? Really Lydia?" Emma scoffed placing her brush on the counter. She didn't want to think about her ex at all and Lydia had brought it up. A knock came from her door and a boy with black hair walked in he. He was at least a year or two older than Emma.

"Wanna come for a night ride?" the boy asked her as she smiled holding up her index finger.

"Is that your brother?" Lydia asked as Emma laughed.

"Yeah, he wants to know if I want to take a night ride," she repeated what her brother said before covering her mouth. "I don't trust him," she whispered to Lydia as her brother leaned against the door frame waiting her answer.

"Just bring your phone if he does something stupid call me," Lydia responded before hanging up.

"Sure, let me get dressed," Emma looked at her brother as he left. She grabbed a pair of teal sweatpants and a sweatshirt. Putting on a pair of Uggs she grabbed her phone and ran downstairs.

"Mom, we're going out," Felix screamed as they heard their mother reply with a feint hush. They got in Felix's mustang and he began staring at Emma looking at her from head to foot. "You are the only person I know who wears warm clothing in eighty degree weather," he rolled his eyes before turning the car on. Emma smirked as they pulled out of the driveway.

"It doesn't help that I always feel cold, no one knows how to use heat," Emma joked as her brother nodded. As they drove down the street the moon shown high it was almost completely full. Emma stared up at it feeling a sort of connection to the moon. "I wish I could see the aurora borealis," she mumbled as her brother hit a log in the road. Her necklace fell out of her sweatshirt and she held the gem in her hand staring at it. Felix mumbled something and she looked at him funny. "What?"

"Why do you still wear that?" he questioned angrily looking at the lightning blue gem that twinkled in the moonlight.

"It's pretty, and I love it, it reminds me of him," she said carefully trying not to anger her brother. Felix stopped the car and turned it off. The car was in the middle of the woods causing a nervous feeling to come over Emma.

"Why would you want to remember an ass like him?" Felix barked before unlocking the car doors. He climbed out and Emma stared at her brother for a minute before opening her door.

"What are we doing here?" she asked as Felix ignored her question.

"You never answered my question? Dad walked out on us to go back to Denmark, he doesn't love mom, or me, or you," Felix said with venom. Emma's body felt colder as he pointed at her. Felix began walking ahead of her and Emma glared at him like she was trying to burn a whole in the back of his head.

"That's a lie," she hissed running after him. As she followed after him she had an unsettling feeling in the pit of her stomach. She felt as if she was being watched, when she looked around all she could see was trees.

"Keep telling yourself that princess," Felix spoke up pulling her back to the argument. Emma's mouth dropped. She grabbed a log and raised it above her head. "Throw it and you're walking home," he threatened as she glared at him. Not trusting his empty promises she threw the log hitting the back of his leg. "You did not just do that!" Felix's voice echoed through the woods. Soon a couple of barking dogs broke the silence Felix looked around nervously. "Great, now look what you did," he said blamefully. He ran back the way he came, Emma tried to keep up, but her brother was so much faster than her. She felt a quick tug at her neck as her necklace caught onto a tree branch. She was unaware that it broke and fell off. As she jumped over a stump she saw the lights from the mustang fade off leaving her in the night.

"Is there anyone out here!" she heard someone scream. She bit her lip and pressed her back against a tree. The temperature had dropped since they left the house and Emma put her hands in her pocket trying to stay warm. The person who called out to her stopped walking and Emma held her breath. She heard the person turn around and she sighed in relief but her phone began to ring. She struggled to turn it off as she saw a flashlight shine past her tree. She turned it off and held it to her chest. "Step out where I can see you," the person yelled as she slowly came out from her hiding spot. "What are you doing out here alone?"

"My brother ditched me out here," she said defensively. "I want to go home," she begged. The man lowered his flashlight and waved her to approach. They walked back to a line of deputies and dogs. "I'm going to take this one home. Keep the search going."

"Sure thing Sheriff," one deputy spoke. As the Sheriff turned around the dogs began barking and someone shown the light in a boys face the same age as Emma. "Hold it right there."

"Wait, I know this little delinquent, it's my son," the Sheriff sighed helping the boy up. Emma stared at the short haired boy coldly as he smiled at her. "So Stiles, where is your partner in crime?" his dad asked as the one called Stiles who looked at him funny.

"Who Scott? He said he wanted to get some rest for try-outs tomorrow," Stiles answered smugly as his dad began shinning a flashlight through the woods.

"Scott, Scott come on out," the Sheriff yelled as Emma began texting. The Sheriff sighed and looked at Stiles. "Come on, we're going to have talk on invasion of privacy." He pushed his son foreword annoyed before turning to Emma. He smiled and escorted her to his car. She ignored the conversation the sheriff was having with his son.

"You're lucky this girl is here," the sheriff spoke up as Stiles smiled again.

"Hi Emma, I'm Stiles, your friends with my friend Lydia," he said as she looked at him with a questioning glance.

"You know Lydia?" she smiled politely.

"Not personally, but…" Emma snorted as Stiles' dad opened the door for her. Stiles walked to his jeep and they watched him drive off. The entire drive back to Emma's house was quiet and awkward for both Sheriff Stilinski and Emma. As he pulled into her driveway she politely thanked him and climbed out. Before she could put the key into the lock the door opened and her mom stared at her.

"You have school tomorrow and it's going on twelve thirty. You were supposed to be home an hour ago with your brother," she snapped as Emma laughed.

"I knew he would do this," she laughed. "He ditched me in the woods," she protested as her mom rolled her eyes. Emma's mom closed the door behind her and sat her down in the den.

"I want the truth, don't go blaming your brother. Where were you?"

"I only blame him because he did it. I got in his car we drove to the woods and he ditched me there. The sheriff had to drive me home." She felt her neck and realized the necklace was gone. "Where's my necklace," she squealed looking down seeing it was gone.

"Maybe if you didn't go wondering in the woods you still would of had it." Emma angrily stood up, "It's too late to look for it tonight you can go tomorrow," she snapped knowing exactly what her daughter was thinking.

"I need to find it," Emma yelped a tear forming in her eye. Her mother shook her head and Emma groaned and ran out the den and up the stairs to her room. She slammed the door behind her and leaned against the door staring at herself in her mirror. She locked her door and took the sweatpants and sweat shirt off and threw them in the closet with the Uggs and climbed into bed slowly drifting off to sleep.

The next morning Emma looked at her clock seeing she was up an hour before her alarm she smiled and walked into her bathroom turning the shower on hot. She climbed in and rested her head against the wall as the steam rose around her and she took deep breaths staring at her feet praying no one stole her necklace. After her shower she changed into a teal short dress with black high heels. After putting a few bracelets on she brushed her hair again with the golden brush making sure it was perfectly straight. She grabbed her keys and sweatshirt and walked into the garage. She climbed into her yellow Mercedes and drove out of the garage and floored it down the street. As she pulled onto campus she parked in the spot closest to the school entrance where Lydia stood waiting.

"Why didn't you respond to my text last night?" Lydia asked as Emma got out of her car shaking her head.

"I really don't want to talk about it, I could kill Felix right now," she grumbled as Lydia laughed and the two girls walked for the entrance. As they got close to the entrance she saw Stiles talking to someone. "Oh no it's him," she sighed as Lydia took a quick glance.

"Just ignore him," Lydia smirked as they walked past Stiles and the other boy.

"Since the birth of Lydia Martin," Stiles said trying to sound cool which only made Emma laugh. As Emma got to her locker she looked at her schedule. Lydia pulled the schedule from her hand and looked at it.

"I thought you said you were taking advanced English this year?" Lydia asked disappointed as Emma sighed.

"I would of been if I didn't forget to take Biology last year," Emma laughed.

"Em, I…" Lydia was cut off by the sound of the first bell. "I'll see you after first period," she smirked blowing the girl a kiss before walking away. Emma walked down the hall and into the English classroom. She saw Stiles and the boy he was talking to earlier in the back and she groaned and took one of the chairs next to him trying to ignore him.

"Emma," Stiles whispered as she looked at the front of the room. "Emma," he whispered again as Emma became frustrated. She slowly looked at him and forced a smile.

"Yes," she said faintly.

"We got off on a wrong foot last night, I'm Stiles and this is my friend Scott," he smiled as she waved to both of them as politely as she could be.

"Nice to meet you," she smirked holding up the syllabus that the teacher had just placed in front of the class. Stiles nodded as she looked at the paper. She placed her hand to her neck and sighed getting more and more nervous. As the bell rang the teacher stood up and looked at his class.

"Good morning ladies and gentlemen, I'm sure you have already heard there was the body of a girl found in the woods the other day, but know that I will not take care to gossip so with that said this year we have a lot of reading and to start I want you to read the syllabus that I just placed in front of you," the teacher said sternly as Emma picked up the sheet and began going through the reading list counting which ones she already read. She counted four of seven and sighed knowing the year would be easier than the previous.

The door opened and Emma and the rest of the class looked up to see who the guest was. The assistant principal walked in with a black haired girl who stood awkwardly next to him. "Ladies and gentlemen this is Allison Argent, I expect you to all treat her with respect and welcome her into the school," the assistant principal said. The older man left the room and their teacher waved telling Allison to sit down. She chose the seat next to Emma. Emma smiled and waved politely before returning to the syllabus. Out of the the corner of her eye she noticed the one Stiles called Scott turn around and hand Allison a pen.

"Thanks," Allison whispered as Emma looked up. Shaking her head not really caring. The rest of the class went by at an incredibly slow pace with them reading the syllabus and doing nothing else and to Emma the sound of the bell was a complete relief. She went through the rest of the day sitting in each class reading each syllabus for the class. Apparently she was the only one bothering to read the syllabus while the teachers sat back on their phones as well as most of the students. At the end of the day she grabbed her blue green backpack and walked out of the room walking down the hall she saw Allison pass by and Emma caught up to her.

"Hi," she smiled as Allison smiled back slightly uncomfortable. "I'm Emma by the way, my friends call me Em." Offering her hand Allison took it and shook it. "Welcome to the hell we call Beacon Hills High. What do you think of it so far?" she sighed as Allison laughed stopping at her locker.

"It's better than my old school," Allison laughed, "bigger for that matter too." Emma nodded.

"And where…"

"Em," Lydia called from down the hall briskly walking over.

"Lydia, this is…Allison?" Emma introduced her as Allison nodded slightly.

"Love your jacket," Lydia smiled tugging at the fabric.

"My mom was a buyer for a boutique back in San Francisco," Allison nodded as Lydia and Emma smile.

"You're my new best friend," Lydia smiled as Allison laughed and Emma faked being shocked causing Lydia to smirk. Before any other word could be said Jackson joined the group grabbing Lydia he kissed her. Allison looked around the hall as Emma tried to look away.

"Ew," Emma managed to whisper causing Allison to laugh inaudibly. When Emma realized what she had said she closed her eyes and bit her lip hoping Jackson hadn't heard.

"Ooh, Friday night I'm having a party at my house," Lydia turned from Jackson facing Allison again. "You can come right?"

"Lydia's parties cannot be missed," Emma said cheerfully as Allison looked at the three teens and gently shook her head.

"I'm sorry, I can't. Friday night is family night at my house," Allison sighed sounding sort of saddened.

"Well this party is huge, everyone will be there after the scrimmage," Jackson sighed as Emma rolled her eyes not really caring about the sports at Beacon High.

"Football?" Allison asked as Jackson let out an intimidating laughter implying something that he shouldn't of.

"Football is a joke here at Beacon, the game of choice is lacrosse," he said with his ever so familiar smart ass tone. Emma put her hand on Allison's shoulder and rolled her eyes causing a small laugh to escape Allison's mouth. "We've won three years in a row."

"That's only because we have the best captain in the county," Lydia smiled leaning closer to Jackson but not close enough. "Come on, they are going to practice now," she said peppy looking at Allison who nodded slowly. The three began walking down the hall as Emma turned around to go the opposite direction. "Emma, the practice field is this way," Lydia called as Emma shook her head.

"I got to find my necklace," she called as Lydia glared at her causing her to groan a little. "Lydia, I don't want anyone…"

"Stealing it? Believe me, Em, no one will it's probably covered by some leaves, it's safe I promise, look for it after practice, please?" Lydia flushed her eyes a few times as Emma sighed and ran toward her best friend and Lydia hugged her.

As they took their seats on the bleachers Emma shivered and opened her back pack. "You ok?" Allison asked as Emma nodded.

"I'm fine," she laughed pulling out a Beacon Hills High sweatshirt and quickly put it on. "I just get cold a lot of the time," she shrugged not caring.

"I think she has Raynaud's disease," Lydia spoke up as the boy's lacrosse team came on the field. "It doesn't effect your health just a pain in the ass," she added clapping.

"I'll be fine," Emma reassured Allison as they looked onto the field. As Emma sat there she felt as if someone was watching her. The same feeling she felt in the woods before as if she was being followed. She looked around seeing nothing out of the ordinary. Allison and Lydia began talking about the goalie while Emma felt more and more uncomfortable. She looked around trying to remain calm but she couldn't see anyone she just felt their eyes on her.

"Em?" Lydia spoke up pulling the girl back to reality. "Do you know the goalie?" Emma looked onto the field.

"I think his name is Scott, I have his English class," she said as Allison looked at him intriguingly.