A/N: Okay so this chapter jumps about three months ahead. It's late October. I rewrote this a bunch and I hope you guys really like it. XOXO

"I can't believe I have to work on my birthday," Fitz griped as he rolled out of bed. I was right behind him, having to work myself. "It's Halloween for fuck's sake. Most of the kids won't even show up."

"We're gonna celebrate tonight and I promise you'll forget all about having to work." I had a surprise planned that was sure to blow his mind. He walked into the bathroom with me hot on his heels. I sat on the counter next to him while he washed his face. He looked up at me as I sat watching him.

"What?" he asked grumpily.

"Happy birthday, grumpy pants," I answered with a smile.

He grinned at me and he was suddenly a curly-haired little boy again. He dried his face then moved to stand between my legs. "How does it feel to be dating such an old man?"

"I've always wanted a father figure," I teased.

He smirked at me. "Asshole."

I laughed as I wrapped my arms around his neck, pulling him in for a kiss. He pulled my legs around his waist. I took hold of his ears and he groaned in my mouth. I murmured, "We don't have time for this."

"Being an adult sucks," he replied as he stepped back then took off his boxers. I smacked his bare bottom when he turned around. He looked back at me with a frown, wagging a disapproving finger. "I've told you not to do that."

I laughed as he got into the shower and turned on the water.


I knocked on his office door and he told me to come in. He didn't look up from his laptop screen when I entered. I smiled at him as I walked over to his desk, holding his favorite treat: a wedding cake cupcake.

"Yeah?" he asked, still not looking up from his screen. I set the cupcake on the keyboard then stuck the candle in it and lit it. He smiled at the cupcake then at me.

"Happy birthday to you/ Happy birthday to you/ Happy birthday Fitzgerald/ Happy birthday to you," I sang softly as I rounded his large mahogany desk. I leaned against it and smiled at him. He was staring at my chest, and with good reason. My new push-up was more than paying for itself, filling out the scoop neck of my crimson silk draped sleeveless blouse like I was smuggling cantaloupes. I smirked at him. "Aren't you gonna blow out your candle and make a wish?"

"I wish you'd take your top off," he replied with a silly grin.

"Well now that you've said it out loud it'll never come true," I teased. He closed his eyes and blew out his candle.

"I still wished for it. What's life without hope?" I laughed as I ran my fingers through his hair.

"How long until your next class?" I asked as I went to lock his office door. He watched me with an eager smile as he scooted his chair back from his desk.

"About 45 minutes," he answered.

"I'll be done by then." I walked over to him and he watched with interest as I pulled my hair back into a ponytail.

"Ms. Pope, this is so inappropriate," he said with a smile as I squatted between his legs.

"Should I stop?" I teased.

"Well you're already down there," he replied making me laugh. I undid his belt and he lifted his hips so I could pull his pants down. He was already semi-hard when I pulled his member out of the flap on his boxers. He watched with rapt eyes as I stroked him, his whole face turning red. He groaned loudly when I took him in my mouth. "Fuck Liv." He grabbed my ponytail and pulled on it. I always complained about it, but I loved giving him head. I might have been the one on my knees but there was something so exciting about having him at my mercy. By the time he was ready to climax, he was standing up, holding my head still as he pumped into my mouth. He groaned my name when the levies broke.

"Well that was one hell of a present," he said as he resumed his seat, watching as I wiped my mouth then reapplied my lipstick.

"That wasn't your present," I replied, grinning at him. I had gotten him a gift that he would never forget. The blowjob was just gravy.

"Oh really?" He seemed genuinely surprised.

I smiled. "Really."

"Well what's my present?"

"Wouldn't you like to know?"

He pulled me onto his lap. He immediately attacked my neck, hoping to coax the answer out of me. "You wanna tell me. Don't you?"

I managed to fend him off and get out of his lap. "I don't. But thanks for the hickey."

"Always a pleasure," he replied before giving me a kiss. He never failed to kiss me starry-eyed.


I listened to Fitz shower as I sat at my vanity putting on my makeup. He was taking longer than usual so after about 15 minutes I barged into the bathroom, releasing a cloud of steam. He didn't seem to hear me over his blasting music. I opened the door to the shower and smacked his butt.

"Fuck Liv!" he yelped, jumping.

I laughed. Slapping his ass wouldn't have given me nearly as much pleasure if he didn't react that way every time. "I'm sorry baby. No I'm not. Get out of the shower."

"I was about to before you barged in here to assault me," he replied as he turned off the water. I handed him his towel, expecting him to wrap it around his waist. Instead, he began towel-drying his hair as he stepped out the shower. He sang along to the music blaring from his phone as he walked into our bedroom, naked as a newborn. He loved being naked more than anyone I knew. I grabbed another towel for him as I followed. He asked, "Babe will you hand me a—" I held out the towel and he grinned. "Thanks Livvie."

"You're welcome," I replied, going back to the vanity. I received a retaliation slap to my bottom that made me squeal as I walked away. I asked, "Should I wear my hair up or down?"

"Wear it up. I don't want it hiding your cleavage tonight," he answered.

"Who said I was showing my cleavage?" I asked, grinning at him in the mirror.

"I'm making a request as the birthday boy," he replied as he dried off.

"Well since you're requesting things, go pick something out for me."

"Are you sure that's a good idea?" He cocked an eyebrow at me.

I smirked at him. "Don't make me regret this."

He went into my closet and looked around. "You have way too many clothes, Liv."

"Well I have to wear clothes every day. And there are lots of days baby," I replied.

He came out a moment later with a black sequined mini-dress that I hadn't worn in years. I smirked at him. "No."

"Different color?"

I laughed as I got up. "That is so not appropriate for dinner with your parents, honey." I went into the closet with him following closely.

"You smell good," he murmured, pulling me back against him.

"You need to stop," I replied with a smile as I pulled away. We were supposed to meet his parents for a birthday dinner in an hour. I looked at him. "You can have all the fun you want when we get back from dinner birthday boy."

He had no idea what I had in store for him when we got back from dinner. He pouted cutely at me. "I'm gonna hold you to that." I went back to searching my clothes. He began running his fingers up and down the stars tattooed on my back. "Wear that red dress I like."

"Which one?" I asked, moving to my red dresses.

"The halter one," he answered. I smirked as I pulled the dress out. It fit like a glove, stopping just above my knees. The halter gave me Sofia Vergara cleavage. I slipped it on and turned my back to him.

"Zip me up?" I smiled coyly over my shoulder at him.

"I'll do more than that," he replied as he zipped the dress.

"Go get dressed you pervert."

"Yes ma'am."


I was practically in tears laughing at Fitz's mother, Susan, as she recounted Fitz's phone call to her the night after our first day of classes. She smiled as she looked me to Fitz whose ears were bright red.

"I was just getting into bed when he called. I was expecting him to be upset and wanting to come home, or going to jail—you know Lizzie got arrested her first night at Duke—so when I picked up I was already apprehensive. And then he says, 'Mom I met this girl.' I had never heard him sound like that, like he was in awe that girls existed. He says, 'Her name's Olivia and she's in my English class and she's so pretty I can't look at her.' So I say, 'Well what did you say to her? Did you ask her out?' And he says, 'Mom I made an ass of myself. I couldn't help it. I just started talking and I couldn't stop and now I can never say another word to her.'" I smiled at him, placing my hand on top of his and sliding my fingers between his. Susan grinned at us. "So I told him, 'At least talk to her again and see what happens.' And he goes, 'I can't. She laughed at me.'"

"And then the most magical thing happened." Fitz grinned at me. "I went to Starbucks the next morning and there you were. And you smiled at me and waved me over to your table. And I was thinking, 'Oh God please don't let me embarrass myself again.'"

I laughed. "And I was thinking, "Oh God please let him be weird because he likes me and not just weird."

"And to think it only took him seven years to make the move," Big Gerry joked. We all laughed. "Son, you didn't get your shyness from me. I asked your mother on a date before I asked her name."

Fitz laughed. "And she was five months pregnant with Liz a year later when you asked her to marry you. Maybe shyness is a good thing sometimes Dad."

Susan blushed. "Who told you?"

Fitz laughed. "We found your marriage license last year when Liz made that scrapbook for you guys. Your wedding date was November 1, 1977. Liz was born March 3, 1978. Not to mention that the only wedding photo of you two is from the chest up. You were hiding something."

"Well I expect you to have nothing to hide on your wedding day," Susan admonished with a smile.

"Oh we won't. Especially since someone hasn't proposed yet," I replied, smirking at Fitz.

"Well if someone had been a little more careful in the woods, I'd have already proposed," he shot back.

"If someone hadn't dragged me to the woods in the first place, I wouldn't have had to be careful."

"Gee I wonder why I haven't proposed yet, what with you being such a delight."

"You two sound old and married already," Big Gerry interjected. We all laughed.


"Close your eyes and keep them closed. I mean it," I instructed as Fitz and I rode the elevator up to our floor.

"Yes ma'am," he replied obediently, grinning as he closed his eyes. I didn't trust him. I removed his tie and tied it over his eyes. I took his hand as I guided him off the elevator. "You better not lead me into any walls."

"If I wanted to prank you, I'd have just left you on the elevator," I said. We reached our door and I unlocked it, guiding him inside. James had turned off all the lights when he dropped off Fitz's present for me. I turned on the light and smiled at the sight of the enormous box as I removed my coat. I looked at Fitz, standing awkwardly in the middle of the room. "Take off the blindfold."

He removed it and smiled at the box. "You got me a big box. I've been needing one of those."

I smirked at him. "Stop being an asshole and open the box."

He walked over and took the top off the large cardboard box, making the four cardboard walls fall apart and reveal a shiny black Ducati and matching black helmets. "Holy shit Liv!"

I smiled, pleased with his reaction. "It's just like the one you had in college."

He had had a black Harley in college that he bought from a professor. After an accident that left him with a dislocated shoulder, his mother and I insisted that he sell it. He seemed to be in complete disbelief. "I can't believe you did this! How did you do this?"

"I have my ways," I replied coyly. He scooped me into his arms and covered my face in kisses.

"You are the best girlfriend ever," he murmured before capturing my lips. He pulled the zipper on my dress down, sliding his hands between the fabric and my skin. His lips moved to my neck as his hands slipped the dress off my body.

"Are you gonna take me for a ride?" I asked as he yanked the dress down around my waist.

"You bet," he murmured as he unhooked my bra.


He looked up at me with startled eyes. "Oh you meant on the bike." I laughed. He grinned at me as he stood. "Why don't you go change while I try to give my brain dibs on the blood flow again?"

I laughed as I went into the bedroom. I went into my closet and pulled out dark wash jeans and white t-shirt. I pulled on my YSL smoking jacket then found oxblood-colored leather booties. When I emerged from the bedroom, Fitz was wiping off the bike with a washcloth. I smirked at him as I shook my head. "You boys and your toys."

He grinned at me. "If I wasn't so happy right now, I'd have something really sarcastic to say back. Something really petty like, 'You can't talk about me and my toys when you've got three vibrators in your underwear drawer.' But there'll be time for that later."

I laughed as he handed me the helmets. I went to open the door. "Let's get this over with old man."

"I'm gonna show you who's old," he replied as he wheeled the bike out the door. I closed it behind him and we headed for the elevator. He grinned at me, pulling me into a hug and kissing me. "Thank you Livvie."

"If you really wanna thank me, propose. Or at least show me the ring," I replied sweetly, giving him my best Bambi eyes.

"You're cute but that's not gonna work." I rolled my eyes, pushing him away, and he laughed.

Out on the street, I gave him a helmet and put the other one on. He put his helmet on and I looked at him. "You better not kill me."

"Wouldn't dream of it," he replied as he climbed onto the bike. I climbed on behind him, wrapping my arms around him and leaning forward. He started the bike then pulled away from the curb. We were 20 again, cruising through the streets on a Saturday night. I loved how much fun he was having, revving the engine and burning rubber. We pulled into a gas station and he cut the ignition. He climbed off the bike then offered me his hand to get off.

"We look like Daft Punk," I joked as we removed our helmets to head inside. He paid for the gas then went outside. I bought us old-fashioned Cokes in glass bottles then went outside. I couldn't believe how sexy he looked, leaning against the bike as he pumped gas. He wore a black long-sleeved shirt and black jeans. I grinned as I walked over to him. "Here alone?"

He smiled at me. "Looks like it."

I held out a Coke to him and he took it. He twisted the top off then handed it back to me. I held out the other one to him and he opened it too. He took a sip. I grinned at him. "So someone as handsome as you doesn't have a girl to take for rides?"

"I could take you for one if you'd like," he replied.

I laughed as I moved closer to him. He wrapped his arm around my waist. "Do you promise you'll still flirt with me when we're an old married couple?"

"Just try and stop me," he replied before planting a kiss on my temple.


When we got back to our apartment, Fitz put his bike in the parking garage. We took the elevator up to our floor.

"Any other special plans for me?" he asked with a devilish grin.

I smiled at him. "I may have bought something kinda sexy to wear for you, but it would be much sexier with an engagement ring."

He laughed. "I've never known you to be so transparent."

We got to our apartment, a rather difficult task with his hand stuffed down the front of my pants. Inside, he released me from his torturous grip and threw me over his shoulder.

"Go change," he commanded, delivering a smack to my bottom.

"I'm gonna let the bossy attitude slide because it's your birthday," I replied with a smirk as I went into my closet. I slipped off my clothes and found the Victoria's Secret bag containing the lingerie I bought for his birthday. It was a little sailor suit that unbuttoned to reveal a blue sequined bra, garter belt, and g-string. I slipped on black silk thigh highs and attached them to the garters. I completed the look with red pumps before heading into the bedroom.

"Trick or treat!" I chirped, flouncing the outfit's tiny pleated skirt.

"This is literally the only upside to my birthday being on Halloween," he replied with a goofy grin from where he sat on the bed.

I laughed as I climbed onto the bed next to him. "So what'll it be birthday boy?"

He grinned at me. "I think I'm in the mood for my favorite dessert."

"When aren't you in the mood for your favorite dessert?" I teased as I sat up on my knees next to him. He quickly unbuttoned the tiny costume to reveal the real treat underneath.

"Wow," he breathed.

"You really like it? I haven't worked out in weeks," I replied.

"Baby you don't ever have to work out for me?"

"So you'd still love me if I got fat?"

He smiled at me. "If you got fat, I'd get twice as fat so you could feel skinny."

I laughed as I leaned down to kiss him. "I love you."

"I love you too," he replied. "Now get those panties off so you can sit on my face."

I smirked as I rolled onto my back to take off the g-string. "So rude." He moved his pillow, laying his head back on the sheets, grinning at me. "Do you want me to just climb up there?"

"Yes please," he answered. I moved to squat over his face. I sat on my knees, hovering above his face.

I smirked at him. "So polite. Such a sweet—ooohhh!"

His tongue began an assault on my bundle of nerves that made me grab our headboard for support. He grabbed my thighs to hold me still as I squirmed over him. He sucked my clit into his mouth and I let out a scream that probably woke our neighbors. The heels of my shoes dug into his shoulders as I started to ride his face. I held the headboard with one hand and used the other to stroke and pull at his hair. He slipped his tongue inside me and my stomach tightened.

"Oh fuck," I groaned loudly. He hummed a reply against my center that made my whole body shiver. My thighs closed on the sides of his face and he had to pull them apart, presumably so he could breathe. My screams echoed off the walls as I exploded.



I tossed a dish towel at Fitz as he napped on the couch, rousing him. "Oh I'm sorry. Did I wake you? I'm just making dinner for everyone. Didn't mean to interrupt your nap."

"I'm tired," he replied.

"From your 2 hour nap yesterday?" I teased. He rolled off the couch and padded into the kitchen.

"I'm sorry," he murmured as he wrapped his arms around me. He kissed my cheek. "What do you need my help with?"

"You could set the table. And turn on some music. And pour me a glass of wine," I replied. I turned to smile at him. "And give me a kiss."

"I think you've had enough wine," he replied with a grin before planting a kiss on my lips.

"My parents are coming. If I don't get good and drunk, this whole day is gonna take a nose dive," I explained. My parents and I saw each other as infrequently as possible. It wasn't that I didn't love them, or that they didn't love me, but they always managed to destroy any holiday with their bickering. And if they weren't at each other's throats, my father was mute and my mother was picking at me.

He rubbed my arms comfortingly. "It's all gonna be okay. I'll be here to keep the peace." He nuzzled my neck. "Plus, my parents are coming. And so is Liz. And Abby and Stephen, and James and Cyrus are coming. It's all gonna be fine Livvie. I promise."

I leaned my head back on his shoulder. He squeezed my waist. I kissed his cheek. "Are you glad we're doing this?"

"I'd do anything with you with you anywhere," he replied, smiling at me.

"Anything, huh?" I reached back to undo his pants and he swatted my hands away with a laugh.

"Excuse me, you didn't ask to go in there," he teased.

I laughed as I turned around, leaning against the counter. "I didn't know I needed to ask."

"I guess you're right," he said. He lay down on the floor, throwing his arms up above his head. "Take me." I laughed. He always knew how to make me feel better. "But…please…be gentle."

"Get off the floor you goofball," I replied.

"No. You need to use me. Use me," he said, making me double over in laughter. He grinned at me. "I can see up your skirt."

I stopped laughing. "Do you think it's too short? I really don't wanna hear my mom's mouth about it."

I wore a navy pleated Kate Spade skirt over a red gingham button down layered under a yellow Ralph Lauren cable knit v-neck sweater. Fitz had surprised me with a string of pearls and matching earrings when he heard my parents were coming to dinner. He always tried his best to make up for the distress they caused me.

"You look perfect," he replied. "I doubt your mom is gonna lay on the floor and look up your skirt, Liv. Stop stressing." He got off the floor and went to the refrigerator to get a bottle of wine. I had already finished one, but I was too nervous to feel it. He poured me a glass and handed it to me, smiling as he resumed his position wrapped around me. "Will you relax a minute? Just for me?"

I sighed as I put the glass down. He pulled me flush against me, humming softly as he swayed me around the kitchen. He sang, "You fix your makeup just so/ Guess you don't know you're beautiful/ Try on every dress that you own/ You were fine in my eyes a half hour ago/ And if your mirror won't make it any clearer/ I'll be the one to let you know/ Out of all of the girls/ You're my one and only girl/ Ain't nobody in the world tonight/ All of the stars/ You make them shine like they were ours/ Ain't nobody in the world but you and I."

I grinned at him. "Well if you're gonna sing, I guess I can cheer up."

Before I could kiss him, the doorbell rang. I pinched his cheek then headed for the door, straightening my lace apron. I stepped into my cognac-colored point-toe pumps waiting by the front door then opened it. I plastered a smile on my face though it didn't reach my eyes. "Hi Mom. Hi Dad."

A/N: So we've met Fitz's parents and we're about to meet Olivia's. She's worried about them but are they really as bad as she thinks or has time changed some things for the Popes? What does their presence have in store for our lovebirds? Don't forget to leave your reviews! I really love hearing from you guys. It keeps the creative juices going.