Control & Chaos


The simplest of missions could go wrong in a heartbeat. And that was exactly what happened.

Clash, clang

The creature swung it's blade towards Pearl, who met it with her own. The creature was tall and lanky, humanoid. It had no eyes, no nose, simply a menacing smile. It's movements were jerky and jagged. Fast. Random. A complete contrast to Pearl's calculated form.

Clash, clang, clash

Pearl didn't have the support of the other gems in this fight. In an attempt to cover more ground, they had all split up. Pearl was realizing just how much of a mistake that was.

The creature thrusted it's blade towards her. Pearl quickly jumped out of it's path. That was close. Before she had time to recover, it was at it again.

Clash, clang, clang, clash, clang

The creature's blade grazed her arm. Pearl let out a yelp. This thing was chaos. Pure chaos. She couldn't seem to get the upper hand. She gripped her sword tighter. She wouldn't allow herself to lose to In one swift movement, she knocked the blade out of its hand. It melted to a puddle of black liquid as it touched the ground. Pearl let out a small smile.

Victory was hers.

The creature stood as still as a statue. Pearl raised her sword to deal the finishing blow. The creature opened its mouth, and let out a sound. A terrible, unholy combination of a scream and a laugh. Pearl clenched her sword tighter. This was it.

She charged the creature, thrusting her sword to it. But, the moment before her sword made contact with it's body, it simply bent out of the way. It's screaming laugh became louder. Almost deafening. A long arm shot out from it's back, reaching behind her, grabbing her by the collar of her shirt. It lifted her up. The two were now face to face.

Before she could do anything, it started to swing her around. In a instant, it had thrown her away.


She hit the wall, and sunk to the ground with a thud. Pearl took a deep breath, pushing herself up. Whatever this monster was, it wouldn't be taking her down that easy.

All of the sudden, a large, hollow black eye opened up on the top of the creature's forehead. The two locked eyes. For a brief moment, both were still. All was silent. The monster's deviled grin seemed to grown. It reached one of it's arms behind it, and pulled out the arm that had grown on it's back. The arm violently twitched and twisted, and turned into another blade.

Pearl cringed, but never looked away. She couldn't afford to. The creature raised it's new weapon and charged towards her.

"What are you?" she asked. Never, in all her years, had she ever faced a creature like this. Pearl quickly prepared her sword, ready to finish the battle, once and for all.

But as it started to get close, it's direction changed. It took a sharp turn right. Pearl stopped. What was it doing? She looked towards it's direction...

And saw it charging towards Rose Quartz. Rose lifted her arm, her shield materializing in front of her. The creature crashed it's sword into the shield. The force of impact was more the Rose calculated, and the pink gem was sent flying back.

"Rose!" Pearl yelled. The monster wasn't giving the other gem enough time to recover herself. It was next to her before either of them could think. Rose looked up in horror as it raised it's blade to deliver a finishing blow.

Pearl between them, just as the sword came down. The sword impaled her, straight through the chest.

"No!" Rose screamed. Pearl gave out a cry, but she wasn't done. Not yet.

She raised her own sword, and thrusted it into the creature's eye. The monster emitted a scream unlike any other, as a black liquid oozed out of it's eye. With all the strength she had left, she pulled the sword down, cutting the monster in two.

The monster exploded into millions of drops of black liquid. Pearl let out a pained scream, she had strained herself too much. With one final cry, she retreated back into her gem. But no one noticed she brought something with her.

The liquid started to steam as it hit the ground. It crawled its way towards each other forming into a small, black sphere.

Pearl's gem landed on the ground with a clang, it's host now recovering inside. Rose gently picked up her friend, and smiled.

"Thank you."

Garnet and Amethyst came running over.

"We heard screaming, is everyone-" Amethyst's sentence was cut short, as she noticed Pearl's gem. She gasped. Rose smiled at the purple gem, and placed a comforting hand on her shoulder.

"She'll be okay," she said. She walked over to the black sphere, and formed the protective bubble over it. But that's when Rose noticed something was off about the artifact.

There was a small chip missing from it. Rose looked over the artifact. How in the world?

And then she remembered. The creatures blade had never turned into liquid. It stayed in Pearl.

It retreated with her into the gem.

"Oh no."

What none of them knew, was that this little mistake would cost all of them more then they could ever imagine.

Hey guys, thanks for reading. I really appreciate it. I haven't written a fanfiction in a while, and I'm really excited about this one. Hopefully, all of you enjoy. And again, thanks for reading!