freed opened his eyes, pancake now squirming in his arms. freed let her go and she ran straight to laxus, who picked her up.

"heh, how'd ya sleep?" laxus smiled,

"good." freed got up and went to pancake, who was squeaking in laxus's arms and looking at freed,

"whats the matter, pancake?" freed touched her nose and she nuzzled his hand, squeaking - then she pulled away and looked up at laxus,

"uh, hi?" laxus raised an eyebrow, pancake started to play with the fur on his coat, "dont destroy it, pancake!"

"she wont. dont worry." laxus chuckled, then pancake turned back to freed and laxus gave pancake over to freed, before she ate his coat.

freed walked to the kitchen and got a marshmallow and fed one to pancake, "she only eats at least four, maybe wendy would know what else to feed her?"

laxus shrugged, "we can ask?"

freed nodded, "looks like its late, the guest room is down there." freed pointed, laxus gathered up his things and started to sort his mess.

freed snuck into his room, and closed the door, he turned around and jumped when he saw rufus was still there, "rufus?!" freed whisper-shouted, "i thought you left?"

"no. i just wanted to give you a suprise." rufus smiled, then he cornered freed again, "or, no, i wanted to give myself a little taste of heaven." rufus smirked, licked his lips and moved to freeds neck,

"r-rufus ?! a-ahh." freed blushed, rufus was using his teeth to gently pull freeds skin, then he sucked and licked, "a-hhhh." freed moaned again, "r-rufus, laxus might come in!"

rufus looked to freed, "then we better be quiet." he smiled,

freed sighed, then gently kissed rufus's lips, "rufus, can't we do this another time? laxus might want something to eat."

rufus looked hurt, "...i never get to be with you anyway..." he sulked,

"rufus, please dont -we- i..." freed bit his lip, it was impossible to lift rufus's spirit whenever it fell, it once took a week!

so freed quietly took off his jacket, and climbed over to rufus. rufu's eyes were closed, so freed snuck onto his lap,

rufus finally opened his eyes when freed nipped his ear, "please, dont be mad?" freed whispered, and rufus wrapped his arms around freed,

"i could never - " Freed? pancake has ran off somewhere!" they heard laxus shout, freed ran out the door and rufus ducked under the bed,


"she isn't here."

the two heard a crash and a loud squeak in the kitchen, then the ran in and found pancake hiding under the table and a broken plate on the floor.

"c'mon, pancake." laxus leaned down to look under the table, reaching in he petted pancake's head - then the tiny little dragon rushed out and hid next to laxus, curling up a bit, squeaking sounding scared.

"its ok, pancake." freed smiled and stoked the little dragons scales, and it rushed over to freed, tucking its head in his scarf

y'know laxus thought we're like a real family; freed, me and pancake.



my laptop, the king of laggines, screen stopped working for a while!

