Hello :)

Thank you so much for the good reviews on my first fanfic!

I apologise for not posting any new ones for a while I've had uni work taking up my time. I'm finally ready to get this new one posted now, and other chapters virtually ready for upload :)

I have 2 other stories waiting to be uploaded as well once I'm happy with them (Both are slash).
Unfortunately this one is not slash (sorry Merthur fans, forgive me) but it does have some strong Merthur bromance (hope this makes up for lack of slash). Will end up with implications of Arwen but not much (I couldn't put myself through writing it), as it needs to keep to canon timeline. This is set after season 3, but there is no season 4. I need Lancelot and Uther alive, even if Uther doesn't really have any impact on the story.

Disclaimer: I do not own Merlin

Hope you enjoy :)

It was a normal day for the Prince, Knights and Merlin. Particularly for Arthur and Merlin, who just seemed to attract trouble wherever they went. The sounds of swords clashing echoed through the forest as they fought the bandits, which seemed to be coming in seemingly never ending waves.

Merlin was doing whatever he could to protect his Prince, whilst keeping an eye on the others as well. He stayed near Lancelot, who could cover him so he could perform his magic without the others noticing. He was struggling to keep an eye on them all and protect himself though, which would soon lead to trouble for Arthur.

Arthur himself was beginning to tire, but continued on, knowing that if he showed signs of tiring they would target him more. Well, more than they were now since he was the Prince. He could barely pay attention to what the others were doing, and could only hope they were ok. Suddenly he felt some invisible force drag him back, separating him from the others. They were too busy defending themselves to have seen him disappear and as he tried to call out he found he couldn't. He knew immediately magic was involved, but who was it?

His mind flashed to Morgana, who had been quiet since the attack on Camelot with the immortal army was thwarted, and he tightened his grip on his sword. He would not allow her to get away with what she did. What she has done to his -no their apparently- father. Her betrayal still hurt even now, and he couldn't believe it. Why was all magic evil?

He landed hard, some distance away, but immediately stood and turned to face his attacker. There was no one. He looked all around him, but there wasn't a single sign of any one.

Then the wind whistled around him, and he heard a voice.

"Do not fear Arthur Pendragon, you are safe."

And then his world went black.

Merlin realised Arthur's absence from the fight quickly. He had looked away for one second to send a bandit flying who was coming at him, and when he looked back Arthur was gone.

"Arthur!" He shouted. The Knights, hearing Merlin shout, looked around when they could, and couldn't see him either. They couldn't do much about it now though, so they continued to fight with more urgency and force than before.

When the attack finally ended, they all gathered around. They had all got off unscathed thankfully, though they were tired. Not that they cared at this point they were more concerned about their missing friend.

"What happened? Where did he go?" Leon asked, looking at Merlin.

"I don't know, I saw him fighting, then I looked away for one second and when I looked back he was gone." Merlin replied, "He was over there." Merlin pointed to a clump of trees a little ahead. They approached, keeping their swords ready in case something appeared. There was nothing.

"We need to spread out, look for him or any signs as to what might of happened, keep your eyes and ears open. If anyone see's anything let us know, and don't approach anything that looks dangerous alone." Leon ordered. As he was the most experienced Knight of the group and Arthur's second in command the others followed his orders without complaint.