Disclaimer: I do not own Rise of the Guardians! Just this story. (There are some other sorta disclaimers at the bottom that will make more sense once you've read the story)


"You felt sorry for him, didn't you?"


"Are you sure about just taking him in like that?"

"Of course I am."

Manny frowned.

"You're going to humiliate the poor lad. Do you really think he has what it takes to be a Guardian?"

"Oh he has what it takes, Manny. I would know it better than anyone. He has so much potential."

"He's just a child... you were older."

"But he has that something I never had, Manny. He'll make it. I know he will. He has the potential just like any of the others."

Manny didn't seem so sure, but he'd agree for now.

Who knows, maybe there was more to the lad than what met the eye.

Jackson Frost was an orphan. But this didn't bother him that much anymore. He was nineteen years old and out of the orphanage. Parents were of no use to him now. What teen in London, England, needed parents anyways? Most parents left the teens alone, so Jack wasn't out of the ordinary.

His main focus was just taking one day at a time... and getting dosh for for his kid brother Jamie. Now they weren't really brothers, but ever since Jamie was put in the eight year old Jack's charge, the two had just bonded. Ah... but how things changed for pale teen. He had been such a smart kid, managed to get into nice schools on scholarships. His goal then had been to go to college and get a real job then adopt Jamie. He took the entrance exam and had passed. The only thing he had to wait on was that desperately needed scholarship. He had all the qualifications. It was perfect. There was no way it wouldn't be given to him. But no, some snotty rich kid was able to snatch up the scholarship. Jack had never been so frustrated, but he figured he could find another scholarship somehow. It never turned out for him sadly. Every scholarship was taken by some 'lucky' student who had some connection to dosh or power in England. Jack had no chance. He wasn't one to give up, but there wasn't much he could do. Working and studying was a bit overwhelming for him. He wasn't strong. And bills wouldn't pay themselves... so he did something he knew he would forever regret; he quit college.

His dream vanished from in front of him and turned into the life he never wanted to take but didn't have much a choice in.

He had turned to the life of crime.

Blue eyes sparkled with mischievousness in the dark shadows of an alleyway. His target had no idea what he was in for nor that he had been followed all this way. The owner of the blue eyes couldn't help a silent chuckle. This was going to be rather fun.

"Going somewhere?"

The target spun around and faced a young blue eyed, pale, white haired teen standing barefoot on the corner of the alley way he had just entered.

"Jack!" the target cursed his luck. He never liked it when the teen trailed him for things he had originally stolen. Okay, okay... so he had originally stolen it from Jack by chance. A lucky chance at that. He should have realized that he could be stalked by the annoying teen. How foolish he had been to think that Jack wouldn't notice its disappearance.

The teen smirked. "You should have been paying more attention to who might be following you," he scolded in a sing-song way. "Now you know what I want, so hand it over."

Jack held out his hand to enforce his demand.

His target shrunk away from him, not wanting to give up his precious item.

Jack sighed. "Oh come on... how hard is it to just let go?"

His target managed a quiet growl.

"Ah very well... have it your way." Jack withdrew his hand to his side and turned as if he was going to just walk away. "I didn't really want that useless thing anyway."

"U-useless?!" the target gasped in shock.

Jack glanced over his shoulder. "Yeah, useless. I just wanted to see if I could fix the piece of junk. I can always find a better one."

The target growled and threw the once treasured item to the ground.

"You can have it, Jack Frost!" he spat. "I don't need useless junk."

The target stomped off, grumbling about being tricked by the teen once again. He swore to himself he'd never let the teen get away with a stunt like that ever again.

Jack let out a quiet laugh as he picked up the fallen object.

"Fooled you again," he whispered, a smirk on his lips.

He stuffed the box into his hoody pocket before slipping away into the shadows. He needed to hurry and drop this off. Once he dropped this off, he could get the dosh and send it back to the orphanage where Jamie was. The teen smiled at the thought of the little brunette boy. They had formed a rather brotherly bond and Jack was determined to do whatever it took to keep his little 'brother' safe and happy. Just thinking of the kiddo put a spark of happiness in his heart.

One day, he'd make his old dream come true. He and Jamie would live a better life together.

He fingered the object in his pocket, carefully though, he didn't want to frost it. After all, he was still having some issues controlling this somewhat new found power. He had discovered it shortly after his fourteenth birthday. It had given him quite the scare, but he soon overcame his fear with curiosity. How was he able to do such a thing? He had shared this secret to Jamie and Jamie alone. He was too scared to show anyone else. What if they kicked him out? What would be become of Jamie? He had to keep them hidden and managed to do so until he left the orphanage. On his seventeenth birthday, things got difficult. With all the stress of no scholarships and having to work and study so very hard, he nearly went out of control with his frosty powers. He had barely managed to clean and hide it from his landlord... but his landlord did notice the frozen pipes and doubled his rent. Sweet seventeen wasn't so sweet. Or was it sixteen? It didn't really matter. Both birthdays had been rather awful.

He shook his head to shake out the thoughts of the past and focus back on the object in his hands. It was a small tube like box that fit rather nicely in his hoody pocket. It had very pretty colors which was partially what had attracted Jack to it. He had no idea what it was or what was inside but was certain the object had some sort of value. If not, he could always keep it for himself. He liked curious objects like this. Maybe he could figure out how to open it before he sold it. That could help him figure out how much he could get from it. After all, it seemed like many of the other 'criminals' of London had their eyes set on it. So obviously it was something important. Maybe he should have gotten the real answer from his target instead of lying his way around to get at it. Oh well, what's done is done. He still would get some dosh out of this for he needed dosh badly. Not just for Jamie, but for himself as well.

He paused a moment to stare at his bare feet. So very noticeable in this day and age and not mention in this cold weather! It didn't really bother him, but he knew he probably should try to invest in a pair of shoes. Sandals, flip-flops, maybe? The coppers were starting to crack down on him some about being shoeless. And the poor, homeless trick only worked a couple of times before all of Scotland Yard had figured it out. So shoes was definitely the top item of the shopping list, but after some of it went to Jamie. He always put Jamie first even if it meant he might get caught by the cops. Besides, the cold never bothered his feet. It was almost as if cold was just apart of him. He had nothing to fear.

Fear, bah! He shouldn't have been so careless. Fear wasn't something he should lack. It was something he needed. But no, his care-free, childish side had convinced himself that he was invincible and needed no fear. Oh how wrong he had been.

"Barmy coppers," he growled under-breath as he pressed himself against the walls of an alleyway. He carefully scooted toward the edge just to get a peek of how the officers were doing.

"No sign of the boy at the moment, but we've sent his description throughout the area. He's wearing a blue hoody, tan trousers, barefoot. He's got blue eyes and white hair. We'll get him this time for sure."

Jack winced. Scotland Yard was doing pretty well this round. Though he didn't quite understand why they were so intent on getting him this time. Most of his past crimes weren't worth a full-fledged chase. So what was going on?

His fingers curled around the box nestled in his hoody's pocket.

Could it be this object? But why? It was just a colorful little box. Probably worth a decent sum but not enough to make the barmy coppers angry, right? He pulled the box out to study it. What could be so special about it that the cops were after him?

Well, no time for questions. He needed to get out of here somehow and fast.

Frost formed around his fingers as if to encourage him. His powers could help him flee. But... Jack shook his head. Frost was not the answer. It could cause more trouble. He didn't have much control over it and had no idea how they would work given a situation like he was currently in. No, he just had to trust his instincts and wish for the best.

He took a deep breath and darted out of his hiding place. He was depending on his speed and wit for now.

"Hey, Mr. Copper!" he called out tauntingly. "Looking for someone?"

"There he is!"

"After him!"

Jack smirked and started running. He'd let the coppers give him a good chase around in circles and then disappear during the chaos. After all, his speed never failed him. It was rather ace, but Jack never really thought about how radge it was that he could run so fast. He could run past cars going down the interstate if he wanted! But Jack wouldn't be thinking about that at a time like this. His main focus was to get all the coppers lost on a wild goose chase.

"Faster men!"

Jack's smirk grew. Faster, eh? Oh they'd get faster now that they asked for it. With a burst of a frosty blue light, the hooded teen took off. Leaving the cops in confusion but determination as they followed the blue blur deeper into the heart of London.

And boy, was Jack enjoying himself. The speed felt great. The wind tickled his cheeks encouraging him to go faster. He could almost hear the wind calling him.

"Faster, Jack, faster. Fly with me."

And how badly he wished he could fly. But not now... he just needed to focus on getting away and avoiding incoming traffic.

"Jack, come. Fly with me."

No, no. He couldn't fly. That wasn't possible. He couldn't fly.

"Jack, please. Fly with me."

Ugh, Jack made a face as he just ran faster. Barmy voices in his head. It was just his imagination. He couldn't let some imaginary voice that seemed to belong to the wind distract him from his current situation. He just needed to focus on running and confusing the coppers then head back home. After that, he would just wait until things calmed down before trying anything crazy again.

Though he had to admit it, this was fun. He had never felt such a thrill, to be running at such speeds with the wind. He loved this feeling. It was almost as if his feet weren't touching the ground anymore. As if, as if he was gliding on the wind. It was such a remarkable feeling. This was like flying, but not quite. This would be as close to flying as he would ever get.

But due to his incredible speed, he didn't see the flashing blue and white lights until it was too late.


He was hit with a great force then pulled back suddenly like a puppet on string before being somewhat gently tossed to the ground.

His head was spinning as he could faintly make out the coppers murmuring.

"Strange... it was almost as if the wind picked 'im up after he hit your car."

Jack tried to sit up but found he couldn't as a cop handcuffed his hands behind his back.

"Jackson Frost, you are under arrest."

Then everything went black.

Bright lights greeted Jack as he regained consciousness. The lights were rather painful to his eyes. He never liked lights like that. It always felt too warm and too prying. He preferred the dark, but not pure darkness. He still craved light. Just not strong, bright lights like that of the sun. He loved moonlight. The gently silvery-blue light of the moon was the light he loved best. But this bright light right now? It was not making him want to please the copper that was sitting across from him.

"What do you want?" Jack growled.

The copper ignored his question. "Jackson Frost, we have several questions for you."

Jack raised an eyebrow.

"About this..."

The copper placed Jack's stolen item on the table that separated the two.

"What about it?" he asked curiously. After all, he didn't really know much about the box.

The copper frowned at him some. "Do you even know what you've stolen?"

Jack shook his head rather cheerfully. "Not at all, Mr. Copper. Looks like a rather nice box that would fetch me a nice some of dosh."

The copper stared at him in a mix of wonder. Was the kid playing with him or was he dead serious about not knowing about the box? He decided to take a different tactic.

"Have you ever heard of the Guardianship?"

Jack's blue eyes lit up some, despite the bright lights still nearly blinding him. "Who hasn't hear of them? They are like the best private security guards in the world."

The copper nodded some. They were getting somewhere now.

"Now tell me, how much do you know about the Guardianship?"

Jack frowned slightly. "Well about as much as the next bloke down the corner! Who do you bloody think I am? I'm just some kid on the street to you coppers. I don't know anything about the Guardianship except what the papers say."

The copper was frowning again. But he didn't have to worry too much. The boy could be bluffing. He just needed to pry a little more to get to the bottom of this.

"Have you ever heard about the Memory?"

Jack gave the cop another curious look. "The Memory?"

The copper tried not to sigh. "The box. It's one of the Guardian's Memory."

Jack's eyes widened some, impressed as he looked at the box.

A Guardian's Memory? He had no idea that he had stolen something so bloody important! It gave him a mix of feelings.

Pride, he had been able to snatch something up from the greatest security organization.

Guilt, he had stolen something big.

Worry, he had been caught. What would happen to Jamie?


He tensed up, clenching his cuffed fists. What was going to happen?

The copper slammed his fist against the table, startling Jack out of his thoughts.

"Now Jackson Frost, tell me all that you know about this box."

His blue eyes looked fearfully up at the copper. He had lost all his cockiness, his determination...

He was just a scared teenaged boy who was not prepared for jail-time experience.

"Edwards!" a voice blasted from a speaker up in the corner of the room. "Edwards!" the voice shrieked again, causing both the copper and Jack to wince.

"Y-yes, sir?" the copper asked, looking towards the window behind him.

He couldn't see his fellow officers, but he knew they could see him.

"Edwards, stop talking with the boy. He's been freed."

Jack immediately straightened. "What?"

Edwards furrowed his brow for a moment. "Is that right?"

"Yes," the voice affirmed his question. "Now get out of there and finish your work. We'll be sending in Scott to escort him out."

Edwards frowned but did as he was told, leaving Jack alone in the interrogation room.

The pale teen fidgeted in his seat. He was being freed? But how and why? Frost started to creep out from his hand and onto his cuffs. His powers seemed to be rather attached to his emotions.

He tapped his foot nervously and a bit impatiently. He didn't like waiting and not knowing what was happening. It was almost more than he could bare!



The copper who Jack assumed to be 'Scott' had entered the room and was releasing him from his cuffed position. Jack could almost swear he saw a look of shock on Scott;s face at the sight of the thin layer of frost on the handcuffs. But the copper said nothing, so maybe he hadn't seen. Oh well, that was good for Jack. No need for questions about frost powers.

The copper remained silent as he led Jack out of the room and through several hallways until they finally made it to the main lobby of the station. Jack didn't mind the silence despite the many questions rushing through his head. They were giving him quite the headache though. He frowned some and rubbed his head.

Ow! He winced. Looked like he had a lovely konk on the head.

Scott gave him a light shove. "Good luck, kid. Stay out of trouble."

Jack stuffed his hands into his pockets and shrugged.

He probably wouldn't really be able to stay out of trouble for long.

The officer at the front desk glanced up at Scott and Jack.

"Is this the boy that just got freed?"

Scott seemed rather stunned at the sudden question as he stumbled over his words, "Uh the boy? Yes, freed. This is the boy."

The officer nodded then looked over at Jack. "If you hurry, you might catch a glimpse of him."

Jack gave him a confused look. "Him?"

"The man who freed you."

His eyes lit up slightly. He quickly thanked the officer before dashing out of the police station.

Where was he? Where was the person who freed him? He was curious to see and probably should thank the man.

Ah! There! It had to be the person just stepping into that limo with a bodyguard of some sort.

"Sir, wait!"

The person paused a moment before slipping in and closing the door. Jack couldn't help but be disappointed, but at least he got a glimpse of the man. He was rather tall and dark. Very dark... No, not his skin. He was just, well, dark. It sent a tingling sensation up Jack's spine. Such a strange feeling which roused Jack's curiosity even more.

He hurried over to the limo, ignoring the look the bodyguard was giving him. He pressed his face against the window in hopes of seeing whoever was inside but to no avail. The windows were tinted... and the bodyguard had him by his hoody.

"What?" Jack asked crossly. He hated being small and so easily pickup-able. (Was that even a word?)

"Here," the bodyguard handed him an envelope before roughly setting him down.

Jack raised an eyebrow and took it a bit hesitantly. "What is this?"

The bodyguard gave him an irritated look. "Just open and read it. You'll understand it once you've read it."

"What's that suppose to-" Jack stopped short as the bodyguard slipped into the limo as well.

So much for that question. It looked like he really did need to just open and read whatever was inside the envelope. But first, some privacy. He pulled his blue hood over his head as he walked away from the police station. Maybe he'd catch a cab or something...

No, wait! His blue eyes sparkled as they locked on the perfect place.

A red telephone booth.

Jack eagerly rushed toward it and pretended to make a call as his somewhat shaky fingers tore open the envelope. He had the phone's receiver on his shoulder as he carefully pried out the note and read it silently, admiring the cursive as he did so. It was almost like the frost-like cursive he used for himself. But different... He couldn't put his finger on it.

~Dear Jackson Overland Frost,

I'm sure you have many questions for me which I'm afraid I cannot answer at this time. For now, I'll be leaving you with a few instructions to guide you as a favor for getting you out of jail. First, I have along with this note a few things for you. A credit card, passport, plane ticket, and a key to your new hotel room. Use the credit card wisely. Your hotel room is located at the Cafe Royal. I will be leaving other instructions for you once you get there. As for the passport and plane ticket, I will have that explained later at the hotel as well. Second, you are to write me as often as possible about your life and things of that sort. You shall address your letters to Mr. Winchester. I will have the address waiting at the hotel for you. Until your first letter, little Icicle.

Signed, Mr. Winchester~

Jack straightened and ran his hand through his hair, forgetting about the phone he had nestled against his ear. He couldn't quite grasp this situation. What was this Mr. Winchester person up to? Did he want something from him? He frowned some as he pulled out the plane ticket, passport, hotel key, and credit card. It was exactly like the man said. He tightened his grip around the items. He could just sell these things for some good cash and get this over with... but then he kind of owed it to the man. He did get him out of jail, the miserable place which would not allow him to do anything for Jamie. Who knew, maybe it wouldn't be so bad. He could always get out of it somehow if he didn't like the situation.

He stuffed the note and the included items back into his pocket. He stepped out of the phone booth, forgetting about the fallen receiver as he made his way toward the hotel. He was too deep in thought to hear the angry man yelling at him for not putting up the receiver.

What sort of adventure could be waiting for him at Cafe Royal? His body tingled with excitement as well as a bit of frost, which caused a small thought to pop up in the back of his mind as well as a shiver down his spine.

The man had called him 'Icicle.'

[Edit: Nothing new. XD Just a few edits here and there. So sorry. X3;;

Edit again: Just adding to the list of British slang terms.]

Author's Note: This story is loosely (very loosely) based and inspired by off how I sort of imagine the plot for Kingmans: The Secret Service will be like. This story is also loosely based and inspired on Daddy-Long-Legs.

The next few chapters will be in first person as Jack sends letters to the mysterious Mr. Winchester.

As for some of the words I've used for the story, I got them from pinterest on how Brits call certain things. I'm not an expert so I might be using them wrong. So if any of you out there are from England feel free to correct me. X3 I can use all the help I can get.

For now, here is a short list of some of the words I've used and will use. (Not in any particular order despite that I am a bit CDO [aka OCD]...)


barmy-stupid, idiot

cop, copper-policeman, police




zonked, knackered-tired, exhausted




