Chapter Ten

Jack made his way towards the main cafeteria hall. Tabitha had decided that would be the best place for them to have their little "party." He was amazed that she had been able to get permission to do such a thing. The only thing that amazed him more was the fact that Mr. Black had agreed to attend the celebration.

Mr. Black didn't seem to be the type to enjoy these types of festivities. Jack had often made fun of Mr. Black's serious disposition with Peter. Though, they mostly did this behind their teacher's back. It wouldn't be good to say something like that to his face, but Jack couldn't deny that he felt rather tempted to do so. Maybe one of these days he would… but first, he needed to past that test.

"Jaaaack!" Tabitha squeed as she spotted him entering the cafeteria hall. "You came!"

She glomped him happily.

"Well," Jack squirmed as he struggled to loosen her hold so he could breathe. "You… didn't really give me much of a choice, and Mr. Black mentioned something about soda pop…"

"Oh that's right!" Tabitha finally loosened her hold on Jack. "Mr. Black brought like a bunch of different soda flavors and from different countries too! Isn't he just the greatest?"

Jack glanced over at Peter who had entered the cafeteria shortly after him. "I guess?"

Peter raised an eyebrow and sat down. "You guess? None of the other teachers offered to do anything. So maybe he's not so bad?"

Jack pursed his lips. "Point taken."

Tabitha grinned. "Mr. Black is really sweet once you get to know him."

"Riiight…" Jack winced some as Peter elbowed him.

"So, what exactly do you have planned for tonight?" Peter asked cheerfully, glancing over at the decorations loosely hanging from various ceiling tiles.

Tabitha brightened. "I've got soo much planned! June and I both brought a bunch of games from home that we can all play! It's gonna be a blast!"

Jack and Peter exchanged somewhat worried looks.

American games? Peter mouthed to Jack.

Jack made a face and nodded. Probably. This is going to be a rather radge night…

Dear Mr. Boogeyman,

This is only going to happen this one time, so don't expect me to writing double letters again anytime soon. I just can't sleep… I probably had one too many pops. But they were just so ace! Anyways, I won't bore you with all the soda pop flavors I drank. I just thought I'd pick where I left off from my earlier letter.

The party was actually rather fun. I didn't realize how much fun parties could be. I haven't exactly experienced very many social events. I don't know how much you have researched on me, but I'm sure by now you know I'm an orphan. So as an orphan, I didn't really have many opportunities to go on fun outings or anything when I was a kid. And when I grew up? Well, I'm sure you can probably figure out the rest.

It's just so strange. I feel like I might actually fit in with these guys. Peter and Sam are great friends, and Kangaroo? Well, he's not so bad now that I've gotten to know him better. Tabitha and June are great too. I never really thought I'd fit in with them, but the party really changed my thoughts.

It was really fun. I kinda wish you could have been there, but then again, I think I'd like to wait and see you once I pass the test tomorrow. I guess I kinda want to make you proud since you chose me of all people to join the Guardianship. I think I've grown up a bit. The people back at the orphanage would probably be shocked to see how much I've changed these past few months. All credit goes to you. I don't know where I'd be if you hadn't stepped in back when I was caught by the coppers.

Blimey! It's getting real late… but I don't feel a bit sleepy. Peter was rather zonked when we came back to the room. I think he was asleep before he fell into bed. Tabitha sure had him on his toes! He was determined not to lose against Tabitha in Twister. Kangaroo and I sat out for that game, but Tabitha and Pete were definitely having fun playing it. I might have to give it a try if there ever is a next time.

Do you think there will be a next time? I'm starting to feel a little nervous about the test tomorrow (or is it later this morning now?). I've done well in training… but I'm sure the test will be much different. Mr. North has told us time and time again that we're the best he's ever seen in a long time, but I can't help but feel a bit worried. This is a big step for me you know.

I think… I think I might just be ready to truly enter the Guardianship, Mr. Winchester. But I just want you to know something. I'm not doing this for you anymore. I do want to make you proud. I don't want you to regret choosing me, but I'm not doing this solely for you now.

During these past couple of weeks and months, I've learned a lot which I hope you saw in all my letters. I think I want to try doing something for myself for once. I've been taking care of Jamie, and I still will look out for him. But now, I want to try doing something for me. I think that I need to try taking care of myself. I haven't been too good at that, now have I?

It's time I started doing something about myself so I can do a better job at taking care of Jamie. And well, I think joining the Guardianship is a step in the right direction. I'm becoming a better person now, I think I might just start becoming even better if (once?) I pass the test. No more stealing for me. I'm going to have a real job (of sorts…) and will be able to do even better for Jamie.

And you know what? I couldn't have done it without you.

But don't you dare get sentimental or emotional on me! I don't want or need that from you… I just wanted to let you know that I uh appreciate what you've done for me and wanted to express my thanks in the least awkwardest possible way, okay?

Wish me the best! I think it's due time for me to go to bed now… my flashlight battery is dying.

Jackson Frost

Author's Note: It's been a little while... College is keeping me busy as ever. Just one more year left! And then... off to do my master's. :P But I finally got this story updated! :D Yay! *fistpump!* Been a bit distracted, but finally got a bit on track with this story. :) Next chapter, we'll finally get into the Guardianship! I'm nervous/excited about how it'll turn out, and I hope you guys will be looking forward to it! Until then!

Author's Response to Reviews:

Guest 1- Wut? Is this a KINGSMAN CROSSOVER? !

Well, er, actually it isn't. XD As I said in the disclaimer at the beginning of this story, this is a story that is loosely (very loosely XD) based on Kingsman and the book Daddy-Long-Legs.


Ah well... like I said above, this isn't a crossover. X3 I haven't watched Kingsman so I really couldn't do a crossover. I have only watched like two trailers and just fell in love with the plot-line. I thought it fit very well with a Daddy-Long-Legs-ish story and then RotG seemed to fit the bill. And voila! I created this story.