Cry No More


kawaiiteddybear: I was going to work on my other fic, 'Tainted Destiny' but decided to work on a new fic instead. Let's hope I can handle two fics at once! Anyways, this fic starts exactly where Sakura is fighting the Void, I sorta forgot what happened, since I watched the movie about three months ago... But I am rewriting what happens so please, NO FLAMES! So please, enjoy!

DISCLAIMER: I don't own ccs, Clamp does.

Chapter One: Leaving You Behind

A tall aburn haired girl stood facing a large ghostly female figure. Sakura Kinomoto's large emerald eyes looked at the figure deeply. She was going to capture the Void. The card that had been stealing all her precious Sakura cards away. She knew, and it tore her apart. She knew that the only reason to capture the Void was to give up her most important card. The Love. Which meant giving up Syaoran. 'I never did get to tell Syaoran that I loved him.' Sakura thought, looking intently at the Void, 'I just wish... there was another way...'

"Sakura!" a deep voice hollered.

Sakura turned and her breath was taken away. Syaoran was standing there, his messy chestnut colored hair was ruffling in the wind, his fiery amber eyes were filled with concern.

"Just use the Love card! It's the only way!" Syaoran provoked her.

"I can't," Sakura sniffled, on the verge of tears, "I cherish this card so much, if I lose it... I don't know what I can do..." She and Syaoran were the only ones left. Tomoyo, Yue and Kero were all captured by the Void, as well as her Sakura cards.

The Void was watching the two unfound lovers, "The Clow Cards... they all left me... but now.. we can all be together again..." she cried softly. Her eyes flashing a hue of red, "We will play together forever!" she shrieked. The Void shot a large dark orb, it was heading for Sakura.

Sakura immediately dashed away from the orb, almost getting hit by the hit. But instead the tower, which she was confronting the Void in, the wall was completely destroyed. 'What happens if I use the Love... if I lose Syaoran... I dont' know what I can ever do...' she thought sadly.

"Sakura! Just use the Love!" Syaoran hollared from the other side of the tower, "If you don't, the world will be destroyed!"

Sakura winced. She was selfish. Keeping this card all to herself, but then putting the world at risk. At the risk of destruction. 'I've been foolish and selfish. Even if Syaoran will never love me, at least I can still enjoy this world.' she thought. Her hands trembled as she held the Love card out and her staff in the other hand. "I love you Syaoran." she whispered.

"Love!" she cried. The card spun in the air and Sakura hit the card with her staff. A glowing white light encircled the Void, holding it still. "Return to your card confined, Void!" she commanded. A pink light surrounded the Void, trapping her.

"No... You can't..." the Void screeched, "I will never return until all of my friends have returned to me once again!" Flames were lit in the Void's sad eyes. "If I am trapped in sadness for eternity, I shall curse you with sadness as well. I will take from you, the one you cherish most!" she shrieked, as she was gradually being sucked back to her card form.

Syaoran was watching the scene intently as he felt himself, his soul, his mind, his body being sucked away. Away from everyone, away from the world, away from Sakura. He could feel an emptiness in his heart, he felt as if he was never going to return. His body was slightly fading, he knew what was about to happen. "I love you, Sakura." he mouthed, as he was completely taken away from the world, without a single farewell.

"Please... we can all be friends... You don't have to be alone." Sakura said softly, as the Void tried to resist the pull of her power, "You can join us, and we can all be friends."

"Really?" the Void squeaked, the flames in her eyes were extingushing.

Sakura nodded, all the other Sakura cards, floated out and surrounded the two of them. "Join us." the cards all echoed.

Tears were forming in the Void's eyes, "Please, I've been filled with love in my heart, I do not want to be known as the Void any longer."

Sakura nodded slightly, concentrating her powers, and then confining the Void into a Sakura card. She smiled, instead of the Void, it was now known as the Hope. Sakura noticed that the Love was now gone, it had combined with the Void. Sakura glanced to where Syaoran was supposed to be, but saw no one, all she felt was a empty, lonely feeling.

"Syaoran?" she called.


"Syaoran?" she called, a bit louder this time.

Still, nothing.

A sudden glow was shining on Sakura's hand. It was the Hope, she was still clutching onto it.

"I'm sorry..." the card cried, as if it was weeping, "I was so angry... and I meant it when I told you that I was going to take away what you cherish most." The card let a slight sniffle.

Sakura didn't like where this was heading. 'She doesn't mean...' she thought.

"I sent him to another dimension." the card burst out sadly.

Sakura blinked, not able to process that information through her mind. "He's gone...?" Sakura managed to breathe, when she finally realized what the glowing card had told her.

"Yes... I'm so sorry..." the Hope cried.

Sakura immediately dropped th card. "He can't, I never told him..." Sakura cried, tears pouring down her face. She raced out of the tower tears dripping down her face. Little did she know that she had left the Hope lying on the ground, all alone.

[a/n: sooo is it a keeper? PLEASE REVIEW!!!! please go check out my friends and mines website and PLEASEE PLEASSE REVIEW!!! going to work on my other fic now!]