Just Like You

This is a Dragon Ballz/ sailor Moon fanfic. It is a romance between two characters with similar backgrounds. There are two major pairings of Hotaru and Juunanagou (or seventeen if you prefer) and Hotaru and Trunks. There are some yaoi situations too between Juu and trunks and a few Gohan and Trunks flashbacks. This is out of the original timeline, but set in the DBZ future. Be forewarned Hotaru will be slightly OOC. It is a result of being the only senshi left. It plays on emotions so please have an open mind. ~Pyrakat

Part I

"A Synthetic Nature"

"I am the morning and the evening star, the Gods will tremble at the sound of my name and the people shall bow before me in fear." ~Pharoah

Ashes to ashes, dust to dust, she was all that was left from the apocalypse. She was death and rebirth and now she existed on a parallel plane. Hotaru scanned the ruins. She had left one world of destruction to come to another world of destruction. Ashes and dust with scattered remains of buildings poking through the settling dirt were all that was in view for miles. Such emptiness plagued her. Surely the gods were laughing at her, the goddess of death doomed to remain lonely. She climbed upon a crumbled wall to wait for the chance to change planes again. Waiting for another revolution. Her cold lonely existence was interrupted by the clattering of rocks from behind her. She made no movement to acknowledge it.

A deep cruel voice made its presence know to her. He cleared his throat icy blue eyes observing her suspiciously. "I didn't think there were any humans stupid enough to come out in the open like that." Juunanagou walked up next to her. "Then again I have never seen a human stupid enough not to fear me." He chuckled to himself not really caring if she heard him. He kicked some dust up eyeing her fragile form for a minute. He noticed dark amethyst tresses bluntly cut to frame her face and pale skin the color of ivory ever so greatly showing by her sailor girl clothing. Something else caught his attentions, a sparkling droplet that fell to the dust beside his boot.

"I would appreciate it if you left me to live out the rest of this life in peace." She said quietly not moving. "I would rather waste away to nothing in this man made body than live in eternal solitude."

Juunanagou narrowed his eyes slightly at this fragile girl. He slumped to the ground beside her considerably taller than her. "Man made body you say?" He idly picked up a rock and crushed it easily in his hand. He wondered why he was even talking to this filthy human girl. Maybe it was the fact she didn't fear him, or maybe he thought she'd be some entertainment, whatever the case he continued. "So little girl, what's your name?" He turned to face her wilted melancholy form

"Tomoe Hotaru. One would ask you the same question." She responded only turning her head slightly to see who had interrupted her.

Juunanagou was dumbfounded. "You honestly don't know who I am." He tipped his head haughtily. "I am Juunanagou." He answered half expecting her to run in fear. Hotaru just nodded her head as if to acknowledge that yes, he was really talking to her. Juunanagou caught a glimpse of her eyes, wide violet eyes surrounded by dark lush lashes. He felt his body respond to the sensuous sight. Despite being an android, he was still a teenager with need for sexual release. He frowned to himself. He hadn't had a good lay in a long time, because he refused to degrade his perfect form with hookers and red light district trash. Hotaru watched him from the corner of her eye. He reminded her of a form locked away in memories. An alter form of herself with evil intentions. "I've changed my mind. I was going to kill you, but you seemed to have sparked my interest and I believe you could be of some entertainment to me." His eyes glinted with demonic nature and his voice dripped with sensuality. "I wonder if you scream like my other little toy. Do you know of him? His eyes are blue and he has lavender hair silky to the touch. I could kill him if I didn't love him so much." Juunanagou reached out to touch her dark tresses. "Why does everybody like violet hair?" he chuckled at his own question.

"Purple is an expressive color."she responded. "It's a symbol of royalty." She stopped talking as she felt his hand touch her hair and neck. "You're so cold and lifeless." She whispered. "Just like me."

Juunanagou stopped to cover her mouth with his hand, but to his surprise found that she was indeed telling the truth. He was like her because she was devoid of life as well. Dead. He turned her face to look at him. "Do not compare me to such imperfection again." He hissed at her. "I am perfect and unblemished!" he raised his hand to slap her, but could not find it in himself to do so.

Hotaru lowered her head, but did not flinch. The sooner he killed her the sooner she could go to a better existence. She opened her eyes to find his hand just inches from her face. "I thought you were perfect." She frowned raising her head slightly. Juunanagou was surprised, but laughed to cover his shock.

"I don't want to mar my perfection." He chuckled at her. "I only hurt people with my touch if they can fight me to an extent." This was true. The only person he had actually come in skin-to-skin contact with was that certain blue-eyed boy. Juunanagou watched her quietly suddenly noticing a glaive in her right hand. He had not noticed the weapon before.

Hotaru narrowed her eyes at him as he walked around her. Juunanagou stopped in front of her. She regarded him with cool eyes allowing him to see that she still did not fear him. This angered Juunanagou to an extent, but he refused to be beaten by this weak girl. Hotaru secretly hoped that this was the face of her death. She had always wanted to meet her demise head on. It was tradition before she was reborn. He placed his hands roughly down on either side of her. Hotaru closed her eyes preparing to be reborn, but felt a sensation she had not felt before. Of course it was not like other people's first, but none the less she had never been kissed before. She felt his cold lips press against her own and all she could do was allow herself to be manipulated to such need. Juunanagou smiled to himself as he felt her resistance wear down and then he felt no argue from her. Hotaru herself was shocked. She had never been kissed let alone attracted any attention from the opposite sex, but here stood perfection, kissing her. She pulled away from him or at least tried to, but with no avail. He was physically much stronger than she. Hotaru started to feel dizzy as his forceful lips were drowning her in more sensations than she had ever felt before. Finally he let up on his assault and watched Hotaru's expression. A small blush crept onto her pale face.

He turned her head away from him suddenly looking into the vast nothingness to ponder what had happened. "I suppose you are just like a human getting embarrassed by something like that. If you were like me that wouldn't faze you." He chuckled proud of himself for making her bend to his will. Hotaru turned her eyes to look at him her hand clenching tightly to her glaive. Despite her blush, her expression was still cold.

Suddenly he found himself on his back with her glaive at his throat. "Don't toy with me 'perfection'." Her speech was low and venomous. "I am in a disagreeable mood and am not one to be trifled with." Juunanagou narrowed his eyes and cursed himself for letting his guard down then merely chuckled at her threat. His eyes started to drift upwards over her tall lace-ups, to her soft creamy legs, to. Her glaive pushed closer to his neck so he could feel the cold of the metal blade.

"Alright I'll play along with this little game since you want to be so commanding." He mocked her feeling the blade run across his skin as he talked. He reached out and pulled her down by her boot into a sitting position over his lap. "Be the dominate one I dare you." Hotaru gasped at the sudden movement realizing that he was also faster than she. She felt him move slightly and she blushed again as she felt his hardness rub against her. He was threatening to take away her innocence. She frowned at his smug expression and on impulse reached out to slap him. He caught her hand in mid-assault scorning her discomfort with a light thrust of his hips. She tried to get up but his painful grip on her wrist would not allow it. He rolled her over forcefully so that he now held the position she had only seconds ago. "I gave you a chance to dominate me, but you spurned it. Your loss, you're going to have to succumb to my every whim." He nipped at her wrist, which he still held quite painfully. "You can be my innocence." He whispered into her ear ever so softly and almost regretfully.

The sad realization dawned on her. He actually did plan to steal her innocence away. Fear struck in her heart and she knew he could feel it. She wanted to die not be defiled then killed. Juunanagou could feel the tension rising within her and it felt delicious to him. He had to play with her feelings to humiliate her. He nipped at her soft ear sucking gently on the lobe. Hotaru squirmed trying to get away from his searing touch. He purred throatily against her neck as he felt more deliciously negative feelings rise up from her. He was just seeking to attack her supple lips when he felt another presence.

He was suddenly wrenched away from her by powerful hands. Hotaru looked up in shock. There stood an angel of earth. Gold aura surrounded his body, as he stood erect and unafraid. His features held a menacing glare as he matched his rival. Juunanagou looked at her then smirked. "We'll continue this some other time Hotaru-chan." He said amiably though his eyes denying the nicety in his voice. "Until we meet again." He stepped back and disappeared in a flash.

Her savior now acknowledged her his pupil-less green eyes scanning her appearance. His eyes frightened her, but yet they calmed her. He knelt down beside her examining her form for injuries. "My name is Trunks." He examined the small bite marks on her hand. "I am the prince that inherits the ashes."

Pyrakat: Chapter two Prince of the bones, coming soon. This is my first attempt at a crossover that is serious. If you don't like these pairings you can read some other fic. Don't flame me because I like them, I happen to support many others. Yeah I know Hotaru is out of character, but this is set way in the future. Any, the next chapter is sad and full of flashbacks. (Tissues not required)

Note: I prefer to use Juunanagou instead of seventeen because it sounds more graceful and serious. I do have a tendency to do poetic rant on thoughts so please be kind. There will be some citrus in later chapters and trust me, I try to be very tasteful and not use slang words or unnecessary cussing in my romance scenes. I simply despise tasteless lemon unless the fic is comedic. I tried to keep Trunks and Juu in context to their person so please be kind. I did not purposely or consciously change them.

Legal crap: I do not own Dragon ballz or sailor moon. (Although I wish I did own them) They are property of Akira Toriyama, funimation, and Naoko Takeuchi. Don't sue because you will not get more than some mangas and my drawings.