One moment, and she was gone.
Owen keeps thinking about cristina waving and smiling at him in their last goodbye. How he wished he could leave the operating field and run up to the gallery to hold her tightly and give her one last kiss. It could have been a hundred last kisses, but none of them became true because he was trained to be a doctor, to put a patient's life before his personal matter. It keeps playing in his head the picture of Cristina smiling, and waving. It's not a headache but he really wants a headache now so he cannot think about her anymore and fall into sleep after an exhausted day of saving lives.

Owen gets up from the couch in his trailer, walks up to the cabinet to find another decent bottle of wine when his eyes catch an earring on the counter. It's the extra earring that Cristina wears on her right ear. How come she forgot it the day she left, Owen thinks. Right at the moment, his phone rings:


-Oh no Owen I left my earring in your trailer!


-What should I do, what a beautiful day to travel when everything messes up.

-Where are you Cristina. Where are you calling from? Is everything alright?

-I am in Paris. I am half awake due to the time change and then I wash my face and realize I left my favorite earring at your trailer. I need to go back and get it!

-No no Cristina, you can't go back here. I will have it sent to your place when you arrive.

-Owen, I lost my earring! I don't feel alright right now! I am trying not to freak out but I feel like I am not prepared for this flight! And what time is it now I don't even know, feels like I have 2 hours here before my next flight.

-Let me see. it's ten pm here so it's six am in Paris now. Is the gate you are sitting crowded. Are you alright? Are you hungry for breakfast.

-No, people are still sleeping on the couches. I may have the breakfast on the next flight. But I am not alright, sounds silly, but me not weaing the earring doesn't feel alright.

-I love you. I wish I could come up the gallery and hug you.


There was only a sigh. owen can here the distinct airport announcements through her phone, he knows that very feeling at the airport, the feeling of lost, the feeling of farewells and departures. He is here in his trailer, yet in the same way he feels as if he is one of the traveler alone in a big airport resisting to a new journey.

-Cristina, are you calling from a telephone booth?

-I am. You know…I feel very unfinished. I freaked out because everything was unfinished.

-It's not a finish line Cristina, you have your new journey ahead.

-You said just like what meredith said. I freaked out, but on the plane I gave it a lot of thoughts. And now I am ok with it you know, that everything is unfinished.

Owen goes silence. He just wants to listen to her dear voice over and over again and also to comfort her.

-It's unfinished, because I love it to be unfinished, Owen. You and I are unfinished.

-Cristina. I love you, and I will always love you.

-…I love you too, even though I hate to admit that to you. Let's keep it unfinished Owen. I thought I can live without you, but when i leave you I realize I still can't breathe without you.

-You have me here Cristina.

How odd it is to hear Cristina being girly. Owen absolutely loves that, but he loves her more to set her free to achieve higher things in her life. Her talents should not be kept inside Greys Sloan hospital. A lot of things must have gone through her mind during the flight-Owen thinks-for her to admit many of her feelings. My dear Cristina, you're still the damsel in distress that needs me to come and rescue you from all the messed up feelings that life has brought to us.

-Cristina, you go and you be great ok. Can't tell how much i am proud of you. You are the love of my life. For me it's never finished Cristina. Just go and be great..and…

-And whatever will be will be, right?


-I do love you Owen, you are my person. I am sad things didn't turn out the way you wanted..

Through her voice Owen can imagine Cristina collecting her calmness again as the sun starts to shine brightly in a beautiful morning in Paris.

-As long as it can take, we will work things out Cristina. Just be strong and be badass in the meantime!

He hears she giggles.

-I gotta go. The stores are open so I need to grab a multigrain bar.

-Go, dont stay hungry, and don't stay foolish my you want me to send the earring to your hospital address?

A slience

-You know what Owen, please keep it for me until our next encounter. My life will change without my favorite lucky earring, and so will I. We will change.

-We will. But I will always love you.

-I love you too Owen. Until we meet again, take care now.

-Take care now!

They hang up the phones. Owen smiles when he eventually grabs his drink, thinking about a random saying "You and I, we have an unfinished business"…