Disclaimer: I was inspired by the 'person A singing You Are My Sunshine while holding dying person B in their arms. I don't own the characters!

One week later

"Where's the clown?" Batman asked, looming behind Poison Ivy. She was tending to her extravagant collection of plants.

"Where do you think?" Ivy said, patting dirt around a new sprout.

Batman swooped past her up two flights of stairs to the complete top of the greenhouse. He turned into a long corridor and stopped in the doorway.

It had bunches of candy cane tulips, hellebores, and red hollyhocks engulfed the walls. Black bleeding hearts and black baccarat roses hung from the ceiling. It was a hallway of flowers, and at the end, was a circular room. And at the center of that circular room was a mahogany coffin, with a light layer of white lace over the center. Kneeling in front of the coffin, was the Joker.

The Batman moved soundlessly down the hallway and stopped behind his nemesis. But, just like he always does, the Joker noticed.

"What do you want, Bat Brain?" he said.

"The jewels," Batman said holding out his palm. "Give them to me."

"She loved jewels," Joker said, "Diamonds were her favorite."

"Harley's gone, Joker," Batman replied, placing his hand on the Joker's shoulder. "It's been a week. You need to move on. Believe me, I know how you—"

"No, you don't!" the Joker snaped, bolting upward and turning on the Batman. "You have no goddamn idea what it's like."

"Since when have you ever felt this way about Harley Quinn?" Batman asked.

The Joker opened his mouth, as if to protest, only to close it back up again. He turned back to the coffin and placed his hand on the wood. He sighed.

"She was the only one," he said. "Who really cared."

He took the lace off of the coffin and lifted up the mahogany lid and gazed down into the coffin. Batman walked over and peered down into the coffin at the dead Harleen Quinzell.

Her blonde hair was spread out over a bed of red, black, and white roses. She had on a plain white dress, and her feet were bare. It reminded the batman of a little girl skipping around in a park, laughing and smiling. Half of her face was done up in Harley Quinn makeup, the other half, was perfectly human. What used to be peachy skin, and pale pink lips, was now a pale face with blue lips. Under her crossed arms was her costume, along with her hat.

The Joker brought his hand to her cheek. "She's so cold," he said, a sad look in his eyes. "The only one. My Harley."

"Joker…" the Batman said.

"Leave me alone Bat," the Joker snapped, not taking his eyes away from Harley. "Just leave me be."

"I need the jewels," Batman said.

"Batman, give him a break," Ivy said from behind the duo.


"I will show you the exit," Ivy said, gripping the Bat's arm, and pulling him out of the room, leaving the Joker alone with his Harley. As Poison Ivy and the Batman left the room, they could hear the Joker's voice echoing down the hallway.

"You'll never know, dear, how much I love you. Please don't take my sunshine away."

And in that moment, the Batman felt a tear spill down his cheek. For Harley Quinn, and for the Joker's sorrow.

"Please don't take my sunshine away."