Brick X Dawn

As Anne Maria jumped on top of him, Brick realised there was no escaping this. What was he to do? He had next to no friends in the eliminated cast, and there was no way he could come back. As the catapult flung him and Anne into the air towards the Playa, only one thing was on his mind; apart from screaming. That one thing, well person, was Dawn. The beautiful blonde he had betrayed, and shunned. He regretted his actions deeply, and began planning an apology. Mid-way through thinking, he landed on the beach, which lay next to the massive villa that was the Playa de Losers. He gawked, and Anne Maria pushed him aside, "Outta my way Private Pee-pee, I gotta couple of people to throttle!" he stood out of her way, and began rethinking his apology. First problem, where was she?

It was getting dark, and Brick had barely got past the 'It was Scott's fault. Sorry' part of his apology. Chef arrived on an old, creaky boat and shouted at Brick, "Geddup soldier!" Brick stood at attention and saluted. "Good boy. Get in the hotel and get ya room key! Quick, march!" Chef really missed his army days and enjoyed Brick's loyalty and discipline. Brick marched towards the villa and collected his room key. B3 it read. "Second floor." said the receptionist, cheerily smiling. Brick smiled back and headed into the elevator. *Ding!* He stepped out into the corridor and entered his room, where chef had put his bags. He didn't have time to get changed, so just lay on his bed, and planned his apology, so it wasn't pathetic. Then, he greeted sleep, when he was done, at roughly 2am.

Brick woke up at mid-day the following day. He lay in his bed, blinking in the noon-day sun. The first thing to spring to his mind was Dawn. His apology was ready, and he hurried out his room and out to the pool, still wearing his clothes from yesterday. He reached the pool, where Sam and B were 'talking'. Brick walked up to them, "Hello guys, what's going on?"

Sam looked up, "Oh, hey Brick! We're just chillin'."

B made some complicated gestures with his hands. Sam jumped in, "I've been learning. I know what he means!" B made the gestures, to which Sam translated "Uhh..."

Brick rolled his eyes, look. Do you guys know where Dawn is?" Sam and B shrugged in unison. Brick clenched a fist, and ran off, to run around the island.

Brick sprinted around the island, but found no evidence of Dawn even being on the island. He had asked Dakota, Anne Maria and Staci, but none knew anything; apart from Staci, who's great-great- great-great-great-grandfather had invented love, or something like that. Brick was losing hope, when he suddenly came across a small cluster of trees, from which came a chorus of animal noises. "Dawn!" whispered Brick, to himself. He headed towards the cluster, and peeked between the trees. No sign of her. He almost broke a branch, he was so angry. "Brick?" came a voice from behind him, "What are you doing?"

Brick turned to see Dawn, standing behind him with her wet, silken, blonde hair flowing behind her. It seemed she used to be in the trees, but had left to have a shower. Brick turned bright scarlet and just stared at Dawn's beautiful face. Her pointed, elven ears; her purple lipstick; her soul-staring eyes; and finally her hair. He's always loved her hair. It was so fine, and beautiful.

She folded her arms. "Well?"

Brick just stood, Muted by her beauty.

"Uhh... Uhh." Brick was lost for words. Between Dawn's godly image, and the surprise, he couldn't produce words of any sort.

"Are you okay?" Dawn looked worried, as Brick was starting to stare at her.

He gulped, "I just can't get you out of my head!" Dawn raised both her eyebrows, and Brick sighed. It was all coming out; "I feel terrible about what happened when you were eliminated. Scott tricked us all, and I'm sorry." Dawn was really surprised now, "I just know that you are the most beautiful girl I've ever met and I... I really, really like you"

Brick gasped in air, and looked sheepishly at Dawn. She just stood there with her mouth open. After a few seconds she said, "Wow... I... I've got to go!" and she ran off.

Brick hit himself in the head, lay down, and cried a single tear. The girl he loved turned him down. Suddenly, Chef's voice sounded across the island from a loudspeaker, "Listen up maggots! Chris is entertaining those other 'campers' so I," he paused, "am left with you. Everyone report to the pool. Stat!"

Brick sighed, got up, and slowly trudged to the pool. This would be a long day.

Brick stepped towards the pool, where the other 6 eliminated campers were, excluding Dawn. Brick sighed, and stood in the line. Chef's footsteps came down the steps, audible to everyone. He walked past the line and eyed up all the campers. "First! Dakota," he shouted, causing Anne Maria to cover her ears, "you are going back to the island. Your daddy bought ya back in." he pointed at the boat, and Dakota gleefully jumped on the boat, waved at the ex-contestants, and was propelled towards the island. Chef looked back at the campers evilly. "Now, since Chris is 'entertaining' the other campers, I'm stuck with you! Give me a lap round the island. Stat!" Brick set off way ahead of the others, and reached halfway around in roughly 5 minutes. It was here that he saw Dawn, sitting with her head in her hands...

'Did I do this to her? Is this all my fault?' Brick thought about this until Dawn looked up, "Brick? I-I'm so sorry. I shouldn't have done that..."

Brick walked up to her, "It's not your fault... I-"

Dawn stopped him, "Brick. I... I really like you too..."

Brick was stunned, "Dawn... I- I don't know what to say..."

Dawn hushed him, "I'm sorry Brick, I shouldn't have left you" she cuddled up to his muscular chest and sobbed, quietly.

Brick stroked her back, occasionally running his hands through her golden hair, "You have no reason to be sad Dawn, why are you like this?"

Dawn looked up, "I just wanted to apologise. And thank you." Dawn reached up and kissed Brick. Brick returned the kiss, and Dawn pushed him down, so she was lying on top of him. Brick broke the kiss and began lightly biting Dawn's neck. She began moaning uncontrollably and Brick moved back into the kiss. This lasted a full five minutes, until they stopped; and lay in the noon-day sun.

Dawn and Brick lay down, casually chatting and occasionally kissing, "I love you Brick." Dawn had never had a boyfriend, and was uncertain about the whole relationship thing.

"I love you too Dawn." Brick wasn't much better. Brick hadn't had a girlfriend before, and thought it was easier than it was turning out to be.

Suddenly Chef's voice sounded, "Get up lovebirds! You've got half an island to run."

"Has no one else finished yet?" Brick asked, sitting up with his arm around Dawn

"No! Get movin'!" Chef yelled.

Dawn and Brick got up and slowly walked around the rest of the island. Chef let it happen, because he had a soft spot for Brick, and young love. He turned around and yelled at the other campers, as Brick and Dawn strolled around the island, and Chef even shed a tear.

Le End