Chapter 5 of Alex on the plane with the Pleasure's


Like always the dream started with Alex crawling through the mud. He was tired exhausted and very much in the need of a rest, but he couldn't.

Something was after him, and he wouldn't rest.

"Must keep running." He repeated to himself.

Alex didn't do what his mind told him to do and he stopped, he stopped only for three seconds, but it was enough. The person chasing him caught up with the teen spy and now stood in front of him.

Blond hair, brown eyes, very fit, but right now he wasn't, skin was falling all around him, and his once kind eyes stared at him with strong hatred.

"You're a disgrace to the name of RIDER!" he snarled, the voice cold and not like the man he once knew.

"NO! I TRIED!" Alex called, but the man was like made of steel in his accusation.


"ALEX! Wake UP!" a gruff voice called to him, and Alex woke up with a gasp, sweat coating his shoulders and his eyes wide frantic with his searching.

"IAN!" he cried out like a lost child.

"Alex it is okay, it's me, SnakeWolf, Fox and Eagle." A voice called out to him and slowly Alex relaxed at the familiar voices.