Hi guys, so this is a two-shot, which means this is the second and last chapter. I know the paragraphs are long, but I hope you'll read and enjoy it.

Joanna POV

Once the trials started, I barely saw John anymore. Not that I saw him that much to start with- as soon as we arrived in Salem, he was instantly busy, and had remained so. I expected it somewhat, because whenever we went somewhere, his job prevailed. It was how priorities were in his life, and sadly, I was third on his list. First was God, who had always been the main priority in his life. Second was his job, as he believed that was ordained by God and therefor he was supposed to serve fellow human beings through his employment. Thirdly on that list was me, Joanna Peabody. That was okay; after all, I had duties to attend to here too. Still, at home we had meals together, prayers, and Bible reading. Sometimes we'd go for a walk along the bay or stroll through town when there wasn't as much to do.

After two days of noteworthy trials, long and harrowing, I could tell he was getting tired. Yes, he considered it the Lord's work, and sometimes the Lord's servants got tired. But now he wasn't sleeping until quite late, nor eating as much. I worried for him.

Normally we rose when the rooster crowed, before dawn. But every now and then, after certain events like the night previous, we both woke past dawn. I stretched, my head still on his chest, and he woke when I did. Our eyes met as our bare limbs bumped into each other, and he smiled.

"Good morning," he whispered, and I couldn't help but smile back. His fingers grazed my back, and I rolled off of him, holding part of the blanket to my chest. It was warm in the bed, but the air outside held a chill in it. If I could have stayed in that bed for forever, I would have. Yet sunlight continued to stream through the window, so I knew we would have to rise. With the blanket clutched to my breast, I leaned over the side of the bed and searched the floor for my undergarments and dress.

"John, where did you throw my dress last night?" He groaned and squeezed his eyes shut, refusing to wake. I moved back near him, prodding his arm. "John, it's light out."

"I was up late," he mumbled, and smiled a bit at his own joke. His eyes peeked open and I smiled back at him. Even with us both tired and hair tangled, he still looked at me as if I was his own personal angel. And he, despite the early hour, was still handsome.

"Oh, I am well aware you were up late, Mr. Hale." His grin stayed on his face as he rolled on top of me, parting my legs and kissing me breathlessly.

"One more go," he asked, and I was laughing but groaning, attempting to pry him off me. Had we not made love enough last night? He tried to ignore my protests.

"John! John, I'm tired, and it's daylight." His lips found mine again and I knew if I could not deter him, we'd be enthralled with each other once more.

"I'll be gentle and quick. Come on love." That was when a door creaked, and it became certain that someone else was awake too. We both heard it, and finally, he consented. My shift was on his side of the bed, but I found my dress myself. His shirt was on my side but he knew where his pants were. He helped lace me in, daring a few light butterfly kisses on my shoulder and neck before one final one to my mouth.

Now, though, I had to sneak down the hall to my room. Should I be caught, there could be disastrous consequences. We could attempt to dance around the truth, but the suspicion would be forever there, planted in their minds and hearts. It was a risk we shouldn't have taken, not in a reverends house with cries of spirits and witches all about. But for those lovely stolen hours of basking in each other's love, it had been worth it. Being with him all night, having him hold me when we were spent, and whispering to each other until we fell asleep. He'd said he loved me, and I returned the sentiment- whispered last night, after our lovemaking but before we fell into dreams, and said again this morning, so I knew it was real, not an empty promise only made in bed. I had repeated it both times, because I truly believed that this was love. How many times had this happened over the previous year, and a few months in the word love had seeped in? Before it was a dare, a question, and now it was a certainty. I thought on that on my quiet journey down the hall to my own lonely chamber.

As days turned into weeks, those cursed trials continued. Every day more people were accused, probably innocent, yet found guilty because of foolish girls. The court believed them every time, couldn't see that one would say something and the rest would agree, and suddenly, it was certain they were in league with the Devil. Never mind any proof or hard evidence- the fake torture to the 'poor afflicted girls' was enough for any conviction. As the weeks went by, the people accused grew in social standing. At first it had been beggars who had openly talked about knowing the Devil, but now it was upstanding members of society. Could the judges not see how mad the world had gone, that witchcraft was formulated as an answer to anything now? I could find no time to tell John my beliefs- the only times he was in the Parris household was to eat and sleep, and he did both sparingly.

Amid all of this, I realized my cycle was late. I wasn't a very scheduled person, but it happened every month without fail, and by the middle of November, it hadn't. I waited another week, hoping it would come and I would know there was no child in me. Yet that week passed, and another, with not a drop of blood.

The trials and accusations continued on as my small world seemed to come to an end. John was absent most of the day, but I knew eventually he would have to visit. Our last tryst was nearly two months past, and he would be reaching the limits of his self-restraint. What would I tell him when he finally came? How would he react?

On a cold December evening, the night dark as velvet and the stars lights of heaven, he came. I was in my nightshift, putting up a book when he entered without knocking. He didn't say anything as he came toward me, drew our bodies close, and kissed me. I gently pulled away and sat down, making him look wounded and confused. Never had I denied him before, why start now? He sat next to me and readied an apology while I spoke.

"We can't tonight John, I'm sorry," he opened his mouth but I shushed him. I'd built up my courage and had to tell him now. It wasn't fair to tell him no, not after his hard spend days and stressful nights, always and forever at that blasted courthouse. He deserved something to take his mind off of things for a little while; he deserved me for a little while. Yet we couldn't, not with recent developments, and he had to know why. "We can't because I think I'm with child." His jaw dropped to the floor and he glanced my body over before sliding a hand tentatively over my belly.

"You're...you're sure?" I shrugged and stood up, beginning to pace as he sat, the other facilitator in this crime of passion that had grown into more than ourselves.

"I'm not positive, but my cycle's late and my breasts are sore and I'm tired and I've been nauseous for days." His eyes went from me to his lap, as if thinking over the information I had gifted him with. Would he say it was nothing, suggest calling a doctor? Yet how could we, when there could be no rightful explanation to have a reverends single maidservant examined for pregnancy. He seemed overwhelmed.

John POV

A baby. We were going to have a baby, she said. Should I be joyful at this prospect of a new and wonderful life? Or should I be apprehensive about a child conceived between two people yet unwed. Nevertheless, I knew Joanna- my dear, sweet Joanna, would never lie about being pregnant of all things. She was as nervous as I, and it could not be a fib.

The world had gone wild by that time. Every person, every place held witches and spirits. It frightened her and was beginning to cause me unease. Why not leave this town of the mad? I broached the idea to her, and she agreed right away. For months, she'd been hinting that maybe these people were daft; perhaps we should leave, etc. Now was the first time I agreed with her.

One morning we left. I had my own carriage and horse for a reason, and the previous day I had denounced the magistrates and quit the court. Our belongings were packed and we were off, but not for Beverly. In Beverly, everyone knew I was Reverend John Hale, with a young female house maid. We couldn't come back from Salem and have our child, not without rumors and gossip surrounding us for the rest of our lives. So we stopped for a brief time in Beverly, I collected my assets, arranged a bid for the house, packed a cart with anything else we might need, and we moved. Our new home would be Quincy, Massachusetts, past Boston. It was still along the bay, but far enough south that I was confident my full reputation would not be known. We'd be married along the way, perhaps in Chelsea, so we could honestly say we were married upon our arrival. There we would be safe to have our precious baby, and live a new life. I would never hunt witches again.

The end guys! Thanks for reading, feel free to review.
