"So boys what ave ya been up to huh? Been keepin outta trouble I hope?" I smirked at the boys

"When ave we ever been in trouble? We're perfect lil angels" Connor smirked and chuckled slightly.

I rolled my eyes at them "Sure, like I fuckin believe ye two. Ye two are trouble makers, especially you Conner"

"Oh cmon Riley ya love us de way we are an ye know it" Murphy smirked

"Hmm...I don't know...I'll ave ta tink on dat one.." I said coyly

"Cmon! Show us show love! Its Saint Patties Day for Christs sakes! The lads are comin over and we're goin ta ave some fun!" Connor exclaimed

"'Ello boys. Good to...FUCK….see you….ASS" Doc smiled wide, his glasses slipping down the bridge of his nose.

Good ol Doc had terrets which meant dat it caused im ta yell out certain obscenities he didn't mean to say out loud. Sometimes the timing that it would come out at was terrible, such as going to church and then out of nowhere you could hear a man yelling loudly " FUCK ASS" in the middle of a procession. It wasn't like he could help it though.

I smiled at the old man. Although he may be strange, he has a very good heart. He and the boys are basically like family ta me specially since...well...since my family was murdered…The only real family that I've got left is my brother.

"Hey Rile take off tha fuckin mask already dammit. Just once. Just for Saint Paddies" Connor said. I winced at his comment. You see, I wear a half a mask, hiding half of my face that had a large burn mark on it. When my family had been brutally murdered, they had poured acid on one side of my body. My families' assailants had thought that I was dead, and they were right to think that. I was so close to death that day. I couldn't show my face to other people...I'm hideous…

"Fuck off Connor. Am na takin notin off. Ye want someone ta take off tings go to a fuckin strip club! " I frowned and stomped off to the kitchen and into the bathrooom to get changed out of my work uniform.

"Cmon Riley come back out! He din't mean it!" Murphy yelled out, running his finger through his dark brown hair. He was always the more sensitive brother.

I looked at myself in the mirror, taking the half a mask off of my face and looking at the burn marks covering the left side of my face. It was terrible.

"Fuckin hold onta yer irish panties. Am off shift now. Am gettin dressed" I yelled from the washroom as I changed out of my work clothes. Last time I would be in these clothes since the bar was shutting down….

A few hours passed and the whole gang was here to celebrate. We passed around glasses of Guinnies to all of the lads in celebration. Everyone would probably get piss drunk apart from me and Doc. It would be fun for awhile at least.

Thats when shit went down that we were far from expecting. A few Russian Mobsters came in. Their leader was tall, had a shiny bald head, big bug eyes and a mustache. He didn't look menacing in the slightest, but I could tell by his stature that he was trying to be. I smirked. The boys would make quick work of these jackasses if they try anything.

"You vill be closing now" the bald man said.

" Cmon its Saints Paddies day. Doc doesn't have to close for another week so why don' ya sit down and grab a drink wit us?" Murphy suggested as the leader looked to get angry and smash their drinks to the ground

"There vill be no more discussion. You stay the of you. Go now"

"Hey hey now. No need to get angry" Rocco injected. Oh no, this wouldn't be any good… "What would you do...if I said that your mother sucked so much dick that-" Rocco started to say but was punched by the leader, making him stumble back into the bar.

"Fuck ye ya gits!" I yelled at him

"Shut up ya fuckin bitch!" one of the other guys said and pushed me right into Murphy who held me steady.

The boys got up into their faces yelling at them in Russian, obviously pissed off. They took a quick swig of their drinks before they both threw a punch at the guy, sending him backwards on his ass.

Thats when everyone else stepped in, kicking the shit out of the two Russians. Doc stood behind the bar cheering them all on. Murphy got pushed up against a wall by one of the guys.

"No stop. He can andle imself" Connor said to the rest of us

He was right, Murphy grabbed two wine bottles behind him and smashed them over the Russians' head. Well, that was a waste of good and expensive wine.

The boys grabbed the leader and put him on top of the bar tied up as he started to wake. He groaned in pain from being beat up and started squirming as Conner started pouring some whiskey on his ass and threw a match on it.

Things get crazy on St Patties day...but I think we've got ourselves into something deeper than we originally thought…