Riley POV

I woke up the next morning, my head was a hurting...had one too many Guinnies last night…. It was good to hang out with my brother. I hardly saw him lately with his job…

I walked over to my dresser and grabbed the bottle of aspirin on top. Need these like hell...My head is fucking killing me…

I grabbed a pair of jeans and a top, putting them on quickly. I grabbed my brush and ran it through my silky locks of raven hair. Last thing I did before I headed out the door was grab my mask. Putting it over the burned side of my face. Well...time to see the boys.

I walked over to Murphy and Connor's building, I wanted to see if they were alright after last night. Of course they would be, but I wanted to see them anyways. As I reached their apartment I got on the elevator and went up. I knocked on the door. Where the boys lived it wasn't for them to live there, but they wouldn't tell anyone that.

"Who is it?" Connor asked

"Ye aren't supposed ta answer ya stupid git!" Murphy hissed

"It's me ya bums. Am comin in. Ye better be decent" I opened the door and saw them sitting on each of their beds, each wearing a robe and in their boxers. "Haven't even gotten outta bed yet? Lazy lumps"

"Lazy lumps? Am offended Riley!" Connor laughed, pretending to be hurt.

"Ye would be da same if ye had the same mount o alcohol we had last night" Murphy added, groaning slightly.

"O I ad plenty and am payin for it dearly with this knife stuck in ma fuckin head…" I rubbed my forehead gingerly.

They both laughed heartily.

"So what are ye boys up to today hmm?"

"Got the day off from work. We was tinking of grabbing a bite to eat an den visit ya. Obviously we din't have ta" Connor chuckled

"Ye should join us" Murphy smirked at me lightly.

"Only if ye are buying" I giggled and nodded. My comment was met with a big grin from Murphy.

"One meal for the pretty lady. Seems reasonable enough" Murphy chuckled.

Connor rolled his eyes "Why don ye two just make out and get it over wit hmm? All dis flirting is giving me a headache"

"Ye are jus jealous"

"He's always been jealous, since I am de oldest" Murphy smirked

"In yer fuckin dreams! Ye have no prove of dat!"

"Don need proof! Ye are like a lil kid!" Murphy countered.

Connor whacked Murphy over the head and in turn he hit him. This was how it always was when the two got in a petty argument. Both would argue until they couldn't think of anything else to say, one of them would whack the other and then they would just go nuts. I sighed and rolled my eyes. Boys…

I quickly grabbed Connor's ear, and then Murphy's, wanting to end this battle as quick as possible.

"Oww oww oww oww!" Connor winced.

"Cmon Rye! Let go!" Murphy whined.

"Then stop fighting alright? Ye two are actin like two little wee babes" I rolled my eyes at them and let go, crossing my arms.

Conner gingerly stroked his ears and winced "Oww lass. Ye ave a fuckin grip of a death dere"

"Yes it tis de grip o death. So ye better behave or I'll squeeze de living shit out of ye" I smirked.

Suddenly I could feel myself being pushed forward and felt my head hit the ground with a slam.

" Riley!" Murphy yelled out but was grabbed by the person that pushed me and put a gun to his head.

Everything seemed like a blur. One moment me and the lads were all talking, and the next, Murphy was taken outside to be killed by the Russian mobsters we had gotten into a fight with the previous night. They handcuffed Conner to the toilet and took both myself and Murphy outside into the alley.

" Let go of me asshole!" I yelled at the man holding me which in turn caused him to slap me across the face, leaving a cut along my right cheek. Murphy's blue eyes glowed dangerously and he growled.

"Get yer filty ands off o her!" he struggled against his captors.

The main guy lifted the gun to Murphy forehead and smirked. I tried to yell out but the man holding me, put his hand over my mouth to prevent me from screaming. I quickly bite down on the mans' hand, biting through the skin until it started to bleed. The man yelled out in pain and slammed me against the wall.

"FUCK!" I yelled out and fell on my front. I groggily looked up just in time to see Conner on the upper level balcony drop the toilet that he had apparently ripped from the ground and dropped it right on the leaders' head before he jumped off and landed on top of the second guy.

Murphy took the opportunity to grab a piece of the broken toilet and slammed it against one of the guys heads until he wasn't moving anymore.

"Rye? Are ye alright?" Murphy ran over to me worry evident in his voice.

I nodded "I..I' alright...jus...Get Con…" I winced.

Murphy nodded and ran over to Conner's unconscious form, picking him up and throwing him over his shoulders. "Come on lass. Lets go"