
He opened his bleary eyes, head pounding. He reached over to her side of the bed, seeking the comfort of her warmth. It took him a few seconds to register the coolness of the sheets. She wasn't there.

He shot up in bed, head pounding. He looked around the room, desperately searching for her form. Nothing. In fact, all of her stuff was gone as well— heart racing, he leapt out of their bed and ran through their small apartment, searching for her.

"Korra!" he screamed, not caring about the neighbors. Where was she? She would never leave him. He tore the apartment apart, screaming for her. Finally, after an hour of screaming, his voice gave out.

He stumbled to the kitchen and grasped a bottle of scotch like it was his life line. Taking a swig, he began to calm down. He took another drink, then another. His panic began to ebb only to be replaced with a dark burning feeling in the pit of his stomach.

How dare she leave him; useless, good for nothing bitch that she was! She belonged to him, and he was going to get her back. Then she would be sorry. Oh yeah, she would be sorry she had ever left him.

Tears formed in her eyes as she heard his calls for her. She almost turned to go back but, at the last moment stopped herself. She couldn't do that to herself, not after last night. She lightly brushed her hand over the bruise forming on her cheek.

She had dealt with the verbal abuse, the names, the humiliations, but the final straw had been the drunken blow to her face. She let the tears fall as his desperate cries continued. She picked up the pace until she was running as fast as she could, sprinting through the hall, down the stairs and out the door.

She looked one last time at her old home before hailing a cab and heading for the airport. It was time for a new start, a new life. She was never coming back.

The plane ride was long and uncomfortable, but she barely noticed. She was too distracted by the feeling of relief that continued to wash through her at her escape.

She fingered her dark brown hair. Knowing him, he would try to find her, and that couldn't happen. She couldn't be recognized. When the plane landed she headed to the nearest convenience store and bought a pair of scissors and a cheap bottle of do it yourself hair dye.

She decided to leave her eye color the same, but that could easily be changed as well.

Soon her chocolate brown locks were a dirty blonde, and cut short in back with longer bangs in the front. She examined herself in the mirror.

Maybe when this is all over, she thought, I can be me again. She looked down at her hands. But not when he's still searching.

She shouldered her bag and left the convenience store bathroom, hoping no one found the mess of dark hair in the garbage.

She needed to find a place where he wouldn't find her. A place he wouldn't suspect.

She wandered aimlessly around, studying her unknown surroundings.

"Excuse me, miss," a voice interrupted her thoughts. "You look lost, can I help you?" She turned to find an older man standing outside of what appeared to be a yoga studio. He smiled at her in a comforting way. When she didn't respond he continued. "My name is Tenzin."

"Ko-" she began but then stopped herself. "Katie. My name's Katie."

"I've never seen you around town before, Katie. Are you new?" Tenzin inquired.

The young woman smiled and nodded. "Actually, yeah I am. I'm looking for a job, care to make any suggestions?"

"I hear Narook's is looking for a new waitress. Why don't you try them?"

"Great!" Korra, or rather Katie exclaimed. "Um…Where is it exactly?"

Tenzin laughed. "Just down the street."

She smiled and thanked him before heading towards the restaurant. When she got there she studied the small discrete building before walking inside.

She was instantly greeted by the hostess.

"Hi, welcome to Narook's Noodlery. How may I help you?"

Suddenly nervous, the girl smoothed down her travel-rumpled blouse. "Um…hi, I heard you were hiring?"

"Oh, of course. Come with me." She led Korra to the kitchen where she was greeted by a big man in a grease splattered apron.

"Narook, this girl is interested in our opening," the woman stated, motioning to Korra.

"Ah, hello dear!" the man boomed, offering his hand for Korra to shake. She took his hand and smiled.

"Hi, my name is Katie."

"Wonderful to meet you Katie," the man said, smiling down at her. "Do you have any experience with waiting on tables?"

Korra quickly nodded. "I was a waitress for a few years at Kwong's Cuisine."

"Kwong's Cuisine?" Narook asked, clearly impressed. "That's all the way in Republic City. Fancy place."

Korra smiled and nodded.

"Well seems like you're qualified," Narook mused. "You're hired! If you were good enough for Kwong's, then you're certainly good enough for this dump," he said motioning to the dirty kitchen.

Korra laughed. "When do I start?"

"Tomorrow at 12:00 sound good?" She nodded her head eagerly. She left the restaurant, excited to finally begin starting a new life. Just one problem now; she had to find a place to sleep.

The town was relatively small, she realized as she wandered around. It was a beautiful place, full of trees and quaint houses and bordered by the sea. The sun was setting and it would be dark soon. There had to be a small apartment for sale somewhere around here.

The sun set lower and lower and soon the sky was dark. Resigned, Korra sat on a corner and plopped her bag beside her. Looks like it was going to be a long night.

Just as she was about to settle into her street corner, a hand touched her shoulder. She whipped around fearing an attacker, but was met with the kind amber eyes of a man crouching beside her.

"Hello," she said hesitantly.

"Hi," the man replied. "My name's Mako, sorry if I startled you."

"Katie," Korra said, the name still strange on her tongue.

"Well Katie, do you have a place to stay the night?" Mako said. Normally this would have creeped her out, but she was desperate, and felt a strange sense of safety with him. Slowly she shook her head.

A/N: Hey guys I'm back with a new story! This is going to be all human and a bit darker than my last fic. My sister believes she deserves thanks, so, thanks AlecTheUnicorn for revisions. I think that's it, so REVIEW! I love reviews, so make me happy! Oh and PM me with questions, follow, and if you so desire favourite :)