So, basically this was another challenge from my brother: five sentences about Tony Stark's reaction when he first sees Bucky. This was written assuming Tony knows about the events of Captain America: The Winter Soldier as well as everything that happened to Bucky in Russia and takes place after Steve has presumably tracks Bucky down. Like before, I'm sorry if anything sounds awkward, but reviews would be loved regardless!

Disclaimer: I don't own Marvel or any of its characters.

A Place to Crash

Tony Stark had seen lots of unnatural things, things most people shouldn't ever see (giant green rage monsters and warring Norse Gods were only the tip of that iceberg, so to have two super soldiers, one technically a brainwashed Soviet assassin, show up at his newly christened Avengers tower wasn't exactly out-of-the-question; granted, it wasn't necessarily expected, but still, that was beside the point. No, the first point was: Cap's friend had a metal arm, and that was cool. Seriously, the way it shone even in the dying evening light, the absolutely remarkable dexterity down to the joints in the individual fingers, the hydraulics that had to be inside, this toy was beyond the billionaire's wildest dreams, even if it pissed him off a bit that it was so far beyond his own tech. Well, there was also the fact that the two men outside his door looked worn and sleep-deprived and the slightest bit tortured, especially the darker haired one, and were probably coming to him for help; Pepper was gonna get on his case for not thinking about that first, but she'd always been the more compassionate of them, even when he was feeling on the charitable side, as he was now (though that could've been to get a closer look at that arm). "Hey Capsicle, Anastasia, nice of you to stop by 'cause, if you ask me, this has gotta be the best place for superheroes to crash, and the great part: you don't even have to thank me."