I was obsessed-obsessed with the Twilight saga. Stephanie Meyer probably hadn't spent as much time thinking about it as I did. I had read it so many times that I knew it nearly by heart. In my view Bella was just about the luckiest girl there could be. I knew vampires didn't really exist but a girl could dream, right? And it wasn't just me; all of my friends were obsessed too. We even called dibs on the guys. My best friend wanted Edward and nothing else. Apparently no one could compare to his vampire-godly-ness.

I myself had called dibs on Jasper Hale. To me he was definitely better than Edward. He had a southern accent to die for. But he and Alice were meant to be together. I didn't want to end that. Alice and Jasper was my favorite Twilight couple. Anyway what did it matter it wasn't like I was going to ever meet them let alone date one of them.

I had never tried to put myself in Bella's place. But I had wondered for a few minutes what it would be like to have a gorgeous vampire head over heels for me. All I could come up with was that it would be both weird and just plain awesome.

I sighed as I flipped the pages of my book to the part where the Volturi have just agreed to let Renesmee and the Cullen's live in peace. She was a vampire hybrid child. She was one of my favorite characters from the books too.

I had a habit of reading Twilight till I could no longer keep my eyes open. I wasn't really aware of when I had fallen asleep.

When my eyes opened in the morning I knew something was out of place. It took me a few seconds to get my eyes to focus on the ceiling. Not my ceiling…it wasn't the beige color of my room. I bolted out of bed and looked around. The room was white. The bed was huge and had black and silver sheets. The rest of the room had the same color combination. It had CD's and books along a bookshelf. It sure as hell wasn't my room. Yet it was familiar somehow.

"Bella love?" A velvety voice asked. I let out a shocked cry and fell off the bed. I turned to see a Greek God looking at me-The Edward Cullen. What the hell? Then it all fell into place. Of course the room was familiar-it was Edward's room in Twilight. I was dreaming.

"This is what I get for reading Twilight before going to bed" I exclaimed out loud. Edward looked extremely confused. Edward's vegetarian-vampire eyes looked concerned.

I held out my hand.

"Pinch me" I told him.

"Bella I-"He began.

"Hold on. I'll do it." I pinched myself and it hurt.

"Ow!" I complained.

"Bella are you feeling alright?" he asked gently but I was too dazed to reply. Edward pinched the bridge of his nose at my behavior. Wow…this dream was way realistic.

I got up unsteadily and took a few steps. As I did so I caught sight of my reflection in the mirror. My hand flew to my mouth in utter horror. I was no longer blonde. I didn't have blue eyes. I looked like Bella Swan.