Soooo, ... I wrote this in my Philosophy class and I decided to publish it. I am going to continue this but it might take a while. Sorry... See ya'...

# Chapter 1 #

Missing - Shizuo wakes up with a bad feeling and worries about the fact that Izaya hasn't shown up in Ikebukuro for almost a month by then. Is it just a coincidence or has something happened to the Informant?

Chapter 1

It was a hot summer day and the sun shone bright through the opened window, as the wind danced smoothly into the medium sized messy room.

Shizuo woke up as soon as the warm yellow light hit his eyes.

Not quite awaken yet, he tries to get up, and stops when his feet hit the cold wooden floor of his bedroom. Still sitting on his bed, he freezes for some time and then shakes his head violently, trying to shrug out a bad feeling. He takes his right hand to his head and tries to take his messy bleached hair out of his face.

Then, as the blond tried to figure out what that feeling might have been about, his thoughts were interrupted by someone that rang the doorbell.

Forgetting about the issue momentarily, the man finally got out of bed and, surprised at the fact that it was already 1:23pm, he realises that he's late for work

The tall man dashed to front door, curious about who was it that would want to visit the monster of Ikebukuro, even though he had a good hunch about who that was.

He finally reached the front door and peeped through it, only to see that his previous hunch was correct.

Shizuo rushes to open the door, and finds his employer outside his apartment with a worried expression on his face.

"Shizuo-kun, are you alright? I waited for you for about an hour, and you didn't show up. Since you're never late nor do you ever miss, I assumed that something bad had happened and decided to come check on you."

Letting the man inside his house and into the almost empty living room, Shizuo yawned, and spoke with an apolagetic smile on his face.

"Tom-san...I'm sorry. There's really nothing wrong... My alarm clock, kind of...doesn't work...''

''Shizuo-kun, you really have to stop smashing things...''

''It was making too much noise at night because that bastard Izay-''

Even before concluding his sentence, Shizuo frooze and shivered when his red eyed arch-nemesis popped into his mind as a mirage that faded when Shizuo shook his head, telling himself that there was nothing to worry about, although he had a feeling that there was something wrong.

The blond male stood there looking at nothing, trying to convince himself that his feeling wa wrong. Time stoped for him as he wondered, lost in his thoughts when he was interrupted by the man standing before him.

''Shizuo-kun? Are you sure you're alright? You seem unlikely distracted...''

Almost like suddenly awakening from a long nightmare, Shizuo answers the man half-heartdly.

''Oh...Tom-san... I'm sorry. I just thought of something and spaced out... had a rough night...''

''I think that you should skip today. Most of them are midlle-aged low-rank business men, so today you should stay home resting.''

''There's no need to worry Tom-san. I'm alright now. It was just...a thought...''

''Ok. If you feel like coming then, it's your choice...''

''I'm gonna get ready. Please wait just a little bit.''

Shizuo rushed out of the living room and into his bedroom, that was at right side in the end of a small corridor. He got in quickly leaving the debt-collector that was his employer, alone.

He slammed the door behing him, leaning against it in thought, his heart beating abnormaly fast. Recalling the sight of the man whom he hated so much, the one who has been making his life a living hell ever since highschool, the man couldn't help worrying about the informant.

''Come on Shizuo, you can't actually be worrying about the flea. There's no fucking way you'd be worrying about that damn flea!''

He thought. Althought he couldn't stop himself from noticing that the raven hadn't shown up in Ikebukuro for 3 weeks by then.